• Published 6th Nov 2021
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Equestria Girls: The Children of Chaos - Time Agent pony

What happens when a Mutant and a Lord of Chaos come together? You get Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony

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Chapter 4

After a long trip, the girls arrived at Equestria Land.

Twilight had formulated a plan on how to combat the weirdness and cartoonyness that was running wild in the city.

Some of their allies from earlier had remained behind to try and prevent the weirdness from spreading any further.

Miss America, Captain Marvel Jr. and Kate Bishop had remained with the group, but the ones that hadn't remained had been replaced by magic users.

Twilight's plan to fight the reality warping was with magic some they had Cloak bring them a few magic users to give them a fighting chance, the magic users were: Wanda Maximoff, Raven, Amethyst Princess of Gemworld, Magik and Wiccan.

"Yep," Applejack said, "This is defiantly the centre of all the weirdness in Canterlot."

All around them, the things they had run into on the way were present at the park, cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk, anthropomorphic hamburgers, hotdogs, sodas and popcorns singing 'Lets go to the lobby' and various other silly sights.

"Stay alert, everyone," Twilight instructed, "don't let the weirdness distract you, we need to find the source and take it out."

"Twilight is right," Amy Winston a.k.a. Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld, stated, "we must find whatever is causing all this and neutralise it."

"I'm right there with you, sister," Miss America nodded, "all this weirdness is starting to get on my nerves."

"Maybe we could go on some rides first," Pinkie suggested, "and maybe get something to eat."

"Pinkie," Rainbow Dash replied, "focus, we're here to stop all the weirdness from overrunning the city."

"Your friend is right," Illyana Rasputina a.k.a. Magik stated, "there is no time for fun and games, every second we waste is a second that whatever is causing this is growing stronger."

"Aw," said a voice, "there always time for fun and games."

"Maybe even some chaos along the way," another voice added, "but you heroes are always such spoil sports."

"Who's there?!" Raven cried, "show yourselves, cowards!"

"Oh, you heroes always talking business," the first voice grumbled, "haven't you ever heard of a little thing called showmanship?"

"But since you insist on being sticks in the mud," the second voice continued, equally grumbly, "we'll oblige."

In a flash of white, two teens, a boy and girl, appeared in front of the assembled heroes, mischievous grins on both their faces.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked.

"What are you?" Wiccan added.

"We're your worst nightmares," the boy replied, as he and the girl struck dramatic poses, "Desmond!"

"And Christine!" the girl responded.

"Dramatic pause...." Desmond said

"The Lords of Chaos!" Christine declared.

The girls and their allies stood in stunned silence, trying to process what had just happened.

"Really?!" Desmond exclaimed, "No reaction? No trembling in fear? No anything?!"

"Moving on," Twilight said, breaking the awkward silence, "I take it you two are responsible for all the weird things happening in the city?"

"Guilty as charged," Desmond replied.

"Then I must asked you to cease your actions immediately," Amethyst stated, placing a hand on the handle of her sword, "or face the consequences."

"I'm sorry, Amethyst," Desmond answered, in a somewhat robotic voice, "I'm afraid we can't do that."

"Then in that case," Magik said, drawing her sword, called Soulsword, "we have no choice but to do things the hard way."

"I've got a better idea," Christine smiled, "why don't we play a game?"

"A game?" Sunset asked.

"Yes," Desmond replied, "a game, if you win we'll give up and return everything to the way it was."

"But if we win," Christine said, "then our fun will continue forever!"

"Can we have minute to think about this?" Twilight asked.

"Very well," Desmond groaned, "but make it snappy."

The girls and their allies huddled together in a group.

"You really think we should go along with this?" Fluttershy asked, "we could be walking into a trap."

"I'm with Fluttershy," Rarity nodded, "we don't know what these two are capable of."

"I say what accept and deal with whatever happens," Rainbow Dash stated.

"Are you crazy?!" Midnight cried.

"Why are we even worried?" Rainbow Dash continued, "we have them outnumbered and with our wide range of powers and abilities we can handle anything those two throw at us."

Twilight was about to argue, when the sound of an egg timer going off was heard.

"Time's up," Desmond declared.

"So," Christine said, "you in or out?"

Twilight sighted, preparing herself for whatever may come.

"I guess," she replied, "me and my friends are in."

"Wonderful," Desmond responded, "let the games begin."

The instant that Desmond had finished his statement, then Twilight and her friend's rings and geo's disappeared, not only that but their allies' powers and items also disappeared.

"What in the world?" Captain Marvel Jr., now back as his crippled mortal form of Freddy Freeman, exclaimed.

All eyes were then drawn to Desmond and Christine, who were laughing hysterically.

"You should see the looks on your faces," Desmond snickered.

"Priceless," Christine cackled.

"Give us our powers and equipment back!" Miss America growled.

"You'll get them back in good time," Desmond replied.

"We simply took or blocked them to make sure that there's no cheating," Christine explained, "if we allowed you to keep your powers and abilities then the game would be boring."

"Allow us to explain the rules to all of you," Desmond continued.

"The first is," Christine carried on, "no super-powers, all of you must overcome our challenges on brains and courage alone. Rule two, all of you play or you are all disqualified. Rule three: THERE ARE no other rules."

"Alright, fine," Rainbow Dash grumbled, "just tell us what this game of your is about, already!"

"We'll tell you," Desmond replied, delighting in the hero's misfortune.

"But we'll only tell you, our way," Christine smiled,

"To retrieve your stolen treasures you must go to the four corners of this park," Desmond begin,

"Face the obstacles that await you," continued Christine, "should you make it to the end, then feel free to reclaim that which is yours."

"May the odds be ever in your favour," Desmond said.

The girls exchanged looks with each other and their allies, wondering just what they had gotten themselves into.

"And remember," he added, "we'll be watching, so don't go thinking that you can break the rules."

"Capeesh?" Christine said.

The girls and the others all nodded.

"Away with you," she declared, banging a gong that she had made appear out of nowhere.

With that, The girls and their allies dispersed.

"Well," Christine smiled, "this should be an entertaining spectacle."

"I got the popcorn and drinks," Desmond smiled back, "time to watch our players play."