Equestria Girls: The Children of Chaos

by Time Agent pony

First published

What happens when a Mutant and a Lord of Chaos come together? You get Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony

What begins as a normal day for the CHS eight turns into Chaos as their world gets flipped-turned upside down. The beings responsible for the madness are the children of X-Men villain Proteus and Eris, one of the Lords of Chaos, Desmond a.k.a. Discord and his sister Christine a.k.a. Cosmos. The CHS eight and their friends must restore order, lest the universe be consumed by chaos of two different kinds. The solution to the problem may be closer than they think...

With special thanks to Comickook for collaborating on the ideas for this version of Discord and Cosmos.

Chapter 1

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The past, before mutants were granted equal rights.

A busy street.

Everyone ran in terror from Kevin MacTaggert a.k.a. Proteus, an omega level mutant with the ability to bend and twist reality to his will.

Due to the nature of his powers, Proteus' original body had been destroyed, reducing him to a being of pure psionic energy, as such Proteus needed to swap bodies once his current one was used up.

Right now, Proteus was possessing the body of a business man. Whenever he possessed anyone he got the memories of the person he was possessing.

"That's right, run," Proteus cackled, "run you little ants."

The area around Proteus shifted and warped to better fit with his twisted idea of reality.

The civilians ran for their lives as their surrounding were vastly altered.

As everyone fled in panic, Proteus suddenly noticed a woman sitting at a table in cafe.

The woman seemed unperturbed by what was happened around her, also the area around her seemed unaffected.

"Hey lady!?" Proteus shouted, "why aren't you running? Did you lose your invite to the panic party?"

"Oh, sorry," the lady replied, "I was just admiring the view."

"View?" Proteus repeated, a stunned expression on his face, "you mean all of this?"

He gestured at the warped reality around them.

"Oh yes," the lady smiled, "nothing like a little chaos to spice up the day wouldn't you say?"

Proteus didn't know how to responded, he had never met or encountered anyone who appreciated what could do, normally people would scream, run away or be xenophobic towards him.

"You look adorable like that," the lady said, "would like to take a seat?"

"Who are you?" Proteus asked, taking a seat at the table with the mysterious lady.

"I'm Eris," the lady replied, "I am one of the Lords of Chaos, or at least I was until my fellow lords cast me out."

"Tough break, huh," Proteus answered, as he used his powers to summon up a cake, "I know what if feels like to have those you trust turn against you."

"Interesting," Eris smiled, surprise to find a being quite like herself, "have you ever thought about having a partner in chaos?"

The mutant and Lord of Chaos stared into each other's eyes, as reality itself began to lose its mind.

Present day, morning, Canterlot City.

"Ahhh," Twilight Sparkle breathed, as she walked to CHS, "another normal day in Canterlot."

"Well, I won't say normal," Pinkie Pie's voice answered, as Pinkie herself appeared from nowhere.

Twilight jumped at her friend's sudden appearance.

"Pinkie?" she asked, as Pinkie was joined by Rainbow Dash, "where did you come from?"

"And good morning to you, Twilight," Pinkie replied.

"That still doesn't answer my question," Twilight responded.

Pinkie just smiled and walked on ahead of her two friends.

Twilight was about to say something, when Rainbow Dash put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a knowing look.

"Just Pinkie being Pinkie," she simply said.

Twilight wanted to argue, but she knew from experience that trying to unstable or even comprehend anything that Pinkie Pie did or said was impossible.

The two hurried to catch up with their friend and continued on their way.

As the three walked they heard the rumble of thunder.

"Strange," Twilight said, "the forecast didn't say anything about rain today."

"Maybe it's just a quick shower," Rainbow Dash replied, "I hope it doesn't last long, otherwise we'll have to cancel the big game between the CHS and Gotham Academy."

The three continued on their way, they didn't notice that some of the clouds were the colour of cotton candy.

Chapter 2

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Later that day.

Twilight, the rest of her friends and her sister Midnight Sparkle gathered on the blethers as the soccer game began to start.

Once both teams were on the pitch the game began, it was around the midpoint of the match when it happened.

There was a rumble of thunder and it started to rain, the game still continued.

"Something about this feel off," Twilight said, as she used her lantern ring to shield to create some shelter from the rain.

"What do you mean, Twi?" Applejack asked, as she, Midnight and some of Twilight's friends who also had lantern rings, were also using their rings to shelter themselves from the rain.

Pinkie, who didn't have a lantern ring, was huddled next to Applejack.

"I have a theory," Twilight replied, she formed a cup construct and collected some of the raindrops into it.

Once she had gathered enough, she tasted the rain.

"Just as I suspected," she said, "this rain isn't rain at all."

"Then what is it?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight tasted the rain again to confirm her suspicions, "It's chocolate rain," she said, finally.

"Dibs!" Pinkie squealed, she moved away from Applejack, her mouth out wide so she could catch as much of the rain as possible, "feel it gushing through your veins," she said.

The strangeness didn't end there, as some of the soccer player started falling over as their shoelaces mysteriously tying themselves together.

"What the heck?" Rainbow Dash, who was on the CHS side in the soccer game, declared.

She looked up to see that the clouds had changed from being white to being the colour of cotton candy.

Right after that, the rain changed as small bean shaped objects began to fall from the cotton candy clouds.

"What's happening now?" Fluttershy asked, as the small beans bounced off her shield.

Twilight managed to catch one of the beans with her ring, "now it's raining....jelly beans?!"

"Has the world gone mad?!" Rarity exclaimed.

The jelly beans rain became so heavy that the soccer game had to be cancelled and everyone retreated into the school.

Checking the forecast on the library computer, Twilight and others found out that CHS wasn't the only place to be hit by strange and whacky weather phenomena, all throughout Canterlot weird things were happening: animals dancing around in tutu, random people being Freaky Friday swapped with each other and other various other cartoon shenanigans.

"Who or what could be doing this?" Midnight asked, as more reports kept pouring in.

"I have an idea," Twilight replied, "no, it can't be him."

"Who did you have in mind, Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Well," Twilight replied, "I thought that Mister Mxyzptlk might be behind whats happening, but it hasn't been ninety day since he last showed up."

"Mister who?" Applejack asked.

In answer, Twilight typed in the name she had said and pulled up an image of a strangely dressed short man with a derby ballerhat.

"This is Mister Mxyzptlk," she explained, "a being from a place called the 5th dimension with the ability to alter reality with the snap of his fingers, one of Superman's most powerful enemies."

"Sounds like Discord," Sunset commented.

The rest of the girls looked at her, the name Sunset had said was completely unknown to them, "I'll explain later," she replied.

"Anyway," Twilight continued, "there is only one way to defeat Mister Mxyzptlk, by getting him to say his name backwards."

"Seriously?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Hey," Twilight retorted, "I'm not making this up, that is the only way to defeat him...kind of."

"What do you mean by that?" Rarity inquired.

"Well," Twilight answered, "when you get Mister Mxyzptlk to say his name backwards he goes back to where he came from, but only for ninety days."

"Poor Superman," Fluttershy said, "I can't imagine dealing with a someone like that every ninety days."

"I think we're getting off topic," Sunset interjected, "if it isn't this Mister Mixel Click then who is it?"

"That's just it," Twilight replied, "I don't know."

"Also," Pinkie chimed in, "it's not Mixel Click, it's mix-yes-spit-lick."

All the girls stared at Pinkie.

"What?" Pinkie said, innocently.

Before anyone could say anything else, gravity was suddenly disappeared leaving everyone floating in the air.

"We need to find the source of all of this," Applejack said, "otherwise the whole city is to become a mad house."

"That might be harder than you might think," Rarity replied, pointing at the bookshelves around them.

All the girls looked, to see all the books begin pulling themselves off the shelves and fly at them like angry birds.

"What do we do?" Fluttershy asked, as the book birds advanced on them.

"We fight," Rainbow Dash replied.

"Remember," Twilight said, "these books are school property so we can't risk destroying them."

But before the books could attack, they all merged into a hulking beast whose body was made entirely of books and pages.

"OK," Rainbow Dash said, "so we just have to beat this thing and not destroy it."

"And more importantly," Applejack added, "we have to stay alive."

"Sounds like a plan," Rainbow Dash grinned, "time to hit the books, for real!"


Two figures, a teenage boy and girl, watched as the chaos they had created spread throughout Canterlot City.

"What a beautiful day," the girl smiled.

"You said it, sis," the boy replied, as jelly beans continued to rain from the sky.

"Can you believe this rain?" the girl asked.

"I could eat these beans all day," the boy mumbled, through a mouthful of jelly beans.

"Thirsty, bro?" the girl asked.

"You know it," the boy nodded.

The smiled and snapped her fingers and the jelly bean rain turned into orange soda.

"You know me so well, sis," the boy said, sharing his sister smile as he gulped down the orange soda rain.

"No problem, bro," the girl replied, "family needs to stick together, right?"

Back at CHS.

The girls weren't making any headway against the Bulk, a book hulk.

"Nothing's working," Rainbow Dash cried, "we can't do any serious to this thing, but it can do serious damage to us!"

"We need a new plan," Rarity said, as the Bulk prepared for another attack, "AND FAST!"

But, just before the Bulk could attack, whatever was controlling it suddenly vanished and gravity returned to normal, leaving nothing but a pile of books on the library floor.

"What just happened?" Fluttershy asked.

"Whatever it was," Twilight answered, "it seems like whatever was animating that thing just stopped."

"So whats our next move?" Sunset asked.

"We find whoever is responsible for all this madness," Midnight said, "and give whoever it is a piece of our minds."

With that, the girls rushed out of the library and out of the school.

Chapter 3

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Much later.

The girls walked through the streets of Canterlot City, the school may have returned to normal, but the whole city was slowly becoming a cartoon.

Before leaving the school, the girls had managed get some additional help from some of their fellow students and some local teen heroes, their teammates were: Mas and Menos, Herald, Captain Marvel Jr., Bumblebee, Miss America, Cloak and Dagger and Kate Bishop.

"How are we going to find whatever causing all this?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"There has to be a source to all this," Twilight said, "We must search the entire city to find it, if we have to."

"Then that's we'll do," Rainbow Dash declared, "everyone partner up, pick a few blocks and start searching."

"That sounds good," Sunset said, "we'll meet back up at the Amphitheater."

The girls nodded, divided up into pairs and began their search for the source of the weirdness that was distorting the city.

After hours of searching, everyone met at the Amphitheater.

"You guys find anything?" Twilight asked.

"No," Midnight replied, "unless you count a peanut with a top hat, monocle and cane."

"Nothing," Herald answered, "but we saw birds flying backwards on the way here."

"Does seeing an anthropomorphic cartoon rabbit and duck running from a guy with a gun count?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I saw a giant house of cards," Miss America added, "jinsing tea that was actually singing and a catdog on the way here,"

"This all seems like something Discord would do back in Equestria," Sunset murmured.

"You mentioned Discord before," Fluttershy said, "who or what it he?"

Sunset explained that Discord was the spirit of chaos and disharmony, a creature called draconequus, a being that could change reality with the snap of his fingers.

"Do you think that this 'Discord' is behind all this?" Rarity asked.

"That's not possible," Sunset replied, "according to Princess Twilight Discord has reformed and is friends with one of her friends."

"So if it's not Discord," Applejack said, "then who or what could be doing all this?"

"If only we know where all this weirdness was coming from!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Well," a voice said, "you guys sound like you are in a bit of pickle, there."

Everyone turned around to see a man in a yellow zoot suit with a green face.

"Who are you?" Kate Bishop asked.

"You look familiar," Pinkie Pie said, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Are you the cause of all this?" Twilight asked.

"I am both and am neither," the figure replied.

"That's not an answer," Rainbow Dash retorted.

"That's as good an answer as I can give," the figure responded.

"Now I remember," Pinkie Pie interrupted, "you're The Mask, one of my favourite movies I watched when I was a kid."

Everyone turned to look at Pinkie.

"What?" she replied.

"So this what?" Cloak said, "this guys some kind of silly cartoon?"

"You got a problem with cartoons? Punk," The Mask asked.

Before anyone could react, The Mask pulled a ridiculously hard cartoonish seemingly from under his hat.

Then The Mask rushed at the heroes at ludicrous speed.

There was no time for anymore to defend themselves, The Mask ran circles around everyone, even out running Mas and Menos.

For his final attack, The Mask pulled out a ridiculously large cartoonish mallet from underneath his hat.

"BLAMO!" he declared, as he whacked Cloak on the head with the weapon.

Cloak didn't even have time to teleport out of the way of the attack.

"Aw," The Mask smirked, "did that feel like a cartoon?"

The attack hadn't seriously hurt Cloak, just dazed him slightly.

"Okay," Miss America said, "this is getting out of hand."

"Agreed," Captain Marvel Jr. nodded, "this has got to stop."

The Mask looked like he was about to attack, it was very hard to predict his movements, with him being a cartoon.

"Get ready, everyone," Midnight said.

But before anyone could do anything, "ENOUGH!" a voice shouted.

Everyone turned to see Fluttershy, a fierce look in her eyes.

"Now look here mister!" she said, marching past her friends and teammates towards The Mask, "just because you're a cartoon and have wired powers doesn't mean you get to be annoying and a bully! Now you will tell us whats happening to the city and where it's coming from and then I want you to think about you've done, am I clear?"

Everyone stared in awe, they had never seen Fluttershy angry before, even The Mask was frozen in shock.

"Yes, ma'm," he said, finally.

"Alright," Fluttershy said, returning to her usual calm and kind demeanour, "Now, where is all this weirdness coming from?"


The two teenagers from earlier watched Fluttershy and the others with great interest.

"These heroes put on a really good show," the girl remarked, "they might be interesting toys to play with."

"Yeah," the boy murmured, "that one shy girl has such courage and kindness."

"What was that?" the girl asked.

"Nothing," the boy said, quickly.

"Now," the girl continued, "what's say we give the heroes a little clue, I'm starting to get bored with the people in this city, they're no fun anymore."

"Sounds like a great idea, sis," the boy smiled.

With that, the boy snapped his fingers, wiping The Mask from existence.

Back with the heroes.

The Mask suddenly seem to go limp, like a puppet who's strings had been cut.

"Looks like my time is up," he said, "that's all folks."

And without another word, The Mask faded away, leaving behind a small piece of paper

"What just happened?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know," Twilight said, as she picked up the piece of paper "but I think we might have a clue to where all this madness is coming from.

"Wanna share with the class?" Dagger asked.

"Well," Twilight replied, "while we were fighting that living cartoon I smelt the scent of hot dogs, hamburgers and popcorn coming off him."

"Ok," Herald said, "and that means?"

"Those food items can be found at an amusement park or carnival," Twilight continued, holding up the piece of paper, "and this simply confirms it."

Now that the paper was in full view, everyone could see what it was, a ticket for the amusement park, Equestria Land.

Chapter 4

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After a long trip, the girls arrived at Equestria Land.

Twilight had formulated a plan on how to combat the weirdness and cartoonyness that was running wild in the city.

Some of their allies from earlier had remained behind to try and prevent the weirdness from spreading any further.

Miss America, Captain Marvel Jr. and Kate Bishop had remained with the group, but the ones that hadn't remained had been replaced by magic users.

Twilight's plan to fight the reality warping was with magic some they had Cloak bring them a few magic users to give them a fighting chance, the magic users were: Wanda Maximoff, Raven, Amethyst Princess of Gemworld, Magik and Wiccan.

"Yep," Applejack said, "This is defiantly the centre of all the weirdness in Canterlot."

All around them, the things they had run into on the way were present at the park, cotton candy clouds raining chocolate milk, anthropomorphic hamburgers, hotdogs, sodas and popcorns singing 'Lets go to the lobby' and various other silly sights.

"Stay alert, everyone," Twilight instructed, "don't let the weirdness distract you, we need to find the source and take it out."

"Twilight is right," Amy Winston a.k.a. Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld, stated, "we must find whatever is causing all this and neutralise it."

"I'm right there with you, sister," Miss America nodded, "all this weirdness is starting to get on my nerves."

"Maybe we could go on some rides first," Pinkie suggested, "and maybe get something to eat."

"Pinkie," Rainbow Dash replied, "focus, we're here to stop all the weirdness from overrunning the city."

"Your friend is right," Illyana Rasputina a.k.a. Magik stated, "there is no time for fun and games, every second we waste is a second that whatever is causing this is growing stronger."

"Aw," said a voice, "there always time for fun and games."

"Maybe even some chaos along the way," another voice added, "but you heroes are always such spoil sports."

"Who's there?!" Raven cried, "show yourselves, cowards!"

"Oh, you heroes always talking business," the first voice grumbled, "haven't you ever heard of a little thing called showmanship?"

"But since you insist on being sticks in the mud," the second voice continued, equally grumbly, "we'll oblige."

In a flash of white, two teens, a boy and girl, appeared in front of the assembled heroes, mischievous grins on both their faces.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked.

"What are you?" Wiccan added.

"We're your worst nightmares," the boy replied, as he and the girl struck dramatic poses, "Desmond!"

"And Christine!" the girl responded.

"Dramatic pause...." Desmond said

"The Lords of Chaos!" Christine declared.

The girls and their allies stood in stunned silence, trying to process what had just happened.

"Really?!" Desmond exclaimed, "No reaction? No trembling in fear? No anything?!"

"Moving on," Twilight said, breaking the awkward silence, "I take it you two are responsible for all the weird things happening in the city?"

"Guilty as charged," Desmond replied.

"Then I must asked you to cease your actions immediately," Amethyst stated, placing a hand on the handle of her sword, "or face the consequences."

"I'm sorry, Amethyst," Desmond answered, in a somewhat robotic voice, "I'm afraid we can't do that."

"Then in that case," Magik said, drawing her sword, called Soulsword, "we have no choice but to do things the hard way."

"I've got a better idea," Christine smiled, "why don't we play a game?"

"A game?" Sunset asked.

"Yes," Desmond replied, "a game, if you win we'll give up and return everything to the way it was."

"But if we win," Christine said, "then our fun will continue forever!"

"Can we have minute to think about this?" Twilight asked.

"Very well," Desmond groaned, "but make it snappy."

The girls and their allies huddled together in a group.

"You really think we should go along with this?" Fluttershy asked, "we could be walking into a trap."

"I'm with Fluttershy," Rarity nodded, "we don't know what these two are capable of."

"I say what accept and deal with whatever happens," Rainbow Dash stated.

"Are you crazy?!" Midnight cried.

"Why are we even worried?" Rainbow Dash continued, "we have them outnumbered and with our wide range of powers and abilities we can handle anything those two throw at us."

Twilight was about to argue, when the sound of an egg timer going off was heard.

"Time's up," Desmond declared.

"So," Christine said, "you in or out?"

Twilight sighted, preparing herself for whatever may come.

"I guess," she replied, "me and my friends are in."

"Wonderful," Desmond responded, "let the games begin."

The instant that Desmond had finished his statement, then Twilight and her friend's rings and geo's disappeared, not only that but their allies' powers and items also disappeared.

"What in the world?" Captain Marvel Jr., now back as his crippled mortal form of Freddy Freeman, exclaimed.

All eyes were then drawn to Desmond and Christine, who were laughing hysterically.

"You should see the looks on your faces," Desmond snickered.

"Priceless," Christine cackled.

"Give us our powers and equipment back!" Miss America growled.

"You'll get them back in good time," Desmond replied.

"We simply took or blocked them to make sure that there's no cheating," Christine explained, "if we allowed you to keep your powers and abilities then the game would be boring."

"Allow us to explain the rules to all of you," Desmond continued.

"The first is," Christine carried on, "no super-powers, all of you must overcome our challenges on brains and courage alone. Rule two, all of you play or you are all disqualified. Rule three: THERE ARE no other rules."

"Alright, fine," Rainbow Dash grumbled, "just tell us what this game of your is about, already!"

"We'll tell you," Desmond replied, delighting in the hero's misfortune.

"But we'll only tell you, our way," Christine smiled,

"To retrieve your stolen treasures you must go to the four corners of this park," Desmond begin,

"Face the obstacles that await you," continued Christine, "should you make it to the end, then feel free to reclaim that which is yours."

"May the odds be ever in your favour," Desmond said.

The girls exchanged looks with each other and their allies, wondering just what they had gotten themselves into.

"And remember," he added, "we'll be watching, so don't go thinking that you can break the rules."

"Capeesh?" Christine said.

The girls and the others all nodded.

"Away with you," she declared, banging a gong that she had made appear out of nowhere.

With that, The girls and their allies dispersed.

"Well," Christine smiled, "this should be an entertaining spectacle."

"I got the popcorn and drinks," Desmond smiled back, "time to watch our players play."

Chapter 5

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It had been minutes since the start of the game and the heroes were wondering around aimlessly.

"OK," Midnight said, "so where we supposed to start looking?"

"Well," Applejack replied, "Desmond and Christine said we had to go the four corners of Equestria Land to retrieve our powers and equipment."

"So?" Wiccan stated, "how does that help us?"

"So," Twilight answered, after taking a moment to think, "if we check out the rides, attractions and stands around the park."

"We might find a clue or some of our powers and equipment," Amethyst finished.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Rainbow Dash declared, "let's go."

"Wait!" Sunset interrupted, "we need a plan."

"Sunset's right," Fluttershy nodded, "if we want to win this game we need to split up and cover all the area's of Equestria Land."

After some debate, the heroes split into four teams, consisting of:

Team one: Twilight, Midnight, Magik and Wanda.

Team two: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Kate Bishop and Miss America

Team three: Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Captain Marvel Jr. and Raven

Team Four: Sunset Shimmer, Rarity, Wiccan and Amethyst.

Once the teams had been formed, they all picked a section of the park and separated.

Team One.

"Ok," Twilight said, "I think a good place to check is the Neighagara Falls Barrel Flume."

"That would make an obvious spot to look," Magik replied.

"I agree with Twilight," Midnight stated, "we should check out any leads however obvious they may seem."

"I think we're in agreement," Wanda said, "let's go."

Team Two.

"We should check out the stands, side-games and arcade," Rainbow Dash suggested, "our powers and equipment could be prizes to be won."

"Sounds plausible," Kate Bishop remarked.

"I don't like this," Miss America said, "if I had my strength and my flight, I'd give those two little twerps what for."

"You and me both," Applejack nodded, "once I get my geode and my ring back, those two are going down."

Team Three.

"I think that we should check the haunted house," Raven said, pointing towards Nightmare Moon's Haunted Castle.

"Do we really have to go in there?" Fluttershy asked, without her ring or geode she felt completely helpless.

"I understand you're scared," Captain Marvel Jr. smiled, "but if we want to get our powers and equipment back we need to be brave."

"Freddy's right," Pinkie nodded, "it's like my granny Pie told me when I was little 'you've gotta stand up tall, face your fear, laugh and your fears will disappear."

"Right," Raven agreed, she didn't quiet understand Pinkie's ideology but she understood the intention behind her words.

"And if that doesn't work," Pinkie continued, "you tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming because we are superheroes!"

"Ok, right," Fluttershy said, a small smile on her face, "I'll try to be brave."

"That's the spirit," Pinkie smiled, "now let's go, Nightmare Moon's Haunted Castle awaits."

Team Four.

"We should try Appleloosa's Runaway Train," Sunset said, "there might be some of our powers and equipment there."

"Sorry I can't teleport us there," Wiccan sighed, "every time I try and access my powers it feels like static on a TV."

"It's alright," Rarity smiled, "even if we don't have our powers or equipment, we can still prove that we are true heroes."

"Rarity is right," Amethyst nodded, "it is not powers or fancy equipment that makes the hero, it is the one who wields the powers or equipment."

That made Wiccan smile a little, his confidence restored ever so slightly.

Team One.

Twilight and her team approached their target of investigation, Neighagara Falls Barrel Flume.

Normally, the ride looked like it had ripped straight out of an old western movie.

But now, the ride had been twisted and warped into something that would only make sense to a prankster.

The water had been replaced by molasses, the animatronic characters had been made rusty and raggedy and the fake creatures had been replaced by the real thing.

The rides controls had also gone haywire with carriages stopping and starting at random.

"Well," Twilight said, "I think we picked the right spot to check."

"Totally, Midnight nodded.

"Than let us go," Magik declared, "we must find and locate our stolen powers and equipment within the twist ride."

"I think we should proceed with caution," Wanda added, "whatever's in there will stop at nothing to ensure we don't find what we are looking for."

With that, Twilight and her team walked to the entrance of the ride.

Team Two.

Rainbow Dash and her team were still looking around for any sign for the stolen powers and equipment.

They suddenly noticed a commotion coming from the arcade.

"What the?" Rainbow Dash said, "wonder what's going on in there."

As they approached, the door to the arcade flow open unleashing all manner of enemies from various arcade games.

These included: The Ghosts from Pac-man, Pookas and Fygars from Dig Dug, Goombas and Koopas from Super Mario and some baseball themed enemies from Ninja Baseball Bat Man.

"Well," Kate Bishop stated, as she and the others did there best to fend off the fictional enemies, "I think we're on the right path."

"Agreed," nodded Miss America, "we just have to follow the chaos."

"Well," Applejack said, "if it's chaos we're looking for we've found it."

Team Three.

Fluttershy's team stood at the entrance to Nightmare Moon's Haunted Castle.

The building looked ominous and unsettling, the air around it seemed to encourage the powerless heroes to turn back.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Freddy said.

Freddy's feeling proved to be right, as seconds later, the giant hands on the side of the ride started moving and the front of the house transformed into an angry snarl.

"Well," Raven stated, "that's new."

"I really don't want to go in there now," Fluttershy whimpered, as she cowered behind Pinkie Pie.

"Come on, everyone," Pinkie said, "remember what I said earlier, laugh and your fears will disappear."

"Right," Freddy nodded.

Team Four.

Sunset's team approached Appleloosa's Runaway Train, the area around the ride was themed after a town from the old west, but now, it had been made more realistic, like it had been ripped straight out of the actual Old West.

"Stay alert," Sunset said, "we don't know what could be waiting for us here."

"Sunset is right," Amethyst nodded, "with how everything is in chaos we should expect the unexpected."

As the heroes continued on their way, they couldn't help but feel like they were being watched.

before the heroes could enter the ride, some figure sprang from the nearby buildings.

The figures were some minor supervillains: Slyde, Razor Fist, Ten-Eye Man and Catman.

All of them moved like they were zombies and had blank eyed expressions on their faces.

"Desmond and Christine must be controlling them," Rarity said.

"We have to get past them," Sunset insisted, "we have to find our powers and equipment."

Wiccan and Amethyst both nodded, all the heroes prepared to battle without their powers.

Back with Desmond and Christine.

The two teens watched the four teams deal with the obstacles in their way.

"The game is going well so far," Christine said, "who knew that powerless heroes would be so entertaining."

"Yeah," murmured Desmond, "very entertaining."

Christine noticed that her brother was watching Fluttershy's team with dreamy look on his face.

"You okay, bro?" she asked.

Desmond acted like he had snapped out of a trance, "Arrr, yeah," he said, trying to recover, "what did I miss?"

Christine looked suspiciously at her brother, something was going on with him.

Chapter 6

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Team One.

Twilight and her team had finally boarded their chosen ride.

As they floated on down the predetermined path of the ride, all the animatronic characters sang a terrible tinkly tune.

"This place is unsettling," Magik said, as they continued on their way.

Unbeknown to Twilight or her teammates they were being watched, not by the twins, but by a humanoid shape with the features of animal.

As the ride carried on, Midnight caught a glimpse a shadow moving from behind the animatronics but when she turned her head towards it, the shadow had vanished.

"Does anyone get the feeling we're being watched?" Midnight asked, in a lower tone of voice so she didn't alert whoever or whatever was watching them.

"Now that you mention it," Wanda replied, "I do have a sense of..."

Before Wanda could finish, a creature with the body of a human and the features of a Great Horned Owl descended upon the group.

It was Owl-Man, one of the members of the supervillain team called the Ani-Men, a group mutated animals.

The other Ani-Men members appeared along the edges of the ride, these being: Rabbit-Woman, Giraffe-Man and Pig-Man.

"If only Fluttershy was here," Twilight said, as the mutant animal supervillains closed in on them.

Team Two.

Rainbow Dash and her team had made it past the hordes of video game enemies and were now inside the arcade.

The inside of the arcade were just as chaotic as the entrance, some of the arcade cabinet were still spewing out of enemies and enemies running for the exit, finally freed from their digital prisons.

"Spread out," Rainbow Dash instructed, "our powers and equipment could anywhere in here."

With that, the team dispersed, Applejack and Miss America going one way and Rainbow Dash and Kate Bishop going another.

Both groups walked down the isles of cabinets, all of them old games, originating from far off eras.

"All this stuff is seriously retro," Kate Bishop remarked.

As the two continued on their search, they passed a cabinet, that had the name Polybius on it.

As Kate passed the cabinet she thought she saw the cabinet light up and some text appear on the screen:

'Hello Kate, lose something?'

Kate Bishop stopped and retraced she steps back the way she had come, back towards the Polybius cabinet.

The text appeared again:

'Hello Kate, lose something?'

"What the what?" Kate murmured to herself.

More text appear on the screen.

'You and your friends seem to be in a real pickle'

Kate was taken aback, a video game know about her and her friends.

"Guys," she called, alerting Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Miss America to her location.

The others all join her in front of the cabinet.

"So," Rainbow Dash said, "you're saying that this arcade machine started talking to you?"

"That what I'm saying," Kate Bishop replied.

"Strange," Applejack remarked, "I don't remember seeing this cabinet the last time me and my friends were here."

"Hmmm," Miss America mused, "Polybius...that name, I've heard that name before on the internet."

Before anyone could go any further, some more text appeared on the screen.

A quest you must undertake
To find what is at stake
If these items are close to your heart
Then you must simply press START.

After the text, the start button on the cabinet started flashing.

"So," Kate Bishop said, "what's the plan?"

"If this thing knows where our powers and equipment are," Rainbow Dash replied, "then what choice do we have?"

"I'm not going near that thing," Applejack insisted, "not even with a ten foot pole."

"I'm with Applejack," Miss America nodded, "that thing this is suspicious and creepy."

"It's just a video game," Rainbow Dash answered, "what could be possibly happen by playing a video game?"

And before anyone could stop her, Rainbow Dash pressed the start button on the cabinet.

For moment, nothing happened.

"Huh," Rainbow Dash remarked, "guess it was a dead end."

She was about walk away when the Polybius cabinet began to shake and spark violently.

"What the hay, did you do Rainbow?!" Applejack asked.

"I don't know!" Rainbow Dash replied, "I think the cabinet is glitching out!"

She quickly started to look for the plug, if the cabinet was like the others it must have a plug, she searched frantically for a plug to turn the cabinet off, only to find that the cabinet had no plug.

The cabinet continued to shake and spark, after a few more minutes, the cabinet fell silent.

Then suddenly, a serge of energy erupted from the cabinet, enveloping the four heroes.

"What was that abou...?" Rainbow Dash began, only to notice that she and her comrades were starting to fade away as their very beings were broken down and, in a flash, the four were zapped into the cabinet.

Team Three.

Fluttershy and her team had managed to make it past monstrous exterior of the haunted house.

The inside was surprisingly bigger than the outside, an entire labyrinth squeezed inside a smaller house.

"This place is massive," Raven remarked, "it's also impossible."

"How is this place even possible?" Captain Marvel Jr. wondered, aloud.

"I think it's based on British science fiction technology," Pinkie Pie said.

Everyone looked at her in stunned surprise.

"How did you...?" Raven asked.

"Just a hunch," Pinkie Pie replied, smiled innocently.

"Right," Raven said, "anyway, we need to search every inch of this place."

"That's going to take a long time," Fluttershy stated, "given how big it is."

"We should split up," Captain Marvel Jr. suggested, "cover more ground that way."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "we don't know whats out there, have any of you seen a horror movie?! When you split up the monster hunts you down one by one, starting with the funny nice comic relief character."

Pinkie pointed at herself, to emphasise her point.

"Alright," Captain Marvel Jr. said, "then we'll split into two teams."

"Right," Raven nodded, "that way, we can watch each others backs while we search."

Fluttershy wanted to protest, but she knew what had to be done.

Remembering what Pinkie had said, about standing tall and laughing at fear, she took a deep breath and put on the bravest face she could make.

"OK," Fluttershy said, "let's do this."

"That's the spirit," Pinkie Pie smiled, seeing her friend being brave in face fear.

With that, the group separated into two teams and began their journey into the labyrinth inside the haunted house.

Team Four.

Sunset and her team had made it passed the supervillains and were now waiting ride to arrive.

"I think we're on the right track," Sunset said.

"How'd you arrive at that?" Rarity asked.

"Well," Sunset explained, "why would there supervillains guarding this place? If there wasn't anything important to guard."

"Indeed," agreed Amethyst, "why go to the trouble of extra security?"

"Unless," Wiccan finished, "there was something valuable or something you wanted to keep hidden."

"Exactly," Sunset nodded.

She was saved from having to explain any further, as the ride arrived, it was designed to resemble a western style locomotive.

The driver of train was Phillip "Phil" Cobb a.k.a. Signalman, but wearing a train conductor's uniform over his supervillain costume.

"All aboard!" he declared.

Not seeing any other choice, Sunset and her team boarded the train.

The train departed and ride began.

"Please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times," Signalman advised.

"There's no turning back now," Sunset thought, as the train slowly moved out of the station.

Back with Desmond and Christine.

"Looks like the fun continues," Christine said, "and I've got some surprises in store for our little lab rats."

"What kind of surprises?" Desmond asked, his voice had a hint of uncertainty in it.

He was trying not to show it but, Desmond was worried about what his sister was implying.

"You'll see," Christine replied, a mischievous grin on her face.

Desmond tried to put on the same smile as his sister but, he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Still smiling, both brother and sister turned back to their view-screens showing the four teams.

Chapter 7

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Team One.

Twilight and her team were doing the best they could, in their powerless state, to fend off the Ani-men.

The mutant animals moved like zombie controlled puppets, as though they weren't in control of their actions.

The ride continued on its way, as it began nearing the big drop which was the ending finale of the titular Neighagara Falls.

As the ride began to ascend, Twilight noticed a spherical object hovering above part of the ride before the big ending drop.

As they draw nearer, Twilight could see that the object contained: Her geode, Midnight and her lantern rings, Magik Soul Sword and two swirling orbs of scarlet and cyan energies, Wanda's chaos magic and her and Midnight's Equestrian magic.

The Ani-men were still attacking the team, but now, they seemed to be trying stop the team from reaching the object.

"We have to get that sphere!" Twilight cried, as the ride drew closer to the drop.

"Right," Magik nodded, "but first, we need to deal with the zoo crew first."

"And we'd better do fast," Midnight said, "cause we're heading for one heck of drop."

"I've got an idea," Wanda stated, "wait for my signal."

"What signal?" Twilight cried.

"You won't miss it," Wanda said.

As the ride neared the drop, the Ani-men lunged at the team.

"NOW!" Wanda shouted.

Before, the Ani-men could change direction, Twilight and her teammates leaped from the ride, landing on the bank to the side of the drop.

The Ani-men landed in the ride, as it began to drop, and they had to no time to leap back out, as the ride went over the drop.

"So long," Midnight said, "see you next fall."

Twilight and the others groaned at Midnight's pun.

"What?" she smiled, innocently.

"Anyway," Twilight interrupted, "time to get back whats ours."

Working together, Twilight and her team formed a human ladder and managed to grab the sphere contain their powers and equipment.

When they touched and absorbed the items, they could feel their powers returning to them.

"Alright," Twilight said, as felt the Equestrian magic and the power of the Star Heart reawakening within her, "let's hope the others are having the same level of luck as us."

Back with Desmond and Christine.

The Twins watched as Twilight and her team recovered their stolen powers and equipment.

"One down," Desmond said.

"Three to go," Christine smiled, "the fun is not over yet."

This made Desmond's worry rise even higher, he was beginning think that Christine was taking their little game too far.

Team Two.

Rainbow Dash and her teammates reappeared in an arena with a familiar dragon symbol on ether side.

"Whoa," Rainbow Dash said, "what happened?"

"We were zapped inside of an arcade machine," Kate Bishop replied.

"We're inside a video game?" Rainbow Dash replied, "Awesome!"

"No," Applejack interrupted, "this is not good, this is not good at all."

"Yeah," Miss America nodded, "we need to find a way out of here and find our powers and equipment before..."

Miss America was cut off as a kunai attached to a chain shot out of nowhere.

"GET OVER HERE!" a voice cried.

Miss America managed to dodge the attack, only to be hit by a blast of ice, freezing her in place.

Rainbow Dash and the others tried to help their teammate but, were grabbed by a telekinetic force after which they were blasted by water.

Their attackers soon appeared, four ninjas wearing the same outfit but each one was a different colour: yellow, light blue, purple and red.

Rainbow Dash recognised the ninjas instantly.

"Oh, no," she said, "we're in trouble."

"What do you mean?" Kate asked.

"I know what game we're in," Rainbow Dash replied, "we're in Mortal Kombat."

Back with Desmond and Christine.

"Now that's what I call entertainment," Christine smiled.

"They'll be safe right?" Desmond asked, "it's just a game, you're not serious right?"

"Oh, I'm serious," Christine replied, "I'm as serious as serious can be."

"What are you saying?" Desmond stammered, "Christine, what did you do?"

"Oh, I raised the stakes," Christine answered, "If they run out of lives in the game...,

Desmond looked at his sister in shocked horror.

"Let's hope they can get out with all their lives," Christine smiled.

Team Three.

Fluttershy and her team were still wandering the labyrinth inside the haunted house.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Fluttershy repeated, over and over again as she walked forward, "there's nothing to be afraid of."

Elsewhere in the labyrinth, Captain Marvel Jr. and Raven walked through the never-ending pathway, Raven helping Captain Marvel Jr. since without his powers he was crippled Freddy Freeman.

"You think that we're closer to the centre?" Captain Marvel Jr. asked.

"I don't know," Raven replied, "without my powers I can't scan the labyrinth to find the centre."

The two continued on their way.

Lastly, Pinkie Pie walked through the labyrinth, humming the tune she had used to boost Fluttershy's confidence to herself.

The scariness of the labyrinth didn't bother her in the slightest.

She continued on her way, smiling and humming all the while.

Back with Desmond and Christine.

The twins watched Fluttershy and her teammates trek through the labyrinth on their different paths.

"I think it's time to spice things up," Christine smiled, snapping her fingers.

Desmond didn't reply, he was beginning to believe that his sister's idea of fun was getting out of hand.

Team Four.

Sunset and her team were still on the Appleloosa's Runaway Train and not seeing any sign of their powers and equipment.

"Maybe we were wrong," Wiccan said.

"I don't think so," Sunset replied, "we've been picking up speed ever since we got on the ride."

"Sunset is right," Rarity nodded, "I have noticed that, we just have to keep our eyes open for any sign of our powers and equipment."

"Then I suggest we do that fast," Amethyst stated, pointing at something approaching the ride from behind.

As it drew nearer, the team could see that the approaching thing was David Cannon a.k.a. Whirlwind.

Whirlwind began launching saw-blades at the team, while getting closer and closer to the ride.

"Quick!" Rarity shouted, "somebody come up with a plan!"

Back with Team Three.

Fluttershy and her teammates were still trekking through the labyrinth, but thanks to Christine, some uninvited guests were about to join them.

Fluttershy was pursued a black sinister looking car.

Captain Marvel Jr. and Raven were stalked by a withered animatronic golden rabbit.

Pinkie Pie was chased by a glowing red sentient blob of liquid.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Fluttershy said, as she ran as fast as she could to get away from the car, "this isn't real."

Back with Desmond and Christine.

Desmond watched as teams two, three and four faced off against the threats that Christine had summoned up.

All the teams were doing their best against their respected foes but clearly their enemies were slowly beginning to wear the heroes down.

Christine, on the other hand, was enjoying every minute of the heroes struggle.

"This is way better than TV," she smiled, conjuring a bag of popcorn for herself, "right, bro?"

Desmond didn't answer, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"This is wrong," he said, eventually, "this is very wrong."

"What are you talking about?" Christine responded, "this so entertaining and fun."

"No," Desmond replied, "it's not fun and I'm going to stop it."

Desmond was about to use his powers to undo his sister's work.

"Desmond!" Christine cried, "what do you think you're doing?"

"I could ask YOU the same thing!" Desmond retorted, pointing to enemies fighting the three remaining teams, "fun is fun, but this is going WAY too far! Yeah, mess with the mortals a bit, but don't hurt them!"

He pointed to the screen showing Fluttershy, running for her life from The Car, The Car slowly closing in on her.

"Can't you see she's scared?" Desmond asked, "she's going to get hurt."

"Going to get hurt?!" Christine repeated, "I think you are just a little too attracted to that Fluttershy girl."

Desmond blushed a little at his sister's accusation.

"No, that's not it," he answered, clerkly "well, not COMPLETELY it. It's just that, if we go too far with our antics, they won't survive. And, if we make too much of a habit of taking our shenanigans too far, we'll eventually run out of people to mess with!"

"Who cares?!" Christine said, "we are Lords of Chaos, humans are beneath us!"

"We may be Lords of Chaos," Desmond replied, "but we are humans too."

"We are nothing like the humans," Christine growled, "humans are weak, merely insects to be crushed under foot."

Desmond was about to responded, but Christine continued before he could say anything.

"And what are we supposed to do with our powers? Protect the humans," she asked, "why? Because they are weak?"

Again Desmond tried to say something, but Christine carried on.

"When you crush an ant beneath your foot do you feel remorse?" she said, "no, is it because are you evil or because you recognise yourself as a higher form of life?"

"That's not..." Desmond began.

"It seems you do not understand," Christine interrupted, "if we have the power of gods then are we not gods ourselves?"

"Christine," Desmond said, "you will stop this or I'll stop you."

"I'm very disappointed in you brother," Christine replied, "you are unworthy of the title of Lord Chaos."

The two looked each other in the eyes, each ready to make the next move.

Chapter 8

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Team One.

Twilight and her teammates were looking for the other teams, now that they had retrieved what had been taken from them.

"It feels good to have this back," Magik said, happy to have her Soulsword back on her person.

"Right," Wanda nodded, "we should hurry and find the others."

"Good idea," agreed Twilight, "we should...."

Twilight was interrupted, as a massive shockwave shook the area.

"What was that?" Midnight said.

Another shockwave hit the area, it was as if reality itself was shaking.

Back with the Desmond and Christine.

The twins were throwing all manner of attacks at each other.

Every attack, making Christine even angrier and driving her slowly to madness.

Desmond tried to block and counter attack as best as he could.

"You cannot beat me, brother," Christine cackled, "I know you are holding back, you still care about me."

"Oh course, I'm holding back!" Desmond replied, "because you're my sister, I don't want to hurt, Christine!"

Christine laughed at her brother's concern, "Christine?" she said, "no, that is no longer my name, call me Cosmos, for that is a name befitting of a god such as myself!"

"I don't care what you call yourself," Desmond responded, "you're still my sister and I don't want to hurt you, but I can't let you hurt others just because you find it entertaining."

That last statement was the final strew, Cosmos finally broke, mentally.

She began to laugh uncontrollably and launched another, more powerful, attack at Desmond.

He tried his best to block, but the attack was too much to handle, it hit him so hard it threw him out of the realm they had created to monitor Twilight, her friends and their allies, landing in the Equestria Land.

"Poor little Desmond," Cosmos smiled, as she loomed over her brother, "you see what happens when you ruin my fun?!"

"Christine," Desmond said, getting to his feet, "I'm not going to fight you, you're my sister."

"Stop calling me that!" Cosmos cried, "that is not my name! I am Cosmos! An almighty Lord of Chaos!"

"You're not a Lord Chaos," Desmond replied, "you're not even a trickster, you're the Lord of Malevolence."

Cosmos started laughing as her form transformed into a more monstrous appearance.

"Call me what want, brother," she said, "for soon the whole world will be my playground."

"I cannot allow that, sister," Desmond stated, defiantly, "and I will stop you."

Cosmos laughed, "you?" she snickered, "you are alone, what chance do you have against me?"

"This," Desmond replied, he snapped his fingers and Twilight and her team appeared behind him.

"What in the world?" Twilight said, looking around her confused.

Back with Team Two.

Rainbow Dash and her teammates were still trying their best against the Mortal Kombat ninjas.

"We can't last much longer," Applejack said, as the ninjas prepared to attack them again.

"We have too," Rainbow Dash stated, "we still need to find our powers and equipment."

"We still haven't found any clues," Miss America added, "not one clue."

"I think I might have an idea," Kate Bishop remarked, she pointed at the ninjas.

Rainbow Dash looked and saw something she hadn't seen before, the ninjas were all wearing medallions with the dragon logo on them, like the walls of the area.

"It's just a theory," Kate Bishop replied, "the ninjas seem to be trying really hard to protect them."

"Got it," she smiled, she turned to her teammates, "get those medallions!"

The others nodded.

As if on cue, the ninjas began their attack, but this time Rainbow Dash and her teammates were ready for them, having seen their moves from their prior attacks.

Since they were video game characters, some of their attacks telegraphed before they happened, which made it easier to anticipate what they were going to do.

As the ninjas were preoccupied on deciding wether to block or attack, they were distracted enough for the team to make their move.

"Now!" Rainbow Dash cried.

Before any of the ninjas could react, all four heroes grabbed the medallions and yanked them from around the ninja's necks.

"OK," Kate Bishop said, "we've got them, now what?"

Miss America, thinking fast, crushed the medallion in her hands after which an orb of energy emerged and absorbed itself into her body.

"How do you feel?" Rainbow Dash asked.

The yellow ninja launched his kunai chain weapon in Miss America's direction.

She grabbed it before the weapon could hit and forcefully pulled its owner in close, after which he was punched in the face by a quick uppercut to jaw.

"Super," Miss America replied, a satisfying smile on her face, her powers now returned to her.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Kate Bishop copied Miss America, crushing their medallions, after which their respective powers and equipment returned to them.

"Alright," Applejack said, once they were back to normal, "time to give these guys a game over."

Now that they had their powers and equipment back, the four heroes were able to make short work of their opponents.

"Well," Kate Bishop remarked, "that was fun, but how do we get out of here?"

"I'll handle that," Miss America answered, punching open a star shaped portal, leading back to Equestria Land.

"Right," Rainbow Dash nodded, "lets get back to the park, find the others and give those two tricksters the beatdown of a lifetime."

The other three nodded and they all dashed through the portal, but the sight that greet them on the other side was not what they were expecting.

Back with Desmond and Team One.

The tide of Desmond's battle against Cosmos was shifting constantly, every hit that the heroes managed to land was immediately followed by a crazy attack from Cosmos.

"Every second you waste," Cosmos smirked, "your remaining friends come closer to destruction."

"She's right," Desmond said, "some of you need to go and save your friends."

"No," Twilight replied, "we can't leave you here, she's going to steamroll you without backup."

"You don't understand," Desmond answered, "I'm the only who stands any chance of stalling her."

"Maybe," Twilight smiled, "but we try."

"You are guys are ether incredibly brave or incredibly dumb," Desmond replied, "I like your style."

Just as he said that, Team Two arrived on the scene.

Twilight managed to stop them from attacking Desmond, much to their momentary confusion, and explained the situation to them.

"So we're clear on the plan?" Twilight asked.

The others and Desmond all nodded, soon after Desmond teleported himself and Team Two to the locations of Teams Three and Four.

Leaving Twilight and her team to keep Cosmos occupied, until the others were out of dangers.

Elsewhere with Team Four.

Sunset and her team's situation was growing dire, Whirlwind was slowly beginning to tear the ride apart.

"It looks this is the end," Wiccan said.

"There must be something we can do," Rarity insisted.

"There isn't," Amethyst uttered, "we've exhausted all options."

"We can't give up," Sunset said, "something or someone will come and save us."

"But who?" Wiccan asked.

Suddenly, a star shaped portal opened and Miss America and Applejack appeared through it.

"How about us?" Applejack declared.

Miss America grabbed Wiccan and Amethyst, while Applejack grabbed Rarity and Sunset with her ring.

Flying them through the star portal, before it closed and the ride crashed and burned behind them.

Back with Team Three.

Fluttershy and her teammates were still running separately for their lives from the media monsters after them.

Raven and Captain Marvel Jr. were beginning to tire and lose energy, which meant the animatronic was beginning to close in on them.

Fluttershy was also behind to tire, which meant the black car was slowly gaining on her.

Pinkie, surprisingly, was still able to out run the giant liquid blob, but the blob was slowly beginning to catch up to her.

But, before the monsters could grab Raven, Captain Marvel Jr. or Pinkie Pie, Desmond appeared, along Rainbow Dash and Kate Bishop, who made quick work of the first two media monsters.

Fluttershy was nowhere to be found, "Where is Fluttershy?" Desmond asked.

"She must be further into the labyrinth," Raven suggested.

"We've got to find her," Desmond said, "fast."

"I can't run anymore," Fluttershy thought, as she leaned against one of the walls, "I can't go on."

Shortly, she heard the sound of a roaring engine and the screech of tyres.

Seconds later, the car appeared and stopped, then began revving its engine, menacingly.

"Alright," Fluttershy said, "time to put Pinkie's wisdom to the test."

At the same time, the car shot forward, heading straight for her.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and concentrated on blocking out the fear she was feeling and thinking only positive thoughts.

The car continued to rocket towards her, showing no signs of slowing down.

Fluttershy continued to concentrate on blocking out the fear and focusing on positive thoughts

As the car continued towards her, Fluttershy began to murmur what Pinkie Pie had told before she and her team had entered the haunted house, "you've gotta stand up tall, face your fear, laugh and your fears will disappear."

She repeated the phrase over and over again, until she was practically saying it out loud.

"you've gotta stand up tall, face your fear, laugh and your fears will disappear!" Fluttershy shouted, confidently.

Suddenly, the car's tyres began to deflate, Fluttershy's fear was no longer giving it power, it began skidding as it no longer had any grip on the terrain.

Fluttershy smiled, seeing that Pinkie's advice actually worked and all it took to defeat fear was laughter.

"Yes!" Fluttershy cried, "take that car! Oh, Yeah!"

At the moment, Desmond and the others arrived at Fluttershy location, to witness the scene.

The car, which had been reduced to a smashed up wreck, dissolved into nothing.

Fluttershy was immediately confused, worried and weary of Desmond. That is until her friends and teammates explained what had happened and that Desmond was on their side now.

Desmond was incredibly impressed by Fluttershy courage and bravery.

"Impressive," he remarked, "most impressive."

"Thanks," Fluttershy replied, blushing a little at Desmond's compliment, "I couldn't have done it without remembering what my friends told about being brave."

Desmond felt something that he had never felt before, he felt the spark of friendship.

Back with Team One.

Twilight and her teammates were trying their best to both attack and defend against Cosmos's attacks.

"I don't know how long I can keep this up!" Midnight said, as she used her ring to try and keep Cosmos's attacks from hitting any bystanders or park staff.

"We have to!" Twilight replied, "we need to give Desmond and the other all the time we can!"

Seconds later, Desmond along with the other three teams reappeared.

"About time," Magik declared, "we were starting to think we'd have to do all the work here."

"First things first," Desmond said, he snapped his fingers, returning the powers and equipment to the last two teams.

"Alright," Wiccan stated, "we're back in the game."

"Yeah," Captain Marvel Jr. nodded, "time for some action."

He spoke the magic word and transformed into his Captain Marvel Jr. form.

"Right," Sunset agreed, "we've got our powers back and it's time for action."

Cosmos laughed, "You all really think you have a chance against me? that is truly laughable," she sneered.

"They do have a chance," Desmond said, "because they have me."

"Who do you think you are?" Cosmos smirked, "some kind of hero?"

"I'm not just some kind of hero," Desmond replied, "I'm the kind of hero."

Desmond snapped his fingers and began to transform into his hero outfit.

Once the transformation was finished, the outfit Desmond was wearing caused everyone snicker and try to hide their laughter.

"What?" Desmond asked, upon hearing the snickers and suppressed laugher, "what is it?"

"Wow," Rarity replied, trying really hard not to laugh, "that's a....really creative costume you've got there, darling."

Even Fluttershy, couldn't help smiling a little at the humorous sight before her.

Desmond looked down at himself, noticing what he was wearing, the costume of Sailor Moon.

"Whoops," Desmond said, blushing a his mistake.

He snapped his fingers again and his costume changed again, into the outfit of She-Ra (the reboot version).

"Nope," Desmond said, looking embarrassed at another wrong choice.

Snapping his fingers again, his costume changing yet again.

"OK," Desmond stated, finally after a few more costume errors, "I think I've got it, I know what superhero I want to be, but you know what? I think I'll try something a little more Japanese."

He snapped his fingers one last time and a belt-like device appeared around his waist.

"Henshin," Desmond said, activating the belt device and transforming into Kamen Rider OOOs.


"OK, brother," Cosmos smiled, "if that's the way you want to play, I'll play."

Cosmos snapped her fingers and transformed from her monstrous form into the form of another Kamen Rider, this one being Kamen Rider Genm.


"Those two watch way too much TV," Midnight remarked, as the twins, in their rider forms, stared each other down.

"This is going to be awesome!" Rainbow Dash said, "I wish I had some popcorn."

"Here you go," Pinkie interjected, handing some to her friend and producing one for herself,

Without another word, the twins charged at each other.

Chapter 9

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The battle between Cosmos and Desmond raged fiercely, with both twins using every ability their repetitive Kamen Rider forms could provide.

All this was happening while Twilight and others watched the battle unfold.

"I feel like I'm watching a battle from an anime," Wiccan stated.

"Shouldn't we do something?" Rarity asked, "I feel like we should do something."

"I agree," Sunset said, "we need to help Desmond."

As the girls and their teammates were about jump into the fight, Desmond shouted to them.

"No!" he ordered, "I have to fight her along, this is my fight not yours!"

While Desmond was distracted, Cosmos managed to get a punch in, throwing her brother back into a ring toss stand.

"That was a cheap shot," Desmond said, as he picked himself out of the wreckage of the stand.

"If you think that's cheap," Cosmos replied, "this is will really drive you mad."

She charged at her brother, preparing to perform a finishing attack, the Mighty Critical Strike, a dropkick surrounded by energy.

As his sister charged at him, Desmond also performed a finisher move, the Tatoba Kick, a flying side kick.

The two attacks connected, causing a shockwave and a huge release energy.

Afterwords, the twins stood their ground, while breathing heavily.

"It would seem," Desmond said, "we're at an impasse."

"I would agree," Cosmos replied, "if it weren't for this."

She snapped her fingers and activated a power-up for her Kamen Rider form, Dangerous Zombie.


"A power up?" Applejack said, "what is this a video game?"

"Whoa," Kate bishop murmured, "deja-vu."

Once her transformation was complete, Cosmos drew her weapon, a sword, called Gashacon Breaker.

"You might as well give up now," Cosmos remarked.

Cosmos couldn't see, but Desmond was smiling underneath his Kamen Rider helmet.

"You think you're the only one who can power up?" he asked.

He snapped his fingers and also activated a power-up for his rider form.

Only this power-up was different from the one his sister had used, this one transformed him into an entirely different Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider ZI-O wearing the armour resembling Kamen Rider Fourze.


"You changed your moveset?!" Cosmos cried, "that's cheating!?"

"Did you forget, sister?" Desmond replied, "I'm a Lord of Chaos, I follow no one's rules."

"This whole fight makes no sense," Sunset sighed, "the rules keep changing."

"Oh, my dear Sunset," Desmond remarked, "what fun's there in making sense?"

"If you two are done?" Cosmos interrupted, "I believe we have beef to settle."

"Right," Desmond replied.

The two powered-up riders faced each other for a second time and engaged each other.

The fight this time was a lot more chaotic, with Desmond constantly switching rider forms to throw his sister off, all the while Cosmos's madness and rage grow intensifying with every attack and every miss.

"You will never defeat me, brother!" Cosmos snarled, "as long as you keep holding back, nothing you do can harm me."

"This entire battle is organised chaos!" Twilight exclaimed.

"The best kind of chaos," Desmond answered.

The brief detraction, once again, allowed Cosmos to land a powerful hit in on her brother, this one was powerful enough that it knocked Desmond out of his rider form back to his human form.

"This is the end, brother," Cosmos cackled, as she stood over her defeated brother.

"You can't do this," Desmond begged, "you're my sister."

"I was your sister," Cosmos said, in a calm voice, "and you BETRAYED me!, you BETRAYED our cause! You BETRAYED our entire family!"

"I'm not going to fight you, Christine," Desmond replied.

"Well, then," Cosmos smiled, "this'll be over pretty quick."

She snapped fingers once last time and her Kamen Rider form transformed into its ultimate form, God Maximum Mighty X.


Once the transformation was complete, Cosmos readied her final attack, Maximum Mighty Critical Finish, charging her weapon with purple energy.

Desmond closed his eyes and prepared for his end.

But, before the attack could land, Desmond was yanked out of the way.

The one responsible for saving Desmond was Fluttershy, using her ring to pull Desmond to safety.

"You should be ashamed of yourself!" Fluttershy shouted, at Cosmos "picking on your brother, because his idea of fun isn't the same as yours."

"YOU!" Cosmos snarled, glaring at Fluttershy "You're the one who corrupted my brother!"

Cosmos, having tired of the farce of playing Kamen Rider, reverted back to her monstrous form and charged at Fluttershy.

Before Cosmos could attack, she received a powerful punch from Miss America.

"It seems," Miss America remarked, cracking her knuckles, "your sister needs to be shown what happens to bullies around here."

"And fortunately," Applejack added, "we're the ones to teach her that specific lesson."

"Welcome to butt kicking 101," Rainbow Dash finished, "your instructors, The Champions."

"Please," Desmond said, "I told you, this is my sister, this is my problem and this is my f...."

"That might be so," Twilight interrupted, "but we're your friends and friends stand up for each other."

"We're....Friends?" Desmond repeated.

"Oh, course," Fluttershy replied, "you realised that what you were doing was wrong and did what you could to fix your mistake, that shows that you're not a bad person."

"And since you helped us," Rarity finished, "we'll help you, because that's what friends do."

"Oh... Well," Desmond responded, almost lost for words, "I've... never really had friends before, it's always been me and my sister."

"Well," Sunset smiled, "allow us to become your first friends."

"Everyone," Desmond smiled, "thank you."

"Yoohoo," the voice of Cosmos interrupted, "are we done with the hugging and friendship junk?"

Everyone turned in Cosmos direction, "I thought we had a fight going on here!" she growled.

"Oh, you've got a fight, sister," Desmond stated, "but this time I'm fighting with my friends!"

He turned to the girls and their teammates, "right?" he asked.

"Right," Fluttershy replied, the other girls nodded in agreement.

"It's time to pony up," Rainbow Dash added, "it's hero time!"

And with that, Sunset and the other six girls transformed into their friendship power forms.

Desmond watched in awe as the girls transformed, he felt a strange energy flaw over and into him, it was Equestrian magic or more specifically the magic of friendship.

As Desmond felt the magic of friendship grew within him, a rainbow flaming katana materialised from his chest.

Some words appeared along with the katana, 'Desmond earned the power of friendship.'

Desmond, feeling a surge of courage and self-confidence, pulled the katana from his chest, striking a heroic pose.

"Aw, how cute," Cosmos remarked, putting on a little girl voice to mock the heroes defiance.

"It's over, sister," Desmond said, "the gloves are off now, it's show time."

Cosmos throw back her head and laughed, "Do you really think that any of you can beat me?!" she snickered.

"Yes!" Twilight declared, "because we have a power that can over come even the most powerful chaos, Friendship!"

"Ugh, yuck" Cosmos groaned, "I think I'm going to get a cavity from all this wholesome sappy stuff."

"Alright, everyone," Sunset said, "we need to take Cosmos down, fast."

"In that case," Midnight stated, "I say we hit her hard and fast."

"Sounds like a plan," Rainbow Dash nodded.

Now that they had a plan, of sorts, the heroes and Desmond stood ready for Cosmos to attack.

"Ready or not," Cosmos smirked, "here I come."

Without another word, the heroes and the villain charged at each other.

Some of the heroes blocked Cosmos attacks and projectiles, those being: Rarity, Fluttershy, Amethyst, Captain Marvel Jr., Wiccan and Wanda.

Others attacked and defended against Cosmos, those being: Twilight, Midnight, Sunset, Applejack, Miss America and Magik

While the last few members concentrated on distracting and confusing Cosmos, those being: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Kate Bishop, Raven and

Desmond help as best as he could, using his reality altering powers to give the Champions a little edge in the fight.

After a while, Cosmos started to wane under the pressure from being attacked from all sides simultaneously.

Finally, after another few minutes, she was weakened enough that she reverted back to her human form.

"You think she's had enough?" Midnight asked.

Cosmos stumbled a little, but stayed on her feet.

"Guess not," Wiccan said.

"Then let's give hey more than enough," Pinkie retorted, "Light her up, ladies!"

The girl's geodes glowed brightly as they concentrated their geode's energy into a powerful beam of rainbow energy and fired it in Cosmos's direction.

Cosmos stood her ground as the beam hit her, it seemed that the girl's magic was not going to be enough to defeat her.

Seeing that their friends needed help, Raven, Wanda, Wiccan, Captain Marvel Jr., Midnight and Amethyst combined their energy projectiles into one and fired it at Cosmos as well.

"We thought you could use a hand," Captain Marvel Jr. smiled.

Cosmos tried her best to block both the beams but it began to slowly but surely weaken her powers and push her back.

"Don't let up!" Sunset cried, "we've almost got her."

"I am a Lord of Chaos!" Cosmos thundered, "and I will not be defeated by you!"

Slowly, The Champions' energy began to run low, making them exhausted and drained.

"And once I'm finished with you," Cosmos smirked, as the Champions powers finally ran out, "their will be no one to ruin my fun."

But before Cosmos could attack, Desmond charged at her and delivered a swift slash with his friendship katana.

"Please, Christine," Desmond said, trying to get through to his sister one last time, "you can't do this, this is wrong, you must realise that."

"You are no brother of mine," Cosmos replied, "I don't have to listen to the words of a traitor."

The look on Desmond's face was one of shock and horror, tears formed in his eyes.

"Then I'm sorry, sister" he declared, wiping the tear from his eyes.

He nodded to Miss America, "do it," he said.

Miss America complied, punching open a star portal behind Cosmos.

The Champions, seeing an opening, resumed their attack on Cosmos with their rainbow beam and energy attacks trying to push Cosmos into the portal.

Since Cosmos had already been weakened a little by the first attack, she slowly began to be pushed towards the portal.

"NO!" Cosmos cried, as she was pushed closer and closer to the portal, "I'm not going in their, alone," her arm suddenly became elastic and launched itself in Fluttershy's direction, grabbing her and dragging her towards the portal with her.

"No!" Desmond shouted, he didn't know what do, he didn't want to hurt his sister but he had to protect his friend from his sister.

Fortunately for Desmond, Kate Bishop fired a grappling arrow towards Fluttershy as she pulled in Cosmos's direction.

Fluttershy managed to grab the grappling line, but Cosmos maintained her grip on Fluttershy.

The final battle with Cosmos with down to a tug of war with Fluttershy caught in the middle.

"If I'm going to lose," Cosmos snarled, seeing that the heroes were again beginning to get tired, "then you all are going to lose too."

Desmond, thinking fast, used his powers and produced a glob of Gak, a children's toy from the 80s, rolled it into a ball and throw it at Cosmos.

The goopy substance hit Cosmos in the face, blinding her and forcing her to let go of Fluttershy.

"Ahhh," she cried, "what is this?!"

She tried to tear the Gak from her eyes, but instead, stumbled backward falling into the star portal, which closed immediately.

"It's over," Twilight breathed, as she and the others transformed back into their normal forms.

Desmond sank to knees, tires streaming down his face, the rainbow katana dissolving into nothing.

"I'm so sorry about your sister," Fluttershy said, putting a hand on Desmond's shoulders.

Desmond turned to Fluttershy and collapsed into her arms, sobbing silently into her shoulder.

"It's ok," Fluttershy whispered, "let it all out."

After Desmond had finished grieving for his sister, he helped The Champions clean up all the mess he and Cosmos had created with their chaotic fun.

"Well, that's it," Desmond murmured, once everything had been returned to normal, "fun's over and the game is finished."

"What about you?" Sunset asked, "what will you do now?"

"I don't know," Desmond replied, "I just need to be alone, to do some thinking, work out who I am."

"Well," Applejack said, "whenever you figure out who you are, your friends will be waiting for you."

"Thanks," Desmond smiled, he prepared to snap his fingers and teleport away.

"Wait," Twilight said, suddenly, "I never got to ask, but who are your parents?"

"Me and Christine didn't know our parents," Desmond replied, "we've been on our own for as long as we can remember."

"Are you sure there is nothing you can tell us about your family?" Midnight asked, "like your surname, maybe?"

"I can answer that," Desmond responded, "my surname is MacTaggert."

After hearing the name, Desmond was met with surprised looks from everyone.

"What?" he asked.

"Desmond," Rarity said, "there something you must know, your father is..."


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A few days later, the living island Krakoa.

"Man, this is place huge" Desmond said, gazing at the lush jungle of the island around him, "and beautiful, it'll take me forever to find..."

"Son?" said a voice.

Desmond turned to see Proteus standing a little ways behind him.

"Father?" Desmond said.

"I sensed a familiar energy signature," Proteus replied, "I thought it was Eris, but it was you."

"Eris?" Desmond repeated.

"Your mother," Proteus answered, "she was really truly something, let me tell ya...."

Suddenly Proteus noticed that, Desmond was alone.

"Where's your sister?" he asked.

"Father," Desmond interrupted, "we need to talk."

Desmond began explain what had happened to his sister, while trying not to cry.

Proteus listened to his son's story and seemed to understand, given his own past dealing with madness.

After comforting his son, Proteus had told Desmond some stories about his mother, Eris, and how they first met.

"Why don't you stay?" Proteus asked, "let your old man teach you a thing or two."

"I'm sorry father," Desmond replied, "but I promised my friends that I would return to them, once I figure out if I am a good person."

"Well," Proteus said, "just remember, Krakoa and I will always be here when you need us."

"Thanks Dad," Desmond smiled.

A few weeks later.

Twilight, Midnight, and their friends were at CHS watching the soccer game, the one that had been cancelled when Desmond and Christine came to Canterlot.

Everything was back to normal and nothing crazy or chaotic thing had happen, that they knew of.

While Twilight and the others watched the match, their minds drifted back to the last few weeks.

After they had told Desmond who his father was, that being the mutant Proteus, they had urged him to track down his father and reconnect with him.

Desmond had been apprehensive about the idea, but after some encouraging from Fluttershy, he had considered the idea.

Thanks to Twilight they had managed to track Proteus down to the living island and paradise for mutants, Krakoa.

After reconnecting with his father, Desmond had become a different person.

His father had recommended he seek advice from Professor X as he had been close friends with his mother and Desmond's grandmother, Mora MacTaggert.

Desmond had followed his father instructions and sort out Professor X to help find out what kind of person he was.

Professor X had been surprised when Desmond explained who he was and who his father was.

When Desmond asked what kind of person he was, Professor X had simply replied, "That my boy, is for you discover, It is not for me to tell you what you do not know."

Desmond had understood what Professor X had said, although he was slightly unsatisfied was his answer.

Professor X had offered a place at his school for gifted youngsters, but Desmond had declined as he felt he didn't fit in with the mutants, given that wasn't fully a mutant, he was a Lord of Chaos as well.

He had travelled around the world, helping people wherever he could as the masked hero Captain Goodguy, using his reality altering powers to save the day.

All the people Desmond helped thanked him for saving them and when asked if he was good person, the people had told Desmond he was.

The feeling of saving people made Desmond feel good, but he still didn't know if he was a good person deep down.

While passing through Metropolis, Desmond happened to run into Superman.

As Superman had been doing the superhero thing for a long time, Desmond thought Superman might be able to tell him if he was a good person, he had asked Superman the same question he had asked Professor X, 'what kind of person am I?'

Superman had simply smile and replied, "you shouldn't need to be told what kind of person you are, you need to discover that for yourself."

Superman's reply left Desmond feeling when more confused and unsatisfied than he was before.

He had eventually returned to Canterlot and had asked Fluttershy the question, to get her insight into his moral quandary.

Fluttershy had asked Desmond, if he thought he was a good person.

Desmond didn't know how to answer, as he still didn't know if he was good or evil.

He had explained what Professor X and Superman had told him and admitted he didn't understand their answers.

Fluttershy had requested that Desmond help her at the animal shelter where she worked, she thought being around animals would help Desmond put his mind at ease and help him think clearly.

Desmond, a little confused, had agreed and after a few hours at shelter Desmond had felt a lot more relaxed and coolheaded.

He had asked Fluttershy the question again, in response Fluttershy had asked if Desmond thought she was a good person.

"Of course, you are," Desmond had answered, "you and your friends help me realise there is more to life that chaotic prank-pulling and introduced me to friendship."

"And how many people have you helped?" Fluttershy had asked.

Desmond had thought long and hard about what Fluttershy had asked.

He remembered all the people he had saved while doing his globetrotting, all the happy and relieved looks on the faces of the people he had saved, all the lives he had touched.

"But how do I know I won't go crazy and turn evil, like my sister?" Desmond had said.

"Because me and my friends will be there," Fluttershy had answered, "we look out for each other and help each other when things are bad, after all...."

"Friendship is magic," Desmond has finished.

"Right," Fluttershy nodded, smiling.

Eventually when they had finished working at the animal shelter, Desmond had walked Fluttershy home, the flickers of attraction slowly beginning to show themselves and maybe that attraction would become something more, in the future.

After that day, Desmond's outlook on himself had vastly improved and he had become outgoing and positive.

He started attending CHS and had got really hooked on LARPing and RPGs more specifically Ogres & Oubliettes, he had even improved the game, using powers to make the game more fun and immersive for everyone involved.

He had even joined Applejack sister, Apple Bloom and her friends as part of their movie watching club, the CMC, Canterlot Movie Club.

Desmond had even joined Twilight and her friends in their superhero career, taking the name Discord as his hero alter ego, coincidentally Discord was also the name his mother called him when he was a baby.

Back in the soccer game, the match was almost over it all came down to Rainbow Dash and the Wondercolts to score two more goals to win.

For a moment, it looked like the apposing team was going to win, but before the ball could be kicked into the Wondercolt's goal, the ball suddenly sprouted legs and ran towards the apposing team's goal.

Twilight and other all shared in confused, until they realised who was behind the sudden weirdness and, as if on cue, Desmond appeared on the bleachers with popcorn and wearing soda drinking hat.

"How goes the game?" he asked, innocently.

Everyone gave Desmond disapproving looks, before they all shared a laugh and continued watching the match.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the depts of the Multiverse, in the Antimatter Universe.

Miss America's star portal opened, dumping Cosmos out on the surface of the planet Qward.

"I'll find you, brother," Cosmos growled, as she picked herself off the ground, "you and your friends too."

"DO YOU HEAR ME!?" she shouted, "I'll be back, even if it takes me a thousand years! I WILL BE REVENGED ON YOU ALL!!!"

"But first," Cosmos said, gazing around at her surrounds, "I need to figure out where I am."

Before she could figure out the answer to her question, Cosmos was struck in the back by a lighting bolt shaped projectile.

The ones responsible for the projectile soon arrived, Qwardians, the inhabitance of Qward.

"Take her to the masters," one of the Qwardians said, he and his fellows were called Thunderers, the soldiers of Qward, "they shall decide her fate."

The other Thunderers obeyed, dragging the unconscious Cosmos away.