• Published 6th Sep 2012
  • 2,849 Views, 37 Comments

Bringing Sexy Back - Art Inspired

Check out Princess Celestia's newest, smoking hot style!

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The best dress ever made!

Bringing sexy back!

As Celestia entered the stage of downtown Canterlot, the crowd gasped in both sheer delight and astonishment of the princess. While her sister found it a bit overly excessive, Celestia claimed she had been working on this design for centuries, trying to get the fabrics right, to make sure the lacing would appeal correctly and that the whole world of Equestria would approve. As she stood there in the moons glow, lights shined on her, making her the spotlight of alerting attention. The whole town and their mothers, including Twilight and her friends arrived to see the spectacle of a miracle fashion revelation. All the town could do is gaze at the centricity of the obviously detailed masterpiece.

“Mares and gentlecolts,” her highness began. “This is a glorious night in which I have decided to show you my newest wardrobe! It was inspired by a dream I had generations ago, and with the help of over five hundred worldly acclaimed fashion designers, I can now present to you the greatest clothing anypony would die for, just to wear!”

Her goggles shimmered as she spoke, and the ribbon that tied her hair seemed to be flowing freely along with her gorgeously groomed mane. Her necklace of the sun, the icing on the cake, glowed like the star she rose up herself, and the collar was just adding fire to the inferno. Her outfit was one that could easily be expressed as pure, undermined and benevolent art.

As the crowd died down and went to the nearest fashion shops to try and get their hooves on the new trend as fast as they could, Photo Finish took gobs of pictures for the new cover of Canterlot Royal Attires. Twilight’s friends were all exploring town, all except Rarity of course who was too busy stampeding through the mobs of ponies trying to get to the nearest high quality fashion boutique. While the purple unicorn’s friends enjoyed their stay, Twilight walked up to her mentor to chat about the new style.

“Wow, princess! This is outstanding!” she said grabbing the alicorn’s attention.

“Oh, I know! It’s so comfortable, and fashion sensible as well! I’m usually not one to indulge myself in clothing or other trends, but this one really stuck to me like white on rice… oh, that sounded so corny!”

Twilight giggled and offered “Mind if I come with you to the palace? My friends are all scattered, and they should meet me back in our dorms. I’ve missed you so much that I kind of wanna chat for a while; maybe hear about that dream of yours.”

The princess’s coy smile was plentiful enough to tell the unicorn she would be delighted to converse with her favored student. As the two proceeded to the palace, Twilight heard Rarity yell in excitement “YES, IT”S BEAUTIFUL!!!” signaling that she just bought the new style.

As the guards allowed the two entry, complimenting the princess on her new fashion, the halls were lined with magic orbs of light. Twilight asked what they were used for and the princess explained that her sister, Luna made them as a new form of lighting for the castle. Tough as diamond, but light as air, they just floated a few feet away from each other enough to light the halls, giving them a stylistic glow on the velvet carpet they trot on. All Twilight could really think of them at the time however, was how they illuminated the metal on the princess’s amazing outfit. The glow of her regalia was enough to hypnotize anypony for hours. It was as if the whole outfit has a love spell on it, and forced all the ponies into sheer lust for it. Twilight, who was never really into fashionable attires even pondered buying one, though that opportunity was already dashed as all the stores were now sold plum out and would never be able to produce enough to meet demand.

The two rounded a corner and entered the throne room. As Twilight looked around, she relished in the rise of euphoric memories. Giant pillars ascending to the roof stood side by side with pure golden ivy curling all the way to the top. A red carpet led strait to the throne of the princess, and a giant stained glass window of the sun and the moon could be seen plainly behind the throne. The throne itself was platinum, and could be located up some small stairs. All the marvelous statues that stood next to the pillars had one of the illumination orbs sitting in front of them, shining their harmonious light upon their structures. There was Star Swirl the bearded, Magnus March, inventor if the invisibility spell, and Drakin Spine, assisted creator of the six elements. Though he merely provided simple blueprints, he still donned the title.

Twilight saw the princess sit on her throne, so she approached the stairs. As she sat in front of her highness, the purple apprentice asked how she got the idea for this outfit.

The princess smiled and began.

“Before I banished my dear sister to the moon, I had a dream… a dream where the world’s best fashion was created by me. Of course, at the time, I didn’t think it to be much but a simple fallacy… in time however; I had numerous dreams of the style. Soon, I began to wake every night in a cold sweat, wanting… No, needing to create the attires. So, over the span of one thousand years, I’ve been working extraordinarily diligently to perfect and complete the wondrous clothing which I’m wearing now. I can’t think of any other way to perfect this. It’s a true inspiration to fashion, and a pleasure for me to have crafted it. Someday, I’ll probably look back at this and think it to be simple drab rags, but right now, it’s a real showstopper! I can’t wait to see the ponies tomorrow walking through the town wearing my custom made outfit. If everything goes according to my hopes, this will be a fashion revolution! I mean, remember the sock craze?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and said “How could I forget? It took months for ponies to stop wearing those silly things!”

“Exactly! But this,” The princesses eyes widened as she raised her sun amulet up to stare at it with admiration. “This is true fashion! It’s what every pony should be happy to wear! Not old socks that can be bought anywhere, but a true style of pure, unimaginably delicacy!”

Indeed the style was adored by all, and in time would go down in equestrian history as one of the most eye catching styles anypony would ever feast their eyes upon.