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Author's Note:

Anyone who has their POV done is gonna have their thoughts in this font just like Sunset herself.
Also slight hints at shipping.

P.S. I won’t switch POV’S from Sunset often I just wanna highlight her friends and their reaction to her suicide attempt in this chapter while she’s unconscious.

Rarity POV:

“Gosh dang-it!” Applejack shouted throwing her hat onto the ground angrily her cheek’s turning red.

Applejack is positively adorable when she’s frustrated

No Rarity! Now is not the time for this it’d be unladylike to admire Applejack’s physique when Sunset has run off.

“Where could that girl have gone?” Applejack wonders aloud looking off in the direction the girls had last seen Sunset going.

Applejack sighs heavily with a groan rubbing her nose with her thumb and pointer finger. “Alright girls we best split up & look for her.” She exclaims finally opening her eye’s and lowering her hand from her face/nose.

After a momentary pause Applejack points at me, Fluttershy & Pinkie Pie saying “ y’all should head into town in case she doubled back and see if she is at any of our hangouts.”

“I’ll head onto the backroad’s in the woods to see if she’s still heading t’at way. Dash will head yo the suburbs and look around for her.” Applejack continues.

Suddenly Luna & Celestia ran up from behind us startling me and Fluttershy. They’d been with us when Sunset had her meltdown but they weren’t as fast as us so it makes sense they’d just caught up.

Celestia having obviously heard the plan walks next to Applejack and ask’s “How can we help?”

I zoned out of the conversation my gaze stuck on the horrendous Hawaiian themed bowling shirt she and Vice Principal Luna wore.

Well I suppose with a few moderations those bowling shirts could be grand….

…..Some sleeve extensions to make them cover more of the forearm, a few shiny silver buttons in place of the current brown one’s, widen the front to accommodate for Celestia’s awe inspiring bust size, maybe put some summer skirts with them so they—

“RARITY ARE YOU COMING?” Pinkie shouted interrupting my newly inspired design.

It took me a moment to look around only to realize everyone had already taken off while I was thinking of my new design & the only ones left were Pinkie & Fluttershy who were already in Pinkie’s bright pink van the engine revving and the plastic cupcake on top bouncing.

“Oh my goodness darling’s I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying much attention.” I respond curtly as I dash over to the door for the seat behind Fluttershy’s/the passenger seat.

The moment I closed the door behind me Pinkie’s foot was on the gas and we were already swerving out of the bowling alley parking lot. And by the time I had latched in my seatbelt we were on the highway back into midtown.

Why’d I get paired up with Pinkie? Her driving always scare’s me half to death no matter how many times I’ve experienced it


Me and Fluttershy slowly climbed out of the car our legs still shaking from the ride as we stood up. Pinkie however bounds out of the car perfectly fine.

By the time I’d regained my balance Pinkie was already across the parking lot and opening Sugarcube corners doors holding them open for me and Fluttershy.

We slowly walk over to Pinkie who is practically jumping up & down with impatience at our slow speed.

As we entered Sugarcube corner we were greeted by Mrs. Cake “Welcome girls what can I do you for?”

Fluttershy looked up her hair falling back and began to whisper “have y-you s-se-seen Sun—“

She was interrupted by Pinkie who flung herself into the counter and yelled “HAVE YOU SEEN SUNSET SHIMMER MRS. CAKE?” Pinkie’s face mere inches from the shop owner who seemed unfazed by her part time employee’s outburst.

“Calm down hun! Sunset ain’t here.” Mrs. Cake says politely pushing Pinkie away from her and off the counter.

Pinkie’s hair goes slightly down like a limp balloon as she says “Oh.”
And walk over to the display case for the cakes.

Where else does Sunset hang out?

Sweet-Apple acres probably not there since she ran from us.

school is closed so she wouldn’t be there….

…..and she’s not here or at the bowling alley.

I look over at Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy and ask “other then here, Sweet-Apple acres, school, and the bowling alley where does Sunset spend her time?”

They both stare into space for about a minute until Pinkie respond’s “I don’t know.” Her hair deflating even more as she say’s that.

Fluttershy’s response is much more productive “H-her ho-house i sup-suppose.”

Of course why didn’t I think of that?

Wait where is Sunset’s abode?

I look Fluttershy in the eye’s a little embarrassed I don’t know where Sunset live’s and ask “where is her house?”’

“Uhmm I don’t know.” Fluttershy states shrugging lightly. I then glance at Pinkie who likewise shrugs.

We must’ve been at her house at some point……

……..Right?? I thought as I sat on one of the counter seat’s trying to think of Sunset’s house.
Fluttershy’ & Pinkie Pie likewise sat down deep in thought.


The bell on the door of the bakery ringing finally made me look up from my thoughts.

Sunset? I thought hopefully looking at the door only to be disappointed by the site of a small boy wearing ghastly flannel and a very old black beanie on his head.

He was followed by a boy who was the exact opposite of him a giant who stood about 6 foot 11
And had muscles on his arms bigger then my head.

“Welcome dears. What can I do you for?” Mrs. Cake greets as usual while nodding.

The short boy barely peeks over the counter & say’s “I’ll have a banana nut loaf with a cup of black tea.”

Mrs. Cake jots down the order and then glances at the bigger boy “you’re order deary?”

The huge boy briefly glances at me as I stare at him and his shorter friend. His orange eyes seemingly looking into me.

I quickly look away worried he noticed my unladylike staring. He simply grunt’s and turn’s away from me towards mrs. Cake who’s still waiting for the order with her pen and pad.

“He’ll have a cup of earl gray if you have it.” The smaller boy answers for his companion.

Mrs. Cake looks at the huge boy a questioning look that said she wanted to make sure that was his order. The behemoth simply nods grunting again.

Mrs. Cake rushes into the back to make the tea and prepare they’re order while the strange duo sits down at the table behind us. The smaller boy momentarily struggling to get onto the really tall chairs & the larger one causing his entire chair to creak when he sit’s.

The smaller boy sit’s their kicking his knee’s out as if impatient about something while the bigger guy sits in complete stillness.

After a few minutes of this silence & kicking Mrs. Cake rushes out with their order on her serving tray as she places it all in front of the pair of boys.

Do they go to Canterlot High? I thought glance at them over my shoulder again.

The short boy looks up at me as I glance at them. Noticing his eyes staring at mine I quickly flip around and face Pinkie Pie who has been strangely quiet.

I hear the short boy sip his coffee only to cough as soon as he swallows it his body rocking back and forth.

Mrs. Cake worried about customer satisfaction runs over and ask “is everything alright dear?”

To which the smaller of the 2 who coughed up some coffee replies “yeah I’m fine just a little hotter then expected.”

Before Mrs. Cake can respond he holds up his hand and says “no problem with that though. I’ll just have a strawberry milkshake to go along with it.”

Mrs. Cake hurriedly runs to grab him his shake while runt just sits back pushing his coffee away from him.

Those two are quite strange and what’s with the little guy being so bossy? I thought to myself as I once again glance at them unsure why I found them so fascinating.

The bigger of the two grunts again louder this time. To which the smaller replies “I know I said I’d lay off the sugar but it’s just one milkshake.”

“Humph!” The bigger boy grunts again shifting in his seat causing a loud creak behind me.

“No. One will not become 2 or 3 a week I’m stronger then that.” He replies annoyed by the bigger boy.

But he just grunted why is he talking like their having a conversation/going back and forth.

I turn around to get one later look at the pair as Mrs. Cake brings the milkshake for the short boy.

“I’m drinking this whether YOU like it or NOT.” He states as he grabs the milkshake emphasizing the YOU & the NOT.

Suddenly the shorter boy turns towards me a glare on his face as he asks “can I help you with something Rarity?”

Shit! he saw me staring again.

Ugh stop it Rarity you must own up to you’re mistakes. And a lady must never swear not even in her own thought’s.

“Well….. I uhh.” I started unsure how to defend myself from this other then confess I was staring and on top of that they obviously know me but I don’t remember them….
…….or their name’s.

Both of them were now staring annoyed almost angry at me as both Pinkie and Fluttershy look at them and at me watching the tension filled situation.

Suddenly the younger boy scoff’s as a smile spreads over his mouth and he says “we were being loud weren’t we. I do apologize if we were bothering you.”

Their I something off-putting almost sinister about his smile. In fact I know that smile it’s the same one the rich put on to be diplomatic and to fool reporters and other people.

I myself have done that very smile at events.

“Oh no darlings of course it’s fine.” I respond to the boy hoping I don’t sound too strange.

He flashes the same fake smile as before and says “it’s all good Raaarity.” His voice prolongs the arrr sound of my name as he finishes speaking.

And on that note he wink’s at me and turns back to his milkshake as if nothing happened.

What I’m the heaven’s was that? and who are they?

As if answering my thought’s Pinkie loudly exclaims “nice talking to you Runt.” He hair finally re-inflating after their failure to find Sunset.

I turned to the girls deciding we should set out to find the other or look for Sunset on the street’s my last thought about Runt & his huge friend being: That Runt fellow would look dashing in a fedora.

*BRINGGG* *RINGGGGG* Pinkies phone buzzes starling me and Fluttershy half to death.

We must Pinkie always have her ringer up to full volume.

“Yello!” Pinkie exclaims loudly not even trying to hide she’s on the phone.

“Oh hey Applejack did you find Sun—“ her question suddenly stops as her jaw drops & her hair begins to deflate.

I have bad feeling about this

“I-I-I understand we’ll be their s-so-soon.” Pinkie stammers her hair completely deflated now as she put’s her phone back into her pants pocket.

I stand up and put my hand on the distraught Pinkie’s shoulder. “Pinkie dear whatever is the matter?” I ask.

She look’s up into my eyes her pupil’s filling with tears as she says “Rainbow Dash & Sunset are In the hospital.” After saying that she stops talking.

There’s more I can tell…..

….I just hope it’s not to bad.

“Pinkie what else?” Fluttershy asks her voice surprisingly loud compared to her usual quiet & shy demeanor.

Before Pinkie could speak Fluttershy goes to her other side and gives her a comforting hug’s. As Pinkie calms down Fluttershy pulls away and once again ask’s “What else Pinkie?”

“S-Sunset tried to-to kill herself,” Pinkie splutters loudly her tear’s falling again.

Wha-what? was the only thing my brain could think or comprehend right now.

“Hmm?” Runt grunts from behind us almost curiously.