• Published 15th May 2021
  • 6,647 Views, 243 Comments

Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight - Joe Toon

Unconfident of being the new ruler of Equestria, Twilight seeks advice from who else; her selves.

  • ...

10: The U-Files

Author's Note:

G'day all!
Seeing that we are approaching Halloween, I thought that this might be appropriate.
Special thanks to Rated Ponystar and Comickook for the proofreading and editing.

"Twilight, are you sure you're okay? You, AJ and RD have been on the hard cider last night."

"Thanks for asking, Spike. I'll be fine, nothing a little magic won't fix. Though yes, I do admit; I am a little out of it from yesterday." Why did I suddenly feel like I had Deja Vu?

"For that matter, what did happen yesterday? Who did you meet to make the three of you look as though you just spent a years worth of crying?"

Twilight looked at her faithful companion and gave a gentle smile, "A very broken mare, Spike. But Applejack, Rainbow and I were glad to be there for her." Especially in her final moments.

The two of them were just on their way to Day Court as Twilight recounted the events from yesterday to Spike.

"That's... That's just... I have no words for it." the young dragon muttered, "Celestia, the girls, Fluttershy, and her. I can't even imagine what I would be in that situation. I mean... the last dragon."

"Don't think about it, Spike," Twilight gave him a reassuring nuzzle, "I promise you, I will not let it happen here. Not to you, not to the girls, not to Equestria."

"Pinkie promise?"

"Cross my Heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Spike returned the nuzzle affectionately as they reach the Throne room's doors. That was when they noticed more than the usual amount of Royal Guards were standing outside. One of them noticed the two approaching and trotted towards them, "Ah, your Highness. Lord Spike. We were just about to send a Guard after you."

"What happened?" Twilight sternly asked.

"We had a break-in over in the Throne Room earlier this morning," the Guardsmare replied as she pointed at the damaged doors, "Somepony or something broke open the locks and entered the Throne Chamber. Oddly enough, nothing was taken or vandalised inside."

"If nothing was taken, then perhaps something was added?" Twilight suggested while rubbing her muzzle in thought.

"Or maybe replaced?" added Spike.

"Call Captain Magnus here and have him search the Throne Room," Twilight ordered the guard who in turn gave a salute, "And call off Day Court for today!"

"Twilight, is it just me or does this place look a lot different from when I last saw it?"

"You're not wrong, Spike. It's darker than before, there are more trees than the usual, and this place give me the creeps."

"Maybe the theme changed?"

The scenery had changed: Gone were the clear skies, open meadow, and lone tree by the riverbank. What replaced it was a clearing in a forest as clouds ominously lit by dusk light above a mountain range swirled, and a crack of lightning was seen in the horizon; yet no thunder was heard.

Twilight looked towards the theme settings on the seal as it read; "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE."

"The theme did change, though I don't know why," Twilight answered Spike with a quiver in her voice, "The default was supposed to be "His meeting place" so where did all this come from?"

"Maybe it has to do with the different version of you?" Spike suggested, also sharing Twilight's nervousness.

She turned to the world she inputted; World Equis 1013. What could possibly be in that world that could change the theme?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a clicking sound as Spike and Twilight notice that they were no longer alone.

"On the ground and put your forehooves above your head!"

A teal and lavender earth pony, dressed in black suits walked into the clearing holding out *small objects that looked like crossbows (*you guessed it, they're pistols).

"On the ground, NOW!" the teal pony barked her order.

Wait, that voice... "Lyra Heartstrings?"

The teal pony's eyes widened as she gasped, "Lauren H. Faust. Sparkle!! You might want to see this!"

The lavender earth pony moved in closer, revealing her to be Twilight's counterpart. The earth pony's expression upon seeing the alicorn became that of utter shock as her pupils shrank into pinpricks. "Heartstrings, what in Tartarus is going on here?"

"Hay if I know, but I bet my bits we've got some Top secret Experiments out on the loose."

Top Secret What? "Wait a minute, please you have it all wrong!"

Spike's protest caught the two earth ponies off guard. "Th... That thing can talk?" Twilight's counterpart chocked the words out in disbelief.

"Please, you need to listen to us. We come in peace!" Twilight lowered herself, following their orders to lay on the ground.

"Shut up, whatever you are! You're probably a human experimental scout for all we know!" Lyra glared at Twilight with a cold stare.

Twilight's counterpart sighed, "Heartstrings, are you seriously thinking humans are behind this?"

"How else can you explain it?" Lyra turned to the lavender earth pony, "Horns? Wings? A talking salamander? There is no way these could be natural! How else can you explain their existence?"

"Um, magic?" Twilight offered sheepishly.

The two looked at Twilight incredulously, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Would you allow me to introduce myself?"

"No, you are an absurd entity that quite frankly should not exist beyond the U-Files!" Lyra shot back at her before turning to the counterpart, "Sparkle, call in Agent Sweetie Drops and Agent Sentry in. We don't want the RID to get their hooves on her first."

"U-Files? RID? What's going on? Haven't you seen an Alicorn before? Or a talking Dragon for that matter?" Spike demanded answerers while pointing a digit of a claw at Lyra.

The teal pony in turn shoved Spike to the ground as she ordered, "For the last time, ON THE GROUND!"

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" The alicorn stepped in between Lyra and Spike as she produced a shield around them.

Lyra fired a shot from her weapon as the projectile bounced off the shield without a dent. "Son of a mule."

"Twilight, I don't think it's safe here. Let's get out of here!"

Without delay, Twilight clicked the emergency button as the entire group were enveloped in a bright flash of light.

Report entry #[REDACTED]
During our field investigation for the elusive [REDACTED] that escaped AREA-15, Agent Lyra Heartstrings and me encountered a mysterious pair in the middle of Everfree woods. What is interesting about them was that one of them bore a striking resemblance to me but had a horn and a pair of wings while the other was a sentient reptile of sorts who claimed to be a "Dragon."

This caught the attention of Special Agent Sunset Shimmer due to the matching description to [REDACTED], that also had both a horn and a pair of wings, reminiscent to the mythological Unicorn and Pegasus respectively; having her to suspect that they may have been one and the same. I honestly wish that we were briefed on the details of [REDACTED]. As for the reptile, it was of peculiar interest to Agent Sweetie Drops, considering her previous work with Division 118.

Regardless, all traces of [REDACTED] went cold after losing them in the woods after [REDACTED] vanished in a brilliant flash of light. Before then, all contact with Agents Flash Sentry and Sweetie Drops were somehow cut off. Apparently, both Agent Heartstrings and I were marked as missing for a full hour during this encounter, which had Agent Heartstrings theorise her usual rhetoric of "Human abduction/experimentation." Personally, I have serious doubts due to a small mention from [REDACTED] about "Magic". While I admit I hold my biases (due to my being part of the Celestial Faith), the small possibility of such concept to exist might be something to mark on.

Regardless, most likely this encounter will be swept under the rug once more by the Royal Investigation Department and fall into obscurity within the "Unknown-Files."

Federal Agent Twilight Sparkle
Signing off.