• Published 20th Feb 2021
  • 538 Views, 17 Comments

Fluttershy's First Trial: Years of Memories - Hikarikurai24587

For thirteen years she waited, for thirteen years she grew, Fluttershy reflects on her experiences in this galaxy far far away from what she has known. Her companions at first a skeleton and a talking flower from a time that haunts her.

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What is Balance?

Chapter Twelve: What is Balance?

“Balance? The Jedi seek balance.” Dooku pointed out as Fluttershy paused in front of the couch. “Oh, please, have a seat. Fluttershy smiled as she uttered. “Thank you.”

She sat down carefully, she took a deep breath before explaining. “What you perceive as balance is the absence of chaos. Yet balance is both sides of the coin: harmony and chaos, passion and serenity, emotions and peace, ignorance and knowledge. One can not be all knowing without having the drive to learn, it is why ignorance exists to drive curiosity. Emotions allow for compassion, compassion leads to helping others and drives peace. Passion allows for beauty to be known and through a passion one can find serenity. When one has chaos they strive for harmony, yet harmony can be found in the chaos. Though when danger comes they might just go running for their houses and leave it up to heroes. My people aren’t really fighters.”

Dooku chuckled at the last part, despite all the wisdom that Fluttershy had shared with him. He couldn’t help but notice that she was still a child. Fluttershy hid behind her hair in embarrassment.

“Do not worry, it was the last part of your explanation. Despite your wisdom you are still a child.” Dooku assured her, his mind settling down as he thought about what she spoke of. She knew of the Jedi Code and yet she had spoken of both sides of the Force.

“Tell me, how do you know of the Dark Side?” Dooku asked, it was odd that she knew of these things without a master. A Jedi master was careful on what they taught their Padawans. If the one who trained her was not of the Order there was a chance that they were Sith.

“The Dark Side, I was taught by both of my Masters.” Fluttershy spoke, causing Dooku’s eyes to widen. “They taught me what they were taught. One warning of the Dark Side and the other the essence of the Dark Side. The temptation, the passion, the fear that leads to the knowledge of power, grasping at a victory, and the internal struggle. Like a raging fire the Dark Side will harm the user. Though isn’t it more of intent? Though who often seek such power never are willing to use it for good. Some maybe, but they are often blinded by their own hubris. Nature shows the answers that we seek.”

“Nature?” Dooku watched as Fluttershy got to her feet and approached him. Once in front of him she held out her hand saying. “Yes, nature, the one thing we observe and yet believe we are above. It often shows us the answers that we seek. Come.”

Dooku stared at the hand before climbing to his feet as well, he reached down and Fluttershy took his hand. Winds began to wrap around them as they vanished from the residence.

When Fluttershy opened her eyes she found herself staring at the ruins of the Dark Fortress of Belia Darzu. Though now the moss was consuming the black durasteel slowly turning it to rubble. The forest surrounding them was giving Fluttershy a happy feeling. Tython was healing, yet the darkness still remains. It always did, yet she didn’t mind it, it was within nature to kill to survive. Dooku had to gather his bearings for a moment having been whisked away to another world. He looked around, unable to recognize where it was that they ended up at. The scenery was beautiful, yet he could sense darkness too.

“Child...what is this place?” Dooku asked calmly as he continued to look around. Fluttershy glanced up at him asking. “A place that has been affected by both the Dark and the Light. Do you know of the Ashla, Bogan? The concept of push and pull?”

“Ashla...in my research it is another term for the Light Side of the Force. Bogan I do not know of.” Dooku responded looking down at Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked up at the sky hidden by the trees saying. “The Bogan is the Dark Side, if you focus on the light we forget the dark and can overlook the darkness within ourselves. That can also lead to hubris, fear, hatred, it can cause it too. I was always the dormant, not liking to cause trouble for others, never starting a fight… I am still like that. Yet when I had the taste of being able to get loud and have the power to defend myself I lashed out at my friends. Now, I can stand up for myself without using harsh words or using physical force. Now on the other hand, the Bogan or the Dark Side. That chaos, the darkness, should not be a focus either. If one prides themselves on power, or their passion, they will burn faster or they push all of that away. A friend of mine loves causing chaos, and I’m afraid that none of my other friends understand him. If they don’t try, he will probably seek someone out who gets him and he might be used for that power. However in all things, there is balance. Life and death, if there is no death life will flourish and nothing will ever change. If there is no life, then there is nothing. With the balance of death and life, you have a forest.”

“For such a small one you have much knowledge of things my child.” Dooku said with a smile kneeling down to be at eye level. “I will take everything I have learned here to heart.”

“I brought you here so you can meet my Masters as well.” Fluttershy smiled at him seeing Mar and Satele Shan appear behind him. They were most likely there to check on the new presence. Dooku could feel the Dark Side from Mar and if only by pure instinct he activated his lightsaber and took a defensive form.

“Stand down.” Satele said walking towards Dooku, her demeanor calm as Mar just stared at the Jedi. “He may bare his fangs but he won’t cause you any harm.”

“Funny Satele, wasn’t it you who was more likely to bare your fangs when confronted with Malgus?” Mar retorted before vanishing and appearing next to Fluttershy. She smiled up at him saying. “Lord Mar, we talked about this, that wasn’t nice.”

Mar just stared at Fluttershy before looking at Dooku asking. “What is going on here?”

“I took him to this place for an observation of the Force through nature and then you two appeared. He wanted to meet you as well.” Fluttershy explained with a smile on her face. Marr stared at the Jedi asking. “Do you still believe your decision was correct, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy looked at Dooku as she answered. “I do.”

Marr made a sound in his throat before reaching out his hand and deactivated Dooku’s lightsaber. Dooku’s eyes widened in surprise as Marr told him. “You have a lot to learn, Jedi.”

"Master Jedi…" Dooku said calmly in Satele's direction. "What is the meaning of all this? A Jedi and this Sith?"

“The Sith and the Jedi have worked together to fight against a dangerous foe.” Satele told him looking at Marr. “It was once, ending in the loss of Marr’s life.”

“I became what you see now.” Marr stated as Fluttershy moved to sit down on a rock. Sans appeared next to her to return her lightsaber but got distracted by the newcomer. The newcomer who was distracted by the Force Ghosts of the Sith and Jedi.

“should i get some snacks?” Sans asked sitting down next to Fluttershy, she glanced at him before whispering. “Maybe, I don’t know how long this is going to take.”

"May I inquire as to what foe this was that such an alliance had to be forged?" Dooku asked while stroking his beard. Marr and Satele glanced at each other before Marr answered. “The former Emperor of the Sith, who would have destroyed all life in this galaxy to remain immortal.”

Dooku took a seat on the ground as he pondered what he was told. "I have heard of the Sith in-fighting in stories, I never knew to what extent. A rule of two forged by the old Sith Darth Bane was created as a result of such things. But the Emperor himself…" Dooku closed his eyes as he began to meditate a bit.

“The Emperor who had kept himself alive by transferring his consciousness, his spirit, from body to body to keep himself alive. There were many times that we believed that we defeated him only for it to be revealed that he had a plan in place.” Satele explained as she looked at Marr.

Dooku's eyes opened as he got back up on his feet. "How was victory achieved?"

“Through great sacrifice and a Jedi who had dealt with him personally.” Satele revealed looking at Marr. “A good friend and a member from the Council. The final Barsen’thor.”

The title was one that had not been given to a Jedi since the Old Republic. Dooku had only heard tales of the Jedi who was given the title. They were the ones that upheld the standards and dedication to the Order. Their history fading away with the passage of time. Just like the ruins in this place, Dooku glanced at the rubble on the ground. Was something coming? Something that could cost the Jedi everything? If so, were the two Masters training Fluttershy to combat it? Was she to be another weapon? Dooku looked at Fluttershy who was sitting next to another munching on a snack. He honestly didn’t know, he saw the innocence in her and dropped to his knees. He felt Fluttershy move in front of him and a hand placed on his shoulder. Her soft voice speaking to him gently. “Master Dooku, everyone has a purpose, mine is to help those who are hurting. Yours is to keep peace and to be wary of those who would exploit that.”

Dooku looked up at her just as winds wrapped around them both as she continued. “Now let’s get you home. I have a lot of work to do for the people who are suffering on Mandalore.”

When the winds died down Dooku was back in his apartment feeling lost. He knew he should take this to the Council yet he didn’t know where to begin. Climbing to his feet he made his decision, he was not going to say a word until he investigated further. The planet that they were on, who the others were, he knew that without evidence it would be harder to convince them that something was coming.

Fluttershy smiled as she reappeared next to Sans saying. “Ready to start fixing the ship again?”

Sans looked at her and shrugged, not able to find a pun just yet. Though he knew it would be nice to get off world again. “sure.”

Marr and Satele Shan watched as the two vanished within the winds again. Marr breathed deeply as Satele pointed out. “She is getting better with these abilities.”

“She has been practicing with them ever since she found out what she could do. She finds them useful, as do I.” Marr explained looking at the Jedi Master. “Was it wise for her to bring the Jedi here?”

“The Jedi would not know where he was taken, our location is kept a secret. I am not even sure if it was wise or not, only time will tell.” Satele said, looking at Darth Marr. “I do believe that we will soon have more than just the Jedi to worry about. Fluttershy will be providing relief to Mandalore, that will mean refuges. If Death Watch was smart they would hide some of their own amongst the ranks.”

“Then we will keep an eye on them.” Marr told her before vanishing, Shan looked around at the demolished temple in thought before vanishing as well.