• Published 20th Dec 2011
  • 4,013 Views, 114 Comments

Hourglasses - Spiritus Arcane

The last gasp of the Time War has come to Equestria...

  • ...

Better Ideas

Chapter 9
Better Ideas

If the shop outside was organized chaos, then the 'armory' was its polar opposite. In fact, it more resembled a museum than anything else. Rows of display cases and shelves were placed throughout the large room that the elevator had exited into.

"I'm sure what you'll be looking for is towards the back," Starsider said, taking the lead as they began moving through the displays. The displays closest to the elevator contained mundane weapons such as broadswords, battleaxes, bows and the like, interspersed with suits of armor designed for humanoid creatures, though every once in a while they'd come across something created for something decidedly non-humanoid. However they were passing a rack of flintlock muskets when Macintosh noticed a problem.

"Er...we're supposed ta use some 'o these do'hickeys to fight the Daleks, right?" he asked.

"That is the general idea, yes," the pegasus answered.


Starsider stopped and looked back at the colt curiously. "Beg pardon?"

"Well...I dunno about y'all, but...I have absolutely no idea how ta use these things."

"Oh don't worry too much," Starsider said with a dismissive wave of his hoof. "The basic use of firearms is fairly intuitive. You simply hold the weapon in your arms, aim it at your target, and squeeze the trigger with your fingers."

Three pairs of pony eyes blinked at him, one in confusion, the other two in realization.

"Er...hold it in my what, an' squeeze with my what?" Mac asked.

"In your arms and with your fin...gers... Oh dear..." Starsider said, glancing at his own hoof.

Colgate facehoofed. "...I had a feeling I had forgotten something," she muttered, "Luckily, I have a solution for myself, at least." Looking around, she spotted a heavy looking rifle on a rack nearby. Staring at it, her horn lit up, and a second later the weapon lifted into the air. A bit after that, there were clicking sounds as she pulled the action back and readied it. "Yes...I think I handle something around this size at least."

Starsider was looking a bit nervous though. "That's nice that you'll be able to use something...but not that one, please. It's an imperial bolter rifle from the 400th century human empire. Ammo for it was hard to come by before the change in universal address..."

"Very well..." she said, setting it down again. "But this doesn't solve the larger problem of how we plan on equipping the rest of us, and I don't mean just these two," she motioned to Shine and Macintosh, "If this comes down to it, we may need to equip as many of us as are able. And unfortunately, the majority of us didn't come out of things as unicorns."

"Well...I can work a pistol," Shine said. "It's tricky, but doable, using my mouth. Which reminds me..." She reached back and pulled her stazer pistol out of her saddlebags. "This probably could use a recharge."

Starsider took it from her and looked it over. "Hmm, model 6, I believe. A bit flashier and and not as maintenance intensive as some of the earlier models. And it quite good condition too. Yes, I believe I can service this, no problem." He tucked it into his scarf. "But how to equip you, dear colt?" he asked to himself as he looked Macintosh over.

"Er, well, it's ok if ah ain't gonna be able to use anything. Ah'm not really much of a fighter, ehnope..." Macintosh told him, feeling a bit anxious at being the center of attention all of a sudden.

"I'd say you did rather well back at the palace," Shine told him, "And that was with nothing but your bare hooves."

Mac blushed a bit at the praise.

"Hmm, yes, be that as it may, you can't go about engaging Daleks barehanded...er, barehoofed. And that rules out melee weapons too, even though I'm sure I could dig up a vibro or monomolecular weapon..." He circled the earth pony colt a bit, looking him over. "I suppose...yes, I might be able to rig up some sort of adapter...maybe mount whatever we pick out on some sort of saddle..."

"How long would that take?" Colgate asked, worried about time.

"Let's see...a few hours, if we allow for basic testing. Less if we skip it, but then there's be no guarantee it'd work..."

She sighed. Her plan to gather some allies and quickly storm the Dalek headquarters was rapidly falling to shambles. It was time to go to plan B. "All right, put that on hold for the moment. I have an unrelated question. I noticed something as we were going through your shop. Was that an actual set of royal guard armor in the corner up there?"

The pegasus looked a tad offended. "What do you take me for? Of course it's an actual set! And it was rather hard to come by, I'll have you know. Armor like that isn't normally available for private ownership. The exceptions are guards that retire after having done exceptional service, who are allowed to keep their armor, and those who die in the line of duty, in which case its given to their families. In fact I was rather lucky to acquire that set because-"

"I didn't want its complete history, I merely asked if it was authentic!" Colgate snapped, causing Starsider to jump back.

"Oh, well, yes, it is..."

"Enchantments are still functional then?"

"I believe so, yes..."

"Which sub-race?"


Unicorn...blast. That derailed her plan B as well. ...Or did it? She looked Macintosh over. He was young, but nicely developed for his age. Yes, it could still work, with some adjustments. She looked back to Starsider. "...Ok, here's what I need. That suit of armor, a life size unicorn bust, and some light black paint. Then I need you to contact the others. Tell them I need all available TARDISes up and running. Only tell them about the Daleks if you absolutely have to. I don't want anyone panicking."

"Colgate...what are you thinking?" Shine asked hesitantly.

"I'm thinking we need a better plan, and the Doctor's good at those, so we need to go get him after all."

Starsider's eyes lit up with excitement. "The Doctor...he's here in Equestria too?"

Colgate smiled wryly. "Of course he is. You think we'd be up to our necks in so much danger if he weren't involved?"

The Doctor sneezed loudly.

"Are you all right?" Claymore asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, fine, just a little dusty in here I suppose," he responded.

"Tends to happen when things get demolished," Ironshod remarked.

"Indeed," the Doctor agreed with a nod, having seen similar observations before.

The Great Hall of the palace was in just as much a mess as it had been when they'd left, with great swatches burned into the walls and melted or dead Daleks and rubble strewn all about. The major changes were that all the live Daleks were long gone, of course, and that they'd obviously had time to remove the bodies of the fallen ponies. Ditzy was grateful for the last part, as it was hard enough being back here so soon. It was also swarming with official looking ponies. Guards of all three races stood by while a bunch of official looking unicorns moved throughout the wrecked Daleks. All activity stopped as the two officers and their entourage were noticed.

"As you were," Claymore snapped, and the guardponies instantly returned to their duties.

However a trio of unicorns came trotting over, led by an older pink mare with a two-tone magenta mane and tail, a cutie mark of three blue stars showing on her flanks beneath the powder blue cape she wearing. Her royal blue eyes narrowed behind a pair of horn rimmed glasses. "Captain..." she asked in a tone of voice that made her sound like a schoolteacher about to scold a child, "What is this?"

"Madame Arcane..." Claymore began.

The mare's narrowed eyes turned into a full scowl. "Lady Arcane, Captain..."

Claymore scowled right back, but decided to overlook the admonishment. "Lady Arcane... Your team has had difficulty in identifying and tracking the attackers, so I've brought in an expert."

She looked confused at this. "I beg your pardon? What do you mean 'expert?'"

The Doctor took the moment to insert himself into the conversation. "Oh, he means me!" he said happily, leaning forward and extending a hand. "Ello, I'm the Doctor!"

The unicorn mare leaned away, looking at his hand with disgust. Claymore threw him a 'let me handle this' look, but before he could do anything, she'd already taken notice of someone else. "And who is that?" she asked imperiously, pointing a hoof at Ditzy, even as she did her best to maintain her distance from the Doctor.

Ditzy shrank back under the weight of her gaze before she felt herself being pulled into a one armed hug by the Doctor, who, apparently, was completely ignoring Claymore. "This is Ditzy Doo," he introduced, "She's my assistant."

"I...see..." She looked back at Claymore. "Captain, this is highly irregular! Are you seriously considering putting the fate of Equestria in the hoo- ...claws of this...thing and his supposed assistant who doesn't exactly look mentally fit either!?"

THAT snapped Ditzy right out of her intimidation as she gave an angry snort and would have actually charged the mare if the Doctor still hadn't had a grip on her. Instead she settled for as deadly a glare as she could manage.

"It is because the fate of Equestria is at stake that I'm allowing this!" Claymore countered. "Your team has admitted to coming up with nothing. Our search of the tunnels only turned up these two, and they say they can help, so unless you can give me a better idea...?"

"Well...I..." she sputtered, "...There's certainly got to be SOMETHING better than-"

"That's what I thought," the pegasus interrupted, "So with all due respect, shove it!" And then, before she could recover from the sudden look of shock that had crossed her features, he turned to Ironshod. "'Shod, take our guests and help them do...whatever they need to do here."

Ironshod snapped off a salute with one armored leg and started heading for another part of the hall. "The ones in better shape are over here," he said as the Doctor and Ditzy fell into step behind him, the two unicorn guards bringing up the rear.

"So who exactly was that charming young lady?" the Doctor asked.

Ironshod gave a snort behind his mask at the descriptors 'charming' or 'young.' "Lady Aurora Arcane. She's one of the senior court mages, and a member of two of the oldest noble families in Canterlot. She's also real big into that 'Unicorn supremacy' bit."

"Beg pardon?"

Ironshod glanced back at him. "Ah...right. Well, its something a lot of the nobles around here buy into. Canterlot was built by unicorns, and because its the capital, and because most of the really old noble families are unicorns, they like to believe that makes them better than anyone else. Mostly the other types of ponies, but especially better than non-ponies."

"I see." The Doctor sighed a bit. "Racism(or would that be species-ism?), can't even go to another universe and escape it." He perked up as they approached one of the more intact Daleks. "Ah, here we go now..."

The casing of this Dalek was scorched, and the headlamps were cracked, but otherwise it seemed intact. The Doctor pulled out the sonic screwdriver and darted in front of the group, putting his free hand to Ironshod's armored chest to stop him. "Hold up a tic..." he said, switching the screwdriver on and waving it at the Dalek.

Ironshod glanced at him. "What?"

"Making sure its actually dead..." he told him, "Don't want it waking up while I'm examining it and have it start shooting everything, do we?"

"That...would be bad," the guard agreed. Ditzy gulped.

The Doctor studied the screwdriver for a moment. "Ok, yeah, should be safe."

Ditzy gave him a look that just screamed 'should!?'

Ironshod actually said it. "Should!?"

"Well...99% Can't account for random variables after all." He hopped forward and was kneeling down beside it soon after. "Hmm...judging from the carbon scoring on the casing, probably died of excessive temperature variations rather than a direct blast like some of the others here," he said, motioning towards a lumpy pile of slag that only vaguely resembled the Dalek casing it had once been. He ran the sonic over it a bit before stopping at the skirt section. Taking hold of one of the spherical 'lumps' he sonic'd it a couple times before it finally detached. "Hmm...the nodules have been modified..." he muttered as he examined it.

"That significant?" Ironshod asked as the others closed in to look over his shoulder.

"Maybe...not sure..." He examined it a bit more. "Seems like its supposed to emit Artron energy in some form. But what would be the point of that unless..." His eyes widened in realization. "Oh that's brilliant... Genius as usual, Davros!"

Ditzy, Ironshod and the three guards just looked at him expectantly.

The Doctor looked confused for a moment but then quickly snapped back. "Right, Artron energy, its...well it's hard to explain but basically its a type of life energy. But it has all sorts of uses, mainly as a source of power, but if configured into a barrier or shield properly, it could potentially absorb or reflect any sort of energy thrown at it. A good way to keep something powerful contained, especially if you also wanted to extract energy from it as well."

"Princess?" Ditzy asked.

"Exactly, Ditzy!" he got to his feet and began pacing excitedly. "Why kidnap the Princess? Yes she's probably the biggest, if not the only, threat to them here, because, no offense, you ponies seem to be completely outmatched."

"None taken Doc," Ironshod said, "This whole thing is way over my head, and I fight monsters for a living. But where're you goin' with this?"

"Ah yes. Anyways, they had the ability to capture her, though I imagine they had to make her drop her guard first, but if they just needed her out of the way, then why not just exterminate her flat out?" he asked, then without waiting for a response, answered himself. "Because she's powerful, I mean just look around, but no I mean really powerful, since apparently she can move your sun and moon around. Obviously, Davros wants to tap that power...but what for?" He stopped, putting a hand to his chin in thought. "I suppose throwing a sun around would make an effective weapon, but I doubt she'd have enough power or range to make it useful beyond defensive purposes...unless he plans to crash it into the planet, but what'd be the point in that? Same thing with the moon..."

"What 'bout th' planet?" asked one of the guards.

The Doctor's eyes widened in realization. "Oh yes...yes, moving the planet. Turn the whole thing into one big spaceship...or warship rather. Of course moving it out of position without precautions would wreck the surface, but the Daleks don't exactly need it habitable for other lifeforms, do they? Yes, that has to be it. Excellent reasoning, Macintosh." He blinked. "...Oops."

Ditzy blinked in surprise and glanced behind her. Indeed there were now three unicorn guards. Only now that they were paying attention, it was rather obvious that the third 'guard' was a head shorter than the other two, wearing ill fitting armor, and had the wrong mane and tailcuts. And aside from his colors and horn, was very familiar to her.

"What the buck!?" Ironshod exclaimed, wings flaring in surprise. "Who the blazes are you!?" he demanded, facing Macintosh threateningly, the two actual guards also taking aggressive stances.

"No need for that!" the Doctor said, quickly interposing himself between the colt and guard officer. "I'm afraid he's with me."

"Another 'assistant?'" Ironshod asked sceptically. He turned his glare on Mac. "Son, you do know it's a criminal offense to impersonate a member of the guard?"

Mac swallowed nervously. He HAD thought the notion that this scheme might not be strictly legal, but considering the stakes, he'd gone along with it. "...Eeyup," he answered honestly. Apples weren't liars after all.

"I'm sure no harm was meant. I assume this was part of some rescue plan of Romana's?" the Doctor asked.

"Eeyup," Mac confirmed.

"...I'm rather disapointed, but I'm guessing she didn't have much to work with for a diguise. ...How'd she get your colors changed though? That's actually an amazing job considering the lack of quality with the rest of the outfit."

Ironshod sighed, "They wouldn't need to." He reared up on his hind legs and took hold of Mac's helmet between his boots and pulled it off. Instantly Mac's coat, mane and eyes changed back to their normal color, except for his 'horn' which was revealed to be a fake made of dark grey stone taped to his head. "Palace guard armors are enchanted to change the wearer's coloration depending on which corps they're a part of."

"Really? Then why aren't you a gleaming shade of white then?"

"I'm Realm Guard, for starters, we don't do the whole uniform appearance thing since we don't do a lot of ceremonial stuff out in the wild regions." He shifted uncomfortably. "Plus, I'm a special case."

"Obviously," the Doctor remarked. "Well, I'd love to discuss this in detail...but besides the impending planetary apocalypse, I think we're about to be interrupted.

Indeed, Captain Claymore came trotting over, followed by the group of unicorn mages from earlier. "Ironshod, what's going on here? ...Why is there some colt here, dressed in guard armor?"

"More importantly, how much time do we have until the planet is destroyed?" the Doctor asked, deflecting attention away from Mac.

"I beg your pardon!?" Lady Arcane asked.

"You do that alot," the Doctor remarked, leaving her shocked and outraged.

"'Shod?" Claymore questioned before she could act on said outrage.

"Erm, yes. The Doc here thinks that these things, Daleks, right?" he asked looking to the time lord, who nodded, "Right. He thinks they took the Princess cause they want to use her powers to move the planet and turn it into some kind of spaceship."

There was silence, accompanied by looks of horror from the unicorn mages as they apparently were able to grasp what that would mean. And since they were scared silent by this, Claymore figured he should be too. "...All right. I don't suppose you've also managed to figure out where they are so we can stop them?"

"Oh, don't need to. I already knew that," the Doctor said nonchalantly.

There were exclamations of "WHAT!?" from nearly everyone outside of his two companions at this revelation.

"Oh yes, had that done hours ago."

"A-and you didn't think to TELL ANYONE!?" Lady Arcane shouted, nearly choking on her rage as she rounded on Claymore. "I WARNED you about trusting this...this...THING, Captain! For all you know he's working with the creatures that have taken the Princess!"

"Let's not jump to conclusions Lady Arcane..." Claymore responded, though it sounded like he was working to keep his own temper under wraps. "I'm sure he has a good reason not sharing this information until now..." he added, giving the Doctor a look that said that he HAD better have one.

"Two reasons, actually," the Doctor told them. "First, while I had a plan of my own for dealing with them, circumstances happened that ended with me in your kind custody. Deciding that every plan could use some refinement, I decided to take the opportunity to get a better study of the enemy, since you were kind enough to give me a chance!"

Claymore let out a slow breath. Ok, that one was plausible. "And the other?"

The Doctor's face turned serious, "Given your admitted inexperience with the Daleks, I could not, in good conscious, give you information that, having no real idea what you're up against, would simply lead to the deaths of the men and wom- er...stallions and mares that you would send against them."

The pegasus guard grimaced at that. He really did have a point there. Still... "I'm afraid that's not your call, though I appreciate the sentiment. Are you done here?"

"Not quite, one last thing I need to check on..."

Claymore sighed. "All right then, but then we need to have a little chat..."

"Right, well, let's get back to work then," the Doctor said with a clap of his hands. "Ditzy, Macintosh, I'll need your help here." He motioned to the dead Dalek. "Ditzy, take hold of that arm there, Macintosh, you take the gunstick side, there's a good colt..." He waited for the two ponies to get into position before he moved in and placed the tip of the sonic screwdriver against the casing, right between the two points he had them grab. "Ok, when I tell you, pull outward as hard as you can, got it?"

They both nodded.

"Right then..." He activated the sonic and began slowly raising up along the case. With a hiss of releasing air, a seam appeared. While the Doctor seemed unphased, the ponies nearby all started gagging, as the stench that was released was simply foul. Ditzy thought she might lose her stomach contents for a moment.

"Dear Celestia, what IS that horrid stink?" Lady Arcane moaned, using an edge of her cloak to guard her nose.

"Ditzy, Mac...pull now!" the Doctor ordered as he finished unlocking it. Slowly, the upper parts of the casing starting from just below the domed head to just above the skirt section began to separate outward. The Doctor quickly leaned in to examine the interior. When they found that the sections wouldn't pull out any farther, Ditzy and Mac moved in to look as well...and then almost immediately fell back with horrified shouts. Ditzy really did lose her lunch this time.

"What...what is it?" Claymore asked, looking startled.

The Doctor moved back and stood up, stepping out of the way. "Have a look," he said simply. While the rest of the gathered ponies moved in for a look, the Doctor looked to a still slightly shaken Mac and mouthed questioningly. 'TARDIS?' In response, Mac glance over at a seemingly empty corner of the hall.

Meanwhile, the reactions to the sight the others found were varied but shared a common theme.


"Oh dear heavens!"

"What. The. Buck..."

"I think I may be sick..."

Inside the casing, was a partially burnt lump of flesh and tentacles that only vaguely resembled a lifeform and more closely resembled a mishmash of blended bodyparts. However one feature stood out amongst the mess: a blackened, but still recognizable spiral horn rising from the top of the 'body.'

"When he said they were alive and not machines, I knew it would be bad, but this..." Claymore muttered.

"It has...and a...and...oh Princess...is that a horn!? Oh lord, it IS! ...I think this used to be some kind of pony..." Lady Arcane said aloud as she took in the sight, becoming horrified beyond words.

"You didn't know about this, did you Doc?" Ironshod asked, using the question as an excuse to make himself look away. However when he turned to ask the question, he became aware that the Doctor nor his two 'assistants' were no longer nearby. A quick glance around showed that they were skidding to a halt at the corner of the hall behind them. "Captain!"

Claymore looked up and immediately saw what he was being called for. "You morons!" he shouted, berating the two unicorn guards. "Get after them!" he ordered, taking wing himself.

However even as they turned and began galloping to stop what was clearly some form of escape attempt, the Doctor and his companions stepped to the left...and seemed to vanish in midair.

"What in the-!?" Claymore made a sliding landing right on the area the Doctor had been before he'd vanished. Tentatively, he reached out a hoof in the general direction they had appeared to move, and it hit something solid, even though his eyes said that space was empty. "Dispel now!" he barked. "There's something invisible here!"

However before any of the unicorns present could even light up their horn, the air seemed to ripple, and suddenly the 'empty' space was filled with a dark blue box of some sort. Then before he could even THINK of an order to give, the lamp on top began flashing and there was a wheezing/groaning sound as the whole thing began to slowly fade away until it disappeared entirely.

"...Well...buck me..." Claymore muttered. He glanced over at the court mages, where Lady Arcane had, for once, nothing to say about things.

"You really shouldn't have done that," Colgate said with a sigh as the TARDIS dematerialized. "You could have taken off without turning off the stealth mode and revealing the TARDIS to everyone."

"Oh, come now Romana, just a bit of fun," the Doctor told her. "Besides, it's all about saving face."

She looked confused. "I don't follow."

"I meant them, not me. You see when this is all over they're going to have to give a report to the Princess or whoever is above them. This way, they don't have to say that we just disappeared into thin air. Instead, they can say that we disappeared into an invisible blue box, that then became visible before IT disappeared into thin air. Much less likely to be a made up story to cover supposed incompetence."

"Except that the Princess already knows about us, and since we're going to be rescuing her, she probably won't punish them for letting you get away," Shine pointed out.

"Oh, right..." the Doctor frowned. Then he just shrugged. "Ah well, it still works out for the best for all, doesn't it?"

"Doctor..." Ditzy spoke up, still looking shaken from what she'd just seen. "Was it...I mean...the Dalek...was it...?"

"A pony?" he asked, all trace of humor gone from his voice.

She nodded weakly.

"Yes." He looked up to see the horror on both her and Macintosh's faces. Even Shine and Colgate seemed taken aback at this revelation. "Did I know? No...but I suspected. You see, the original Imperial Daleks were made using humans. In fact it only made sense that in order to build up a large force, Davros would need to get the biological material from somewhere, so logically, he used ponies."

"The coffins..." Shine said. She glanced at Ditzy. "When we saw them down in the tunnels, the Daleks were moving a bunch of coffins. They must have been raiding graveyards for the bodies."

The Doctor just nodded grimly. "Like I said, it makes sense..." He looked down at Colgate. "Speaking of suspicions though, I would have thought you'd have gone after them already. I mean, I was sure you'd figure out that K-9 would have tracked Davros' little comm signal back to the source."

"I did, and we were, but..." she glanced away, "There were...miscalculations in my plan, so we had to come back for you."

"Ah, well, that's ok, my first plan wasn't all that great anyway. We'd probably all have gotten killed. But now, I've got a better one. I hope you at least put the rest of us on alert?"

She nodded. "I did at least manage that."

He smiled. "Good, put me in touch with them then, would you?"

She moved over to the communications panel and typed in a few commands.

The Doctor stepped away from the console towards the main viewscreen as it came to life with a collage of views from a dozen or so other console rooms in other TARDISes around Equestria, all with various ponies that all, at least the ones who had it visible, had hourglass cutie marks on their flanks. "Hello there!" he greeted. "Some of you may know me, some of you may only know me by reputation, and there's just a slim chance that some of you don't know me at all. Well, just so we make things clear, allow me to introduce myself. I am the Doctor!"

There were various mutterings and exclamations from the time ponies, including one excited fanboyish squee from one of them.

"Right, lets hold questions for a later time, shall we? Fellow timelords, we have a crisis. I don't know what your Lady President has told you, but here it is: the Daleks, led by Davros, are here in Equestria. I have a plan to stop them and make sure that no harm comes to Equestria or to you, but to do so...I'm going to need your help. So...who's with me?"