• Published 2nd Jan 2021
  • 916 Views, 166 Comments

Retcon - Beige

A pony with no memory awakens in a strange facility.

  • ...

Chapter Fifteen - What Lurks

124 150 145 171 040 141 162 145 040 156 157 164 150 151 156 147 040 155 157 162 145 040 164 150 141 156 040 171 157 165 162 040 146 157 157 144 056 040 131 157 165 040 146 145 145 154 040 146 157 162 040 164 150 145 155 054 040 171 157 165 040 163 164 141 162 166 145 056

Her stomach grumbled. She ignored it.

Retcon’s mind was muddled, a hazy mess. She felt like she had a lot to think about, but her brain wasn’t up to the task. She wanted to focus, but concepts and thoughts would flit around her like moths.

It was sorely tempting to just continue as if she had never found out she was different. To live in a town with other ponies and just be happy and normal, it sounded wonderful.

But the ways in which she was different were too great to ignore. The spike of fear, though weak, that she had sensed from Misty Fly. The way that ponies might react if ever she were found out. The worry that she might shape-shift, lose her body, and not be able to change back. The only identity she had, lost forever. Could a changeling take any form they can imagine, or could they only mimic already-existing ponies? If it was the latter, then whose face was she wearing?

No, she would never shape-shift. She couldn’t risk it.

So, ponies hated changelings because a hive attacked the pony capitol and the pony Princesses, and because nopony wanted their life force drained by a gross parasite. Changelings on the other hoof needed love energy from ponies to survive.

It just didn’t seem feasible.

She couldn’t return to whatever hive she came from, that appeared conclusive. She had apparently very nearly starved to death, and had given up her very identity of self to escape. And what was that part in her undoctored file about being killed if she returned to the Hive?

She didn’t know much about the changeling she used to be, but she thought she could trust it on this; seeking out this old Hive wasn’t an option.

What then could she do? She could go it alone of course, but the thought of leaving to fend for herself had become less appealing since learning about her dietary requirements. She had been kept alive here, she wasn’t so sure she should leave just yet, and that indecision was enough to make her default to inactivity.

But then again, if she had only been able to feed off of Lemony… maybe she was wasting time by staying.

She stopped in front of the great metal door to the containment cell. It was the one she had been in before, where the orb was kept. The consciousness within it had perhaps been the first to talk to her frankly and unreservedly, like they were no different from one another. Since learning that she was indeed something else, it had started to feel like there was very little to separate her from the subjects of interest kept behind the metal doors.


She checked the door label, and to make double-certain she wasn’t walking into the wrong room, slid the viewing hatch open. Satisfied she recognised the deep purple-blue crystal on the mottled stone podium, Retcon twisted the handle, opened the door, and stepped inside.

There were no sounds as she stepped inside but for the smooth swinging of the heavy metal hinges, and the sounds of her hooves on the flat stoney floor. “Uh, hello?” she called out.

It took a moment for the orb to respond. “…Mhmm…?” The crystal glowed pink from deep inside as it spoke.

“Oh, sorry.” She suddenly felt guilty. “Were you asleep?”

“Uhmm… No, I…” It definitely sounded like it had just woken up. “No, I’m here.”

“I’m really sorry, I should’ve… I’ll come back later.” Stupid, didn’t think.

“No no, it’s alright,” the voice said, if blearily. “Stay, just… just give me a…”

Retcon stopped, foreleg half-raised, as she had been turning to leave. She hadn’t been thinking, she shouldn’t have gone straight in. She felt like she should go, but the request was in conflict with that. “Umm… Sorry I woke you,” she mumbled.

“It’s-…” The voice paused. Retcon imagined it might’ve yawned had it a mouth, but it didn’t seem to vocalise those sorts of sounds. “It’s okay, you didn’t, I don’t sleep, exactly. Just… not really with it.” The voice sounded amicable, at least.

Retcon lowered her forelimb, allowing silence to lapse.

Eventually, “Mmh, excuse me,” the orb said, sounding somewhat less drowsy. “Dear Retcon, she of the golden eyes, what can I do for you?”

Her face felt warm. “I guess I just wanted to talk. But if this is a bad time-”

“Tommyrot. What’s on your mind?”

Retcon blinked. “Well… I think I’ve found out what happened two weeks ago that spooked everyone.” She felt a bit silly for understating the issue.

“Is that so?”

“Umm…” She took a steadying breath. “It was because of a changeling.” She winced, bracing for a reaction.

It wasn’t a reaction she had been expecting.

“And what’s that when it’s at home?” asked the orb.

“Uh-…” Retcon’s mind seemed to go blank. “Oh, well… they’re…” How do I spin this… Word it softly like it’s not a big deal, or big-up changelings and see what the reaction is? …Maybe, just the facts. “Umm, changelings are these… creatures, that feed off of the love energy of ponies. Like, emotion parasites.” Even stating it as clinically as that gave her a bad taste in her mouth, but she tried to keep her tone neutral.

“Oh… Huh. That sounds unpleasant.”


“So what happened then?” The consciousness asked. “Did they bring it here? Is everyone alright?”

“Yes. Well… yes. It apparently gave itself up. Sky sent almost everyone here away after that, but I think they’re starting to come back now. I saw Misty Fly come in, but she might be early.”

“That’s good. It’d be nice to be out of here again,” the voice groused. “So, paint me a picture; what do these changelings look like?”

“Oh, erm, that’s the thing; changelings are shape-shifters. They can look like normal ponies.”

“Shape-shi-…” The voice broke off suddenly. “…The Canterlot Wedding. There was an attack last year, wasn’t there? I’m sure they said it was shape-shifters.”

Ah, crap. “I think so? Don’t remember that far back.” She was glad the consciousness couldn’t see the face she was making.

“But of course, your amnesia. Apologies.”

“So you know about the… the Invasion?” Probably don’t need to explain much in that case.

“Mmm, not all that much, truth be told. Just that it happened, and it was stopped. And that the… leader of the invaders had shape-shifted into Princess Candenza. Pretty much everypony who works here was there at the time, and they get all sort of quiet… When all I can do is talk and listen, that’s no good. So, I stopped bringing it up.”

“O-oh.” That’s… a lot to think about… “Well, yeah… I don’t know much about the Invasion, but it was a hive of changelings that attacked. The changeling they brought here was the first one they have been able to... capture.”

“I see.” The pink glow faded as the crystal fell silent for several seconds. “Thank you for coming to tell me, it’s maddening being in the dark. How did you find out, have you seen it?”

“Um, no,” she answered hastily, then, “Well, I have seen some pictures.”

“Indeed?” asked the voice, sounding very intrigued.

An expectant silence followed, to which Retcon grimaced. “Yeah, hang on.” Turning, she rifles through the satchel and retrieved the folder. Opening it on the floor, she flipped to the page with the two charcoal drawings of the creature.

“It looks... kinda gross,” she described. “Like a big insect, but pony-shaped, maybe same size.” Glancing up at the orb, she paused for some kind of reaction. Taking the quiet as a sign to continue, she looked back down into the blank alien eyes. “It’s coat is black and shiny, I don’t think it has fur. No mane, either, though it has a... sail or something where a mane should be...” That's me. The thought arose unbidden. She felt queasy, and took a steadying breath before she continued. “It has a sharp horn, and thin wings, like a fly. The limbs have... holes in them. They look like they go all the way through, dunno how that works. And...” she gulped. “The eyes are completely blank. Just... one solid colour.”

“Hmm. And the teeth?”

“Oh, um, it’s mouth is closed, but... it’s got two big fangs sticking out of it’s upper jaw.” Those things do not look comfortable.

…What would it feel like to have those teeth?

The crystal went quiet. Then, “How interesting... I think I may have heard of these creatures before.”

Retcon blinked. “What.”

“In the village where I...” The voice trailed off in thought, it’s tone low and ponderous. “...Yes, there was a story of such a creature. I mean it was only hearsay, but they said of the village two hills over that the husband of the smith was replaced by such a creature. The way it was told… one moment the stallion was there, and the next he had become a beast; a black hide, as wax. Eyes empty and glowing, and with fangs like a serpent. Then it ran. ...I’m not sure whatever happened to the smith's husband.” The orb glowed pink as the voice hummed. “We never saw it, but mayhaps that was a changeling? I don’t think I ever really took it seriously before, but you have to admit it sounds similar.”

“Y-yeah.” Retcon's voice squeaked unexpectedly as she spoke. She cleared her throat before continuing, “That sounds about right.”

“Hm! So the old coot was right.” There was a long pause before the consciousness spoke again, and when it did, it’s tone of voice had changed, becoming more careful. “Retcon, how long did you say you have been here?”

Yeah... “About, two weeks.”

“I thought you said three days.”

“Yeah. That’s only as far back as I can remember. Turns out I’ve been here longer.”

“I see... How long have you known?”

“Since yesterday, pretty much straight after I was here.” Yesterday... Feels like it was so long ago.

“Goodness...” the voice muttered. “And you had no idea?”

“Nope. ...Did you?”

“Hah! No, not a clue.” There was a moment of hesitation, after which the voice had lost all joviality. “Oh, Retcon, no… no, I had no idea.”

“Yeah.” She sniffed. “Everyone else did.”


“Mmh.” She nodded.

“…Why have you come to tell me?” the voice asked.

Retcon flapped her wings. “I don’t know, I guess… you were nice, so…” The consciousness didn’t immediately reply, so, sniffling again, Retcon pressed on, “I just needed to talk. And, I can’t talk with them because… Just, because. And I don’t know what I’m supposed to do and-” Her voice hitched, vision starting to swim. “A-and I h-hurt Lemony.” She averted her eyes toward the floor. “I didn’t mean to! I was just, so scared, I just wanted them to back off, but… I hurt her.”

The crystal glowed a soft pink. “Is Lemony well?”

Retcon nodded miserably. “Shower says she’ll be okay. I haven’t seen her. Don’t want her to.”

“Okay,” the voice said calmly. “Why don’t you tell me what happened.”

Retcon sniffled. “Just being stupid. I saw the pony with the amulet next door, and I found a file that said they had drugged me, wiped my brain. It all seemed… so important.” She shook her head gently. “My whole world has been in the last few days. I knew they were all lying to me, but when I read that, I kinda… snapped.” She shuddered. “I just wanted to wake up.”

“…And then?” came the prompt.

“…Lemony caught me reading my file. The real one. I just… needed to leave, but she called for Sky and Shower and… they just kept crowding me. I…” She took a steadying breath. “Then Sky started talking. I don’t like her, and she doesn’t like me, but… I think she’s telling the truth.”

“Yeah, she’s a weird one, our Sky.”

Retcon paused as she registered the consciousness’ seriously-spoken words, then, despite herself, smirked. “Heh, she is.”

“Ah, but hark at us!” continued the voice. “A manacrystal and a changeling, calling a pony weird.”

“No, but, everypony else is pretty regular. Sky is weird.” She gestured around with a forelimb. “What is she here? Like the boss or something?”

Pffft. Would that I knew. She has a leadership role of sorts, but she never talks about herself. Not even to the others, I don’t think. She has no title or the like, not one that I’ve ever heard, but she walks around like she owns the shop. … She’s not really one to lie, though, but for what that says about your position…”

“It’s not just that. I kind of… get a feeling for other ponies’ emotions. And the nice ones make me feel… nice. I’m guessing that’s not normal for ponies.”

“Mmhm,” the voice affirmed.

“But not Gurney. Apparently changelings can’t… I can’t… get anything from griffons.”

The consciousness hummed. “What is it like? Being a changeling, I mean?”

Retcon frowned, inspecting an olive foreleg. “Still figuring that part out. It’s kind of… creepy, to be honest.”

“Really?” Even though she couldn’t sense anything from the orb, she thought she could detect sympathy in it's tone.

“It’s like… like I have the brain of a pony, like this is how I see myself. And then I’m told that this isn’t me, and I see this thing, this sketch, and I don’t see me.” She shook her head lightly. “I don’t really know how to navigate it.”

“So, you’re still a green pegasus right now? You can take another form?”

She shivered. “Yeah… It sounds like it, but… no thanks. I’m not doing that.”

The consciousness was quiet for a few seconds. “...And what about the love energy?”

Retcon grimaced. “I don’t know. I need to talk to Gurney about it. Probably less weird if I talk with him.” She paused to take a deep breath. “They’ve been keeping me alive somehow since I’ve been here. Don’t fully get it, but I think... Lemony might have been important.” She stamped a hoof, scowling. “I hate thinking about it. I don’t want to be a parasite, it’s... Urgh...”

“...But you’re getting hungry.”

Retcon nodded miserably. “...Kinda,” she admitted in a small voice.

“...Well then... I suppose we’ve found why you’re here,” the voice offered, light-heartedly. “Well, on behalf of this facility’s objects of interest, welcome to the team, I suppose.”

Sniffing again, Retcon couldn’t help but give a small smile. “Thanks.” ...That reminds me. “Um, what’s with that unicorn next door? Freaked me out when I saw him.”

“Ah. I don’t know who it is, but it’s to do with the Alicorn Amulet he bears. Nasty cursed object it is. It corrupts the wearer with the offer of power. The Institute has come across several over the years, and they can’t be removed except by the bearer themselves. The gentlecolt next door, I hear, had managed to kill two ponies before the Institute got him. He’s in some kind of magically-induced stasis, but that’s about all I know. I think he’s under Sparkler's purview. Don’t go in that room, by the by, I don’t know how the stasis works.”

Well, that’s pleasant... “Right... I haven’t met Sparkler.”

“Hmm... Have you met Bonnie yet?”


“Well, watch for a cream-coated earth pony with a two-tone mane. She’s very pleasant company, but... whenever the Canterlot Invasion is mentioned, she clams up. Most everyone at the Institute was there, as I say, but it seems to have affected Bonnie moreso than anypony. I reckon I could guess... well, I thought you ought to know.”

…Oh. “Noted.” This stupid invasion. “So…” She scuffed the floor with a hoof. “…What do you think?”

“About…” The voiced hummed, the crystal glowing as it spoke. “Well, you’re unusual, I’ll give you that. But I suppose my sense of normalcy was warped long ago. I can understand how other ponies might, as you put it, find a changeling ‘creepy’, but I literally haven’t the stomach for it.” It paused briefly. “That sinking feeling in your belly, the chill down your spine; I’m no longer capable of that. It’s hard to be afraid of what lurks in the dark when it can’t hurt me, and what matter is darkness when it is all I can do to hear? Now, in a way, I am what lurks. The cursed manacrystal; one touch and, like poor Meadowlark, your body rots without you.” The voice chuckled. “It’s a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a fellow, dear Retcon.”