• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 1,756 Views, 72 Comments

Dawn Before Twilight - Dawn Darkness

A young boy is pulled into Equestria. Why is he here? Does he have a purpose? And, most importantly, will he live long enough to give himself the best of his time?

  • ...

Chapter 2: New Pegasus in Town, Pt. 2

I then noticed that Nightmare Moon had her eyes on someone specific.

I didn't need too long to figure that she had her eyes on...me.

"Twilight," I said, looking at the unicorn in question, "hurry back to the library. As for me..."

I made a run for it, just like back in school on Earth whenever a bully was after me.

Now the interesting thing is that I was always the fastest in my school.

I was always able to outrun those suckers, leaving their fat bodies to catch for air.

Unfortunately, I did not expect how fast Nightmare Moon was able to fly.

I swear...she was almost as fast as a jet plane in an air show.

"Where do you think you're going, pegasus?" she questioned me. "I just want to have a little fun with you." She cackled while I went pale.

"Don't you try..." I couldn't manage to finish as she knocked me over and formed a blue swirling mist around me.

I had to think of something. Next thing I knew, I had just the thing. I positioned myself, focused on Nightmare Moon, who regained physical form, and then... "VOLTAR THUNDASIR!!!"

Nothing happened. I facehoofed myself. For just a single moment, I forgot that pegasi can't do magic.

"Oh...great..." I groaned while Nightmare Moon laughed humoredly.

"Oh, my! You were trying to use a SPELL? As a PEGASUS?" She laughed uncontrollably. "How foolish do you think you are, little one?"

Well, first timers have to try something...right?

"What do you want from me?" I asked nervously.

"Not sure yet," she said, "but I sense that you're not from here...or any other part of Equestria. My guess would be...another planet!"

"How..." I started to say before I demanded: "How do you know about other planets?!"

Little did I know was that five other ponies overheard our confrontation.

The orange pony with the hat, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and the white unicorn.

"Did you hear that?" asked the orange pony to the others.

"Did she really say that he's from another planet?" the white unicorn was just as speechless.

I growled at Nightmare Moon. "Do you really think you have the power to stop me from defeating you?" I snarled at her angrily.

"And how are you gonna do that, huh?" asked Nightmare Moon, moments before she cast a spell on me, locking me inside some kind of force field.

What the...

"Let me out!" I cried out, banging against the force field with everything I had in my hoof...and I groaned in pain at the impact it made on the force field.

"What do you think?" asked the orange pony. "Should we help him?"

I could've actually sworn that someone was watching us.

I took one moment to look behind me, and just as I suspected, somepony did follow me, or rather five of them.

However, their frightened faces were all I could see before Nightmare Moon cast another spell, teleporting both her and me to...who knows where.

(Twilight’s POV)

I made it back to the library, but no sign of Dawn Darkness anywhere.

"Hurry...we've got to stop Night--" Spike snored just then, while I put a blanket on his small body in his bed.

"Oh, Spike," I giggled. "You've been up all night. You ARE a baby dragon, after all."

True, Spike looked so cute when he's asleep, but it still didn't change the fact that Dawn still hasn't shown up.

I decided to take my mind off that by looking more into the Elements of Harmony and how to stop Nightmare Moon.

Just then, the door slammed open. It was those five ponies I only met yesterday; Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, and they all seem...concerned.

"What is it?" I asked them, slightly annoyed by the way they just barged in.

"I know it's bad timing, sugarcube," said Applejack, "but we just witnessed Nightmare Moon take somepony away. Dawn Darkness, I think."


I was too shocked to believe what I just heard from Applejack. "What do you mean...taken away? Has she done something to him?"

"Not exactly," said Rarity, "but she did mention something that had us utterly confused. Something about Dawn Darkness being from another planet or something."

What did she just say?

"Did she say anything else to him?" I asked Rarity. "Like, where he came from or in that regard?"

"We thought you could tell us," said Rainbow Dash, "seeing as Dawn was with you, the last time we saw before Nightmare Moon. Speaking of Nightmare Moon, how exactly did you know about her?"

Should I really tell them? I mean, what if they didn't take me seriously? Who am I kidding? After all that has happened just now, what else did I have to lose, besides my friend Dawn. Wait. Friend?

I shook it off for later, whereas I knew what I had to do. I took a deep breath, and started to explain the whole situation. "I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don't know what they are, where to find them; I don't even know what they do!"

Just then, I overheard Pinkie saying, "The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide."

I hurried over to where Pinkie stood, and there it was. The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.

"How did you find it?!" I asked the party pony.

She simply hopped around and said in a sing-song voice, "It was under 'E'."

"Oh..." I flushed in embarrassment. I then levitated the book from the shelf and had it in the air before I started to read it: "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now--the Everfree Forest!"

(Dawn Darkness' POV)

Not long after Nightmare Moon kidnapped me, I was coming to.

I slowly opened my eyes, and found myself...in a cage.

"Oh...perfect," I groaned in Hades style again. "Just when I thought it was going good before..."

A laughter came in the silence of where I was put within. "My, finally awake, my little pegasus?"


"Show yourself!" I demanded her.

I witness that same dark mist appearing before me again.

I growled at Nightmare Moon. "Just what do you think you've done?!" I sneered at her in anger. This was seriously not fine with me by being put in a cage.

"I said I wanted to have a little fun with you, if you recall?" she questioned me.

Right. Back there.

"What do you want from me?" I demanded her.

"Why..." she smiled cruelly. "I want you, of course."

Say what?

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Why, don't you see it?" she questioned. "The way you tried so desperately to pull that spell off back in Ponyville. You've surely realized pegasi cannot do magic, haven't you?"

"So? What's the point?" I was afraid to ask.

"I want a deal."


"A deal, that if the unicorn you were with happens to find this place and defeat me," Nightmare continued, "you'll be free. However...if I win...you will be my servant!" She laughed while I sweat dropped.

Since I'm certain that Twilight would win... "Deal."

Maybe I made a mistake, as she laughed.

"I'm glad you see it my way, pegasus," she said before disappearing into her mist.

I slummed back into the cage, shaking with fear. "Hurry up, Twil-What the...?"
I then noticed something. Out of nothing, two ponies showed up. I looked closer, and they both looked like...pegasi.

"Up here," I whispered to them in case Nightmare Moon was still nearby, getting the pegasi's attention.

"Don't worry," the one to the left spoke softly. "We've got you. Just keep still and silent." They moved up to the cage, and when I got a closer look at them, they looked to be blue and black in coat color.

I obeyed the one who happened to be female, yet somehow I felt reassurance by her voice. "Who...are you?" I whispered softly to her.

"We'll explain later," she said, "but now, we must get you back to Ponyville before Nightmare Moon returns."

The other pegasus, who happened to look quite bulky, noticed something.

"Blast it!" he said, "I think she's coming back. Hurry, dear! We need to get Dawn out of here now!"

I blinked...not remembering having told them my name.

"I am trying to hurry," she responded back low, trying to get the lock off the cage.

Just then...SNAP!!! The lock opened. "Bingo!" she whispered, as she opened the cage and I climbed out.

"Are you okay, Dawn?" asked the bulky male Pegasus.

"Not sure how you two know my name," I said, "but yes, I am, thanks to you two."

"Let's get you out," the male pegasus said just then, and I trotted with them for a moment before realizing the deal with Nightmare Moon.

"Is something wrong?" the female asked me. "You look worried, Dawn."

"It's Nightmare Moon," I said, "I made a deal with her."

They blinked. "You made a deal with that villain?" the female asked, surprised.

"I did," I nodded. "If Twilight, an unicorn, doesn't find this place and defeats her, I'll be free. But..."

"If she wins, you'll be her slave," the male finished for me.

I was surprised. "How'd you know our deal?"

"It's a long story," said the male, "but now, let's get you to safety."

No argument there, I say. I started to make my way with them to where I could be safe from Nightmare Moon. When we got to the entrance of the place, I looked at the five orbs that were in the middle of the area.

Could those be the Elements?


I looked and saw...Twilight, along with those other five ponies.

"What happened?" she asked me concernedly. "Did Nightmare Moon do something bad to you?" She looked all over my body.

"Twilight, I'm fine, really," I reassured her, and then looked at the five ponies. "Gee, thanks for the assistance back there on the street." Yeah, that was sarcasm.

"You're welcome," exclaimed Pinkie Pie with her usual smile, obviously not understanding the sarcasm.

It was then that I saw Rainbow Dash giving me quite a stern look.

"You have a lot to explain, Dawn Darkness," she said, "if that's even your real name."

"Twilight," I asked her, "what are they talking a-"

I then realized what Rainbow Dash meant. I recalled them being there when Nightmare Moon took me away. Basically...they knew that I was from another world. Great! So much for avoiding unwanted attention.

"How much exactly did you hear," I asked, "when Nightmare Moon attacked me?"

"I don't know," said Rainbow Dash, "Maybe...EVERYTHING!!!"

I groaned, realizing I was caught from Rainbow's look and there was no way around it.

"Now, just wait a moment," the female pegasus I was with started to speak. "We know you want some explanation from Dawn, but we've got to get back to Ponyville this instant. Because, who knows when..."

"I know, and I need to get the Elements," Twilight told her, and she had the pegasi she was with to bring the orbs down.

"One, two, three, four...there's only five!" I heard Pinkie exclaim.

“Where’s the sixth?” wondered Rainbow Dash.

Twilight thought of something; “The book said: when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth Element to be revealed.”

"What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" Applejack asked.

"I'm not sure," Twilight replied uncertainty, "but I have an idea. Stand back. I don't know what will happen."

Everypony stood back while I watched as Twilight bent down on the ground and concentrated on her magic to the orbs.

Just then, I noticed something. The same mist from when I was trapped in that cage. “Twilight!” I exclaimed, “Look out!”

Twilight looked up from her concentration, gasping while the orbs swirled around in the air in the mist.

Oh no!

I rushed over to them before the mist teleported us away from the entrance to some other place in the building.

“Dawn!” exclaimed the elder female.

“Not our grandson!” exclaimed the elder bulky male, getting the ponies’ attention.

I was on a solid stone floor with Twilight as I groaned and rubbed my head, and looked at my friend. "Are you alright?"

"Barely," she smiled reassuringly. She then realized something. "The Elements!"

We saw that Nightmare Moon had them. We won't let her take away the daytime forever.

"I know I haven't been honest to you about who I really am, Twilight," I said to her, "but do you still trust me?"

"Of course," she nodded.

Nightmare Moon laughed as Twilight was ready to charge her while getting ready. "You're kidding...you're kidding, right?"

Oh, no we're not, Nightmare. You just made us hate you.

I also got into a position before both me and Twilight charged Nightmare Moon, who charged herself. Twilight teleported from her sight as I rammed into the black mare, getting her attention while Twilight got straight to work.

"I'll hold her off," I called after Twilight. "You just try to get the Elements up and running."

"You foal!" Nightmare Moon growled at me. "Do you think you can stop ME?!"

Me, the mistress of all evil...wait. Wrong villain.

I smirked before getting into position and charged her again when she charged as well.

Big mistake, as she sent me flying into...a pillar.

Fortunately, I did not give in. I charged back at her.

However, she saw that one coming, thus using her magic to send me flying again. This time...towards Twilight.

Good thing she noticed me, because she jumped out of the way, as I crashed there where she just stood.

I slowly got back up, and noticed that Twilight was utterly mortified.

“No,” Twilight said in a shaken tone.

"Ugh," I groaned, shaking my head before realizing what happened. I looked at the broken orbs of the Elements. "S-Sorry, Twilight...I didn't mean it! Blame her!" I pointed at Nightmare Moon who laughed evilly.

"You little foals!" she exclaimed, "Thinking you two could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess, or your sun! The night will last forever!"

We just watched, hopelessness coming over us before we started to hear voices coming from somewhere.

"Don't worry, Twilight, we're here!"

"Don't worry, we'll be there!"

"And you as well, Dawn!"

I heard the two older voices, and I looked surprised before smiling while Twilight looked at Nightmare Moon. "Do you think you can defeat the Elements of Harmony, just like that?" she asked the black mare.

"Well, think again," she went on, "because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here."

I saw that the five ponies from before appeared before us, along with the two pegasi that saved me.

"Applejack," Twilight started to explain, "who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of...honesty! Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of...kindness! Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of...laughter! Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of...generosity! And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of...loyalty!"

I witnessed as the orb shards levitated themselves over to those five ponies, circulating around each of them.

"The spirits of these five ponies," concluded Twilight, "got us through every challenge you threw at us."

"You still don't have the sixth element!" Nightmare Moon reminded Twilight. "The spark didn't work!"

"But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all...are my friends! You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the...the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of...magic!" I saw that she and the five ponies were then in midair while a rainbow from the Elements of Harmony was aimed directly at Nightmare Moon, who screamed in panic.

"Noo, noo!" And then, she was engulfed by the rainbow and we all went out for a moment afterward.

It wasn't long before we all came to being.

"Ugh," Rainbow Dash groaned, "my head."

"Everypony okay?" I heard the orange pony...Applejack asked us.

"I'm good," I replied to her. "But, my world is spinning in colors!"

The two elder ponies helped me up.

“Are you okay?” asked the elder female pony.

"I'm fine, it's just my eyes are spinning," I groaned while keeping my eyes in place with a shake of my head. I looked to find a crown on Twilight's head while she smiled happily. I don't think I could believe myself, either. This was unreal. "Happy now, Twilight?"

"No doubt about it," said Twilight, still smiling.

"Why, Rarity," said Fluttershy all of a sudden, "it's so lovely."

"I know," I heard the one called Rarity say. "I will never part with it again." She was happy about her tail.

I rubbed my head, trying to get some feelings in me away from my stomach. Ugh, those colors still won't go away from my eyes. I have probably gone colorblind.

"No," pointed out Fluttershy, "Your necklace. It looks like your cutie mark.”

"What? Ooh, so does yours!" Rarity smiled at Fluttershy, who looked at her own necklace.

I rolled my eyes at their happiness.

"Look at mine! Look at mine!" Pinkie pounced up and down in happiness.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow was looking at her lightning necklace.

Now that I think about it, the six of them were all sporting various necklaces equipped with different shaped gems.

"Gee, Twilight!" said Applejack all of a sudden, "I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the Elements of Harmony."

"Indeed you do," said a voice from somewhere as we watched the sun rising on the horizon and a light appeared before we saw...Princess Celestia in her glory.

The five ponies, along with the two elder ponies, bowed to her while Twilight trotted up to the princess.

"Princess Celestia!" She smiled happily while the alicorn smiled.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student," Celestia nuzzled the unicorn. "I knew you could do it."

"But," said Twilight concerned, "you told me it was all an old pony tale."

Why would Twilight say something like that, if we witnessed Nightmare Moon's appearance?

"Excuse me," I said as I trotted up to both of them. "Sorry to interrupt your little reunion, but, Twilight, what exactly did you mean by that with an old pony tale?"

"Oh!" Twilight realized what I meant, "Princess Celestia, do you still have that letter I sent you recently?"

Princess Celestia summoned up a scroll and gave it to me.

I opened it, and began to read:

"My dearest teacher, my continuing studies of pony magic have led me to discover that something bad is about to happen! For you see, the mythical Mare in the Moon is in fact Nightmare Moon, and she's about to return to Equestria, and bring with her eternal night! Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your quick response. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight then gave me another scroll, "That," she explained, "was her reply moments after I sent her that message."

I opened that one, and began to read:

"My dearest, most faithful student Twilight. You know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely...but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books. There is more to a young pony's life than studying, you see, so I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location: Ponyville. And, I have an even more essential task for you to complete: make some friends!"

"So..." I started, giving the scroll back. "You had a task of befriending some ponies while having to oversee the preparations to Summer Sun Celebrations as well as watching out for Nightmare Moon's potential return?"

"It had to be done," Princess Celestia explained, "I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was Twilight who had the magic inside to defeat her, but she could not unleash it until she had let true friendship into her heart."

"Well," I said, looking at the scrolls again, "that would explain a lot."

"And now, if only another will as well," Princess Celestia began, looking at a light blue alicorn. "Princess Luna!"

The alicorn gasped and looked up in small fright at Celestia.

"It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister."

"Sister?!" the five ponies exclaimed in surprise.

I, somehow, did not look that surprised for a moment.

"Will you accept my friendship?" asked Celestia to her.

I thought about what Princess Celestia just said. It's been a thousand years. I then recalled once again that story my parents told me about Nightmare Moon. I knew just what to do.

Putting on a neutral face, I began to trot over to them.

"Dawn," asked Twilight with concern, "what are you doing?"

"The right thing," I said, as I continued over to them, getting their attention.

"With your permission," I said to Princess Celestia, "I wish to speak to Princess Luna."

I got Princess Celestia to bend down, whereas I whispered my reason into her ear.

"Granted," she said, as she backed away to make way for me and Princess Luna.

"Greetings, Princess Luna," I said softly, "I am Dawn Darkness."

"What do you want from me?" asked Princess Luna in a just as soft yet nervous tone.

"I just want to talk," I said, maintaining low tones so I wouldn't freak her out, "about how beautiful your night actually is."

I saw how she raised her head to set eye contact with me. Apparently, I piqued her interest.

"You see," I explained, "I understand now why you refused to lower the moon that day, and I don't blame you, Princess Luna. The night can be such a beautiful sight, sure enough, especially since everyone gets to watch the stars at that time."

I could have sworn that Princess Luna had smiled when I mentioned the beauty of nighttime.

"I must know," I went on, "as I once partied the night away one time, where I come from."

Princess Luna remained interested. I decided to go on.

"It's true that many never appreciated the night as much as you did...but times have changed during those 1000 years since you were trapped in the moon. Ponies have found simpler ways to get by. They've become more advanced than they were before. Heck...they've even come to accept your beautiful night."

Princess Luna was speechless about that last part.

She looked over to Princess Celestia, who gave her a warm smile.

And then she looked back at me.

"1000 years may have passed since that very day, Princess Luna," I concluded, "But it's not too late to realize your mistake and redeem yourself. I know Princess Celestia asked you that question already, but...will you accept her friendship...along with mine?"

Twilight and her friends were speechless on that last part.

They then witnessed...how Princess Luna got up...and hugged me, tears streaming down her face.

Moments later, we broke our hug, whereas I let her run over to Princess Celestia, both of them embracing each other after being separated for the past 1000 years.

"I'm so sorry," said Princess Luna tearfully, "I missed you so much, big sister!”

"It sure was a touching speech," said the elder female pegasus just then, "my grandson."

Hold on...

"Say, what now?" I blinked in surprise.

"Surprised?" The elder male raised a brow. "I guess you must be, since you never have known us for that long. But, yes. You're our grandson, Dawn."

I could hardly believe myself. Those two...are my grandparents?

"Are you for real?" Rainbow asked for me to the blue pegasus, who nodded in affirmation.

"It's true," he said. "We're his grandparents. My name is Cloud Blitz, and this here is my wife: Bright Star. We're happy to meet your acquaintances, everypony."

"I don't understand," I said confused, "Mom and Dad...they never told me anything about you guys. Okay, maybe my mom told me about two pegasi named Cloud Blitz and Bright Star, and how t-"

"Your mom," asked Cloud Blitz, interrupting me mid-sentence. "Forgive me for interrupting, but do you happen to remember your mom's name?"

"Yes," I said, "It was Lunar Star. Why?"

I noticed how Cloud Blitz and Bright Star looked at me in shock.

"Well..." explained Cloud Blitz, "because we remember witnessing the day you were born. You may not remember us, but we were there at your home, every year on your birthday. Heck, I even remember that happy look on your face, every time your grandmother and I came through that door.”

Now that they mentioned it, I do recall two elder individuals showing up at my home back on Earth/Terra, wherever it was my birthday. I even recalled their names; Erling and Edith Fredrikson.

Cloud Blitz then looked over to Princess Celestia and said, "Your majesty...I think it's time that Dawn Darkness knows the truth."

"I already know the truth," I said, interrupting him. "I was sent here by my pen pal to live a normal life here in Equestria."

"Your pen pal," asked Princess Celestia, "do they have a name?"

"Yes," I answered. "He said his name was Solar Eclipse."

At that moment, I could've sworn that Princess Celestia had turned pale, much paler than she looked.

"Princess?" I heard Twilight's concerned voice for her mentor. "Is everything alright? You look worried. Is there something wrong?"

"Solar Eclipse," she said with concern, "I haven't heard that name within five years."

"Speaking of Solar Eclipse," I realized, "he said he had this message he wanted me to give to you. I gave it to Twilight last night, seeing as she is your student, whereas she might hand it to you once she could."

I looked at Twilight, who blinked in realization as well. "Do you still have it?" I asked.

"It's back at the library in Ponyville," said Twilight. "I wanted to make sure that it was extra secure, just in case."

"Speaking of Ponyville," Pinkie spoke up, "assuming this very victory, you know what this calls for?"

Oh no...don't tell me...


I let out a Darth Vader "NOOO!!!" scream after her loud call, prompting chuckles from my grandparents.

Soon, we were back in Ponyville. Correction, they were back in Ponyville, while my grandparents led me to where they lived.

Seeing as I could not fly, both of them didn't hesitate to lift me up like I was only a newborn.

"Grandma, Grandpa," I pouted, "This is downright humiliating."

"Come now, Dawn," Grandma chuckled. "You need to feel the wind of the skies. It's a refreshment for us pegasi to feel the winds."

"Besides," Grandpa added, "you know we had to since you cannot use your wings."

I groaned as they took off to their house, thankfully not many ponies saw this on the streets of Ponyville.

Soon, we made it up to their house. I must admit, it reminded me of one of the American houses from the 1950s.

I was soon off Grandma's back and touched the cloud...and for a moment, I was afraid to fall through...which didn't happen for some reason. I had my eyes closed when I touched it, but opened them to see I was standing on the cloud.

"Do you feel the softness of it?" Grandpa asked, and I nodded.


"It's an ability we pegasi have to let us move, stand, and live on clouds," Grandma explained. "It's nice to have once you get used to it."

Huh. It would be nice to be able to fly, too. I always wanted to fly in the skies above. The feelings of calmness, and the excitement on how birds have it in their entire lives. There must be something for me to learn it...if I have Rainbow for fast lessons on it, that is.

Speaking of Rainbow Dash...she was behind us and has witnessed that I had to be lifted up by my own grandparents.

I could almost hear it. The sound of her burst of laughter when she saw me with my grandparents. I groaned in humiliation while the two elders were oblivious to the rainbow blue pegasus who was on her own outside.

This was just absolutely perfect!

“Wow,” she said, “why didn’t you tell me that you can’t fly, Dawn?”

"I did state I was new to being a flyer, didn't I?" I raised a brow at her. "That wasn't very fun, mind you, Rainbow."

“Believe me,” she said, “I am not laughing myself. By the way, Twilight wishes to see us tonight to discuss about you.”

I still had my brow up. "What is it?" I asked.

“Must I remind you,” she asked, “that you still have a lot to explain about who you really are?!”

I groaned, having been caught into a corner. "I was afraid of this..." I mumbled, which my grandparents heard and turned to see me with Rainbow.

"Ah, you're one of our grandson's friends," Grandpa noted. "Why do you think that? Has he got himself into trouble?"

“For starters,” said Rainbow Dash, “Dawn never mentioned where he came from. Not to mention, Princess Luna, when she was still Nightmare Moon, somehow knew that Dawn came from another planet. Must I say more?”

“She has a point,” said Grandma, looking at me. “Dawn, you have to tell them the truth.”

I only sighed this time. "Fine..." I looked at Rainbow. "Alright, I'll come with you. Just so you know, it isn't what you may think of me on what I'll explain to you all."

“As long as you come in peace,” said Rainbow Dash, “I’m good with having you around.”

I raised a brow, but didn't say anything on that matter as we--that to say Grandpa having lifted me on his back--got down on the ground of Ponyville before he flew back up to their house while Rainbow and I trotted over to the library.

A long walk later, we were back at the Golden Oaks Library.

We were assembled by Twilight, who spoke. "Alright, Dawn here has something he wants to say to us," she began before looking at me with a known look. "Will you begin your explanation on where you came from?"

“Alright,” I said, “You all deserve to know the truth. However..whatever I tell you all tonight stays between us and the princesses, seeing as they know already. Ergo...all six of you must promise to tell not one soul, and I mean it. What I am about to tell you guys will be a secret we're gonna keep from everyone, and I mean everyone, for the rest of our lives. Got it?!”

Just then, Pinkie Pie did a rather unusual movement while spouting following; “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

"What was that?" I asked.

"It's my Pinkie Promise, silly!" Pinkie replied. "It is my way of keeping this as a promise to never tell a soul about it!"

I raised a brow, but didn't say anything on it. "Alright then...here goes..." I took in a deep breath before I began the explanation.

"What Nightmare Moon said last night is undoubtedly true. My home is far from this place...on another world entirely."

The girls weren't sure what to make of it.

"I was sent here by a friend of mine," I went on, "You know him by the name Solar Eclipse."

"I remember," said Rarity. "You mentioned him back at the Castle of the Two Sisters."

Rarity then noticed that Twilight looked away from all of us.

"Oh dear," she said, "Did I say something wrong?"

"That's just it, Rarity," I explained, "You see...you are not the first friends Twilight has made."

I was certain she would be fine with me telling them, and she looked at me with a nod. I smiled at her before I continued with the explanation.

"Solar Eclipse and Twilight...well...you could consider both of them as best friends. They both met when they were only little foals. Twilight didn't know why, but Solar Eclipse was different from the other foals. He was always there for her, no matter what. They would always hang out, they would always make each other laugh, they even would nap together. Twilight's Mom once told her that they both were so cute when they slept together. And then...five years ago...he just stopped showing up for the summer holidays. She never saw him again since."

The girls looked at Twilight with concern, Applejack lowering her hat in respect.

"We're so sorry about what happened, Twi," she said sadly. "We never knew that..."

"I still can't believe that would actually happen," said Twilight, tears running down her face. "Solaris was my first friend, and I haven't seen him for five years. He even called me his first true friend that didn't have a president printed on...whatever that means."

"Anyway," I went on, huddling against Twilight to comfort her, "my home in another world..."

"Go on, sugarcube," said Applejack in a calm tone. "We're all ears."

I sighed and continued; "My home, a planet locally known as Earth, is much like your planet, which I recall from Solar Eclipse, or Merlin Spark VII as he goes by there, is called Equis."

The girls remained silent as I kept on; "I would often hear about Equestria through a lot of stories that my parents told me at bedtime. How this beautiful country came to be, how the first Hearth's Warming was celebrated, and everything else.”

I went on and on and on, explaining to the girls everything about myself.

I told them how my life was a complete trash before moving to another place, how no one loved and cared for me, except for my parents, how I had to put up with a ton of bad things in my life, the list went on.

Eventually, my whole explanation came to an end, whereas everything went completely silent.

"So there you have it, girls. Everything there is to know."

"Well..." Rainbow was the first to speak after a moment of silence. "That's just...wow."

"My kind of words, Rainbow," I smiled.

"I didn't know you had that rough of a life," Applejack noted to me after my life was explained. "Sorry about that, sugarcube..."

"Hey, it's fine," I reassured her with a wave of my hoof. "As long as I'm here, it'll be a new beginning for me."

"But..." Applejack remembered something, "how exactly did you end up here in Equestria?"

"It's easy," I said. "A while back, my friend Merlin, or Solar Eclipse as Twilight would call him..."

"Actually," said Twilight, interrupting me. "Solar Eclipse told me his other name not long after we met."

I could not believe my ears. Twilight knew both of Merlin's names. It got me thinking.

"Say, Twilight," I asked curiously, "did Solar Eclipse...I don't know...tell you where he resides when he's not in Equestria?"

"Sure he did," said Twilight, "Just like you, Dawn, Merlin too resides on Earth. It even surprised me even further when he confessed that he was the prince of his own kingdom."

"Whoa there, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, waving her hooves in shock. "You actually befriended an alien apart from Dawn?!"

"Actually," said Twilight, "Merlin was born here in Equestria, whereas his mom resided here a long time ago before she was sent to that planet by order of Princess Celestia."

Rainbow was silent at what she had just spoken. "So, wait a minute! Merlin was born on this world before he was being sent to some planet out in space, and then he just disappeared for five years?!"

"It's rather complicated," I explained. "You see, Merlin was only the age of 4-5 when he not only first visited Equestria, but also when he and Twilight first met. They started off quite well, and since then, he would hang out with Twilight every summer. And then five years ago...well...you know the rest."

"Wow," said Rarity, "we don't know what to say."

Twilight nodded sadly.

"Anyway," I said, continuing how I got to Equestria. "A while back, back on Earth, we were sitting at the table in the Spark family palace, having breakfast, and next thing we knew, the Danish Government showed up, claiming that Merlin's family had kidnapped me and my family about a year ago."

"They thought you were kidnapped?" Twilight raised a brow. "By who had claimed that?"

I was unsure if I should tell them or not, but since I already explained most of my life... "It was by a bully from my school," I replied to her.

"Are you joking?!" asked Rainbow Dash angrily. "Why the hay would they do something like that?!"

"For starters," I explained. “It was when Merlin came to my school one day, claiming to be an exchange student, and knocked out that same bully during lunchtime without breaking a sweat. Not to mention, he did the same later at night back in Bloodonia. That bully sworn revenge that day, and from the looks of it, that was what he had in mind, which was taking my new life in Bloodonia away from me."

"That nerve!" Rainbow growled, but calmed down a bit afterward. "So, what happened after that?"

"Anyway," I continued my explanation, "we tried to reason with them, but that bully, his name was Butch, begging to differ, retaliated by shooting Merlin straight in the chest with a gun."

"That bully did what?!" Twilight was shocked.

"You heard me," I sighed. "But, that didn't kill him somehow. After Butch tried to kill him, his father, the Danish Army General, had about five guards chase after us."

"Goodness," Fluttershy gasped, "at least you've escaped, or else you wouldn't be here right now."

"No kidding," I went on. "Good thing Merlin knew his family's palace like the back of his hands."

That last part had everyone except Twilight confused. "What are hands?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Never mind," I said, as I continued. "We were able to lose the guards after a while, Merlin leading us both to a laboratory in the palace's basement. There, he had a little something pieced together. An interdimensional portal."

I then finished, "And that's how I got into Equestria."

I then recalled a little something that Merlin told me to do.

"Twilight," I asked, "you still have that scroll from Merlin on you?"

She blinked in realization, nodding to me in affirmation. "Yes, I have it," she told me. "Would you like me to send it to the Princess?"

"It will be better that you did," I said, "After all, whatever Merlin has to say to Princess Celestia must be very important."

"Alright." Twilight headed off to her bedroom, soon to return with the scroll.

She gave it to Spike who sent a gust of fire on it, resulting in it to disappear. "There. It is on its way."

"Excellent," I smiled. "I'm sure Princess Celestia will be happy to see what Merlin had written to her."

(Celestia's POV)

I was really happy that my sister Luna was back in my life.

I was sure that nothing could ruin my good mood this very night.

It was then...that a scroll appeared before me.

"Oh, what's this?" I wondered, looking at the scroll. "I wonder what Twilight would send to me at this hour." I then opened the scroll, reading what was written on it before a smile appeared on my expression.

It was from somepony I didn’t happen to hear from in five years. Solar Eclipse.

However, when I started to read it...my smile slowly vanished.

The scroll read,
Your dearest majesty,
if you are reading this then that means that this message has found you well.
Well...it's been five years since I last came to Equestria for the summer, and since I last hung out with Twilight.
I have this tense feeling that you and Twilight have been both very concerned about my sudden disappearance.
This message before should explain why I didn't show myself for the last five years.
I would say that it had to do with royal duties, due to my status as Prince of Bloodonia, and I know better than lying to you.
The truth is...I was banished from Equestria against my will.

I looked shocked to read that last part. I continued to read the scroll nonetheless.

You read that part right. Banished. I wasn't sure who had the audacity to do such a thing without consulting you, but whoever it was must have had something against me being in Equestria.
I can only hope that with this message, you'll be able to start a search for the landlubber who did this, and finally bring justice to them.
I'm hoping that our paths will cross again one day.
Until then...stay strong, and keep Equestria safe.
Warm regards...
Prince Merlin Spark VII, aka Prince Solar Eclipse
PS: Please tell Twilight I said Ahoy, and tell her that I've never stopped thinking of her, you or Equestria for the past five years.

As happy as I was to finally understand why Solar Eclipse never showed up for the last five years, I was furious.

"Is something the matter, sister?" I looked over and saw Luna in the doorway.

"Sister, please alert the guards," I told her immediately. "I shall prepare for something."

"Right away," she said, taking her leave.

I looked at a scroll, and I began to write on it after levitating it over to me.

My dearest Twilight,
I have terrible news.

(Dawn's POV)

Later that night, I was back at my grandparents' place, looking through a photo album I had just found.

Inside were pictures of my mom when she was only a foal.

I smiled at the photo before I sighed. I miss them, even if it has only been a little over a day being in Equestria. I put the photo album back to its proper place before I went to bed, and I went to sleep soon afterward.

Yup...things are really looking up to me. Here's to my new life...and here's to everything that is coming my way soon.

Author's Note:

This chapter was written nearly nonstop for almost over five days. Me and Edward has decided to take a three weeks break from the story until January, and with that, "The Ticket Master" will arrive sometime in the next month.

We hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and are looking forward to when we return with Episode 3 of Friendship is Magic, folks! We also thank you for reading this piece, we're appreciating you take the time to read it.

Well, see you until the next chapter, everypony! Have a pleasant upcoming week ahead of you!