• Published 11th Jan 2021
  • 1,967 Views, 225 Comments

The Rise Of The Cobra Kai - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Draco has been bullied in school at Canterlot High. A man sees this, and decideds to teach him karate the Cobra Kai way.

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8 - The Tournament

Hawk woke up at five in the morning and immediately started doing push-ups with his knuckles on the floor. This was his routine now: get up early in the morning, take a shower, eat breakfast, and go to the dojo. Today was the day he and the Cobra Kai students were gonna go to the tournament. Hawk knew he’d make it. They were one of the toughest students there were, and they wouldn’t even dare lose any battle in the tournament. Hawk finished his push-ups, and then started to do crunches with his hands and arms formed like an X and went up and down, and felt how his belly muscles burnt in a good way. When he did his last crunch, he got up and headed for the shower.

Everything was gonna be amazing, he was gonna get the glory for his dojo! He was gonna show every idiot at CHS that only Cobra Kai students like him will get anywhere in life. A useless degree that is on paper doesn’t show work in progress. He finished his shower and decided to head to the dojo early, and was hoping to get some extra training and tips. He walked out of his house and started walking towards the dojo. He knew that his dojo was gonna win. He would make sure of it…

When he reached the dojo, he noticed how his friends were already there and were having a lecture by Sensei Sombra. He was a little surprised that they were there early, but he shrugged it off. Spike walked inside and got the attention of the others. Sensei Sombra smiled at him.

“Well hello, my champion. How are you feeling? Today is a big day after all.” Sensei Sombra said, in a curious voice. Spike bowed down and took off his shoes. He was looking forward to the tournament. His muscles were a good way to show how much he was training. His stomach area only had muscles. Then again, he does a lot of crunches every day.

“Yes sensei, I am ready,” Spike said, as he walked towards his friends. Sensei Sombra was telling them how he believed that they would win and that every other dojo was no match for them at all. Spike fully believed his sensei’s words, not realizing that it was expected of them to win first-hand. Sensei Sombra was making them train when they reached the tournament instead as they had a training arena there. Cobra Kai was one of the biggest dojos’ there is in Canterlot and they were also the most violent one. It was one of the biggest reasons they won: they were a lot more violent and knew how to win without actually trying anything. The rules are mostly to not intentionally hurt some fighter and to not in any form cheat. Sensei Sombra was smart in that field. He made his students fight so that their enemies fell and clutched whatever part they were hurt in. The rules do not say anything about the mass effect of the hits or blows. So Sensei Sombra can nonchalantly explain how his students simply got their game face and that was something he knew his ex-lover knew. The judges would simply believe the story as most of them were ex-fighters in whatever sport required fighting.

Sensei Sombra had requested for a bus to drive them there and the request had been accepted. Sensei Sombra hoped that if he made the right investment he would have enough to spend on an official bus to drive them with the Cobra Kai logo and colours painted all over the bus. Spike and his friends got on the bus that would take them to the tournament and Sensei Sombra decided to sit beside his best student. Spike. He knew that the young fighter would not disappoint him. He had seen and heard of his achievements. Spike felt his Sensei’s presence but wasn’t alarmed as his Sensei had thought him everything about so-called “discomfort” and was not frightened or tense in any sort of way. Spike looked at his Sensei and smiled fondly. His Sensei did the same and Spike felt his heart warm up a little bit.

“I don’t want to pressure you, Spike. But I happen to have pretty big expectations of you.” Sensei Sombra said, making Spike look at him and smile. Spike knew that his Sensei had high expectations, who doesn’t when you train your student for several weeks? Spike saw how his Sensei had a look on his face that showed that he was lost in his memories. Spike didn’t want to bother him so he simply nodded and looked out the window and saw the many stores and buildings made by concrete stone and made buildings stable. The ride continued for another thirty minutes until they actually made it to the arena where they would fight for the championship.

The ride was fairly uneventful and Spike and his friends got off the bus and looked around. The arena looked big and was made out of solid metal and had a few metal pipes that held the building in place. The front entrance had two doors that had a clear view inside because it was made out of glass and the handle was on metal. There was a large pathway that was made of solid stone. There were a few trees and if you looked closely, you could see that some of the thick bushes were made chopped to look like two students that had stereotypical karate poses.

Spike looked at his friends and they got devilish grins on their faces and smiled. Sensei Sombra saw this and smiled evilly. He had trained his students well. You aren’t supposed to give a shit when other people look at you. You are supposed to make them jealous and angry, making them want to do something that they would do without thinking it through. Sensei Sombra noticed that the other students from other dojos were there and Sensei Sombra grinned. It would be an easy win. He knew that his students would win as they have probably had the toughest training there is in the karate world. He knew that it might be a little bit illegal regarding the fact that it could be seen as child abuse as some of the training could be plain torturous. But he knew that in the end, it would be worth it. His students would thank him one day after they realize all they had to go through was worth it to be ahead in life.

Spike and his friends walked inside with Sensei Sombra being the one leading them in a military Hell march manner. They had to look good and impress everyone if they wanted to get a chance of winning something else other than fighting. The one at the reception seemed to recognize Sensei Sombra as he nearly fell from his chair in excitement. He took a billion photos with Sensei Sombra and everyone could tell that the Cobra Kai Sensei was enjoying it as well. He didn’t look or seem irritated the slightest. The opposite. He was gaining fans as if there was no tomorrow if this kept up. The receptionist seemed to know what dojo he even belonged to and before they knew it, they were in the training arena for only the fighters of the tournament.

The room was filled with mats and the walls were covered in full-body mirrors. The roof had a light over their heads and the room was well lit. The other students were from different schools and Spike didn’t recognize any of them. They all competitively looked at each other. They all looked like they wanted to test their strength there and now but they knew that they would have their chance. They only needed to hold out a few more hours before it was time for the ultimate battle. Sensei Sombra received looks of surprise from the other Sensei’s who had not seen him in years. Sensei Sombra seemed to recognize the other Sensei’s and gave them a curt nod in acknowledgement. Much to their surprise and shock. The Sombra they knew would never do such a thing. It didn’t look mocking or mean in any sort of way. It was the opposite. it looked like he showed them respect as a true Sensei.

Spike and his friends had started to train and we're not stopping until their Sensei said so and that was something they had to learn the hard way. Spike and Snips had been fighting each other for a few minutes to just get their blood pumping and saw the looks of surprise and nervousness from the other fighters. They had all heard the stories about how violent Cobra Kai is and how they never stop training. This was all the evidence they needed to stay convinced. They saw four students who looked powerful and angry to some extent. They were fighting each other, but only lightly as they didn’t want to injure each other before the big tournament.

“So, who do you think we will be fighting against in the end?” Pipsqueak asked as he finished his push-ups. They all looked at each other and shrugged. They had a feeling that they would meet the one they least expected. That is how it usually was; the one who looked the weakest could be the strongest there is. Spike looked thoughtful as he looked around the room and spotted no one that he would deem worthy of fighting against. He would still be lying if he said that he wasn’t excited to fight.

“I don’t know. None of them looks worthy of fighting against us.” Snails said, with a sneer. He had become angrier since the tournament had been constantly in his head. He had trained and become more aggressive and even more defensive in both those fields. Spike looked to be ready to take anyone on as the same as Snails. The other two just shrugged and laughed a little. Spike was about to make a comment when the speakers got turned on and a female voice told them that the fight was ready to begin.

“Let’s go, boys!” Sensei Sombra said, in a very military-like manner. Spike and his friends gave a ‘Yes Sensei!’ and they were off. They had planned on making a dramatic entrance and surprise everyone and that was something Spike was looking forward to. They could hear that there were thousands of people there and they were cheering. Spike smirked. He couldn’t wait to make his dramatic entrance. Everyone would love them and he knew it. He wasn’t arrogant, he just knew that they would. That is how things should be at least.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the All Valley Karate Tournament Canterlot under eighteen championship!!!” The flame voice boomed through the loudspeakers. The people cheered in happiness and excitement as they were getting ready. Principle Celestia was amongst the crowd with her sister. Celestia was wearing a white dress that had some buttons in the middle while Vice-Principal Luna was wearing a more business-like suit. It was dark blue with a grey button shirt. she was cheering but she looked at the platform intently and saw that the Cobra Kai fighters weren’t there. She knew exactly what they were doing and she wasn’t surprised that they were doing it either. All students from Canterlot High School, and Crystal Preparatory Academy and other students were there. They all wanted to see who would succeed. Luna knew already who would win. . .

” This year in the tournament we have a few newer dojos that some of you might have not heard of yet as it does take longer for the process to allow you in this particular tournament. Anyways, to start the list, we have The Black Dragons!!!” Everyone cheered for them as the Black Dragons made different posses to look imposing. Luna felt bad for them as she knew that Cobra Kai would destroy them from the outside and inside. That was how the Cobra’s worked.

”Foxe’s Claws!!!”

Luna remembered this dojo. They were the one dojo that was rumoured to be the most violent and aggressive one until Cobra Kai came along. Since then, their dojo had always been seen as soft and weak. Luna felt a little bad that the others didn’t know the dojos history as some of the people laughed at them. The fighters from Foxe’s Claws felt a little angry that the people were laughing at them. Celestia frowned at the name that she heard They said it wrong and she had a feeling that it was spelt wrong as well.

“Don’t they realize that they have spelt it wrong?” Celestia asked her sister who looked at her a little bit confused. she thought her sister knew this as she worked with teenage children all the time. Luna decided to still be kind and tell her sister a little bit about the name.

“No, they have the name Foxe’s Claws because there was already a dojo by the name of Fox’ Tail. They could have gotten a serious fine for many thousands of dollars that would make my wallet cry.” Luna said, making her sister widen her eyes and nod in understanding. She should have known that. Many dojos were small and weren’t well known by others as they can’t afford to advertise for their dojo. Other dojos like Cobra Kai, however, were big and had a lot of money and Cobra Kai was by far the richest dojo with a lot of teachings that even made her shiver. she remembered when her sister turned against her. They had fought here in this very arena to see who were stronger.

”Street Punks!!!”

Celestia had a hard time trying to stop herself from laughing while Luna took in a deep breath. Street Punks may be a funny name, but they sure know how to fight. To her knowledge, they have never lost a single battle against anyone. They are usually seen in large groups from five to eight. They are also known for being the only dojo that is not afraid of Cobra Kai and the two clans have fought for years even before he became a student! She wasn’t sure what the fight was about, but she didn’t care either as it was a long time ago.

”Dojima Karate!!!”

Luna thought that she had heard wrong. Dojima Karate? They had not existed for over two decades! Then again, she had heard that the owner needed money and perhaps opened up his dojo again. It seemed like they had regained their footing in The All-Valley Tournament Canterlot. Luna was happy to see it as she liked them personally without telling anyone. She always went easy on them and that was something that had been caught on by their Sensei that had later grown a soft spot for her. Luna smiled fondly as she felt a tear run down her face.

” And the last dojo that will be fighting tonight is!!!-” The woman was caught off guard when she heard the chanting for the very dojo she was about no announce.

”Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!”

Everyone in the arena looked at the well-known dojo with a small hint of unease. Spike and his friends had run out from the covers that the other dojos had walked out from. The arena started clapping and cheering as if there was no tomorrow. In one of the many seats of the arena sat a marshmallow skinned girl with literal heart eyes as she looked at Hawk. He would be hers and hers alone, she would make sure of it. No one got in the way of her plans. No one! Luna smiled a little bit as she saw Hawk looking at all of the people in the arena and enjoyed the attention. She was just like him once. Everyone looked at her sister while she was simply the annoying little sister of hers, that was until Cobra Kai came into her life. That was when everything changed forever.

Hawk looked all around him and only saw people looking at him with curiousness and interest. he had never gotten those type of stares before. Usually, it was looks of disgust, anger, disappointment, and hatred. He felt like he had power that he had not had before. His friends seemed to have the same mindset as him as they all smiled evilly without anyone noticing. Hawk prepared himself for whatever fight he was about to be given from the judge, but it was Pipsqueak who got to shed blood first. Pipsqueak was fighting against a girl named Wallflower Blush. She had green skin and green hair and had an angry look on her face. She belonged to the Dojima Karate dojo and she looked aggressive. Pipsqueak rushed towards her, sending blows to her stomach and face, but Wallflower Blush did not falter, it was quite the opposite. It seemed like it had fueled the teenager. Pipsqueak smirked at her in an unfriendly way and that sent Wallflower Blush off the edge as she spun her left leg, making Pipsqueak fall to the ground and received a whistle from the judge. There needed to be three whistles before one could claim victory.

Wallflower Blush and Pipsqueak went to their places and prepared to fight. This time, Pipsqueak held nothing back as he attacked her mercilessly and made her even fall to the floor. Receiving a whistle in the end. It was now a tie and Pipsqueak held no smirk, only an emotionless mask. Wallflower Blush was a little frightened by that as she had never seen Pipsqueak angry before and he looked so merciless. It was like he was a whole different person. Although she had already noticed those changes at Canterlot High School, to begin with when he had joined Cobra Kai.

The judge blew his whistle and they were off to fight again. Pipsqueak managed to overpower her with his sheer strength and started hitting her mercilessly. Only one thing was pumping through his mind and that was: ” Strike first. Strike Hard. No Mercy.” That is the one and the only motto he will ever follow in life. Pipsqueak had been knocked to the ground but he managed to get back up just in time. He jumped in the air and started spinning, his left foot hitting Wallflower Blush in the face. She fell to the ground and Pipsqueak felt all-powerful and proud of himself.

The Fighting continued for the next few hours with Snips being on equal terms with fighting like Spike. Snips had become more aggressive for this specific tournament. He had fought most of the students from the different dojos and was a literal beast. Spike had gotten a few easy wins with a few simply punches that had ended the fights easily. Snails were the one who was more friendly in the fighting sense as he did not put as much force as the other three when he fought. He only punched hard enough to knock his enemy out and that seemed to work. The people that were watching cheered for them and were amazed by how good the fighters were. Some of the people watching were ex-fighters of different dojos. Luna watched in sadness as she saw her little Spike fight and how Sombra had that wicked smile on his lips. She felt a sense of longing but refrained from doing anything and continued to watch. Celestia knew exactly what tactics the Cobra Kai students were using but she had a feeling that they also had some other tricks up their sleeves.

It was finally time. The ultimate battle had finally come. Spike was going to be fighting against a student he only just recognized as Garble. If he had checked his blood correctly, then he and Garble were seventh cousins and that made Spike irritated as Garble had lightly bullied him before. Garble looked at Spike and seemed to recognize him and smiled a little. It wasn’t mocking or looking to get a rise out of him but it was one that one fighter gave to another. Spike simply had a blank expression on his face as he prepared himself for battle.

The air was tense. The sweat and breathing filled the air. The people-watching noticed and maybe even felt the tenseness. Luna wasn’t bothered as she was used to this type of tenseness. Celestia on the other hand couldn’t stop her shiver that was sent down her spine. Luna grinned a little. Celestia may have defeated her, but it was still Luna who was more powerful in this sense. She chuckled a little as her sister sent her a questioning glance. Luna simply calmed herself down a little bit and continued to look at the fight that was about to start.

”And now for the finale battle between The Black Dragons and Cobra Kai!! Who will win? Let’s find out!” The female voice said getting hundreds of applauds from everyone who watched the fighting. Spike liked this attention. He could get used to this. . .

The judge who was in the middle had a smirk on his face. he had seen Spike fight with No Mercy and knew without a doubt that Spike and Cobra Kai would win the battle. Luna was at the edge of her seat as she saw Spike slash Hawk get ready. She knew the face that he had on was one determined to win. That is what she knew. She used to be exactly like that when she was young and had been a fighter for Cobra Kai herself. She always wondered what happened to Sombra as he and she had been students of Sensei Grogar before he disappeared out of thin air. Literally, they searched for over a decade but he was gone. Luna always wondered where Sensei Grogar disappeared to. She knew he wasn’t dead because her Sensei is way too powerful and skilled to have simply died like that. He would be seen as a laughing stock if he simply died like that. “A Cobra Never Dies.” Those were the words her Sensei always told them. She did not know her Sensei’s backstory but she had a feeling that he was in the army as he had them form military-like lines and made them train till their muscles burned too much. He also tended to use military language with certain commands that they had learnt which were fun but very tense. It was like he ordered them for a battle where they would die in. Then again, failure in Cobra Kai was practically unheard of. Especially, when she was in Cobra Kai.

The judge had the flag up and pulled it down fast, signalling that it was time to fight. Garble rushed up towards Spike and there three punches that were easily blocked by Spike. Garble grinned a little bit as he prepared for a powerful hit on Spike, but Spike beat him to the punch and gave Garble a kick on the stomach, sending him flying backwards. Garble quickly got up and his face was morphed into one of determination. He wasn’t gonna fail his dojo and that was something that made Spike like Garble at that very moment. He didn’t want to go to his Sensei as a failure. Garble rushed towards Spike and prepared his right fist to connect with Spike, but that never happened. Spike jumped into the air and used his left foot to kick Garble in the chest. Normally, this would have been really dangerous, but Spike knew that Garble could take it. The judge didn’t blow his whistle so it must have been okay in his books. Spike saw how Garble tried to get up but couldn’t which earned Cobra Kai a point. Spike smirked in victory and felt how his whole body danced in victory.

The second round started, and Garble was more agitated and violent this time which made Spike grin as he knew that his dear old friend would become agitated and angry in the first place. Spike blocked two feet of kicks and four hits to his head and abdomen. Garble was getting irritated. Getting sloppy. That was not okay inside the Cobra Kai dojo and they had learned that very quickly. Spike would have taunted him if it wasn’t so serious that he won the whole thing, but he still gave his old friend a smirk.

Spike was then caught by surprise when he received a sharp kick in his stomach. Spike fell to the ground and tried to get up, but he couldn’t and that made The Black Dragons win that round. Spike got up and made sure he was ready for the battle. Spike didn’t realize that he was getting sloppy himself. He couldn’t afford to fall one more time, because then he’d get panicky and then his dojo would lose. He could not let that happen. Spike prepared himself for battle and was surprised by how distorted Garble was. He didn’t seem to realize that the fight had started. Garble’s red skin and orange hair were what one would say “perfect” but in reality: Garble has been lonely for quite some time. His parents are always out doing God knows what, and his friends abandoned him when he needed them the most. Luckily, he had real friends withing The Black Dragons so he had no problem there. Spike decided to wait for Garble to notice that the fight had started, but he was getting irritated as Garble only waved towards the crowd and bowed many times.

“Hey, red boy! The fight has started!” Spike said, in a mocking voice which made Garble turn to look at him in a panicked state. He then prepared his fist for the round that would take place. Spike prepared himself without making it look obvious and that was something that Garble noticed and was a little frightened by. Spike showed no fear towards losing and that was making Garble uneasy. He couldn’t fail, he was too stubborn to allow that. Spike was aware of this and without any warning or hesitation jumped and started doing a three-sixty and kicked Garble right in the face. Garble fell back and hit his back head and there was a whistle. The judge ran forward and asked Garble if he was okay and he gave some snarky reply. Spike received a point and the fight was once again in place. Spike had a feeling that he would lose this one, but he wasn’t sure. He decided to still keep his eyes open for any sudden attacks. Garble rushed forward and threw a few fake punches and before Spike knew it, he felt a sharp pain in his left side. Spike fell to the ground and grabbed his left side. Luckily, it wasn’t too painful as he had worse in the dojo. The Black Dragons received their second point and Spike was getting a little panicky, but he concealed it with his blank expression.

Spike looked at Garble and studied him a little. Garble is more for speed and agility while he himself is more for powerful blows. Spike knew how to defeat him, but became worried when he saw that Garble had maybe figured it out as well. Spike could only pray and hope that it wasn’t the case. Spike and Garble rushed to each other and they fought. Spike and Garble delivered the same kick but one of them fell, and the winner was. . .

Author's Note:

Hello everypony, I am sure you want to know why I have Spike’s normal name here. Well, I decided that I wanted the normal name for the tournaments when there is a bigger fight than usual. Anyways, I hope to see you at the next one.