• Published 3rd Sep 2020
  • 3,588 Views, 57 Comments

Rarity and the Pip-Boy - Zubric

Rarity finds a strange device when collecting gems and decides to keep it. It's rather handy too.

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Fast Travel

It was the next day as Rarity sat in the train heading for Canterlot with a trunk full of a new line for Canterlot Carousel. The fashionista has oddly come to wearing the Pip-Boy like one would a watch. Even when sewing it didn’t seem to get in the way. Plus it did have a built-in clock as she had discovered. It could even be used to set alarms too.

As the landscape passes by outside the window, Rarity sets down her sketchbook for a moment staring down at the device. Scrolling through the top menus she spotted one at the very end she hadn't noticed before the tab was simply called Radio which was rather self-explanatory. Navigating to it, she watched the scene change to a list once more seeing others greyed out while others are bold. “Clarity 109? I think that Canterlot station if I'm not mistaken.” Rarity said to herself as she selected it.

A surprisingly crisp stallion voice was soon heard. “And now Buck Burlap with sports.” Rarity gasped at just how clear the signal was. She’d commonly seen radios in shops and the like, but she’d never imagined she would have a portable one. Ponies started to look her way as some classic music played after the sports news was done with. They too were surprised by the sound.

Rarity felt a tad sheepish but let the radio play as she resumed her sketch work. She was so focused on her work that she failed to notice another message in the corner of her eye telling her she discovered Canterlot.

The bell above the door happily rang as Rarity entered her shop Sassy Saddles being quick to come and greet her. “Rarity so good to see you again. What new wonders have you brought?” Sassy asked, eying the trunk as it floated inside.

Rarity smiles with pride. “Oh just the new Fall line with autumn colours.” She said setting the trunk down. “It’s sure to be the talk of the town.”

“Oh there is no doubt about that,” Sassy remarked before gesturing to Rarity’s leg and like many others saw the strange metal object. “Oh Rarity, what is that you’re wearing? Is it a new sort of watch?”

Rarity lifted up her leg proudly displaying the main screen of the Pipboy. “Not exactly, I honestly have no idea who made it. I found it while gem collecting and well I’ve found it quite useful in just a few short hours I’ve had it for.” Slipping over to the trunk, she pulls out one the elegant blue long hem dress and slipped it into her saddlebag. “Watch this,” Rarity said looking down at her device and moments later was wearing the dress. “Tada.”

“Bust my buttons, that is some tool you have there. I’ve seen you dress up quickly before, but never instantly. That must come in handy.”

“I did pull off a delightful little prank the other day with it,” Rarity added, once turning on the radio allowing the soft piano sounds to flow through the shop.

“Oh a portable radio as well, is there no end to what that thing can do?”

Rarity began taking out the various clothes as she replied slipping them onto each blank ponyquin. “I'm sure there are more surprises, I just have to keep fiddling with it.” After a very productive half an hour, the fashionista took a glance out the window. “So, shall we go out to get lunch?”

Along the way down the street, Rarity paused at one intersection having an unfortunate brain fart forgetting which way restaurant row was. In an attempt to recall her memory, she found herself scrolling through the menu until she thankfully spotted a map section. “Oh thank goodness.” Opening it up, she saw the rather smooth yet crude map layout each business seemed to have its own icon. Finding that if she focused her magic in just the right way, she could scroll around the map as if dragging it around. Sassy, of course, would have easily told her it was just to her right down a few blocks but had been watching Rarity navigate her new device to comment. Once Rarity found her way Rarity pointed. “Ah, that way. How embarrassing of me to forget. Come The Tasty Treat is a great spot to dine.”

After her duty at the shop was done with Rarity, she spent the next hour shopping before heading back to Ponyville. She listened to the news talking about the latest geological find. Something Rarity was sure was due to a certain adventurous pegasus.

Upon returning home, Rarity began to check over her things gasping as a realization hit her. One package was missing. The one meant for Sweetie Belle. “Oh how could I forget that at the shop. Her birthday is tomorrow and she’ll be over in an hour or so,“ she swooned. “Even if I hadn’t been on the last train, there would be no way I’d make it in time.” Her eyes gazed down at the Pip-Boy the screen continently enough still on the map mode. Her hoof rubs the top. “Don’t suppose you can help?” She asked, feeling a little silly talking to Inanimate object. Pushing the main knob in as she fiddled with it, the screen has a new message appear.

Fast Travel to Canterlot. Yes No.

Rarity blinked. “What?” It took her a second to notice she had the screen cantered over Canterlot. “What’s Fast Travel?” Not having any other ideas at the moment, she pressed the knob again to indicate yes.

For a split moment Rarity felt static ripple up her coat before she vanished with a soft pop. A second later the mare re-appeared on the steps of The Canterlot train station. She stumbled a bit from the sudden teleport and looked around with her jaw dropping. She’d never teleported by herself before and it was still as disorientating as when Twilight would do it to them. “Did I just teleport all this way?” She lifted the Pip-Boy up and smiled. “Seems you’ve come in handy once again.” Waiting no more time, she hurried along back to Canterlot Carousel as fast as she could.

Sassy, who was just about to close up, was surprised as Rarity cane in the front door. “Rarity? But I thought you left on the train.”

Rarity scanned the room. “Oh, I did. But how I’m back to pick up Sweetie’s present I forgot.”

Sassy horn glows as her magic floated over said box. ”My I didn’t know you could teleport Rarity.”

Taking the box in her own magic, Rarity waves her hoof. “I normally can’t but with this device I sure can. Isn’t that lovely.”

“I can imagine you’d use it to visit all your shops in a single day.” Sassy replied. “Can you get back the same way you came?”

“I do assume so.” She navigated on the device a bit, finding all she had to do to get back was to move the view over Ponyville and repeat what she did before. “Bye for now, Sassy” With that, she teleported away.

The mare soon appeared with a short flash in front of Ponyville town hall a little confused that it wasn’t the train station. She skipped some with glee. “Oh it worked.” Hurrying back to her home, she was greeted at the door by Sweetie Belle as she came in.

“Rarity there you are. You told me to meet you here but when I came you weren’t around.”

Rarity smiled. “Oh sorry Sweetie, I was just picking up your present I forgot.” She said, floating the gift wrapped box to her sister. “Happy birthday!” As her sister tore into her present Rarity’s smile only got bigger her hoof idly patting the Pip-Boy.

Author's Note:

This chapter was hard to get beyond a thousand words to be fair. NO idea how someone navigates the map in universe. cause Fallout doesn't have touch screens. shrug magic knobs or thought powers shrug

VATS is last..not sure how long it's going to be though.