• Published 5th Sep 2020
  • 2,298 Views, 44 Comments

A FNAF displaced story - Nightmare_Me

People get turned into Molten Freddy, Springtrap, Scrapbaby and Lefty.

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Chapter 1! P.s I will never write chapter names because I am lazy! Don't ask why.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the rushed chapter but I could not wait to start the next phase of my plan.

”That information is right now classified!” Finished the Helpy bot.

”Awwwwww, come on! I waited 5 days for you to start writing this and this is my answer!!”Shouted Blue to thin air.

"Umm, besides Blue shouting into thin air? I would like to ask... ”What is Equestria?” I asked the Helpy bot. (This Autocorrect is annoying because it makes Helpy bot into help not.!!!).

“Equestria is a country in mlp and you have reached my question limit!” Said the Helpy Bot.

“What!?!? The merchant did not say anything about a question limit!” Shouted Bob.

“Well, now you know!” Shouted the Helpy bot back to Bob.

“Umm, maybe you should stop shouting,” Emily said quietly.

“Why?” Bob yelled pissed.

“Because the cave might collapse...” said Emily as the cave started to shake.

The only safe spot was at the back of the cave because we were too far from the entrance. “Run!” I yelled but I looked like they had already gotten the message as everyone tried to run but was slow of their machine parts. But somehow Emily was already at the safe spot. But then I saw it. Scapbaby had roller skates. Luckily we all made it in time before the entrance area collapsed.

“so, that's your power, speed?” Blue asked.

“I think so,” said Emily.

“By the way, did anyone grab the Helpy Bot?” I asked. No one answered but then we heard a sharp *crack* and the Helpy Bot was right beside me.

“If you lose the Helpy Bot it will always teleport next to you? Cool” said Bob before realizing something.

“Hey, what are our superpowers?”Bob asked us.

Making us forget about the cave collapsed entrance until I said “hey? What about the collapsed entrance?” I said.

“We will deal with it later,” said Blue.

“But what if we need to breathe air or eat food or-” I was saying until Blue shushed me and then waited until I calmed down.

When I calmed down Blue told me” Last time I checked animatronics don’t have the same needs as humans so we will be fine! Now, who wants to dig a house?”.

In that very very long long time, we discovered that Bob was super smart because his mind got fused with the robot and we also found out that Blues wires allowed him to have extra arms and legs to do things. We worked for a long time and in that time we also heard crashes booms and most important of all we heard a very loud "Nooooooooo!"

After we made the house we started to clean out the rock in the entrance and replace it with stone bricks. Sometimes my Lefty head opened and we cloud see the puppet inside but I could never get out. Soon we found out that we had bine working for a couple of days but that is what we get when Blue insisted to make a whole house In the Mountain. One day we started going out to collect wood or Cotten for bedding although it seams like Emily likes to farm because we have a big farm for different plants and trees. Bob got a hobby for creating potions and math questions and Blue found he liked mining and metalworking I, on the other hand, got a hobby for the spiritual arcane arts. I continued to make some and discovered some symbols dose different things, for example, the 5 pointed star opened a portal to hell but it quickly closed due to my little mana and I also discovered I could also carve it onto objects but they exploded due to the object not ready to have mana flowing through them.

One day it all changed our quiet life ended with loud screaming and lots of banging on our door to us we thought it was timberwolves but that train of thought ended with voices saying "My name Sweetie bell and my friend Scootaloo and Applebloom have serious blood loss! please help us!!" although we were a bit hesitant at first because what if they make trouble but they were kids what cloud they do? When we let them in they immediately fainted after they shouted "Monster!" but that did not stop us from not helping them I started drawing blue lines with my mana to make a healing symbol got them healed up.

When they woke up this is what happened. "Monster!!" The orange furred one of them said.

"Faust help us!" The Yellow furred one of them shouted, and I assume Faust is a god in their world. When the white one woke up again it fainted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said. "Let's calm down!".

"Calm down so you can eat us?!?" yelled the orange one.

"No, no, no!" I said. "You need to calm down because we are not monsters!!".

"Ah know you will eat us!" said the yellow one.

"Ok then if we were monsters then why we did not eat you while you were knocked out!" I said.

"Because you ate them!!" Said the orange one.

"Ok, that is stupid!!" I said.

"Stop arguing!!!!" said Bob."I am trying to solve a math equation!".

"Yah you will wake up the baby timber wolves!" said Emily. Everyone looked at Emily. "What? They like the treas I plant and grow." Emily said in her defense.

"Okey dokie then!" said Blue. "But you almost messed up my iron smelting! And it is hard to heat iron!".

“More Monsters!” All the pony’s shouted expect the white one who just woke up.

“Hey, white pony please tell you friends that I helped you because you saw me before fainting earlier,” I told the white pony.

“Well I did see you but if you all pinkie promise not to hurt us!” Said the white one.

“I pinkie promise not to hurt you, ok?” I said.

“Ummmm, Hugo that’s not how you do it. You do it like this, Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Blue said while doing some actions.

“Ok then,” I said. “ Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” I said while mentally face paling for the silliness in the promise.

“Ok Mister.” Said the yellow one. “Let me introduce myself mah name is.....”.