• Published 26th Aug 2020
  • 384 Views, 262 Comments

A Father's Fury - Windlife

An old war torn father is deprived from his son when the human menace comes through a portal and kidnaps his foal for cutie mark harvesting. Will he be able to save his son from Natash? With Twilight's help, maybe he will. NO HATE IN THE COMMENTS!

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My son was playing in the sand when I was inside sipping my morning joe. It was hot, but my love for my son was hotter; my filly was black hair really redish black eyes, and young, like the morning moon.

“daddy!” she say with little look on eye.

I was very proud of her drawing which was me but not her mother because she was very dead and I am now sad.


“I will kill you because I aqm from the future but if you give me your child I will not kill you!” He looked human, though I did not know what that was!

My look was very big, but not big enough to take a full bullet to the center of my forhead and live, so I gave up my little filly while she screamed

\”No daddy please !” I was so sad! But what could I do? I was only horse ( Pony) who did not want to die! But when the portal closed, and my filly (pony) girl was gone, I looked at my cutie mark.

IT was a knife, but not any knife that attacks and kills you in the night, but a army knife from my days in the war with the pony russians??

“Celestia, no!!” My mark depicted big grenade with knife inside it. It meant I was a war pony.

I needed to find one of the main 6!


Twilight sparkle was in her tree house, reading old book (This was early in the show ok). I suddenly burst in and yell, “I need your help to kill a human who took my child from me but I was too sad to fight back!”

“That is so very sad!”

She helped me and made a device that made time turn back so I could go back in time and attack the man with my hoof but with also a weapon who she the made and gave to the me! I was so the very happy, but there was still one thing i needed?

“I need my old weapons, as you know, I am from the vietnam war, and granades yes! granades ARE MY SPECIALTY.”

She was purple, but not too purple. She also had one wing, because I ripped one off when we fight on different sides in the war, but I made up with her and she loves me now. (This is a secret, but my daughter is HERS!!!!)

“I have them right here,” She said while having them.

I take them.

“I am now the ready!”

The portal opened up and I saw it! It was my filly reddish black eyed daughter with red main and black hoofs and blue ears playing in the sun. Oh gosh how i wanted to save her!

But then the human came out and SHOT AND KILLED twilight in the face! With a big gun! I took it away, but he knocked me to the ground and sat on me!

“I need your daughter’s life essence because we need to take it for the cutie mark!” He yelled with big yell!

“You bastard,” I shouted at him “Why do you do this?!”

“You stupid fool!” He walked out the door, “I will win every way from sunday! Now, guards, take this dirty pony man away and drag him out into the sun and shoot him, but only out by the wall ok?”

Two big guards (Who were human man) wearing pony manes which looked TOO real to be fake. On their shoulders. They were babies!

I cried out in fear.!

They pulled out big knives. They threatened me, they told me to get in cage and I had to the listen. But i did the sneaky and did not lock gate when stepped inside leaving it slightly ajar! They turned around and lit cigarettes and I snuck out the door sneakily. Sneaking up behind one, who was smoking, I said in my most gruffest voice, “Need at light?”

He turn around quickly but all he saw was a horses ass as I kicked him in the face turning his skull into a putred jelly into boogers and bones

His buddy cried “On know he -”

He was cut off when i took out his knife and stabbed him and I whispered into his ear “You will poay for what you have done to the me”


Bad guy

I scared then he split me teeth!


Main character

\”Why the long face!” I said laughing Now to get my horse daughter!

I escaped gracefully threw a window throwing the guards body out the window to break glass and killed another guard who was wearing another cuitiemark that6 he stole from the youth that they most likely threw into the volcano god who they loved.

I was very angry now. I shouted in a rage “AHHH IM COMING FOR YOU NATAS! (The bad guy’s name. (The one im tracking (the one who stole my son)))a

I galloped away towards the gate which was closing rapidly. the guard raised the alerarm. a stupid guard must have seen the desicrated body of his comrade when i threw it out the window and kjill the other oine./

Natas was there too! He yelled “I am human and you will die and pony scum! You think you rule the world? This why we harvest your young! It is because you are below us like animals!”

“no..” I yell. “YTou are scum! How dare you insult my so nand also pony kind! Celesta will smite you for your trangenderrations!”

He sneard because the gate closed with big clank smash because it drawn bridge as well as port something. I think he then threw grande and i blew up!


But didn’t really die, because the secret trick that my grand dad taught me. I never knew my father because I just remembered t6hat natas killed my father! I used smoke grenade to sneak up behind him and slit his fingers.

“woh!” he breathed. “THat hurt my ankles!”

I shouted into his ears “This is what you deserve! Celestia take you soul to pony hell forever and ever for kill twilight to, ithink. Shed was very old though because this is years in the future.”

He whispered into my ewar through gritted teeth “Don’t you ever want to see your son, celeste again?”

I punched him in the face. he stammered out “Wow!”

I screamed at him, “You better show me where he is right now. Where you tookm him you bastard.”

“Sure he said with a sly smile?

Just follow me!

“Don’t get any ideas i am the onew with the knife!”

He grimissed at that.

We then went to a boat, which was very rickety and musty (Like stinky) and I had to not try to throw up my dinner which i did not have.

“Here,” he said as he opened a door. “This is you son!”

I charged through the door head long and saw my son, and i gave him a big hug. Then i looked back in big eyes as mister NATAS clank door shut with little key and laughed. “You are now my slaves, who i will harvest from like a dolphin.”

Then, to my surprise, a portal opened and my son jumped through. I could hardly believe……… IT WAS ME, but in a bandana because my eye was gone, and the other was a robot eye!

“Come with me,” he said in voice from the video game solid snake. “If you want to live!”


New chapter soon.

Author's Note:

