• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 6,265 Views, 161 Comments

The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

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Chapter 2: Where Does She Go Now?

Chapter 2: Where Does She Go Now?

"Dylan's" Mind... Time: Unknown...

Princess Luna has entered the mind of Dylan. She looked around and saw screens of Dylan's memories. She decided to look for certain memories of the kid's life before he/she woke up in Equestria. She saw Dylan's human boy form playing with some other kids.

She saw Dylan playing tag with some other kids around his age, going to the movies, even playing little league baseball. She was happy to see that Dylan was being raised happily. But she looked around, trying to find some memories of Dylan's birth parents. There weren't any in her sight. She then used her magic to find memories of Dylan's birth parents. One memory came in sight, where a human couple were at one building.

"What is this?" asked Princess Luna.

She watched the memory play. She heard the voices of the man and woman at the door where another woman opened up and saw the couple.

"Can I help you?" asked the woman to the couple.

"Ma'am, we're here to drop off our child here," said the mother. "We just can't take care of him."

"Are you serious?" asked the woman. "You can't just..."

"We're sorry, madam," said the father. "We just don't have the money or the time to have kids."

"What about in a few years?" asked the woman. "You can pick him up then."

"That's not possible," said the mother. "We just can't take care of the child." She then handed over the baby's paperwork. "Here's all of the information on him. When he's old enough, you can tell him why we did it." Then the couple walked away, leaving baby Dylan crying and reaching out.

Luna had tears coming out of the corners of her eyes. She then started getting angry and said to herself, "They just abandoned him? They didn't have time nor money for a baby? What horrible creatures those two."

She then looked back at the hall of memories. She then started walking back down the hall, trying to find memories to find out how Dylan ended up in Equestria. She then found a memory that lead before Dylan had been taken to Equestria. Basically, what she saw made her jaw drop.

In the memory, Dylan fainted down. In the ground, slithering from him was a copperhead snake. Dylan's friends from the foster home called out to the foster mother. They got him to the closest medical clinic.

"Please! This boy needs help!" said the foster mother, known as Regina.

"Just fill out this form, and a doctor will see you as soon as they can," said the receptionist, who was too busy reading a magazine.

"Are you serious?!" asked Regina. "This boy has been bitten by a copperhead snake. He needs a vaccine."

"Just fill out the form and a doctor will see you," said the receptionist.

Regina growled and shouted, "Help! Help! This boy was bitten by a venomous snake!"

Then one doctor came in and saw Regina carrying Dylan. He then took the boy and asked, "What happened?"

"We were getting prepared for a camping trip," Regina started, "but then he was bitten in the leg by a copperhead. We rushed him over here, but this woman wanted me to fill out a form before sending a doctor out here."

"Seriously?!" asked the doctor. He looked over at the receptionist and said, "You're fired."

"You still got to fill out the form," said the receptionist, not knowing who was talking to her.

"Wow. You really don't care about anything," said the doctor. "Let's take care of this boy." The doctor and Regina ran into one room, and the doctors started looking for some vaccine. He found it, but first, he checked for a heart beat. Sadly... "I'm... I'm sorry... It's too late... He's gone..."

"No! No! Not Dylan..." Regina said, crying.

Luna watched the memory as it played. She then growled and said, "That receptionist should've been fired from there a long time before that." Princess Luna then lit up her horn, and left the subconscious.

Real World... Applejack's Hospital Room... 10:15 AM...

Princess Luna came to reality to see the others looking at her with worry. She looked around to see the others looking worried about what she saw.

"What did you see?" Twilight asked.

"I saw two things that was really... bad..." Princess Luna said.

"What did you see?" asked Princess Celestia.

"First off... Dylan's parents aren't coming back for... him..." said Princess Luna. "They... abandoned him when he was a baby."

That made the others gasp.

"They... they just abandoned their own child?!" asked Applejack. "Those no good..."

"Those no good indeed," said Princess Luna. "They just left Dylan in Foster Care. He believed that they would come back to him. But they were never planning to."

"Well, it's gonna be a shame givin' birth to a filly without a soul," said Applejack. "After all, yer gonna send her back to where she came from."

Princess Luna sighed and said, "That is not possible, Applejack."

"WHAT?!" asked the Mane 6.

"But, wouldn't the ones takin' care of Dylan be worried?!" asked Apple Bloom.

Princess Luna looked away from the faces staring back at her and said, "Dylan was bitten by a copperhead snake in his world. The venom could be cured by a vaccine. But sadly, they were too late to inject it into him."

That made all of the other ponies gasp and Fluttershy covered her mouth and said, "You mean... that Dylan..."

"...Died..." said Princess Luna. "Which explained how Dylan's spirit became the main spirit of this body now."

"So... what are we going to do with her?" asked Twilight.

"Since it was Applejack that has given birth to the filly, it'll be her responsibility," said Princess Luna. "Hers and her family."

"WHAT?!" asked the Mane 6, the Apples and the CMC.

"Ah'm not sure Ah can handle takin' care of a foal," said Applejack. "Even if that foal is an alicorn."

"Applejack," said Princess Celestia. "You know that she cannot return to her old world. She needs somepony to take care of her."

"Ah... Ah just don't know if Ah should," said Applejack. "Ah don't know if Ah will be able ta take care of her."

"Applejack," came Granny Smith's voice. "A lot of ponies ain't ready to be first time parents. Not even yer own ma or pa when they were havin' Big Mac."

"R-really?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah," said Granny Smith. "But ya should understand that ya won't be takin' care of her all by yerself."

"She's right, Applejack," said Twilight. "We can even help you whenever you need it. Even if you won't admit it."

"Referring ta the time Ah had ta buck the entire orchard when Big Mac was injured?" asked Applejack.

"Eeyup," said Big Mac.

"You'll be able to teach her how to use her new Earth Pony Strength," said Twilight. "I'd be happy to help her learn how to use her magic."

"And I can teach her how to fly," said Rainbow Dash. "I can handle that part for ya."

"Well, thanks girls," said Applejack. "Ah'm sure we'll all take good care of the young filly. Right now, she has nowhere ta go, 'cept with us."

"One more thing," Twilight said. "You did fix her accent problem, didn't you?"

"Ooh, right," said Princess Luna. She then lit up her horn, and put it to the tip of Dylan's horn. Dylan's horn then started glowing in a light orange aura. The aura came in around the forehead, the muzzle and the throat of Dylan. She then said, "There. Tis done."

"So, she'll be speaking in her normal accent from now on?" asked Twilight.

"Yes," said Princess Luna. She then looked towards Applejack and said, "Make sure she is well taken care of. We shall announce the new alicorn and make sure she will not be harmed in any way."

"Might... I make a suggestion?" Rarity asked, raising a hoof. "I know that she used to be a human boy, but I'm not sure that her name really suits her now. Might we have her name changed?"

Princess Luna looked over at Dylan and said, "I must agree. Since that Dylan has passed and his soul was transferred from his old body into an alicorn filly's body, she will need a new name. Applejack, I assume that you will choose the filly's name?"

"Ah'll... Ah'll try," said Applejack. She then looked over at the sleeping alicorn. She assumed that the filly should have something with Apple in the name. She then saw the sunlight coming in, shining through the window. She smiled and said, "Apple Shine."

"Apple Shine?" asked Rarity. "Hm. I like it."

"Indeed," said Princess Celestia. "We shall inform all of Equestria about this new alicorn, Apple Shine." Celestia then turned to Applejack and said, "Take good care of her."

"Of course, Princess," said Applejack. "Ah'll take care o' her."

"I know you will, Applejack," said Princess Celestia. She then walked up to Luna and said, "Let us go, sister."

Luna nodded, looked over at Applejack and said, "I shall check on her to see if she's adjusting well."

Applejack nodded towards Princess Luna with a smile. The two princesses teleported out of the hospital and back to Canterlot.

Canterlot Castle... 12:00 PM...

The Princesses had made the announcement about Apple Shine, and the announcement shall be taken to all across Equestria. But when they said that the young alicorn was staying at an apple farm in Ponyville, most of the nobles thought that the filly should just be taken from the Apples and be raised by high sophisticated ponies. Blueblood was one of them.

Blueblood walked up to the princesses and said, "Auntie, are you sure it's wise to have an alicorn filly be living in a podunk apple farm in a podunk town?"

"It's best for her to be with her family," said Princess Celestia.

"I thought that alicorns were supposed to stay in castles," said Prince Blueblood. "They shouldn't be living in a barn with any farmers. I insist on having that filly taken from there and be living here in Canterlot."

"No," said Princess Luna. "That filly shall stay in Ponyville. Nopony shall defy these orders."

"Besides, she won't be the only alicorn in Ponyville," said Princess Celestia. "My student turned princess, Twilight Sparkle, will be checking on her from time to time."

"What?!" asked Blueblood. "I thought that Twilight Sparkle was to stay living here in Canterlot for the rest of her life."

"Princess Twilight Sparkle chose to stay in Ponyville with her fellow Elements of Harmony bearers in case they are needed," said Princess Celestia. "And you can't decide where royals are supposed to stay."

"But..." Blueblood said.

"End. Of. Discussion," said Princess Celestia. Then she and Luna started walking away from Blueblood. He was irritated by how they wanted the alicorn filly to stay in Ponyville.

He then headed into his room and headed to a table, thinking of something. He then said, "That alicorn filly doesn't deserve to be living in a dump of a town. I'll show her that Canterlot is where Alicorns like her are supposed to stay."

Author's Note:

Unlike Living Nightmare, there was no impostor of Blueblood, and he's a total jerk.