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Just A Normal Day.

Rain fell from the heavens calm and collected, the clouds above Canterlot High a smokey grey hue devoid of any color. The grounds were empty and darkness enveloped the horizon for infinity, Wallflower stood soaking wet before the school's massive shadow.

The wind blowing the grass violently back, the sour stench of decay heavy upon the wind. She could feel an icy chill creep down her lower backside, dark brown eyes lifting towards the sky in utmost despair.

The clouds swirled high above in an odd red glow, the eerie sight basking this world in an otherworldly light unseen by human eyes. Suddenly a large gust of wind blew her hair back, Wallflower turning her àttention to the school in terror.

Tears cascading down her cheeks from such a horrible sight.


The sunlight poured into Wallflower's room from the lovely window above, the warmth of a new day placing a tender kiss upon her cheek delicately. Rising up from her bed in a haze she was greeted by silence, eyes adjusting to the light she noticed everything was completely still.

Alone once more, just as before.

Sunset had vanished no evidence of her presence anywhere, except for the message of hope written across the wall. With a tiny sigh of disappointment, Wallflower rolled onto her side, grabbing the camera off the nightstand and quickly focusing it upon the emptiness of the room.

A soft flash later, the moment vanished forever.

Simply a memory.

Downstairs Wallflower took her time to brush out the wild tangles from messy locks, the house devoid of any warmth that a family would bring. Laughter only an echo smiles a distant dream, and hope simply forgotten.

She was used to that sensation of being a footnote upon the lives of those around her, a drifting Spectre in the world unseen by most and never able to leave a lasting impression. Wallflower could've sworn that Sunset might be different, yet much like her parents, she simply stayed a small while, soon on her way to greater things.

After all, she was barely worth remembering, perfectly fine if they needed to leave.

She had tons to keep her busy.

To keep her hidden away.

Better this way.

Grabbing a red apple out of the basket hung next to the kitchen doorway, Wallflower allowed her mind to drift into the silence which surrounded her. Each step towards the counter calculated and slow, her slender hand reaching to slide an old silver knife out from a nearby drawer.

This object capable of many things, full of purpose and belonging to the world it inhabited. To be used as a tool to peel away the unwanted from this reality, or simply an item of mercy to end the pain. Wallflower bit her lip hard, the blade lowering away from the apple towards her arm.

The sudden sound of the school bus speeding by catching her attention, gasping in shock the knife plummeted to the floor below with a shrill clank. Her bus was never this early, why did she always get the worst luck?

Barely able to snatch up her backpack from the dingy tile floor, Wallflower darted outside in a frantic panic to stop that vehicle. Tripping over her own feet, she fell back into the horrid grass of her front yard with a thud.

"Wait, please!!" Wallflower scrambled out into the opening of the sidewalk, her voice drowned out by the loud roar of the engine.

Without a single care, the bus vanished over the skyline. Wallflower left collapsed on the sidewalk trying to catch her breath, the perfect start to an unwanted day.

"Wallflower Bush?" Mrs. Harshwhinny quirked her brow in uncertainty, reading off the name from a slip of paper in her hand.

Personally, it sounded fake, a possible joke from the class. One of the many reasons, she undoubtedly hated to substitute these annoying brats. The door to her crowded class suddenly bursting open, a frazzled green-haired girl stumbling in pathetically.

"Wallflower Bush?" Harshwhinny sighed in pure annoyance.

"Actually it's Blush." Wallflower gasped gently covered in sweat, her voice barely breaking a whisper.

"Speak up Ms. Bush!" Harshwhinny snapped in anger, Wallflower simply darting off towards the back of the class, the whole room echoing with snide giggles.

"Saw you running after the bus this morning, hilarious!" A rainbow-haired girl turned to face Wallflower, sitting in the seat ahead of her in a lackadaisical manner.

"Thank you for telling them to stop." Wallflower pursed her lips sternly, she could feel the whole class laughing at her.

"I figured you needed the exercise." Her violet eyes flashed over Wallflower's body as if to judge her figure.

"Hmm." Wallflower huffed silently.

"Thank me later, after finding deodorant." The girl laughed waving a hand in front of her face jokingly, soon turning away as the room began to grow silent once more.

Why was she the world's punching bag?

She never chatted much to anyone, but if they needed to humiliate a person. Wallflower was always their first choice, she just wanted to be left alone.

Was that so much to ask?

Clutching her hand into a fist, she needed to prove that she wouldn't take it anymore. Wallflower took a deep breath ready to strike, but the courage never came. In fact, she simply lowered into her seat full of defeat, the class in full swing after a few moments.

Like always, she was never called on.

Lunch arrived after a total blur of classes, Wallflower simply sat through each in a numb emotional state. Any words spoken towards her by classmates were those that she stunk or had sweat stains under her armpits.

A joke which never grew old.

Finally outside during her lunch period, Wallflower curled up on the edge of the school fountain. She watched from a distance the massive groups of people strewn across the endless landscape, each overflowing with laughter or a sense of togetherness.

The fountain her only place of reprieve from the constant taunting of her peers, she had been in such a rush this morning. That she had even forgotten to pack a lunch, it didn't matter much, she wasn't hungry at the least.

But anything to distract herself from this day would be welcome, with a silent sigh she stood up to walk across the nearby parking lot. Her garden a short jog through the bushes, a tranquil little slice of paradise that would always welcome her.

Each step across the burning hot asphalt edged her closer towards serenity, mind flooded with happy thoughts of her plants. They were the only real friends she needed, never judgmental nor snide, but only loving.

With a dreamy daze across her face, Wallflower stepped out right in front of an oncoming vehicle. A loud honk blared across the school wildly, the young girl snapping back into reality from her deepest thoughts.

Praying it wasn't too late, Wallflower flinched in place.

The whole world fading to black.