• Published 24th Jan 2020
  • 3,480 Views, 261 Comments

Equestria’s Changeling Princesses and the Kinsbane - vren55

Alternia's daughters are forced into an unexpected adventure that will challenge their relationship, their understanding of their family’s history, and their wits in order to protect those most dear to them.

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Prologue: Queens Past and Present

1012 Common Era...
In a green and gold gilded room, in front of a roaring fire, two changeling queens snuggled into a mess of cushions and blankets. Their father, a slender, purple-eyed changeling missing his wings, bundled in beside them.

Their mother, a blue-maned changeling queen, did not quite look like others of her kind. Aside from how she seemed to have extra plates of carapace layered on her front, her legs, and barrel, she wore a silver tiara and silver peytral.

“Mama, mama, what story are you telling us tonight?” squeaked the youngest changeling queen, her violet eyes bright, and purple mane messy.

“Is it the one where you made up with Aunty Chrysalis? Is it the one about how you and dad found a long lost airship? Is it about the brave and daring Captain Voulge?” asked the older of the two queens, brushing a lock of her blue mane out of her sapphire eyes. She looked about ten, about five years older than the younger changeling, but her voice was just as eager.

Alternia smiled warmly at her children. “I’m telling you the story of your grandmother Chamelia, and the Unspeakable Times.”

“Oh that’s a good one,” said Harlequin, the male changeling.

“It is, dear. Now, let us begin.” Alternia took a deep breath. “Once upon a time, when the seven Great Hive Mothers of the changelings still lived, a young changeling queen was born to the oldest of the Great Hive Mothers, Queen Zagara.”

“Zagara the Far-Seeing!” squealed the younger queen.

“Yes, Kyria, Zagara the Far-seeing she was called, and the young changeling was Chamelia, your grandmother.” Alternia’s horn glowed and a young queen with a green mane appeared, first as a young changeling nymph.

“When Chamelia was born, the seven Great Hive Mothers were at the height of their power. Eldest was your great grandmother, Zagara the Far-Seeing, who ruled over the Evergreen hive of Equestria’s forests.” A vision of an even taller changeling queen with a turquoise mane that shimmered rose into the air.

“There was Borte the Black Hammer,” beside Zagara, an image of a yellow-eyed queen appeared, wielding what else but a black hammer, “Araneae the Silent Dagger—” purple eyed queen holding a long dagger in her magic appeared “—Therapthosia the Dragon-Hoofed,” a huge queen, towering over the rest of the illusions was summoned into existence.

“Why the dragon-hoofed?” Kyria asked.

“Because she was the strongest of them, Kyria!” exclaimed her older sister cheerfully.

“Yes, Mirage, it was said she beat a dragon at hoof-wrestling.”

“A medium dragon like Spike or a biiiiigg one like Garble?” Kyria asked.

“A biiig one,” exclaimed Alternia stretching her legs across. “Then, there was Latrodexa the sorceress—” a dark blue maned queen holding in her hoof a ball of glowing magic the color of the deepest ocean blinked into existence “—and Matari the Mischievous,” a smirking smaller queen with red hair danced around the queens.

“Finally, there was Atracina the Coral Snake, though, we have come to know her as “Kinsbane.”” From out of the fireplace, wreathed in smoke, the shadowy figure of a queen hissed at them. Kyria buried herself into her sister, who although older, quite quickly wrapped her hooves around her sibling, her eyes wide.

“At first, there was peace between the sisters.” The illusions of the long gone changeling queens, even the menacing visage of Atracina, danced alongside one another, whilst the child-image of Chamelia watched them. “But when their children began to fight… forgetting that they were family, that peace broke.”

The queens separated, with the queen with a dagger, slashing at the queen holding the ball of magic. “When the daughter of Queen Araneae killed a daughter of Queen Latrodexa in a dispute, and both mothers refused to budge, war broke out between the changeling hives. Thus began, the Unspeakable Times.”

The image of Queen Borte, wielding her hammer, stepped in on dagger-wielding queen’s side, along with the illusory Queen Theraphosia, who swooped in beside the magic-wielding queen. “And the war grew, with Queen Borte joining Queen Araneae and Queen Therapthosia siding with Queen Latrodexa.”

The four queens were whirling, weapons and magic clashing with one another, they were joined by hordes of changelings that swooped in out of the air, appearing in bursts of blue flame that coalesced into solid images. The sides clashed and the Alternia’s daughters looked in awe at the tableau.

“Your great grandmother, Zagara had tried to convince her sisters to stop fighting, but they would not listen to her words, and so she was forced to gather her forces. She and Matari formed an alliance and approached their sister, Atracina.”

The form of Zagara trotted up to the smaller Matari, and the pair nodded before trotting up to the shadowy queen.

“But Atracina betrayed them. She fed them and provided lodging, but at the dead of night, while her sisters were in bed, she and her daughters murdered Queen Matari. Only a warning from one of Atracina’s own daughters, Thera, let your great grandmother escape.”

As a small changeling appeared to call Zagara away, Atracina leapt onto Matari and stabbed her with her dagger. Meanwhile, more queens wreathed in shadow leapt in and slashed at Zagara.

“With mother wounded, her sisters and cousins in turmoil, Chamelia took up the banner as her mother’s heir and led their hives to stop the threat of her aunt.”

Chamelia, now a young queen, raised her axe and behind her, queens old and young of both Matari’s orange and Zagara’s green-turquoise coloring, rallied behind her. They charged at the shadowy forms of Atracina’s changelings, striking them down.

“But even as Atracina fled, and your grandmother rallied Araneae and Borte to her cause, the Kinsbane poisoned Latrodexa and Therapthosia, and enslaved their changelings with a combination of mind control and mind-altering potions. She also enslaved the animals of the Everfree forest, creating a deadly army like none had ever seen.”

“So… what did Grandma do?” Mirage asked in a tone that basically screamed ‘yeah, I heard this before, but tell more please!’

Alternia smiled. “With Zagara still recovering, your grandmother formed a war council and was elected by her sisters and cousins as its leader. She welcomed the wounded Therapthosia into her camp, mediating between her and Araneae. She and Borte then devised a masterful campaign to corner the Kinsbane.”

“Battle after battle, Chamelia led the changelings against Atracina’s monsters.” the illusory Chamelia charged forward, slashing with her axe. On several occasions, the smokey Atracina and Chamelia clashed, exchanging blasts of magic.

“Finally, Chamelia, her mother, and her aunts defeated Atracina and her army, tossing her into the Ghastly Gorge.”

Atracina’s illusory image gave a shriek as Chamelia and the other Great Hive Mothers blasted her with magic, pushing the wretched queen over the edge into an abyss.

“Only Thera, Atracina’s daughter, who was forced to support her mother, was spared.” Equestria’s changeling princess banished the images of the changelings and smiled brightly. “And now, it’s time for bed.”

“Awww…” Kyria groaned.

Mirage also sighed, but she had gotten up to hug her mother, who embraced her tightly. Kyria buzzed over, tiny wings flapping, and joined the hug. Harlequin finally embraced his daughters and his wife.

“Thanks mom. Um, I have a question,” said Mirage, as her father took her sister back to her room.

“Go on.”

Her daughter squirmed. “Why did Atracina betray our family? I can understand why Araneae and Latrodexa fought, but she… she just attacked without warning or reason.”

The question had bothered Alternia greatly as well, and she pursed her lips. “I’m afraid it happened so long ago that I’m not sure. Mom didn’t like to mention it, at least… from the little I can remember of her.”

The young queen stared at her. “You—you find it difficult to remember your mother?”

Alternia bit back the dull, hollow, ache she felt, but her daughter was already flinching at the sorrow she was undoubtedly sensing.

“You know I’ve had… memory issues for some time,” she glanced to see if Kyria was gone with her father. “And as I’ve told you not too long ago, the battle with Shi-Nihlar left… wounds in my mind, which are unlikely to heal.”


“I’m alright, Mirage. I miss those old memories, but—” Alternia nuzzled her daughter’s forehead “—I’m more glad that I have the opportunity to make new ones.”

Mirage smiled. It wasn’t a full smile, but she clearly accepted her mother’s reasoning. Standing up, she wrapped her legs around her mom’s neck. “Okay mom. I love you.”

“Love you too, Mirage.”

Author's Note:

And we are off to the races folks!