Manus POV
I spent a few days in the hospital, still blind mind you. The princesses visited whenever they could, but it was still lonely as hell, thankfully they were able to get me a temporary service dog so that issue was solved quickly. Celestia, when she wasn't asking me about Chroma Academy, was telling me whatever progress was being made to get me home, Luna still had questions about how our magic works.
To give a more detailed rundown than last time, each race has a sort of "default" attunements if applicable, for example, Dwarves are more likely to have an earth element than other races and are often more proficient than other races when gem or metal related magic is involved. Another example is that Dark Elves and Hollows are more likely to have a dark element, but while Dark Elves are more proficient with fire strangely enough, Hollows are more proficient with death related magic like necromancy, though not all of them can use dark magic as well as you'd expect given what they're naturally attuned to, that's if that's what they're attuned to. Humans don't exactly have increased chances of a specific element nor do we have naturally higher proficiency, but we do regenerate our magic at a higher pace than the others.
There were other details that were left out last time, it hasn't been proven, but it's believed that the more familiars a specific element has the first time they're summoned, the more powerful that person is with that element. People can still switch elements with their familiars as I said, but if a person had 2 elements and 4 familiars, 3 familiars in one element for that first summon meant they were 3 times more powerful with that element than the other, for better or for worse I hold the record of 9 familiars in total. Surprisingly they haven't tried to learn my other elements, but that might be for the best right now.
Around the fourth day I was able to see again, sooner than the docters expected given the usual recovery rate is a week give or take a day. Now, we had beast folk back home, but none were horses, or ponies as I learned, especially ones with colors like these. When they learned I could see again, I had to say goodbye to the dog, but they did say he was temporary so there wasn't anything I could do about it. Walking after several days in a bed was a chore, but nothing a cane or crutches, pain killers, and a bit of physical therapy couldn't fix. I wouldn't expect therapy for something like what Zane did, but doctor's orders.
Around my sixth and final day in here, there was a lot of commotion in the hallways, I reeled back a little as the smell of charred flesh hit my nose. I ran into the princesses as I was following the doctors, they were trying to stop me and let the doctors do their thing, but if the victim's condition is as bad as they smell then it would be best if I was there. Upon arrival at the ER, everyones efforts to stop me only increased so I summoned 3 thunderbirds to hold them back. Third degree burns all over this guy, I should be able to heal most of the damage even with a poorly worded incantation, so long as the meaning isn't lost, fire magic can increase burn resistance and heal them as well, but not nearly as well as light or water magic.
"With these flames do I become the bane and cleanse these scars born of hatred's flames." Flames began to fall from my hands and travel to the affected areas, coating them, and healing the burns as best they could. Poorly worded incantation magic can only do so much, but after about 20 seconds, the smaller burn areas were fully healed and the larger ones were now between first and second degree burns. I desummoned the familiars and turned to leave the room, on my way out, I heard one of the doctors say what I did was impossible. For them maybe, but different magic, different rules. I returned to my room with the princesses behind me, I can almost feel their disapproval, their frustration , but I know they're still thankful for what I did.
"What was that back there?" Celestia asked.
"Recovery magic, only light, fire, water, blood, and dark magic have a form of recovery magic, I just used my fire magic to heal his burns." I answered.
"Forbidden magics aside, why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Luna asked.
"You didn't ask, I saw no reason to bring it up. Now what's this about forbidden magic?" I asked.
"Dark and blood magic. Every practitioner of dark magic became corrupt and needed to be put down, as for blood magic, abominations are all it creates, and it's power always comes at the cost of innocent lives." Luna answered.
"We're all still iffy about certain magics, with the exception of hexes, curses, and geas', dark magic has no records of being a direct cause of corruption. Blood magic always focused on using blood or life force for different purposes, runes using blood are more powerful as well. Goes without saying that blood mages are powerful on battlefields, not that there are many of them."
"You said before that you would show us one of your elements which was fire. Answer me truthfully, was lightning your only other element, if not, then what other elements do you have?" Celestia asked seriously.
"Given what you've told me, I don't feel comfortable answering that question. Blood magic isn't an element so Chroma doesn't teach it, and it's legal back home. Dark magic is taught at Chroma to those attuned to it, and it's also legal. What would happen if I have any?"
"You will have those evil magics removed if you have any, if you use any here it will be considered a criminal offense and you will be tried for it." Luna answered.
"Do you realize how ridiculous that is? We've already established our magics are different from each other, who's to say they even follow the same rules? People don't choose their elements, they are BORN with them! Do you seriously mean to tell me that if someone with only a dark element came here that you would take away their magic? Do you not see how unfair that would be? Taking away someones magic simply for having it is no different than a family of earth ponies chopping off their pegasus child's wings!" I said in a raised voice. "That's not to mention the other effects it would have on people, magic is a part of our souls! Take it away and you're ripping out fragments of peoples souls just so they can't use magic you don't like!"
"What about Zane then? Didn't you say he and his descendants would have their magic taken from them?" Celestia questioned what I told them before.
"By 'taken' I didn't mean ripped from them! Powerful blood runes would be used to seal away their magic. Only another equally powerful blood or light mage could remove the seal, even then not only is there the chance of permanent damage, but they would have to leave the country and pay more than most people make in 10 years just to have one rune removed. He would need double that, and that's not taking into account that his family isn't exactly like in much less outside the country." I clarified.
"A compromise then?" Luna said as her horn lit up and engulfed me for a second. "I've just casted a truth spell on you, we will know if you lie. You will glow green for telling the truth, and red for lying."
"Fucking hypocrit." I said angrily. "Believe it or not, that is dark magic you just used!" True to her word, I glowed green and shock became evident on their faces.
"That can't be... Tell a lie!" Celestia demanded.
"I'm gay." I glowed red. "As I said, different magic, different rules. That might not be dark magic for you, but that is for us, you used a type of geas that doesn't force action or carry any consequences." I glowed green.
"Your other elements?" She asked.
"First, use that spell on yourselves then answer my question." I need to know I can trust them a little.
"Very well." Luna engulfed herself and Celestia in the same spell, though she was hesitant to do so, probably because of what I said about her magic.
"Should I have what you consider illegal magic, unless I show signs of corruption, not you nor anyone working under you, directly or indirectly, officially or unofficially, will try to take any action like what you said against me, will you comply?"
"We will comply." Luna glowed green.
"And you?" I asked Celestia.
"I will." She glowed green as well.
"Good. Now, you wanted to know what other magic I had right? Let me show you." I summoned a werewolf familiar, causing them to jump back. It's eyes glowed white, black mist was seeping from it's blackened body, it's fangs and claws were a dark purple. "Trust me when I say I'm the one in control. I told you I had 9 familiars, 4 dark, 3 fire, and 2 lightning. I mostly improved fire because it just needed a little push to be equal to my dark magic, assuming that one theory was true anyway." I glowed green again.
"Have you used it with malicious intent before?" Celestia asked.
"If you count temporary hexes of bad luck against students who gave me a hard time as malicious then yes. Otherwise no." I glowed green again. "If you need further proof, I should be able to dispel, but not heal those afflicted with curses and hexes, perk of being a dark mage." Guess what color I glowed. Luna shut off her spell.
"We will keep that in mind. We will keep to our word so long as you keep to yours." Luna said.
"That's not something you'll have to worry about." I desummoned the familiar and we went back to just conversing, or whatever counts for such in this situation.
I love it
Can dark magic do something like Box of Truth Star vs. the Forces?
from wiki:
“To all who seek the path of knowledge,
listen well to this decree.
Surrender to the eye of justice.
Swear an oath of truth to me.”
―Box of Truth[src]
For "Trial by Box", the box serves to present case evidence and detect lies during testimonies. Unlike "Truth or Punishment", the jurors (and sometimes the defendant) are the ones who ask questions and allowed one question each.
In case of lies, similarly to "Truth or Punishment", the box traps everyone present in a giant metal cube that shrinks and threatens to crush them unless the liar tells the truth. At the end of the trial, the box hands down its verdict depending on the trial's outcome.
In short, it has multiple functions one of them is trial. In it, they have to say an oath and then it reads their mind. If they try to lie they will be punished for example being trapped in a giant box that will shrink that can't be escaped by any means, even magic if not told the truth
Not like the box of truth, but it can punish people for lying. The one used here just detected lies.
Never watched Star vs the forces of evil.
Ouch, damn hypocrites! So how long until word gets out he uses dark magic and he is shunned I wonder
If he is, he always has hexes that affect luck.
Yeah burn how long do they work and on how many? Are they constant? Passive? Active?
That will only work for so long and wouldn’t that be breaking his side of the deal with the two hypocrites?
Please note, I am unfamiliar with the setting he is from!
Personally I wouldn't really consider a temporary hex of bad luck to be malicious, especially compared to the number of other hexes and curses I can think of.
Also it was just the character calling them hypocrits. Different magic, different rules as he said a few times, dark magic for him might not be dark magic for others.
Even when it means the death of the one under the hex? Bad Luck can mean anything as it is a broad term. What if he uses it of let’s say for example: Spitfire, an hour later she dies as a result of that bad luck making her miss timing on a stunt and plowing head first into the ground?
Would you still consider it NOT malicious then?
While there may be differences in the use of magic, that won’t matter to the general public as they have been conditioned by time and propaganda to see ANY type of Dark Magic, be it Equestrian or not, as evil.
in Spitfire's case that wouldn't be luck, that would be a mistake. In his current setting, the worst that could happen would be like a guard's weapon breaking. Think of how Qrow's semblance works in RWBY, the only time it nearly hurt anyone was when Ruby almost had part of a building fall on her, and his Bad Luck Charm semblance only affects others in range. Giving a noble or a POS guard bad luck for a short time I don't plan to be dangerous to that extent.
Other examples being losing a game of poker, wind causing your arrow to miss, the sun gets in your eyes and distracts you for a second, no toilet paper (WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW???), family walks in during certain activities, the fun stuff.
The people that disliked this story are bucking Idiots. Hah pony curse words
If the story has a very small dislike count, I like to ignore them or pretend they are likes. In stories with very high like/dislike ratios, it's safe to say those people are trolls.
i want to see more of this and ya who says magic can be good or evil, magic just is it's how you use the magic that puts a good/evil aliment on it. heck you could use necromancy to SOLVE murders by summoning the spirit of the one killed to tell the law how they died. heck i bet some jerkwad wizard manage to use cureing/healing spells to over heal someone to the point of cancerous growth/death.
Or ressurection, because one death wasn't enough!
Actually, that's a thing. There is a whole supernatural (please note the lower case s) book series in which the main character does exactly that. Also, Jonah Hex.
I'm really liking this story, especially this 3rd chapter which I agree with him.
I like the MC showing up hypocritic behavior and teaching/sharing common knownlage.
Teaching millenia old being something new?
Great chapter. Love the lore and character development/propertys.
Plus when dealing with other worlds there rules concerning things might different from theirs and this is a good lesson to learn more about the subject in question before judging by their standards.