• Published 22nd Aug 2019
  • 8,686 Views, 153 Comments

"Low Level" Mage - Knight of Crows

A student of a magic school dies and arrives in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Manus POV

I've officially been released from the hospital, or medical wing of the castle if you want to be specific. The princesses are letting me stay in their castle for the time being while I try to advance my pyromancy, apparently the older one has a student who moved to "Ponyville" a while ago and decided to give me her room and some robes as an apology until they have confirmation that I'm stuck here.

(Voidfang Vestments from Destiny, just imagine they're a really dark purple, almost black, and the decals are grey)

I think it was sort of a joke regarding the robes, they seriously do look like something the Archmage would wear, but I'll take it regardless. Anyway, I've basically been told to try to keep my Dark magic from the public for my stay here, or at least hide it if I do use it, that if I do practice it, I should go to a secluded location such as this "Everfree Forest". I'm going to need to study their Dark magic some time because if it really is like my world's, there should have been no reason for them to be corrupted. Blood magic too as that's supposed to only draw power from one's life force and/ or blood that has been exposed to the air. History and personal experience tell me that they most likely just saw a magic as unnatural or evil.

Right now though, I'm in one of the training rooms for the guards, trying to finish my pyromancy. Magic advancement will work differently for each person. Some can progress simply by using it, while others will do so by reaching a sort of "enlightenment" for that magic, then there are others who find out they've reached the next level by successfully casting a higher tier spell.


It was the "First Light" in a way. Aside from it being basically all the sun is, it was the spark that eventually gave rise to life, but since then, it has been among the most powerful tools of destruction. Though even destruction has it's place among the tools of life, case in point being that pony who suffered those burns not long ago. Just after darkness, it's the second element, and the potential has always been high. It is the nature, the meaning, and it's power that I am trying to reach a new understanding of as I practice it's use here thanks to these self regenerating practice dummies.

There's much that can be done even now. Flame, ash, and though I haven't told the princesses, smoke. Unfortunately, I don't feel like I'm getting any closer to level 5 fire magic. I'll probably get it eventually though. In the mean time, I think I'll start using the more wasteful fire magic to get more used to that and hopefully lower the drain on it.

(Bound swords from Skyrim, I couldn't find any that looked like they were flaming projections so this will have to do)

If I can keep the current drain on this weapon, I can keep this up for maybe three minutes tops before I'm forced to pull back. I took a few swings at the dummy and it will definitely do damage if it hits something living. To further test this, I grabbed a nearby bucket of water and drenched the dummy with it. A single slice was all it took to ignite the whole thing again. As powerful as this is though, I'd still prefer weapons made of ash, they may not be as powerful or light, but the drain to make one as strong as steel isn't even half of what it takes for one made of flame. That, and the flame weapons would be better as a trump card.

I kept that up for two minutes before backing away and letting my magic regenerate. Considering I can have nine familiars out before I start using magic faster than I can regenerate it, I don't have to wait long. After a few minutes, my reserves were almost full again, so I decided to give level 5 magic a try and started directing fire into my hand. I tried to remember what a book back home said about it and how to cast it.

Forbidden Sun,

It's flames are unusual in the sense that there are two completely different temperatures in this spell. Though anything the flames surrounding the projectile does hit will have it's natural and magical fire resistances nearly destroyed, even dragons fear this spell despite being highly resistant to magic and being able to live in lava. Due to the destructive potential of this spell, it has been banned and lifted many times since the Archmage-turned Vampire Lord, Drylon created this spell during the warring states to combat the Hollow King near the end of the second era. At the time of this addition to pyromancy tomes, the ban has been lifted fourteen times, and three times, knowledge and usage of this spell has been limited to Archmages, Generals, Royalty, and others of sufficiently high status before becoming fully available to all shortly after the third era began.

All pyromancers possess the ability to manipulate the temperature of their flames, it is believed that through the application of this ability that pyromancers have been recorded using blue flames (as few as they were) and may contain the heat in the projectile itself. Envision a sun in the palm of your hand, envision the effect it will have on your enemies. The key isn't to fully contain the fire, but to ensure the shell of ash is durable enough to contain the inferno within and still allow enough flames to escape and fully surround the shell, otherwise you'll have an explosive in your hand that will become increasingly volatile. Yes, ash will be combined with this.

For new entries to level 5 pyromancers, you may be required to say the associated incantation in the language of the Ancients to give the spell that last push before most will collapse from magic exhaustion. If one isn't needed, then they are already past the entry point. If they do need it, then this will be their last push too:

Arva iacent cineres me expectant semitas contritio. Fiat voluntas tua nulla salus invenitur in eis in Oculis ad Caelum. Solis Saevire!

If one possesses the Darkness element, they may conserve their magic and replicate the effects to a significantly lesser degree as early as level 3 on both elements, but still powerful enough for most younger dragons to be cautious as even a Dark Sun is still effective.

It's a good thing that most spell tomes have memory spells put into them that only apply for their respective mages. I tried to do as the instructions said and prepare the spell. True enough to the name, it's insanely bright, like a light mage is trying a Blinding spell for the first time and almost did it right. I continue trying to feed the flames and temperature while keeping it all contained in the shell, eventually the light dies down enough for me to see what's ahead of me, though the flames are spread out and raging. I begin to feel one of the first symptoms of magic exhaustion and it doesn't feel ready yet. I haven't had to use incantations for spells often, but I had to use it for this one.

"Arva iacent cineres me expectant semitas contritio. Fiat voluntas tua nulla salus invenitur in eis in Oculis ad Caelum. Solis Saevire!" I felt for lack of a better way to put it, a change in the spell. The flames were sucked into the shell as the light died down before bursting out again, but they weren't raging or insanely bright. They almost looked to be shifting around it in a ring shape, the heat felt less tense, but I could almost feel the power contained in the shell. Feeling the drain more after the incantation, I decided enough was enough and threw it at the target. The result was that it couldn't regenerate after the blast that covered at least 20 feet, blasting the other targets nearby as well. I took a moment to gaze at the destructive potential.

"I can see why it was banned if it's capable of doing that to fire and magic resistant creatures." I thought out loud.

"That spell was banned you say?" I heard a voice ask from behind. I turned and saw princess Luna making her way towards me with two of her Night Guard following behind.

"At least fourteen times at the time it was included in level 5 pyromancy tomes." I answered. "I think I'll take a short break before improving my lightning element. Did you need something?" I asked. She looked between me and where the target was, an unreadable expression on her face.

"Targets such as those take weeks of enchanting and more bits than most guards make in the time it takes to make one." Oh shit! "I hope you realize you'll be paying for a new one regardless of whether or not we can return you home." Is she being serious? I can see the amusement in her eyes.



"I open for a job." What else could I say? No? Bad idea!

"Excellent! Come with us to the throne room, we can discuss your employment with my sister there." She turned and started walking towards the door as I just stood there trying to process what just happened.

This is my life now. I have no control. Is this the universe's way of getting back at me for never applying myself back home?

"Are you coming, Manus?" I heard Luna yell from around the doorway. I followed as I had no choice.

Author's Note:

Dark Souls fan, do I need any other reason to have a spell named "Forbidden Sun"? Tell me that doesn't sound like an awesome name for a fire spell and mean it!

Solis Saevire doesn't actually translate to Forbidden Sun in Latin (according to Google Translate), but Wrath of the Sun instead. I didn't really think it would fit to have it be named Forbidden Sun right from the start given it's history. Also, google translate is anything but consistent. I switched the translations from Latin to English and I basically got gibberish. I remember one time it said "obscurum" was darkness. Pretty sure that was supposed to be "tenebrae".