• Published 22nd Apr 2019
  • 3,773 Views, 126 Comments

Mother Moon, Joys of Parenthood - ShadowStar_IMHP

In another universe, Luna has been restored thanks to the Elements of Harmony. She wasn't alone, with her appeared a small 2-month-old royal purple alicorn filly. Nightmare Moon reborn as Luna's Daughter. These are short stories in that universe.

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Home is where the heart is. Side Character story.


It was a week after her wedding and Princess Cadence was setting up the first group theory session for those still coping having been a prisoner of the Changelings. The room was a nondescript four walls and door room for meetings and groups. The wall opposite the door had four large windows to let in the light, the floor a light brown wood. The walls used to be plain white had a fresh coat of light green paint. A set of tables were along the wall with the windows where drinks and snacks were set up. Finally, cushions were on the floor in a large circle, spar cushions in the far corner in case she needed more.

“Cousin you should still be on your Honeymoon.” Prince Blueblood was looking around the chamber.

“Our citizens need closer Bluey. With me taking up psychology classes, this is the best way I can help.” Cadence says as she moves around the chamber looking at every detail once again. It has to be just right, calming enough to ease the tension but not so much that it’s boring.

“You haven’t earned that doctorate yet Cadence. I have no idea why you started going back to school anyway.”

“It’s simple, it was Luna. Helping her awoke a passion to understand the mind and spirit better. It so fascinating, combine that with how magic reacts to emotions, and how my unique magic affects emotions.” She turns and looks at Blueblood “I saw in Luna how manipulation of a mind can corrupt not just the pony thoughts but the magic they wield. It worst then what the Changelings do, they get the best benefit if their prey is happy. Sombra made her feel nothing but sorrow. I want to make sure I don’t become another Sombra, he broke her mind. If he had my power it would have been much worst.”

“So you saw what could happen if you lose control.” Blueblood nods. “I wish I could stay but, well I play with ponies perceptions.” He hugs Cadence. “Still you could have waited a week more.”

“I know, but Shiny still recovering from his ordeal. We talked about it and being around friends and family will help him recover better then us being by ourselves in Neighagara falls.”

Then Blueblood headed out and in a voice slightly above normal speech. “Cadence you should be at home as a proper trophy wife.”

“Blueblood get that stick out of your plot. You are just jealous I married Shining Armor.” To anyone in the hall, it would seem the two are arguing. Both try to hide the smirk.

“You could have had a real Prince, now you just have a Prince Consort.” He slammed the door and headed down the hall passing a thestral stallion, with deep red mane and tail, on the way.

Cadence didn’t notice right away that she wasn’t the only one in the room. Then she turned and spotted Mixer standing at the door.

“Mixer my friend. What are you doing here?”

Mixer lowers his head then looks at Cadence. “We haven’t talked in over a year Cadence, you didn’t even notice that Changeling wasn’t me at the bar. Can you call us friends?”

She took in a breath “Oh, well... I hope we are friends.”

Mixer walked into the chamber “There was a you in that cocoon dream, she and I were friends. I like to think that friendship wasn’t based on lies.” He sat down on a cushion. “How... can I be sure that anyone I knew, that knew me for the last year, really knew me? Or that I knew anyone.”

His head snaps up “Why? Why did you all save me? I was happy, I finally had what I wanted... Then it all ended when I was cut out.”

“Oh Mixer, I’m sorry but it was a lie. Just a dream.”

“Cadence my whole life a lie.” He raises his hoof and looks at it. “I look in the mirror and I hate what I see.”

“I thought you liked being a thestral?”

“It not the thestral part I despise. It the male part... In the dream, some Unicorn discovered a spell that can change a Stallion into a mare, or a mare into a stallion. I had that change. All my life I felt off, that my body was wrong. I had no interest in mares... but I didn’t figure it out till the dream. Being a mare in that world... I finally felt normal.”

“Do you know how I got my cutie mark? I snuck into my father's liquor cabinet and started drinking. I couldn’t stand the taste of the strong alcohol so I started mixing drinks. They found me a few hours later passed out and my cutie mark on my flank.” He looks to the cocktail glass with a bottle cutie mark. “I was trying to get drunk enough to not care, get drunk enough that the anguish I felt went away.”

“Oh...” Cadence couldn’t say anything the shock that a friend of hers had such feelings.

“I got the job serving as a bartender soon after and fell in love with a stallion, it didn’t last but, I thought I finally figured it out. I was gay. It still wasn’t right every time I looked in the mirror I wanted to brake it.”

“Then the changelings... the dream. I had the spell cast and I felt like I belonged in that mare’s body. I fell in love for real, or so I thought. Got married, had... had... I had a daughter. And it all gone!” He burst into tears and took off running out of the chamber.

“MIXER!” She got up and tried to run after him only to come face to face with other ponies.

“Um... Princess is this where the group therapy is being held?” A mare looked at her then down the hall where the stallion went charging. “Or is this a bad time?”

“No... I have to catch up with him later. Come this way.” She looked to a guard. “Could you send someone to watch after him. I’m afraid of what he would try to do.”

Nodes were in the Club Arcane mopping the floor. Sure it wasn’t the best job it still he was where he enjoyed being. No longer mixing drinks but cleaning up when the place was closed. The emotional energy in the place was still strong enough he savored the flavors.

It was another boring morning nothing special was going on and so he took his time sweeping. Then the doors banged open and the gray and red blur of Mixer streaked past to the office. “If anyone asks I’m not here!”

Waves of sadness were gut-wrenching. Nodes set his broom aside and went to the office. Inside he saw Mixer crying curled up in a ball as if he was a foal.

“Um... Boss? What’s the matter?”

“Wait... You. It was you that put me in that cocoon.” Nodes saw the sad but almost crazed look in his eyes when the stallion looked at him.

“Yeah. You know it was me... part of my probation?” Nodes take a step back.

“Put me back...” Mixer rushes forward hugging Nodes. “Please put me back.”

“I.. I can’t do that. You know they won’t let me even if you ask.”

Mixer looked around then at Nodes. “Where is it Nodes. Please tell me where the Hive? Please, Nodes you took my life away from me. Let me have my happiness.”

Nodes sat down. He could feel the despair in the air around Mixer it was so much he fought being sickened from it. If he had to tell others what the feeling was like he would have to tell them to imagine smelling a rotting corpse, then taking a bite of it.

“The Bad Lands... south of Applelooza, there is an area where there no magic. You can tell because everything stops growing there. In the center is a large hill structure, that the hive nest.” Nodes lower his head. “I told no one not even the princess. I might be a traitor but that’s my family. Please don’t tell anyone else. I don’t want to see anyling hurt.”

“Thank you Nodes.” Mixer takes a deep breath. “I need to get things in order. Get back to work I notice you are slacking today.”

It was a few minutes later that a guard walks in. He heads to the office seeing Mixer “Sir are you alright Princess Cadence was worried.”

“Yes, I’m alright now. Just needed to clear my head, I know what I need to do.”

“Alright sir, I make sure she knows.” The guard walks away leaving Mixer writing letters.


Two months later

Mixer stood at the edge of a small cliff. Overlooking an empty land in the distance he sees a mound of black rock. With black figures flying in and out of it. “Finally.” He heads into the magicless area feeling what magic he had faded away.

He tried to flap his wings only to remain grounded. Without the magic to aid his body didn’t have the lift to take off. So he continued on foot till two of the Changelings came flying at him each one landing on either side of him.

“What have we here? A lost Pony, you took a very wrong turn.”

“I’m not lost, I know where I am. Take me to your Queen I have a request.”

Nodes looked at the Police officer and Royal guard at his door in the middle was a light brown pony with a dark brown mane. “Nodes, we like a word with you.”

“Of course come inside.” The Changeling steps aside as all three enter.

“I’m Legal Tender a lawyer speaking on behave of Mixer. Sorry for the Police and Guard being present. They are just confirming this is all legal and nothing shady going on.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Two months ago I was approached by one Mixer. Your boss or was, you see Mr. Nodes he formally signed ownership of the Club Arcane to you.”

“What? But... why?”

“His words and I quote. ‘For the last year, he ran the Club Arcane even better then I have done. If anypony, I mean anyone could manage it he can.”

“I still don’t understand. I know Mixer went on a trip, but isn’t he coming back?”

“No Nodes he never arrived in Los Pegasus. The authorities checked he never even got a room or rented any property. In other words, he never planned on arriving in the city.”

Nodes sat down remembering the day Mixer came into the club crying. He did it. After two months he went to the Hive.

“You don’t know where he is Mr. Nodes?” The Policemare asks looking.

Years of lying and being an infiltrator prevented him from reacting. With the pure skill of a liar, he looked the mare in the eyes. “I have no idea where he’s at. I just hope he finally happy again.”

Cadence walked into the magical/medical lab. "Any news?"

A Stallion with the long gold mane in a shirt that had a music band logo looks up from the microscope. "Ah, Princess Cadence welcome again. We came up with some interesting facts." He hopped down from his stool and walked over to a whiteboard with notes and markings on it.

"What have you discovered Void Science?" Cadence smiled to the somewhat odd Scientist. The guy seems to counter any typically Nerd scientist trope.

"We were looking into how the body develops, seems if a developing foal gets more estrogen it develops into a filly if testosterone then we get a colt."

"What about those who are... saying they feel like they got the wrong sex?"

"We still in theory stage here but we think it might be the amount of either or both hormones. Too much of either or both and you have different parts developing differently. You might get a colt that has more feminine features like a smoother muzzle. Or a brain wired for females in the body of a male. This throws out any idea of a binary system of the sexes. It not Male or Female, but a range between both."

"Any progress into a spell to switch a body of somepony who suffers from being what they feel is the wrong sex."

"Not yet, but we think if we target the hormones and transmute them into the other type... the body would start developing to the other sex. The problem with that those treatments would be needed early if it does any good. We still not sure how to cause such changes for a full adult. This is all still just theory we haven't even tested to see if we could target just one hormone in a body."

"I see. Keep up your research." She turns and looks out the window wondering where Mixer was. Softly to herself "I hope I can make that dream come true. If not for you, for others like you."


Mixer looked at the house. It was a simple building nestled in the shade of the trees of Hollow Shades. Though technically there is an abandoned town with the same name in the shade of a massive cliff. This one was in a vast forest grove fruit trees abundant and the thestral have all the sweet fruits and shade they could want.

She opened the door and smiled as a gray and bright red ball of fluff tackles her. “MOMMY!”

Mixer starts crying she was home.

The changeling looked at the Hive’s new addition. It was strange for Pony to seek them out to beg to be cocooned, even stranger was the overwhelming sense of Love coming from the cocoon right away. He shrugs “Oh well food is food.”

Author's Note:

I had to get this idea out of my head! I thought hard about this when the idea bloomed, what do the Ponies in the cocoons feel? What happens when they are "Freed" from the cocoons?

So I put myself in the pony's horseshoes. Mixer I wrote right off the bat as being gay with him teasingly flirting with Cadence for fun. He was just a fun addition and was meant to be nothing more. Then I had an idea, a wonderful evil idea. The Sequel I'm writing now about the Canterlot Wedding. Mixer became a Changeling then finally Nodes in the new story. That got me thinking about what happened to the real Mixer, and what would happen to him when freed.

Mixer being gay was the start but his emotional turmoil of feeling he was in the wrong body is new. I thought of a transgender that got a year of being in a body they feel they should have. Being a male or female for one year fully reproductive abilities and everything, then have it yanked away and told it was a dream.

As for the cutie mark, I did think that Mixer got his mark when sneaking into his father's Liquor cabinet before this.

Yes, that a pony version of Kyle Hill from the Youtube show Because Science.

I had to write this now because imagining the emotions of this short story was overwhelming me to a point I couldn't write anything else. Hope you enjoy it!

P.s. we all know I say every time I have learning disabilities that make spelling and grammar mistakes hard for me to spot. If you notice any please tell me and I will make the changes. Note tell me what the mistake is so I know what you mean and can avoid making the same mistake later.