• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,831 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Rainbow Do

Rainbow woke up in her bassinet, looking around. “How I get hewe?" She asked herself. She could faintly hear Daring was doing something down the hallway, having left the bedroom door open. Tank hovered over, peering down with his usual smile. “Hi Tankie, wah happenin? Wah Mama doin'?" Rainbow asked while looking at the tortoise's face (not that her pet could reply). All the same Tank landed by her and nuzzled into her.

Daring, hearing Rainbow was awake, strolled across the room and up to the bassinet, peering down with a smile. "Hello, Rainbow, feeling better?".

"Yeah, Mama-me mean Dawing, how I get here?" Rainbow asked while hugging Tank’s neck.

"I found you at Fluttershy's after you ran away. Scared me half to death." Daring commented in a motherly yet stern tone.

Rainbow giggled a little. "You sound wike Appwejack."

Daring blinked. "What do you mean?'

“Just way you said that, how you sounded serious but wike a mama at same time." Rainbow giggled.

Daring blinked again. Then she picked Rainbow Dash up and sniffed her bottom. "Ugh, such a smelly filly you are! What did Fluttershy feed you?!" She lightly teased, moving to get the foal changed. "Don't run away on me again, okay? You had me worried sick."

“But me thought that you no wanted me, so me thought that if me run away you no have to worry bout me." Rainbow admitted while blushing a little.

"Well of course I care, Rainbow," Daring explained while cleaning off the foal's bottom. "It's my responsibility to watch you until we can solve this plight." She unfold a fresh diaper, sliding it under Rainbow’s rump.

"But wah if me decide to stay foaw, would you stay me mama?" Rainbow reluctantly asked.

Once more the adventurer found herself perplexed. She honestly felt it was her fault this whole thing had happened. But if Rainbow wanted to stay a foal how would she take care of her? Could she really take her on those dangerous adventures she loved doing? She couldn't just drop that part of herself. But maybe there was another way. “Maybe, I suppose your mother could watch you whenever I'm off adventuring." She guessed.

"No, not my Mama! She smother me! Can't you keep me with Fwuttershy, or Twiwight?!" Rainbow pleaded in horror!

"I suppose so if you really want that, I was just shocked the other day when you proposed the question," Daring explained before she taped the diaper into place, setting the foal upon the ground. "How about I find you some crayons and you can draw me a picture?"

The little filly thought to herself for a second, then she smiled. "Otay, Mama! Me goin' make the bestest picture ever!" She giggled.

Daring sighed as she followed the foal, helping her down the stairs with a grin. She had a lot to thinking about, and hopefully she’d figure it all out soon.

Rainbow sat at the couch, holding a giant crayon in her hooves. She was right now drawing a light blue blob with a rainbow coming off of the "head" of it. Then it was being held by another blob, but the blob was a little more formed and almost looked like Daring Do. Rainbow never had been the best artist, but she hoped it was good enough.

Daring peered over as Rainbow held it up to her. "Oh, it's... nice." The adventurer squinted.

"It you howding me.... do you wike it?" Rainbow asked, blushing a little.

Dairng ruffled the foal's mane. “Yeah, its' good," She praised and then sighed. "Have any idea what my next book could be about? Clearly fans don't want to read about foalsitting, that’s just boring."

"Well, maybe it be ‘bout…” Rainbow trailed off and shrugged her hooves. “I dunno."

"Yeah, I'll have to think about it. Making one up more the usual," She chuckled while tickling Rainbow’s sides. "Maybe some evil foe stealing a magical filly." She joked

"That'd be funny!" Rainbow laughed.

"And then the tickles monster attacks!" Daring added before tickling the foal with her wings some more. "Oh no, whatever shall Rainbow Do do now?!"

Rainbow giggled, then started swatting away the wings with her hooves.

Daring smiled, getting a rattle close to Rainbow. “Use the rattle of truth, it's the only way to stop the tickle monster!" She played, keeping up the feathery attack.

Rainbow tried to grab the rattle, but she couldn't stop giggling.

The tickle monster kept up its attack. "How dare you enter my temple! Now you will pay!" Daring made her voice deeper before blowing air into Rainbow's tummy in short bursts. She was having fun goofing around like this.

"Mama, stop it! It tickles!" Rainbow yelled while kicking around some.

"Oh? Do you surrender?" Daring asked while moving down to the filly's hooves.

But Rainbow grabbed the rattle and giggled. "I nevew suweendew!" Daring let Rainbow shake it and acted surprised. "Oh no, ugh! It too powerful!" She made silly faces before flopping on the floor next to Rainbow, letting the filly climb on top of her.

Rainbow giggled and yelled. "Yay! I defeated the eviw tickwe monstew!"

Daring smiled as she sat up. "Oh, I have an idea. I think you’ll love it."

After rearranging a few chairs and using pillows and blankets, Daring had managed to build a small temple for the small filly. It reminded her of the forts she used make when she was just a filly herself. Only this time she wasn’t going to get scolded for doing so. The adventurer had even dressed Rainbow back into the Daring Do onesie while she herself wore a mask to match the theme.

Rainbow crawled up to the small fort and giggled. "I gonna go on a adventure!"

"Haha, but you must first solve the temple’s door puzzle," Daring said before sliding over the toy with the three primary shaped holes and the three blocks. "Are you smart enough to pass my test?" She kept her voice deep.

Rainbow looked at the toy. It had three shapes on it and there were three shape key holes. "Tis wike at the weaw tempew!"

Daring giggled. 'Yes, who knew a foal's toy would be your doom?!" Daring proclaimed with a silly, evil laugh.

Rainbow looked at it, then looked back at Daring. "Tis easy! It onwy foaw toy!" Rainbow grabbed the star toy and slammed it onto the toy, but into the circle hole

It slid off as expected, Daring silently snickering. "Haha, my temple too hard for you?" She teased.

Rainbow sighed. "I know how to do tis! I was aduwt befowe!" Rainbow looked at the star, then at the holes. She closed her eyes and put it into the hole on the right, which just slid into the hole. Next came the square block. As she picked it up Daring cooed. "You can do it, Rainbow Do!"

"I know I can!" Rainbow answered while picking up the square, her mind going back to the temple where she was regressed. She thought back to when she had to do this actually, but for some reason she just hit it against the thing in random ways.

Daring watched her foal bat the block the toy over and over, seeming to be more interested in the sound then in solving the puzzle. She let her do so for a bit before taping Rainbow’s shoulder. Rainbow looked up at her. "Yeah, Mama?"

"You were trying to solve it, remember?" Daring asked while patting the foal’s head.

Rainbow blushed for a second. "Oh yeah..."

"Come on, you can do it!" Daring encouraged the foal. "Don’t you want to stop the curse of eternal bed time?" She cooed.

Rainbow giggled. "Yeah, and get the fowevew cookie!" She grabbed the two shaped toys and hit them onto the toy’s holes, neither of them slid into it so she switched what toy was in what hoof and then tried it again. This time it worked!

Daring patted the diaper and giggled. “Oh you did it!" She moved the pillow away from the entrance, making grinding sounds as she did. Inside, Daring had placed a few plushies that were supposed to be tribal ponies, along with a few blocks. In the middle was an empty ring stack toy, its parts scattered around the relatively small temple.

"Wow, how you do all this, Mama?" Rainbow asked.

Daring smiled. "Oh, I have my ways," She cooed, "Can you solve the temple puzzle to save the day and get the forever cookie?" She asked, using a flashlight to shine it upon the ring stacker toy.

Tank sat in the back with one of the rings in his mouth, like a big monster guarding the treasure. Rainbow crawled up to him, trying to look all big and tough. She tried grabbing the toy ring out of his mouth but it didn't budge. Tank simply smiled, tugging back, which also dragged Rainbow a tad. Daring peeked in and snickered a bit

"Give that to me! I want it!" Rainbow yelled, using all of her strength to tug it back. If Tank could giggle he probably would have. He let Rainbow struggle to pull it out for just another moment before letting her have it, sending the foal tumbling back onit her diapered rear. He then gave her cheek a lick.

Rainbow giggled. "Yay! Now wah I do with tis?"

Daring watched Rainbow stared at the yellow ring before seeing the other five rings around the temple as well. Daring had set up small “traps” (whoopie cushions) around the small space too. The tribal ponies watched Rainbow but didn’t move, as if judging if she was worthy. Rainbow walked to the other rings, but stepped onto a whoopie cushion. When it made the fart sound, Rainbow giggled.

“P.u., such a stinky foal!" Daring teased while playfully waving a hoof across her face. “Did some filly eat beans on her adventure?" She joked while watching Rainbow move to collect the different colored rings.

"No! Tat wasn't me!" Rainbow yelled as she grabbed the second ring.

"Oh, how do you know? You're just a foal. Sometimes, foals have accidents." Daring teased some more while watching Rainbow blush as she moved around to another ring, one of the plushies wearing it as a hat.

"I no real foal!" Rainbow snorted.

"I know, I know, it just a joke," Daring apologized, watching Rainbow step onto another whoopie cushion while she was distracted. "Hehe, there goes another trap." The green ring sat on top of a Spitfire plushie. It would seem Rainbow do would need to distract the tribal pony long enough to slip it off without being noticed.

Rainbow walked to the plushie and giggled. "Hey, me need you to step ovew thewe!" She pointed at a whoopie cushion. Daring awwed and watched as Rainbow lifted the plushie onto the cushion, sliding the ring off its head as well. Of course the plushie was too light to really trigger it. Then Rainbow, for no apparent reason, jumped onto the whoopie cushion she’d put the plushie onto. This made her giggle, a lot.

Rainbow quickly retrieved the next ring (a blue one), then looked around for a minute, not being able to see a ring. She was about to give up, before she saw an orange ring on a block tower. The foal sneaked up to the tower, trying to reach up to the top to grab the ring. It was taller than her by a hoof length or so. "Why tis so tall?" Rainbow asked herself. Of course, she could knock it down but instead she found a little grasping toy. Rainbow giggled and grabbed it, she then used it to grab the edge of the ring. The little pincher clamped onto the ring, allowing her to lift it.

Daring smiled "Oh, you’re almost there, then you have to solve the big puzzle."

"How many mowe wings?" Rainbow questioned.

"Just one more." Daring cooed. She knew she'd hidden it under the ring toy itself, wondering if the little adventurer would notice.

Rainbow looked around the small fort, but didn’t see anymore rings. "It no in hewe!"

"Look for anything out of place." Daring hinted. She watched Rainbow glance around, soon eyeing the ring toy again.

The filly crawled as fast as she could to the toy. "Why tis tiwted a wittwe?" Her hoof nudged the top of the toy, making it fall on its side and revealing the last colored ring, the red one.

"Wah?! You hided it under the toy!” Rainbow gasped and looked at Daring. “Why?!"

Daring just smiled. "Why, to make it easy to find the keys," She teased. "Now the real challenge is to stack them all in the right order."

Rainbow looked at the five colored rings on her back, they all were in different sizes. "Wah the owdew I put tem in?" She asked Daring.

"That's for you to figure out." Daring said with a wink while sliding the pillow across the entrance.

Rainbow watched the big stone door close, trapping her inside. Of course, like most temples there was a skylight of sorts. Rainbow sighed, she wasn't going to get any help with this. So she grabbed the smallest ring (the red one) and placed it on the toy, hoping it would be the right one. She watched it slide but it got stuck not too far down the cone.

Daring hovered over, silently watching. She was wondering why Rainbow wasn't using her adult side at all.

Rainbow just giggled and put another ring onto it. She didn't really care if it was right, she was having fun The rings fell off as she tried to fit them in, getting the wrong order a few more times. The biggest one of course slid to the bottom.

Rainbow giggled again. "How it do tat?"

"You're solving it, silly. "Daring commented while rolling her eyes a little.

Rainbow then slid the rest onto the toy. Though she wasn't paying attention to the order she put them in, they ended up being in the right order.

"You did it!" Daring cheered as she hovered down to grab Rainbow, lifting her off the ground and out of the temple. She nuzzled the foal nose to nose. "Now, who’s ready for their cookie?" She asked in a singsong voice.

Rainbow giggled and babbled some meaningless junk.

Daring patted the diaper some and smiled. "Wasn't that fun?” She cooed while taking Rainbow to the kitchen and placing her in the highchair. "Let’s get you your reward." She declared while moving to a small cookie jar.

The little filly just giggled and started to hit her hooves on the tray of the highchair.

The grown mare just smiled at the action as she brought over the cookie and held it back just a bit. "What’s the magic words?"

Rainbow just babbled and made grabbing motions at the cookie.

Daring paused, her heart beating slightly faster "Uh, Rainbow?" She kept watching the foalish sight with a light gulp. “Come on, say something!"

Rainbow looked up at the mare and babbled, Daring could almost make out the word. “Mama!"

"Oh no! No no no!" Daring gasped in horror! She trotted in place as all manner of thoughts ran through her mind. "Rainbow come on, stop playing around!"

Rainbow babbled something and bounced up and down in her diaper, her adult mind seemed to be gone.

“Ugh I was just trying to have fun with her! Didn’t know this was going to happen,” Daring groaned while breathing hard. Her head rested in the tray of the highchair as she let out a groan. “What am I going to do?!”

The little filly looked at Daring. She felt like she had done something wrong, and was about to cry, until she felt her adult side taking over. For what seemed like forever the two sides fought, then at last her adult side took control and blurted out. "No cwy, Mama. Me otay."

Dating shot up, unleashing the tears she been holding back. “Oh thank Celestia! I have no idea what Twilight would do if you lost it entirely. “

"Wah you mean?" Rainbow asked.

“Twilight mentioned something about the two sides of you, and I think they’re trying to figure out who’s in control.” Daring explained as she took in a few breaths.

"Wah sides?" Rainbow nervously asked.

“You were acting like an actual foal. You couldn’t even talk.” Daring explained. Her mane look disheveled as she tried to calm herself.

"Me no remember that." Rainbow answered.

“l see,” Daring sighed. As promised she gave Rainbow the cookie. “Must be because you’re in a foal body. Twilight did mention that, I think,” Not understanding what Daring was talking about, Rainbow just took a bite of the cookie and giggled. “Focus, Rainbow! You don’t want to slip completely into the mindset of a foal, do you?” Daring asked, now a little worried to leave her at the daycare tomorrow.

"Bu, wah point of being foaw if I have no fun?!" Rainbow asked.

“I mean, you can have fun. Just you know, uh,” Daring paused, unsure of how to phrase it. “Just worried about you is all,” She then blushed. “Well, now I really do sound like my mother.”

Rainbow giggled. "You have mama?" To her that sounded like a normal question, but to Daring it was something that she thought even a foal would know.

“Yeah, she’s way over protective, always worried for me,” Daring explained before a light chuckle escaped her lips. “If she really knew about all the stuff I get up to, she’d throw a fit. “

"Why you nevew say anyting bout her? Wike she no in any books.” Rainbow questioned with a puzzled look.

“I don’t know, never felt it fit in or that it was that important,” Daring shrugged. “Plus, my mom just thinks I dig up artifacts or something. She’s a worry wart, but she’s still caring. Extremely supportive of me while I was a foal.”

Rainbow smiled. "Sounds wike my weaw mama."

“Oh ? What’s she is like?” Daring asked while retrieving a jar of foal food.

"She and my dada always smothew me, wike when I get wast pwace in a wace they make it out wike I saved the wowld or someting." Rainbow explained.

“Nothing wrong with a little support. I mean, all the fans I see at conventions keep me going,” Daring beamed. “But I can see why you don’t want to see them in this state. They’d never let you go.”

Rainbow sighed. "Me wuv them, but they do too much! One time me mama took a big fiwewowk cannon to a wace I had, in fiwst gwade!"

“Oh, wow, that is petty nutty!” Daring commented. She then popped open the jar of applesauce and scooped some into the filly’s mouth.

Rainbow swallowed the mush, finding its taste to be good. She opened her mouth for more

“Now I see why you don’t want your parents to find out. Compared to them I’m tame, “ Daring giggled, keeping up the spoon feeding.

Rainbow smiled. "I wuv you, Mama."