• Published 22nd Jan 2019
  • 3,835 Views, 167 Comments

Adventurer to Mother - Zubric

When Daring Do's latest adventure goes south, the adventurer finds herself stuck with a regressed Rainbow Dash. Can Twilight fix the curse, or will Rainbow Dash have to grow up all over again? And will Daring find she likes being a mother?

  • ...

Ending 1: Back to Normal.

It was morning by the time Twilight had the potion ready. Daring was taking her time, wheeling Rainbow down the street and looking at all the activities the town ponies were up to. Truth be told she was going to kind of miss being Rainbow’s mother. Yeah, things like diaper changing and having to leave Rainbow when she went on adventures was less than desirable. But a part of her was going to miss having a little one to come home to.

Rainbow looked up at Daring excitedly, "You weady, Mama?" She asked, feeling bubbly about being big once more. Being a foal again was interesting, but there were just too many trade offs that came with it.

The adventurous mare tried to hide her worry and simply nodded. "Yeah, let’s get you back to normal," She smiled, pausing to give Rainbow a head pat. "Wonder if we'll need bigger diapers when we’re done?" She teased, trying to lighten the mood for herself.

Rainbow looked at Daring with an odd look. "Why would we need big diapees?"

"No reason, I’m just joking." Daring teased before pushing the stroller along again, her mind thinking of all sorts of things that could go wrong with the potion. Twilight seemed pretty confident but Daring didn’t know the alicorn as well as others did.

As Daring made her way to the library, Pinkie came darting up and smiled. "Hey Yearling, come on, Fluttershy and I are enjoying some muffins at Twilight's!" She chirped. "I bet Dashie’s ready to be a big filly." She quickly learned down, nuzzling into Rainbow's tummy.

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah! I wanna be big again! No need diapees!"

Pinkie bounced alongside the two, beaming. "I bet you’re gonna be super duper fast at the games and everything!" She said while darting her head around in a sweeping motion. "Woosh! Woo! Wham!"

Rainbow clapped her hooves. "Yeah! I gonna win them all!"

"Either that or Derpy might. She can go really fast when she wants to." Pinkie remarked back, making sure to wave at each pony as they approached the library.

Rainbow nodded as they entered the library, "Twily, we here!" Rainbow yelled out, immediately catching sight of Fluttershy sitting at the main table as well.

"Oh, hey Rainbow Dash. I hear Twilight has the cure all ready,” Fluttershy spoke up and waved. “I hope it works. I came here for support."

Rainbow got out of the stroller and waddled over to Fluttershy. "Tank you, Fwutters! Ya ta best!" She then unconsciously put her forelegs up towards her friend, like she wanted to be held.

Fluttershy awed and scooped the foal up with a giggle. "Don’t you just love baby animals and ponies?" She blushed while looking across to Daring.

Twilight was quick to come out from the kitchen area, smiling. "Oh good, you made it. I got the mixture all ready," She said quite proudly, and the grin on her face seemed to suggest she was quite sure of herself. "had to test it on a few plants first, just a few drops."

Spike rolled his eyes as he nibbled on a muffin. "She wanted me to test a few drops too. Not sure why though. I think maybe she wanted a ‘baby’ dragon again. But I don’t wanna go back to my hatchling days."

Rainbow blushed a little and looked at the mixture. She was ready to be an adult again, but at the same time for some reason she didn't want to change back.

Fluttershy gently rocked her for a few moments before looking at Rainbow as the foal fidgeted. "Is something wrong?" She asked as Daring looked at the faintly blue glowing container of water.

"Well, I don't know what me wanna do,” Rainbow confessed. “Me wanna be an adult again, but then me also like being baby."

Twilight rubbed her neck. "Well, we don't have to rush this. You could stay foal for a little longer this morning if you want. Once you drink the potion there’s no going back." She offered, watching Rainbow snuggle into the warm fur of her friend.

Rainbow thought about the offer and nodded. "Yeah, tat sounds good."

Daring grinned. "If that’s what you want. Seems Fluttershy really wants a turn at being a mommy." She teased.

The timid pegasus blushed. "Um, maybe just a little. I always have felt kind of motherly."

Rainbow giggled and held onto her friend. "Otay. Me guess if you wanna, me little for a bit, Mama." Rainbow said while looking up at Fluttershy

Fluttershy gently patted her friend's head. "Aww, thanks Rainbow." She smiled.

Pinkie giggled. "Ooh! I got some ribbons if you want some bows in her tail." She offered pulling some out of her mane.

Rainbow giggled and looked at Pinkie. "You get turn as mama later, Pinkie."

Pinkie beamed. "Neat! But I've had plenty of time to do it when I was having you play with the twins. You can be a pretty naughty baby when you want to.”

“Am not.” Rainbow protested.

Fluttershy sat Rainbow upon the table, taking out some yellow ribbons before beginning to play with Rainbow’s short mane. There was just enough hair to work with as she fiddled around, soon going with a single bow at the back of her head before moving to the tail.

Rainbow giggled and took a look at the bow in her mane. It made her feel really cute, and she didn't really care that she did. It wasn’t like the smothering kind of affection her mom and dad always gave her.

The other mares and (one dragon) all dawwed once Fluttershy had finished with the bow on Rainbow’s tail and had the foal waddle around some for the group. After that, the pegasus leaned down to Rainbow and smiled before covering her muzzle "Where’s Fluttershy?" She sing sang.

Pinkie laughed at the sight. "I wonder if she still young enough for that to work?"

Rainbow looked at where Fluttershy was, but for some reason she couldn't see her. "Fwuttershy?"

Fluttershy beamed brightly as she moved her hooves "Here I am!" She sing sang, lightly booping Rainbow’s nose. "Silly filly."

Rainbow giggled loudly. "How you do tat, Fwuttershy?"

"Like this," Fluttershy explained, covering her face with her wings and this time waiting for a second before fluttering them open. "Boo." She cooed.

Rainbow burst out laughing again and looked up at Fluttershy. "You magic!"

“Secret mama magic," Fluttershy said before playfully giving the diaper a pat. "Now let’s play"

Playtime lasted for quite a while. By now Rainbow had even gotten used to having her diapers changed.

As lunch rolled around, Daring pulled the small bottle over to Rainbow with a smile. "Well I guess it's time to try it?" She asked even though she was a little hesitant herself.

Rainbow nodded. "Me guess."

Pinkie plonked over next to Rainbow, giving her a big hug. "Oh, don't be sad, Dashie. I bet you'll love being big again."

"Yeah, me know, but still," Rainbow trailed off as she eyed the liquid, more specifically what it was in. "Why it in a bottle?"

Spike shrugged ."Was the only thing I could find that wouldn't spill."

Rainbow blushed a little and hugged Daring. "T-tank you, Mama. Ya the best."

"Aww, I had fun too. I loved being a mommy, even if sometimes it could get kind of messy," Daring said, before taking the bottle and gently setting it into Rainbow's lips. "Let's hope this works."

Rainbow closed her eyes and started to suckle down the bottle, tasting the odd formula flavour to the concoction. As she drank she felt a tingling sensation in her body as the bottle was drained. All eyes were on her as she drank the sweet, oddly blueberry tasting water. When the bottle was emptied, Daring sat Rainbow on the floor, waiting.

It only took a few moments as Rainbow's body began to glow and expand. The little filly began to grow, the diaper getting tighter and tighter before bursting off her and into little pieces. Rainbow felt dizzy as she steadily got larger, passing through puberty quickly before finally returning to her proper age.

Rainbow opened her eyes to see everyone looking at her. "Uh, hey? Did it work?"

"Yay, you're back to normal!" Pinkie cheered, giving Rainbow another hug. "We should totally throw you a party!"

Rainbow blinked, still feeling dizzy while staring back at Pinkie. "Uh, I'm not really in the mood for a party."

"Aw, but why?" Pinkie pouted while giving puppy dog eyes.

Daring moved over next to give Rainbow a light hug. "Now Pinkie, give her time to adjust.”

"Yeah, I was just in a diaper not even a minute ago," Rainbow said and then blushed. “Never thought I’d have to go back to them after I was four.”

Daring couldn’t help but giggle and pat Rainbow’s head. “Well, now you can use the big potty. And this time you won’t clog it up" The others in the room snickered too.

Twilight, meanwhile, let out a sigh of relief. "I’m so glad that worked. I was really afraid it wouldn’t."

Rainbow smiled while putting a hoof around Twilight. "Thank you, Twilight! I mean it. I have no idea what I’d do if the potion hadn’t worked,” Then she swooped over to Daring, giving her a hug. "You are a great mommy, Daring. You were awesome."

Daring blushed while shuffling her hooves. "Well I was just helping a little filly in need. Anypony in my situation would’ve done the same."

"Are you kidding? You were a natural. Even if I was kind of a stinker in more ways than one." Rainbow joked while doing a flip in the air, so glad to be able to fly again.

Daring smiled, a light blush forming on her cheeks. "Well, I didn't really know what I was doing. I didn’t even have any books I could consult."

Fluttershy smiled too. "I think you did a great job. Being a mother is something you have to learn as you go along."

Daring's cheeks kept blushing. "Thanks, I learned that the hard way,” Then she turned to the alicorn. “Say, Twilight, did you end up using both vials? I kind of had something in mind for Rainbow."

Twilight shook her head. "No, actually I only really had to use half of the first vial."

"Oh that's great, because I had a little thank you present idea for Rainbow," Daring said while peering over at Rainbow with a grin. "You see, the effects of the water are only temporary, so I thought maybe I could become Rainbow's foal for a day or two."

Rainbow thought for a second. "I guess that kind of sounds fair. You took care of me, now I have to take care of you."

Daring put a wing around her friend, patting her back. "Oh, but wouldn't being a mother be a bit of fun?" She asked

Rainbow nodded a little. "I guess. If my friends can make it look easy how hard can it really be?"

"Great!" Daring beamed. "And then everyone can see the foal book with all your images," She teased. "Rarity sure loved to dress you up. You were her little fashion victim."

Rainbow blushed. "No way! You actually made a foal book of me?"

"Pinkie suggested it after all. That way we could all remember the experience." Daring answered, as the rest of the mares (and the dragon) began to laugh playfully.

Daring took a moment to compose herself before grabbing the vial. “Rainbow Dash, I'd get a diaper ready if I were you."

"I never thought I'd be the one pushing this thing," Rainbow commented as they made their way toward the park, Scoootalo tagging along. “It’s so weird how the roles have reversed now.”

Daring kicked her chubby legs, chuckling on how short they were compared to the time she was only a filly. "Dis feels do different, but nice." She shifted, making the padding russell as she got comfy inside the stroller.

Rainbow chuckled with a smirk. "You'll get used to it, sweetie. I know I did." She teased, using a voice her mother probably used.

Daring laughed. "I not Sweetie Belle." She joked back, noticing all the stares she was getting.

"I know you’re not, I was just calling you sweetie. You know, like most mommies do to their children?" Rainbow explained.

"I was teasing. Of course I know that’s what you meant." Daring said, laughing more and feeling overjoyed at the smallest things. In a way this was like a vacation from her job as an adventurer pony.

Scootaloo nudged Rainbow's side. "Haha. She got you there, Rainbow."

Rainbow blushed. "So? She's only a year old, maybe a year and a half!"

Scootaloo laughed more as they made their way into the park proper, many colts and fillies running around like usual.

Daring kicked her legs, staring around at all the young foals playing around in the grass. All the while she was observing the landscape from her new perspective, before a very familiar mare and her foal came wheeling over.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, you're back to normal," Icy chiperly declared, before leaning down to look at Daring. "But why is Yearling a foal?"

Rainbow blushed. "Twilight cured me with reversed fountain of youth water and there was some left. So Yearling drank it, but she'll be an adult again in a day or so."

"The Fountain of Youth? It's real?" Icy blinked in surprise. Frozen, who was in the stroller, cooed while looking at Daring with interest.

"I guess." Rainbow said unsure how secret it was supposed to be. She hadn’t really given it a thought until now.

"Oh, well it's good to know Yearling will be alright. She is awfully cute." Icy leaned down giving the foal a tickle.

Scootaloo wandered over to Frozen. "Hey there, little filly."

Frozen looked up into Scootaloo eyes, giggling and kicking around all innocently. "She likes you." Icy cooed.

Scootaloo beamed, patting Frozen head. "Yeah, foals love me." She said, watching Frozen coo some more.

Daring waved too hearing Frozen’s foal talk. "Hewwo."

Frozen looked at the other foal and said. "Hi, I Frozen. Wah you name, and why you wook wike Wainbow’s mama?"

"I am Rainbow's mama," Daring replied before blinking. "Wow, I understand foal? So dis is what is was like."

Frozen looked at the other foal, "But how you Rainbow’s mama, if you foaw?"

"Magic water." Daring cooed. Everypony else couldn’t help but find the moment cute.

"I bet you're glad to be an adult again, Rainbow." Icy commented.

"Yeah, I was getting sick of diapers." Rainbow nodded. She had a newfound appreciation for her independence from them.

"You sure went through a lot of them." Scootlao teased, swiftly getting a light noogie from Rainbow in return.

"Well, I couldn't control when I had to go." Rainbow blushed.

Frozen laughed, clapping her little hooves. "Hehe, pee pee."

Daring blushed but laughed too. "Yeah, that happens. So does the other ting, which is gwoss."

Frozen giggled more. “Me getting good at not doing tat anymowe. Soon I be ready for potty training.”

"So, would you like to play with my little one?" Icy asked, once more ruffling Daring mane.

Rainbow smiled and nodded at Daring, trying to tell her that it would be alright if she did

Daring beamed. "Yay, pway time!" Her childish side coming out as she bounced in her seat.

Icy happily moved the group over to the playground area. Rainbow then went about unbuckling Daring and setting her down. She couldn’t help but coo. "Okay, Yearling, don't wander off. And come get me if you need something."

Daring smiled and nodded. "Otay, Mama. Me be good."

Frozen giggled, booping Daring’s nose. "Hee hee, ya mama was a foal." She babbled, watching as Icy got out a small ball for the two from her bag. Daring blushed but smiled upon seeing it.

"Yah, me was big but now me small." Daring smiled, having a few baby teeth that poked out.

Scootaloo, meanwhile set out a picnic blanket for the two to sit upon. "Don’t want grass stains on their fur."

Rainbow nodded. "Don’t worry, we can always clean them up afterward.”

Daring looked back at Rainbow, before finding herself idly staring around at all the green.. As her mind wandered, she found herself grabbing her hind hoof oddly thinking of what to do with it. Within moments she was on her back trying with all her might get her hoof into her mouth.

Rainbow sighed. "Yearling, I don't even want to tell you how many times I tried to do that when I was a foal."

"I can do it!" Daring whined, rocking on her bottom as she tried. The foal was very nimble of course, and she was an adventure. Daring just couldn't get the idea of this challenge out of her head.

Frozen laughed, mimicking the little pegasus and trying to do it too.

This of course made Rainbow snicker. "Seriously, Yearling, you’re not going to get it."

Daring narrowed her eyes and rocked more. "Says you!" She stuck her tongue out to try and reach, her padded rump crinkling.

Icy was trying to hold back her laughter, pressing a hoof to her mouth.

Rainbow smiled. "Your diaper is in the way, you’re not going to get it.”

Frozen laughed, trying to copy Daring while grabbing her hind leg with her forehoof.

Daring smirked and curled, soon popping the hoof into her mouth for a second before smirking. She popped open like a spring and laughed, laying on her back. "Haha! I did it."

Rainbow smiled. "Good job, sweetie! You know, I never actually tried to do it when I was a foal."

"Do you mean your first time or second?" Scootaloo asked, watching Daring kick her legs with joy.

"The second. I have no idea about the first.” Rainbow explained.

As the adults talked, the two foals waddled to the edge of the blanket, sniffing at the flowers nearby. Daring sighed, enjoying the rather soothing feeling of being young again.

Frozen smiled and touched Daring’s side. "Tag! You it!"

Daring let out a gasp before waddling after her small friend. Icy made sure to keep an eye on them as she talked. "I'm curious, what was it like being a foal?" She asked.

Rainbow smiled warmly, thinking back on the last few weeks. "It was nice," She blushed, "Despite a few troublesome moments I quite enjoyed having Yearling as my mom. My mom got to see me as a foal again too."

As the afternoon went on Rainbow kept thinking back on it and smiled more. It had been pretty nice overall, and was the nicest adventure she’d ever been on.

Author's Note:

Sorry that it took so long, alternate ending coming Soonish. This story will get finished.