• Published 2nd Oct 2020
  • 1,228 Views, 89 Comments

Doki Doki new school - dragenfire68

Monika has seen everything there is too see in the digital world and she is tired of it all, she knows that no matter what, she will never be free, at least until a strange voice offers her a deal she doesnt dare turn down.

  • ...

Stealing the Sunset

The Girls plus MC, arrived the next day and in a surprise move that amazed the students all set up their lockers directly around Sunset's, MC being directly behind her while Monika's and Sayori's were right next to hers, she didn't miss the looks of pity that the students sent to Mc, or the girls.

Sunset was amazed that they would bother, ever since the fall formal everyone who used to use the lockers had packed up and left, leaving those either to lazy or those that simply didn't care to occupy the rest, other then them the hall was deserted, which suited Sunset just fine, or at least that's what she told herself.

Sunset sat down for AP Math, checking over her notes and homework, that is until a swath of brown hair entered her peripheral, Monika had sat right next to her, unlike the rest who made sure that there was at least one desk between her and them, Sunset met her eyes and Monika just gave a smile, Sunset was in awe with how well Monika took to the lesson it was as if she had been here the entire year.

The next class Sunset had was Cooking, and in it was a short pink haired girl, who introduced herself as just Natsuki, her attitude and mannerisms reminded her of Rainbow Dash, though during the free cooking period, she was a lot like Pinkie Pie what surprised her the most is that Natsuki adamantly, fearlessly and freely paired herself with Sunset.

English was her next class, though instead of just one, there was two new girls, one of them introduced themselves as Sayori and the other Yuri, though Yuri had to repeat herself because she spoke like a certain yellow girl, Sayori and Yuri sat on either side of Sunset, who by now was suspicious that the girls were planning something, and she was on the chopping block, but for some reason this didn't really bother her.

History was last before lunch, and instead of a girl, it was a boy who introduced himself though instead of a full name he simply said his name is MC, the teacher raised an eyebrow but MC just shrugged, and sat right next to Sunset to the chagrin of the other male classmates, and some sighs of pity from the females.

"Hey Sunset, wanna eat lunch with us?" Monika asked, causing Sunset to fumble her things almost dropping them, but she recovered, before turning to the other girl, searching her face for lies or deceit, but she felt that Monika was asking with complete sincerity.

Sunset wanted to deny the request politely, but Monika felt genuine, it wasn't the same feeling she got from the others when they were around her, the others felt closed off and apathetic, they were good actors, but despite the masks she knew exactly where they stood, so Sunset nodded in agreement.

Monika smiled and simply stared at Sunset, She wondered why until it hit her that none of them knew where the lunch room even was, She gestured for them to follow her and began the walk which wasn't far, everyone followed her towards the lunch room, anyone that crossed their paths no longer gave looks of pity, instead it was suspicion.

"You know, you don't have to be around me, its probably best if you pretend we never met," Sunset said, not missing the looks of suspicion leveled at the new girls.

"You don't get to make that choice for us, Nor are you allowed to run away," Sayori admonished, eyes sparkling with a pout, hands clasped at her sides, the strength in her voice took Sunset by surprise.

"I'm sorry... I didn't think....please don't abandon me...." Sunset started before she trailed off, her last sentence barely audible, but they heard her.

"Don't worry bout it, she simply meant that no matter what anyone else says, we'll be our friends and we'll always have your back," Monika said, holding her hand out to Sunset, she looked at it then back up too her face before she shook.

The girls and MC were blown away by the selection they saw, Sunset wasn't sure why, but she decided not to ask, she watched as they simply took pretty much everything, while she simply took the smallest amount she needed.

"Hey, now that we all are here, how come people here treat you like you have leprosy?" MC asked with no tact or subtly.

"MC, you cant just ask why someone is outcast, at least have a little tact!!" Yuri gasped softly, before gently slapping MC on the shoulder.

"I.... I stole this really powerful magical crown, and with it I brainwashed all the adults and students, I intended to use them to over throw my old mentor, but I was stopped by someone else who was taught by her, she took it back and left me behind in this world, under watch from her friends, I've been trying too make up for it all, I know I deserve it."

"the way they treat you, I thought you had done much worst, though I know from experience that nobody deserves to outcast, and ostracized, your trying to be a better person and you deserve redemption more then some people," Monika said with the utmost seriousness, though none of the girls or the MC missed the none verbalized subtext that hadn't said, they were gonna talk to Monika when they got home.

Sunset sat stunned, she couldn't understand why someone like Monika or any of them cared, or were giving her a chance, they treated her like a person and not like a wild animal ready to bite or lash out if given the chance.

Sunset knew that the others didn't care, because not long after Twilight left, they changed their numbers, not that she blamed them, and unless she accidentally ran into them somewhere outside, they didn't bother including or inviting her anywhere, she understood that she deserves it, after all she had almost killed them.

Monika meant it when she said some people didn't deserve redemption or forgiveness, she still cant understand why the user bothered to download mods that redeemed her, why any of the girls forgave her for killing them, especially Sayori who doesn't hate her, even though she thinks she should for what she did.

Unbeknownst to any of the parties there, strange symbols were added to their laptops, while a new character file was added, across the multiverse a certain draconequus laughed in joy, his family has averted a disaster that would not only destroy the world on the other side but would have ruined his perfect world, and too add the icing on the top, he gets to steal something of both Twilight and Celestia, he would have her of her own free will.