• Published 6th Aug 2012
  • 17,526 Views, 1,076 Comments

The Literary Appeal - HiddenBrony

Cheerilee gets an unexpected invitation from Ponyville's librarian, but her mother has other plans.

  • ...

Act III: Updating Your Appeals

Author's Note:

Hey there reader. You may be wondering, "Hey! I remember this part of the story! This isn't a new update at all!" To which I say... It's been half a decade how did you even remember that? No, like seriously—

Okay, not the time.

Long story short the last two chapters were two of the longest, and both needed massive rewriting. In that rewriting, I added a couple thousand more horsewords to the chapters, making them both rather long. I also didn't quite like how they flowed together, so I split them into three, which is why this chapter is here, now. Again, expect the next update Mid-August, 'cause I gotta go get hitched f and won't be having much time to write at all between now and then.

But hey, there's a lot of new horsewords in the other chapter, and a bunch at the end of this chapter! Lookit all that new story! It's like DLC for a book.

“So that’s how she met your mother,” Rarity nodded, placing a gentle hoof on Cheerilee’s. Cheerilee sipped her tea as she digested the information. “I expected a much better ending for something that carried on so long, but not every great story can have a satisfying ending,” Rarity sighed, placing her free hoof over her forehead. “Celestia knows I’d prefer an alternate ending to the whole night.”

Cherilee looked up and smiled. “And that would be?”

Rarity smiled, “Something that ended with myself and Fancy Pants under the stars, of course. He may be a much older stallion than what I’m used to, but the way he can treat any mare—” Cheerilee coughed, cutting off Rarity as she scrambled for a hoofkercheif. “Oh, that’s right, he’s practically your father.”

“I wouldn’t say father,” Cheerilee relented, wiping her muzzle thoroughly. Satisfied with a clean mouth, she cleared her throat a moment before responding. “Closer to uncle, really. Like the fun uncle you hear about.”

“What I wouldn’t give to be that close to him.” Rarity swooned, much to Cheerilee’s dismay. Inwardly, the schoolteacher was balking at the similarities Rarity often shared with her mother. “My my, even though it was only yesterday we spoke, it feels like eons since I saw him last.”

"You know Rarity, I don't think you'd want him to be your uncle," she teased. "Unless I guess if you hailed from Alabamare..." Somewhere, Princess Luna sent some pun-based villain to the moon. Rarity looked white with shock. And white in general.

"How dare!" she gasped, causing Cheerilee to giggle despite herself. Rarity cuffed her lightly, her mouth curled in a reluctant smile. "Ugh, I say I'll not live that one down for an eternity."

Cheerilee nodded. “Anything dealing with my mother feels like an eternity.” The two ponies sat center in Rarity’s main living space, up the stairs from the categorized clutter of the Boutique. The two had attempted to discuss a somewhat formal dress for Pinkie’s party, but they soon dissolved into irrepressible gossip. “I’m truly sorry you had to deal with her again, as well.” Rarity looked to the side, her face stretched slightly as she let loose a high-pitched laugh. Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. “Mm?”

“Well, about your mother… she seems to be in very good graces with Fancy Pants, and, um… Well, I must confess, Cheerilee, but I’ve been rather unfriendly to your mother, for, well, what she’s done to you over the years, but…” Rarity sighed. “It’s not good… business sense, to continue such an unmentioned blacklist of her. She was, after all, my very first commission.”

Cheerilee nearly choked on her tea. In case you missed it, Rarity made tea. It seemed right for their conversion, and Cheerilee couldn't tell you when she got the cup. Only that she was apparently very bad at drinking it. Rarity’s magic was quick with the napkin, and she made a valiant effort to tap Cheerilee on the back.

Nothing hard or particularly helpful, mind, but her hoof certainly did make contact with the base of Cheerilee’s mane. “I’m fine,” Cheerilee sputtered into a napkin, “I’m fine, I just… I didn’t know she was your first commission.”

Rarity exhaled longingly through her nose, nodding for a while in silence. “She practically saved my first month being open. Opening such a place like this in Ponyville is… risky, darling. Most of our community opts to go without clothes, which I understand is part of our rustic charm. That said, tailoring outfits, fabulous as they are, well, it didn’t exactly resonate here at first. But your mother… she being of the Canterlot breed, she knew what a good dress was. And she ordered… well, she certainly covered my living situation for the first quarter I was open. By the time I learned about everything she did against you, and so much time had passed since we were a thing… well, she had practically paid my expenses for half a year.” Cheerilee opened her mouth, but Rarity raised a hoof to stop her. “Not that it changes how I feel about what she did, or that I forgive her, or that she is in any way absolved, but…”

Cheerilee didn’t meet Rarity’s gaze. “It makes good business sense. I don’t blame you,” she said, crossing her hooves.

Rarity tried to bite her tongue, but she reached out and put a hoof on Cheerilee’s. “It’s not only that but… she can be a good pony. A harlot who plays too fast and loose with her Celestia-forsaken curves, and no respect of the private lives of others, but…”

Cheerilee lifted her chin, aiming herself towards the door. “I need a dress for the party tonight, Rarity.” Rarity felt her back hit the chair, the force of Cheerilee’s change of conversation physically taking a toll on her. Her hoof hesitantly reached forward, but she withheld it at the last instant. “Something semi-formal? I mean it’s been great catching up but I do… I came here with business foremost in mind, after all. I can’t let us chat until it’s too late, after all.” As Cheerilee headed for the door downstairs, Rarity got up after her.

Placing her hoof on Cheerilee’s shoulder, Rarity made as to turn around Cheerilee so she’d face her. “Now, Cheerilee, I don’t mean to upset you—” However, Cheerilee was more than ready to spin around, and Rarity’s added pull only caused her to lose balance, and the ponies very quickly found themselves bumping their muzzles, staring into each other’s eyes. Rarity felt her mouth run dry, and her jaw dropped open at the same time Cheerilee’s did.

At that moment, Spike burst in through the door and witnessed two ponies nuzzling, with open mouths just millimeters from each other, flushed red – with desire! Spike grabbed at his heart, breathing quick and shallow. “I-i-i-I’m too late!” he exclaimed. Falling to his knees, Spike slammed both of his fists into the ground. Staring up at the ceiling, Spike flung his hands into the air as he screamed in dismay.



“I didn’t mean to say that,” Twilight put her hoof over her mouth, but Applejack rolled her eyes.

“I didn’t rightly have to hear that. Celestia knows I hear enough of that from Rarity and Rainbow Dash.” Applejack snorted, but she kept up a solid shoulder for Twilight to lean on. “So she stumbled on your little dirty secrets, Twi. Everypony has a couple, even if they are just in their past.”

Twilight blushed slightly at how candidly Applejack talked, but it was one of the things she respected most from her friend. “You too?” she asked.

“Nah, not anymore. I sort of…” Applejack trailed off, looking down at the floor for a moment. “Well, Applebloom nearly found ‘em one time, and after that, I sort of burned them in the barrel the next chance I got. Besides, I ain’t got time for that on the farm, not unless it’s the real thing.”

Twilight looked up at the rings in the wooden trunk that made her ceiling. She would have likely counted them to avoid speaking on the subject if she hadn’t cataloged the number nearly immediately after moving to Ponyville.

The rings on the ceiling were at 87, not counting the rings that made were between the edge of the wall and the outside. The floor had 89, but the last ring sometimes hid inside the wall, and the wall that separated the main library space from the office and kitchen areas were only 60 rings out. Two rings were consumed by the inner wall of the office while, annoyingly, three to four separated the library from the kitchen, making the wall space slightly more uneven between the two rooms.

It had lead to some late-night stubbed hooves. And three separate instances of a dragon running face first into a dividing wall that could have been easily regulated to just a stubbed claw. And exactly one instance of a unicorn pushing a schoolteacher out the door in a rush to save face and then collapsing on to the dividing wall… only to miss completely and end up on her back in the middle of the room.

“The real thing…” Twilight echoed, bringing herself back to reality. Sheepishly, Twilight faced Applejack with pursed lips. “Have you ever, y’know…”

“With a stallion?” Applejack finished her question.

“Or a mare, really.” Twilight put a hoof to her mouth, thinking deeply.

“Shoot, Twilight, I didn’t picture you the gossiping type like Rarity about such things.”

Twilight’s face went as red as Applejack’s cutie mark. “I didn’t mean to gossip! I just thought while we were on the subject I might maybe learn or—” she found herself silenced by Applejack’s raucous guffaw.

“I’m just playin’ with you Twi. ‘Course I have, although only stallions, mind,” Applejack chuckled, bringing a hoof up to her head and scratching at her forehead. “Just… for fun, nothing serious. Kept it safe, too… mostly. I had a lot of excess energy the farm wasn’t burning off when I was a mite bit younger.”

“Oh! Oh, really? I never pictured you as… well, um…” Twilight trailed off, not sure of how to say her next words.

“A mare who knows how to have a little fun? Shoot, Twi, I know it ain’t typical of a gal to go around with her tail in the air, but I’m doin’ what works for me. I wouldn’t expect any of you other gals to do what I’ve done,” Applejack paused, giving Twilight a wink and nudging her with her hip. “Well, except for you. Nopony knows what you library types are like.”

Twilight found herself flushed again, but having Applejack there… She playfully nudged back with a little more force, causing Applejack to nearly go off-balance. “I’m just fine, thank you!”

“Whoa Nelly! Well, looks like you had a little more fire than I thought!” Applejack allowed Twilight to lean on her and wrapped a hoof around her friend. “You mean it?”

Twilight smiled and cocked her head. “Mean what?”

“That you’re fine?” Applejack asked.

Twilight blinked. “I…” she started, looking back towards the stairs that led towards the attic. Sure her smut was there, and it still embarrassed her, but her chest didn’t feel tight. “I think… I think I’m better.” Turning back to Applejack, Twilight’s eyes lit up. Sighing contentedly, Applejack released Twilight and picked herself off the floor. “Not perfect, but… better.”

“See, sometimes it’s good just to let it all out to a friend. Y’all know I’m always willing to lend an ear, even if it’s about girls, books, or… fashion. Just expect an honest answer.” Applejack drew out the word for Rarity’s sake, wherever she was. “So what’s next for you, Twi? Gonna go talk to Cheerilee?”

Twilight sat still, giving her door a wary glance. “I suppose I have to. Should I do it before Pinkie’s party?” Applejack shrugged.

“Not my area of expertise, sugar. I only got me a toy I play with now and then, I ain’t ever had the real deal like you and Cheerilee,” she said. Twilight nodded gratefully, finally bringing herself to her feet and shaking her back legs out, trying to get the pins and needles to stop.

“Do you think you’ll ever have it?”

“What?” Applejack asked, eyebrow raised. “The real deal?” Twilight nodded. Applejack snorted and shook her head. “I dunno, maybe. I’m so busy with the farm and you girls and this whole ‘save Equestria from the newest weekly crisis’ bit. I ain’t… I don’t think I’ll be ready to find a good pony to settle down with anytime soon. None of ‘em seem… good enough, for me. I just hope… I hope I do enough that maybe Big Mac might find a nice pony to settle down with first.” Applejack snickered, rolling her eyes as she added, “Soon as he stops playing with dolls and falling in love with every mare he sees to the point of speechlessness.”

Twilight giggled along with Applejack, and the latter turned to Twilight with a smirk. “I never thought I was one for this sorta girl talk. Rarity always made it seem pretty insufferable. But it’s been a good little chat, Twi.”

“It was. Thank you, Applejack. And for what it’s worth, any pony you give the time of day to for the real deal is in for one of the best ponies a friend could ask for.” This time it was Twilight who pulled her friend in for a hug, and the two friends squeezed hard before letting go. “So, um, before you found me wallowing in my own self-pity, what is it that you wanted, coming by the library like this?”

“Oh!” Applejack’s eyes shot open as she remembered. “I wanted some huckleberries for a pie I was making for Pinkie’s party tonight, but I was plum out. Darndest thing, she just delivered a whole batch to us not two days ago.”

“Why not an apple pie?”

Applejack’s eyes went into half-moons as she stared. “My name might be Apple, my mark might be apples, but I ain’t all about apples, Twi.”

“So Pinkie told you to bring a non-apple pie in case of allergies to apples.”

Applejack opened her mouth to protest but shut it as she was called out. “Okay, yeah, Pinkie asked me. Shoot. I really do like huckleberry pie, though.” She couldn’t help but chuckle a little, and Twilight joined in, the two sharing a moment of just laughter. “I do mean it, by the way,” Applejack finally said, nudging Twilight.

Cocking her head to one side, Twilight shook her head. “Mean what?”

“You and Cheerilee,” she said, Applejack swung her hoof from side to side as if indicating two different points on a line. “You’re the real deal. I didn’t think much of it before, I know the kind of pony Cheerilee used to be, a real chip off the old block, really. But you… I dunno, I’ve never seen her with another mare for so long. Y’all are doin’ good work.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed slightly, her hooves drawing closer together. “Yeah?” she said.

“Sure enough. Summer flings ain’t exactly unnatural dating habits of teachers, I’d reckon, but Applebloom tells me you two have been together since before summer. Good thing too, all that Discord business meant you had someone to come home and talk to who wasn’t all grey and full’a lies.” Applejack smiled and stretched her back some, Twilight couldn’t help but smile as she thought of Winona.

“Oh, well, we started dating after that.” Twilight stood up and looked at the floor. “Besides, I never felt like I needed to talk about that much. Discord’s a statue again and we’re all friends again. I don’t need to talk to anyone else about it.”

Applejack’s eyebrows rose, and she looked away towards the window. “Shoot, really? I had a good long talk with my family after it all. It helped air some laundry out, set everypony’s mind at ease.” Applejack nodded as if agreeing to her own point. “Communication is important with everypony. You ever tell Cheerilee all about what you told me today?”

“About what? Her mother?”

Applejack nodded. “Yeah, like your feelings on the matter.”

Twilight looked towards Applejack, her lips pursed together. “Of course, I told her I didn’t care about all of that…” Twilight trailed off when she saw Applejack pull a strained face. “What? What’s wrong?”

“Well, I dunno, Cheerilee’s always been antsy about her mother. It’s a real sticky issue, especially after she was with the high-falootin’ unicorn girlfriend a’ hers,” Applejack shrugged her shoulders. “I ain’t a master of advice, Twi, but if I was in Cheerilee’s position, I wouldn’t be sure I’d want to hear that you just wrote off her mother. It’s still her mother, Twi.”

Twilight chewed her lip. There was so much to this whole situation that she still didn’t understand, could she have been making things worse this whole time? Did Cheerilee still think Scarlet would sweep her off her feet? How absurd! “But I don’t..."

Applejack raised up a hoof. “Don’t need to tell me, sugarcube. You know I’m in your corner.” Playfully, Applejack reached out her hoof and pushed against Twilight’s shoulder. “Now come on, Twilight. A relationship is just a bigger, deeper friendship, and you were put here to learn it. We all have made mistakes in bein’ friends with each other, and we’re all still together. So go out there and mend things already.”

Twilight giggled despite herself, drawing up close to Applejack for another hug. “For a pony who undersells the quality of her advice, you sure do give it soundly.”

Applejack chuckled, parting the hug and heading towards the door. “If the quality of my advice is undersold, then think of just how good my apples are then. Best in Equestria,” she said. Stopping short of the door, Applejack raised her hoof and hit herself in the head. “Oh my stars, I nearly forgot the entire reason I came over here!”

Twilight perked up and tilted her head to the side. “The huckleberries?”

“Mmhm. Got any?”

“Sure thing, Applejack, they’re in the kitchen,” Twilight motioned idly. With a quick thank you, Applejack retrieved the berries and asked if she could borrow a saddlebag that would keep them from being crushed. “Of course, I’m surprised you didn’t bring one yourself.”

“I would have, Twi, but unfortunately Big Mac’s on a run today and he took all our more mashable goods with him in our bags, so I ain’t got any suited for carryin’ berries without staining everything from here to the farm. Those kinda stains take weeks to get outta your coat.” Applejack said, putting a hoof up to her mouth. “Oh my, Applejack, you simply mustn’t bring your downhome pies anywhere near my dresses! You’ll simply ruin them!

Twilight raised her eyebrow. “That was a surprisingly good Rarity.”

“I hear it enough.”

Twilight smiled and asked another question, “Can you do any of our other friends? How about Rainbow Dash?”

“Dash? That raspy retching she calls a voice could never come outta me.” Applejack laughed, lazily adding on that she didn’t have anything against Dash’s voice, she just couldn’t ever pull off an impression like that. Thanking Twilight for the berries, Applejack made as if to leave the Library, but noticed Twilight gearing up to leave as well. “Twilight?”

“Oh, I hope you don’t mind me tagging along, do you? I... I’m done trying to be alone today. Is that alright?” she asked, gingerly rubbing her forehoof. Applejack nodded, beckoning her to her side.

“Well, of course it is. Come on, we can talk about the party while we walk. You know the pony we’re supposed to be welcoming?” Twilight shook her head. Applejack shrugged as they walked across the threshold. “I suppose it could be anyone.”

As the two ponies walked outside, Twilight closed the door with her magic before turning to see a very leggy unicorn heading in their direction.


"Spike, please–" Cheerilee breathed, but the dragon was having none of it.

"I knew it! You'd go running back to Rarity the first chance you had!" Spike screamed. He clawed at his eyes, whining loudly into the sky. "Poor Twilight!" He said, actually meaning, of course, Poor Spike, but he'll grow out of it sooner or later.

Rarity huffed, almost dropping Cheerilee to the ground. "Spike, do you really think I would do anything to harm Twilight?" She helped Cheerilee to her feet, and turned on the dragon, her eyebrow raised.

"Oh, poor Rarity. Beautiful Rarity. You can't help it." Taking her hoof in his claw, he patted it pityingly. "It's in your generous nature not to deny the advances of your suitors. That's why I never want to push myself on you." Turning around, Spike shook his head. "But I can't believe I was too late to stop this."

Cheerilee put her hoof on her head, shaking it. "There's nothing to stop, Spike, you've just got the wrong idea!" Looking up, she was met with the sight of... just Rarity.

"Sorry dear, he left the room before you said a word." Cheerilee groaned, but Rarity helped lead her down the stairs. "But don't mind him. Poor Spikey has a penchant for this sort of thing, Twilight will surely set him straight before long."

Cheerilee nodded numbly, trying to parse together how the intervening time would go. However, Rarity at least lead her to the Boutique proper and quickly set about taking Cheerilee's measurements. However, she stopped rather suddenly and disappeared behind a rack of dresses. "Rarity?" Cheerilee called, watching the bob of Rarity's mane bounce between the various metal bars holding the hangers. "Don't you need to take my haunch and shoulders?" She was only guessing, of course. Cheerilee didn't know the first thing about dresses, nor the art of one.

"To be honest, Cheerilee," Rarity began, peeking out slowly between a couple of her works. "I only needed a few to see if they were the same as I remembered. You've... kept things together over the years," she said, her cheeks a flush red. "I have some dresses that'll fit you perfectly as-is. No tailoring needed."

Cheerilee's eyes bulged. "But I never got measured for a dress before–" Perhaps, Rarity meant that she had the measurements from Cherry Blossom, or even that Cheerilee somehow held the same physique as her mother. Of course, that wasn't the case, because Rarity remembered every curve of her flank from practical experience. And Cheerilee knew that. Eventually. It's why her fuschia face became Big Mac red, after all. "Ah."

"Found it~" Rarity sang, poping a dress of its home and bringing it around for Cheerilee to see. "I was going to grab a couple for you to choose from, but what can I say, this is all you'll need." The dress in question was an almost black color, the type of darkness you'd get at the center of smashing a huckleberry against a plain white fabric. Alongside the bottom fringe, various rectangular outlines stuck out almost like constellations, but only just. "I took some inspiration from a very awful dress I made, but then I... Well, it's a long story, and we're running low on time."

"You know?" Cheerilee asked, nigh breathless from the dress.

"Pinkie's, yes? I don't usually wear a dress to her affairs, but it's strange, I feel like this is going to be one of the times I feel like it would be necessary." Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin, but eventually just shook her head and looked back to Cheerilee. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" Cheerilee beamed, rubbing her face against the soft fabric. "Do you mind if I...?"

Rarity nodded. "Better now than the last time you came here to try on dresses. Oh Cheerilee, I was so confused that day."

Cheerilee grimaced. "I do wish everypony wouldn't try to remind me every chance they got," she said, earning her a rather pitying look from her ex. "I'm sorry if I never apologized for the... incident."

Rarity laughed, shooing away the sentiment with a hoof. "If anypony is to blame it's that scamp, Sweetie Belle. My little sister still hasn't worked off her chores from that little incident."

Despite her best attempts, Cheerilee allowed her to smile. "Thank you, Rarity."

"It's nothing," Rarity beamed. "Come along, Cheerilee, we've got dresses to try on!"

Cheerilee looked towards the door, and back to her friend. "But what about Spike?" However, she didn't get an answer as Rarity pushed the both of them and a whole rack of dresses into the back.

"He'll be fine. It's my job to make sure you look fine!" Rarity said, taking up Cheerilee's dress in her magic and approaching her slowly. "When I'm done with you, this party we're going to will soon be about you!"

"What? Why? No– No Rarity! Stop! Rarity! Raaaaaaaaaarrriiiiityyyyyyy!"