• Published 3rd Aug 2012
  • 4,174 Views, 121 Comments

Infamous: New Beginnings - Art Inspired

Cole McGrath wakes up to find himself in the universe of Equestria, world of the ponies!

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energy- first choice- good

Energy- first choice- good

Cole looked at Nix with the expression of a hero and said “I’m here to help these ponies any way possible. Forming an army of conduits isn’t what I’m here to do.”

Nix slumped over and said “Fine… Whatever… But I doubt the princess will be willing to let me free.”

“I think she will.” Cole argued. “All you have to do is say sorry and swear you will never do this again… We need to be trusted just as much as we need to trust at this point. I think these ponies might be able to get us home with work, and we can’t get them to help us if we go around hurting them; got it?”

Nix shook her head. They waited a moment before Princess Celestia came back. As she entered, Cole said his friend had an apology for her.

Nix drew a heavy sigh. “Look, we got off on the wrong foo… Uh, hoof, I guess I should say… I’m sorry for going ballistic back there… If you let me go; I promise I won’t do it again.”

Princess Celestia smiled and said “Very well… I’ll let you go… But, if I find out you hurt any more of my subjects, you will find yourself right back in this cell.”

The force field was dropped and the barred cell door opened with screeching. Nix exited and walked up to Cole. “Thanks babe… I guess we do need all the help we can get if we want to return home.”

Nix and Cole was brought into the throne room. The day was ending and Celestia needed to lower the sun. As she sat down on her throne, her horn glowed yellow and the rays of sunlight shined through the stained glass located behind her. As she finished, another mare entered. This one was an alicorn as well, but blue. Her hair looked like a compilation of stars, but she was a tad bit younger looking then Princess Celestia.

“Sister.” She said as she walked into the room. “Have you any word of the phenomena known as conduits?”

Seeing Cole and Nix standing next to each other to Celestia’s left, she stared at them with inspecting eyes. Her sister said “Actually, I have! These two show promise as protectors of the peace.”

Luna walked up to the two and asked “Isn’t she the one who attacked our city?”

Celestia smiled and said “Don’t worry Luna, she apologized and promised me she will never do that again. As for the other one, he seems to have a good aura about him. I think he will be a great Canterlot guard.”

Luna agreed and waited for the subject changer.

(Cole now had a more positive outlook on his current situation. Things would be pretty good now that he and Nix would be able to help. His posture improved and a slight smile formed on his face. Cole now has the rank of Guardian.)

Princess Celestia looked at the two and said “Now then, I have received word about a certain conduit in Manehatten. Do you think you could go handle it?”

Cole assured her he and Nix would investigate with positive results. The princess thanked them and said “All I want you to do is bring them here, to me or my sister; whoever is currently awake. We will try and convince them to become part of our cause… What I plan on doing is forming a new unit… A group of new ponies that can help protect and serve the cities of Equestria, or at least until Luna and I figure out how to send all the conduits home. I trust you to carry out this mission correctly and efficiently.”

Cole and Nix looked at each other and Cole said “Don’t you go dying on me now!”

Nix’s response was “Same to you, Sparky!”

As the two prepped themselves for the mission, Princess Celestia went to bed. The train would take them anywhere they wanted to go. As they exited the station within Manehatten, Cole had Nix followed him. Nix looked at Cole and said “So… You think you still got it in you? Before we go looking for this dude in the city, let’s head to the rooftops to see what powers you still have.”