• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,619 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...

Ninja Students

Last time, after investigating a cry for help, Twilight, Leo, and their friends were captured by Shredder and Krang, while their six young students and the CMC could only watch in concern.

"We gotta do something!" Sweetie Belle panicked.

"But what?" Silverstream asked in worry, as the others were concerned on how they could help their teachers.

Applebloom started thinking until an idea popped into her head, "Ah got it!" she motioned to the six students, "You guys distract them, while we free the others." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stood ready/

"Wait!" Ocellus gasped in shock, "You want us to distract those two?! But what if they attack us?!"

Sandbar took a stand, "Our professors and senseis are in trouble! We have to help them."

"Well, when you put it that way..." Silverstream began, as the group looked confident.

"Let's do this!" Smolder declared.

Back with the trapped heroes, they were still getting annoyed by the villainous duo's annoying laughter, until Gallus called out, "Hey, morons!"

The two ceased their laughing, as Shredder answered angrily, "Who dares to call me a moron?"

"Yeah, only I can do that." Krang added.

The student six come out of the bush standing tall and ready, "We dare!" Smolder answered toughly.

While Shredder and Krang looked away, the CMC snuck over and hid behind the cage, "And just who are all of you?" Krang inquired.

"They're our students." Pinkie answered.

"Students?" Shredder asked curiously.

"That's right!" Silverstream declared.

Krang spoke back, "Well, get lost! We're busy."

"No!" Ocellus shouted, but quickly got scared and hid behind Yona, "Please don't attack us."

"Now you let our professors and senseis go!" Sandbar ordered.

The heroes were amazed by Sandbar taking a stand, until Krang answered him, "Hmmm, What's the word I'm looking for? Oh, yeah. Never!" he let out a laugh, " But here's something you can have." he pushed a button down on a remote.

Suddenly multiple red eyes appear all over the forest, then, marching out into the clearing are an army of ponifed foot bots. Shredder spoke to the captive heroes, "Did you think we were foolish enough to come here without our foot bots?"

"Do you really want us to answer that?" Raph asked rhetorically.

"Foot Soldiers, attack!" Krang ordered, only to get pushed aside by Shredder.

"Hey! I'm the one who gets to say that! Foot Soldiers, attack!"

The Foot Bots started closing in on the students, as Silverstream spoke nervously, "At least those two aren't attacking us."

"Now what we do?" Yona asked in worry.

Sandbar suddenly formed a looked of determination on his face, "Remember our ninja training? Now's the time to use it!" the students inspired by Sandbar's words all stood together tough and ready for anything.

"Students, fight with honor!"

And so the battle commenced with Gallus, Smolder, and Silverstream flying circles around the robot ninja ponies, while Sandbar used his hoof kicks on some, Yona ramming them with her horns, and Ocellus shape shifting into other creatures to attack.

As Gallus dodged a sword swipe, he attacked a foot bot making kung fu grunts like the turtles. When he threw his opponent to the ground it blew to pieces. Gallus looked down at the destroyed robot in confusion, "Huh? Guys, these ponies aren't real! I don't know what they are, but they're not real."

"Really?" Smolder asked, as she threw one against a tree destroying it. She looked at the head piece, "He's right. Which means we don't have to hold back!" she started fighting another Foot bot with ninja moves and fireballs.

Silverstream grabbed two in the air, and spun them around before throwing them into more Foot Bots, "Wow, that felt great!"

Ocellus who was adrenaline hyped started kicking away at Foot Bots, "Bada-boom! Bada-boom! Bada-boom-boom!"

Yona was charging and smashing every bot in sight, "Yak, smash! Yak, smash! Yak, smash!"

Sandbar had just destroyed three Foot Bots before announcing, "Booyakasha!"

Mikey cheered, "Yeah, I taught him that!"

The Crusaders had peeked out from behind the cage, while also observing the fight, "Wow! They're actually doing good!" Scootaloo said all hushed.

"Girls?" Twilight gasped, as the others noticed them.

The Crusaders shushed them, as Sweetie Belle spoke quietly, "Don't worry, we'll get you out! As soon as we find out how."

Fugitoid spoke, "Allow me to assist you in that, girls. You see those buttons right there?" The girls noticed and nodded, before getting to work with the Professor.

Meanwhile, Shredder and Krang couldn't believe their Foot Bots were being trashed by young creatures, "Hey, you meddlesome students, stop that!" Shredder demanded, only for Smolder to smash another robot, "Those foot bots don't come cheap, you know,"Gallus and Silverstream smashed two more Foot Bots into each other, "GRRRRRR! STOP WRECKING MY FOOT BOTS!" Shredder stomped his hooves in a temper tantrum.

"Wreck this, Cheese Grader!" came Sandbar's voice offscreen.

"What?" Shredder asked, as Sandbar suddenly tackled him with a flying kick, "You'll pay for that!" he tried throwing hoof punches and kicks and Sandbar, but he blocked and dodged every strike, before throwing the so called ninja master back, "You know, you're not much of a fighter."

Shredder frowned, "And you're about to lose your head!" he charged at Sandbar who ducked and bucked Shredder into a tree.

Unknown to any of them, two eyes appeared on the tree and had been observing the fight, "Very interesting..." the eyes closed.

Krang watched the fight and was not amused, "I can't believe he fell for that again. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." he attacked the students by swatting away Gallus and Smolder, and nearly got to Silverstream and Ocellus, "You may have defeated my foot bots, but you won't defeat me so easily!"

"Yona can." Ocellus smirked.

"Who's Yona?" Krang asked in confusion.

"Yak, charge!" Yona shouted off screen.

"What the?" Krang looked and suddenly Yona rammed him sending him flying.

Shredder was still trying to attack Sandbar, until Sandbar saw what was flying right for them and ran. Shredder seeing this laughed, "Ha-ha-ha! That's right! Run, you coward! You don't want to mess with-" he was cut off when Krang flattened him, "Not again!" he groaned.

Back at the cage, Fugitoid was still running by the Crusaders how to disable to cage lock, "And finally, that one." he pointed to a button.

Applebloom pushed the button, deactivating the cage, "We're free!" Pinkie cheered.

"All right!" Bebop called.

"Finally." Karai said.

Shredder knocked Krang off him and spoke to the heroes, "You think you've won? I think not!"

"It's not over until the fat kraang sing-" Krang got cut off, as he and Shredder were blasted off into the distance by Starlight who looked incredibly annoyed.

"That was for that annoying gloating!" she called to them.

Silverstream looked back and noticed a missing tree, "Uh, wasn't there a tree here a moment ago? The one that Sandbar threw Shredder into." the others noticed it wasn't in the spot they witnessed it occur.

"No time to be looking for lost trees. Let's get out of here!" Raph ordered.

"I second that!" Donnie agreed.

"Back to the picnic." Leo ordered, as the group hurried back.

They fled the clearing before getting close to their picnic grounds, "Is every creature ok?" Twilight asked the students who all voiced their assurance.

"That was messed up." Keno said.

"For real." Casey agreed.

"Yes, I know, but what just happened there?" Rarity asked her friends.

Pinkie listed off the recent events, "Well, we were all captured by the alternate counterparts of Kraang and Shredder who apparently aren't as strong as they make themselves out to be, despite being able to trap us in a cage. So we had to be saved by our own students." she grinned.

"That says it all." Rocksteady said.

"Yeah, if Shredder and Krang are here in Equestria, it's spells big trouble!" Donnie noted.

"Does it, D?" Casey asked, "I mean it's just them. They got no Technodrome or anything."

"Even so, they can't be ignored." Leo replied.

"If those two are in this land, who knows what they'll try to do." April said.

"I can think of numerous examples." Fugitoid noted.

"I'll have to put in a word to Princess Celestia about this." Twilight said.

"You can do that later." Rainbow said.

"In the meantime, I think some creatures deserve some commending," Leo said, as they turned to the students, "You all fought valiantly against your opponents."

"Thank you, sensei Leo." they thanked him.

"But one victory doesn't make you invincible." Raph warned them.

"Fights will only get harder and harder as they happen." Karai added.

"So you must be ready and prepared should next time occur." Shini finished.

"Yes, ma'am." they answered.

"Now let's go back to the picnic." Twilight smiled, as the group cheered.

Meanwhile Shredder and Krang had crashed somewhere else with Shredder on top of Krang. The ninja villain cursed Krang out, "Krang, you blunder-headed blob! Your plan was a bust!"

Krang shoved Shredder off him, "I'm aware of that, you ninny!"

"I can't believe you let yourself get rammed by a yak!"

"At least I didn't get thrown into a tree by a skinny little colt!" Krang calmed himself, "We underestimated our situation here. Those Turtles have powerful allies in Equestria. If we want to take over this world, then we need some allies of our ooown!"

A new voice answered him, "My thoughts precisely."

The two villains suddenly looked around in concern, "Who said that? Who's there?" Shredder demanded.

Suddenly a nearby tree changed into who else but Chrysalis, "I did!" she laughed evilly.

Shrdder's eyes widened in fright as he backed away in a panic, "Aahh! What is that thing? It's more hideous than you, Krang!" Krang frowned at the insult.

Chrysalis growled and slammed Shredder down with her magic. She leaned down at him and spoke while baring her fangs, "I am Queen Chrysalis! Or I was, until Starlight Glimmer ruined my life!"

The two enemies looked confused, and asked simultaneously, "Who?"

Chrysalis groaned, "The unicorn that blasted you both here, that's who!"

"Oh?" the two answered, as Krang spoke, "So that's who that unicorn was."

Chrysalis backed off as Shredder got up. The former queen spoke to them, "I watched your attempt at capturing them. And it was pitiful!" she said unimpressed before changing her tone, "But I was amazed how you were able to trap them without the aide of magic."

"Why thank you. It was rather easy, really." Krang boasted.

Chrysalis continued, "But as I mentioned before your fighting tactics were pitiful. Those minions of yours couldn't hold a candle to a single breezie."

"They're not used to fighting creatures other than turtles is all!" Shredder argued.

Chrysalis gave Shredder a deadpan look, "Seriously? That's your best argument?"

"Well... yes." Shredder answered looking embarrassed.

"Ugh, the point I am making here is I may be able to help you two." she tempted them.

"But why would you want to help us defeat those blasted Turtles?" Krang asked suspiciously.

"Because I too have suffered a humiliating defeat by them! They turned the only followers I had left against me!"

"So you were overthrown?" Shredder laughed, until Chrysalis smacked him to the ground and turned to Krang with her horn flaring with magic, as the blob whimpered.

"Will you be a nuisance as well?"

Krang answered while trying to please her, "Never, charming lady."

"So what exactly were you Queen of?" Shredder asked, as he got up.

"The Changelings. The most feared race in Equestria. We had the power to take the form of any pony, creature, or object in Equestria, and feed off the love of others for energy," Chrysalis began, "But when my subjects betrayed me they decided to 'share' love. Blech!" she gagged.

"So you can shape shift, can you?" Krang asked.

Chrysalis proved her power by shapeshifting into each of the turtle brothers, the girls, and even Shredder and Krang as well, "Wow." Shredder gasped feeling impressed.

Chrysalis changed back to her true self and spoke, "Now then, have I got your attention?" the two nodded, "Good."

"You know, with your knowledge of this land and our secondary enemies, Krang's genius, and my skills we may actually destroy those blasted mutants and ponies!" Shredder declared.

"And this world will belong to us!" Krang added, as the two laughed evilly. Chrysalis seeing this started laughing along with them knowing an alliance was forged.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed it. Most of the dialogue was thanks to my friend jebens1.

Look here for artwork of his depiction of the students fighting Shredder, Krang, and the Foot bots