• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,617 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...

The Students Spirit Quest

At the School of Friendship inside the dojo, Sandbar and Gallus were doing flips, “Seven!” they called, “Eight! Nine! Ten!” they ceased their flips, as Blade Swipe approached.

“Well, done you two. Your training has really improved.” he said.

“I don't understand why we had to stick around for extra training.” Gallus said.

“It was Twilight and Leonardo's request. That's why they called me in to supervise your training, as well as the others.”

“And he was training to be a royal guard long before he became a ninja.” Sandbar told Gallus.

“That's right,” Blade confirmed, “And that training was brutal. But sometimes we get a little joke on the instructors. One time me and my buddies raided their rooms for their uniforms and hung them on the flagpole. And I made a declaration, 'I pledge allegiance to my instructor's laundry'!” the two students laughed, as Blade continued, “I made a funny. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” he laughed.

“Thanks for the training, Sensei Blade.” Sandbar said.

“No problem. Off you boys go.” Blade dismissed them.

The two left the dojo and met up with the other students, “Hey, guys. How was extended training?” Silverstream asked.

“Brutal.” Gallus replied.

“I actually found it refreshing.” Sandbar admitted.

“He made you do flips too?” Yona asked.

“You know it.” Gallus confirmed.

“Yak not really good at flips, but Yona getting there.” Yona admitted.

“Well, come on you guys. Tomorrow we more training and school work to do.” Ocellus said, as they all headed back to their rooms.

That night the students slept peacefully, until they started tossing and turning. The next thing they knew, all six of them were standing in some empty space.

“Hey, where are we?” Smolder asked.

“I'm not sure.” Ocellus answered.

“Hello!” Sandbar called, “Is anypony out there?!”

When they received no answer, Gallus spoke, “If there is I don't think they're listening.”

Suddenly something glowed before them, and appearing was Twilight all glowing and transparent, “Welcome, students.” she greeted.

“Headmare Twilight?” Silverstream asked, until she and the others remembered.

“Wait. You're the Tree of Harmony.” Smolder recalled.

“Correct. You have all changed much since you ventured below the school and conquered your fears.”

“Thanks.” Yona said.

“But why're you here? Wherever is here.” Gallus wondered.

“I have been secretly watching over your training to be ninjas. And you could learn no better than the ninjas of the other realm and their allies.” the spirit of the Tree explained.

“Yeah. We are lucky.” Ocellus smiled.

“And we've been training to be great ninjas like them.” Smolder added while throwing air punches.

“And we got to face real villains.” Sandbar put in while recalling Shredder, Krang, their Foot Soldiers, and Night Terror.

The spirit nodded, “That you have. But I'm afraid things will only be getting tougher for you as time goes on. I have contacted the six of you because it is time you all went on a spirit quest to conquer your true inner demons.”

“A spirit quest?” Silverstream asked.

“Yes. Your senseis the turtles and even Sunset Shimmer herself had to go on one to become better ninjas. And so must all of you.”

“Why, is there something coming we should know about?” Ocellus wondered.

“Know this, my students. You all must become one with yourselves and each other.” the spirit disappeared, and they woke up in their rooms looking shocked. Though they knew what they had to do.

The next day, Twilight, Leo, and Blade were in the headmare's office with the students standing before them, “A spirit quest?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“Yes. We wish to have time off from school to go on one.” Sandbar requested.

“How long?” Blade asked.

“We're not sure.” Smolder replied.

“But we feel we really need this.” Gallus said.

The three pondered on this, until Leo spoke, “Well, they have been coming along with their training. Perhaps it is time they went on their own spirit quest.”

“Even when I started training to be a ninja I went on one myself,” Blade admitted, “It was horrible, but it made me a better ninja.”

“Perhaps you two are right,” Twilight admitted, “Very well. I make this spirit quest part an assignment for you all.”

“Yes!” the students cheered.

“But we should warn you the dangers you may face on your spirit quest will be just as real and dangerous as in the real world.” Leo warned him.

“Use all you've learned during your training to help yourselves through.” Blade finished.

“You can count on all of us.' Sandbar saluted.

“Then, we wish you the best of luck.” Twilight dismissed them. The students bowed their heads and took their leave.

The six students journeyed to the entrance of Everfree, as Sandbar spoke, “Remember, every creature. Sensei said whatever we face in there will feel just as real as real is. So whatever is waiting in there we must all be ready to face them.”

“Even if it means going solo.” Gallus added.

The students nodded, and put their appendages in and on top of each others, “Good luck.” Sandbar said, as all six took their own path into the forest.

As Gallus flew through the forest he looked around seeing nothing for miles, “Ok, nothing's here so far. So what should I even be looking for?” h pondered, until an arrow almost nailed him, “Hey!” he looked down seeing foot soldiers armed with bows and arrows, “You guys?”

The foot soldiers tried shooting Gallus down, but the griffon flew around them before landing on the ground, “I defeated you guys before, I'll do it again.” he flew and attacked the minions head on, but to the griffon's surprise the foot soldiers didn't break into pieces, but dissolved into smoke.

“They disappeared?” Gallus wondered, as he continued on into the forest.

As he wandered into the darkest parts of the forest he started hearing a voice, “You're wasting your time.”

He stopped and looked around, “Who's there?”

“Wouldn't you like to know.” it replied.

“I'm warning you. I'm here to be a better ninja, and I won't be intimidated!” Gallus shouted.

“Is that right?” the voice said, and suddenly coming out from the darkness of the woods was Gallus who appeared black and white.

“What the?” Gallus gasped, “Who're you?”

“I think you already know the answer to that.” the creature answered.

“But you can't be me.”

“But I am. At least the side of you that knows the truth.”

“Truth about what?”

“That no creature can ever trust a griffon, just as you cannot trust them.” Anti-Gallus mocked him.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Gallus scowled.

“Why do you fight along side these other creatures?”

“Because they're my friends.”

“Friends?” Anti-Gallus laughed, “Oh, that's a laugh. They'll never consider you a friend. You're a griffon. And creatures will always see griffons as nothing more than selfish greedy birds whose only concern is themselves. And you know I am right.”

Gallus didn't wanna give into his words, but knew how it's true there are still some griffons who still act like jerks back in Griffonstone. However he did recall that most griffons have tried to be better, “Yeah. You're right, griffons are only concerned about themselves. But there are plenty who try harder to be better. Gilda, Gabby, even me.”

Anti-Gallus shook his head in disappointment, “You poor naive fool.”

Gallus frowned, “I'll show you who's the naive one.”

And with that the two griffons engaged in combat, flying around claw swapping at each other. Anti-Gallus laughed, “No matter what move you make, I'll just counter. I am you after all.” he reminded Gallus.

“True, you may be me. But you should also know that I won't ever give up!” Gallus started using his ninja moves on Anti-Gallus who tried dodging and retaliating, but with less success than before.

Gallus flew around the trees using them to hide before flying right at his anti self delivering an uppercut making his anti self crash upward into several branches before plummeting down to the ground exploding into smoke.

Gallus smirked, “Guess you didn't know me as well as you thought.” he flew off.

In another part of the forest, Ocellus was flying around looking nervous, “Remember, Ocellus. You're doing this to be a better ninja. If my friends can do it, then so can I. I may be book smart for the most, but I am also clever and quick thinking.” she told herself.

She suddenly stopped in her tracks upon hearing something, “What was that?” she looked around but saw nothing, “I gotta be hearing things.” before she could take another step, foot soldiers appeared before her.

“Oh, no. You guys?” she gasped.

The foot soldiers armed themselves, and started to attack Ocellus. The changeling child dodged and used her ninjitsu skill to disarm and defeat the pony ninjas before looking around wondering if there were more, “Fighting fake foot soldiers didn't seem like the test I was expecting.”

“Always expect the unexpected.” came a familiar voice.

“That voice,” she gasped, “No way!” she saw appearing before her was a black and white version of herself.

“Way.” the Anti-Ocellus answered.

“What's this supposed to mean?” she wondered.

“Only that you should've joined the changelings who decided to remain loyal to Chrysalis from before,” the anti her explained, “All changelings needed was love. Not friendship, not anything but love to drain away from others.”

“That's not true!” Ocellus denied, “Chrysalis only wanted the hive to believe that feeding on love was the only way. But there's always another way. Thorax found that out all on his own. And he managed to convince the hive that we can be the same.”

“You can change your look just the same as shape-shifting, but deep down you'll always be a parasite.”

“No!” Ocellus barked, “My friends would never see me as that!”

“Says you.” Anti-Ocellus retorted.

“What would you even know about me?”

“Because I am you.”

“Well, whatever side you are I know my friends would never abandon me. And we changelings can be better creatures for all of Equestria.”

“Then prove it to me.” Anti-Ocellus beckoned her.

The two Ocellus' started fighting while flying around. Each of them had constantly changed into other forms to fight the other from bugbears, dragons, cragodiles, ursa minors, and so much more.

“No matter what shape you take I'll just keep copying you or change into something better.” Anti-Ocellus mocked.

“True,” Ocellus admitted, as an idea came to mind, “So maybe I should try a new form.” she concentrated and transformed.

Ocellus suddenly stood as a mutant ninja pony that had her changeling color scheme, “What?” Anti-Ocellus gasped.

“Go time.” Ninja Pony Ocellus spoke as she engaged her anti self again using her ninjitsu skills from before.

Anti-Ocellus shifted into more animal and beast forms, but the pony ninja changeling kept taking them head on. She maneuvered up a cliff and kicked a nearby boulder off it causing it to land on her anti self that was currently in the form of a manticore. The boulder landed on the evil Ocellus' head hard knocking it out, before poofing into smoke.

“A changeling can always change just like any creature. Just like me.” Ocellus changed back to her own form before heading off.

Yona meanwhile was wandering around a spot in the forest close to the river, “Yona not scared. Yona tough and strong. Yona can take on anything.” she told herself.

She looked at her reflection, “Yak have to be brave. For friends.” suddenly she could see the reflections of foot soldiers in the water surrounding her.

She looked around her and saw they were indeed close to her, “Foot Ponies!” she gasped. The foot soldiers attacked Yona who dodged their moves, before using her classic yak smash to defeat them all.

“Nothing can stop yak!” she boasted.

“True nothing can stop yak,” came a voice, “Unless it's another yak.” appearing before her was a black and white Yona.

“Yona seeing double.” the yak gasped.

“That right. Anti-Yona, Yona's dark thoughts. And Anti-Yona know deep down you'll always be smashing beast with quick temper. Like all yaks.”

“Dark Yona wrong!” Yona argued, “Yona friends with ponies and others. They know Yona not like that.”

“Do they really?” Anti-Yona circled her, “Yona can claim she different all she want, but deep down Yona will always be yak. And all yaks know is smash.”

Yona frowned, “Yaks may smash, but we still look after each other. We better than we were in generations. I go to pony school to spread Yakyakistan teachings and make friends.”

“For how long? You think yak can trust non yaks?” Anti-Yona questioned, “Deep down you question that too.”

Yona retorted, “Yona guess it's something to find out herself.” the two yaks scraped the ground with their cloven hoofs before charging at each other. When their heads hit they were in a horn lock and tried to overpower the other.

“You try and defeat me, but you will lose.” Anti-Yona mocked her.

“Yona cannot lose! Yona's friends counting on her to pull through for them!” she overpowered her dark self and smashed and thrashed at the dark half.

The two fought close to a cliff side, where Yona smashed her dark half that tumbled off the cliff hitting rock after rock on the way down before splashing into the river and vanished.

Yona looked down seeing no sign of her dark self, “I knew I could do this. Now to find my way out of here.” she took off.

Smolder was flying around Everfree looking bored, “I feel like I've been flying around here for hours now. If I don't find some kind of sign soon I'm gonna lose it.” she decided to stop and rest on a log.

“I should've brought some gems to snack on,” she sighed, while looking around, before suddenly feeling the tension in the air, “I ain't alone here.” she got up and eyeballed her surroundings.

Suddenly dropping in from above were the foot soldiers, “Oh, great. You guys are here?” she asked sounding bored, “You're no challenge.” She flew around the foot soldiers who tried to attack her before spitting flames at them. Each foot soldier that caught fire burst into smoke, until one was left. Smolder flew right at it full speed and punched it so hard it poofed.

“Like I said, no challenge.” she said smugly.

“Then how's this for a challenge?” came a voice, as Smolder was suddenly hit with a fireball.

She crashed on the ground and looked up, “Hey, who shot at me?!” she demanded, before gasping as a black and white version of herself descended.

“You should know to watch your back,” Anti-Smolder began, “Even a boulder headed teenage dragon would've known that.”

“Who are you supposed to be?” Smolder got up.

“Still need answers? I'm you of course.”

“I'm pretty sure I don't come in black and white scales.” Smolder noted.

“It's the best color. And I'm here to tell you what you're doing is pointless.” Anti-Smolder began.

“What do you mean?'

“You can train and fight as long as hard as you want and make as many friends as there is, but that won't change who you are.”

“Who I am?” Smolder asked in confusion.

“You're a dragon, and dragons don't do friends, kindness, and anything else namby pamby.” Anti-Smolder mocked.

“You know I used to think that too, when I first started out at the school,” Smolder admitted, “But after spending time with Sandbar, Silverstream, and all the others I've learned dragons can be more than what we are. We can all be better.”

“Care to put that to the test?” Anti-Smolder challenged her.

“Bring it.” Smolder answered.

And the two Smolders took it to the air and flew at each other delivering claw swipes, and breathing fire at one another. Smolder flew at her anti self using ninja moves, until her dark self tackled Smolder through the air and they crashed around multiple trees before landing on the ground.

“Stubborn dragon, aren't you?” Anti-Smolder noted.

“Well, you should know.” Smolder retorted, as the two resumed fighting on the ground.

“Why do you run from what you're meant to be?” Anti-Smolder asked, “You know you'll eventually give into greed like all dragons and only care about hoarding gems and treasure.”

“That's where you're wrong,” Smolder replied, “My friends are more important to me than gems or treasure.”

“Can you say the same for how they feel about you?” the dark Smolder sneered.

“Of course. They're my friends. And we have a bond that binds us together. But what would you know? You don't care about bonds.” Smolder said, as she attacked her dark self throwing all her ninja skills against it who was too slow to keep up with her.

Smolder concentrated and started building up her flames before unleashing a blast of fire that incinerated her doppelganger, “Oh, yeah! If my brother could see me now, he'd be so proud.” she flew off.

Elsewhere Silverstream was flying around the forest looking around curiously, “I know I'm supposed to be on a spirit quest, but I just don’t feel it. Could I be doing something wrong?” she asked no one in particular.

She stopped flying and walked around a bit, “All I want is a sign on what to do! Is that too much to ask?” a ninja star almost nailed her but ended up hitting a tree. Silverstream was wide eyed as it flew right past her, “I guess it is.” she saw the foot soldiers appear.

The ninjas attacked Silverstream who yipped and flew around avoiding their attacks before stopping in mid air, “Hey, wait a minute. What am I afraid of? I can handle these guys.” building her courage back up she flew around the foot soldiers taking them out one by one, until she was down to the last.

“Coming at ya, big boy!” she flew at the foot soldier and defeated it, “Whew, what a rush!” she said shaking off the adrenaline.

She looked around seeing everything was still the same, “So did I pass or something?”

“Pass?” came a voice, “Far from it.” jumping out of the water was a black and white Silverstream.

“Whoa!” Silverstream gasped, “Who're you?”

“I am everything that you're not.”

“Really? Not that I had a vision of what that kinda me would be like, but I almost expected something different.”

Anti-Silverstream groaned, “Always the dumb one.”

Silverstream frowned, “Hey, who're you calling dumb?!”

“I'm just saying what I know every creature feels about you. And I would know because I am still you.”

“Are you saying every creature thinks I'm dumb?” Silverstream asked looking sad.

“I wouldn't put it past them, but come on have you seen yourself lately?” Anti-Silverstream asked rhetorically.

“But my friends...”

“Please, if anything they only pity you,” Anti-Silverstream said, as she flew around her, “You'd be better off going back home and be with your own kind. I'm sure they'd feel the same way.” she reached to lay a talon on Silverstream, only for the hippogriff to grab her talon out of thin air and look at her with determination.

“You don't know anything about me or my friends!” Silverstream attacked her dark self, as the two flew around the forest in the sky.

Suddenly the two dove down and landed in a nearby lake. Upon hitting the water they assumed their seapony form and fought under the water like predatory fish.

“I guess you're not as dumb as I thought.” Anti-Silverstream said.

“I don't accept flattery from meanies.” Silverstream replied, not letting her guards down.

“It's free swim now.” Anti-Silverstream said.

The two continued to swim around and attack each other, before the two knocked themselves back. The two tightened their eyes upon one another and readied themselves. The two swam at each other screaming until they were inches away from colliding.

Outside the water Anti-Silverstream flew out of the water and landed on dry land still as a seapony and was panting heavily, as hippogriff Silverstream stood towering above the defeated enemy, “Free swim's over.” she declared as Anti-Silverstream disappeared.

The hippogriff sighed in relief, “Now that was intense. Oh, maybe the others have done what they needed.” she flew off hoping to find them.

Finally Sandbar who had been wandering around decided to stop and rest beneath a tree. He remember in a training session with Leo about how meditating calms the mind. He got into a lotus position and started concentrating.

At first he was calm and at pace with himself, until an image of the spirit of the tree of harmony appeared in his mind, “Sandbar, look out!” it warned him.

Sandbar's eyes flung open in shock, as she saw foot soldiers coming right at him, “Whoa!” he got up and dodged the minions attacks, before retaliating with some moves of his own.

“You guys really picked a bad time to come out here!” Sandbar said, as he dodged one of them, before bucking another.

He inevitably took out all the foot soldiers and looked around wondering what was next, “What am I meant to learn from all this? What is the lesson?”

“Lesson?” came a voice. Sandbar spun around and saw a black and white version of himself, who continued, “There is no lesson. You've already lost!”

“No!” Sandbar cried, as his anti self attacked him.

“You are weak without your pathetic friends by your side!” his anti self mocked him, before knocking him down.

“I am not weak!” he got up, “And my friends are not pathetic!”

“Somewhere in the back of your mind you believe what Chancellor Neighsay said is true. Those creatures will one day use friendship as a means to overthrow ponykind and take over Equestria.” Anti-Sandbar warned him.

“No! My friends would never do that!”

“How can you be so sure? Because they're your friends?” Anti-Sandbar asked rhetorically, “You saw how Gallus first acted towards you when you first met him. You think can trust him completely?”

“Gallus is my friend. He would never betray me. Nor would any of the others.” Sandbar attacked Anti-Sandbar.

“So confident, and yet so afraid of letting others down.” Anti-Sandbar mocked him as Sandbar recalled the test he faced under the school thanks to the tree of harmony. Ignoring his dark self he continued to fight.

“True I've been afraid of letting my teachers and sensei's down. But not anymore. I will fight for them, for Equestria, for my friends!” Sandbar overpowered Anti-Sandbar knocking him into a tree making him explode into smoke.

Sandbar panted before looking around seeing no one else was coming, “Now that was a lesson.” he started down a new trail hoping to find the others.

Soon enough all six of them followed their trails and met up in a clearing area of Everfree, “Guys!” Sandbar cheered.

“Yona miss you so much!” Yona hugged Smolder and Gallus tight.

“I missed you too!” Smolder groaned from the tight hug.

“So did you guys face some scary dark version of yourself?” Silverstream asked.

“You too?” Gallus asked.

“Yeah. It was freaky.” Smolder admitted.

“But it was nothing we couldn't handle, right?” Sandbar asked.

“You're right.” Ocellus smiled in agreement.

“Think we should head back now?” Yona asked.

Sandbar looked up seeing it was getting dark, “I don't think we'll make it back to the school in time. So what do you say we camp out here for the night?”

“I'm down with that.” Gallus agreed.

“Me too.” Smolder put in.

Later on the group was sitting around a campfire talking about what happened, “I guess even after what we did under the school we still had some doubt about ourselves that took the form of, well, us.' Ocellus suspected.

“But we sure showed them we're not the way they thought we were.” Smolder said.

“We are friends no matter what.” Yona added.

“And nothing's going to drive us apart.” Gallus put in.

Silverstream noticed Sandbar was deep in thought, 'You ok, Sandbar?”

“Oh, I’m fine, Silverstream. Just thinking when I was meditating I could hear the tree of harmony cal out to me. Almost like I felt a connection to it." He then pondered on what the tree of harmony said to them.

'You all must become one with yourselves and each other.'

"Hmm. I wonder. Guys, I think we should all meditate here.”

“Meditate?” Gallus asked.

“What for?” Smolder wondered.

“I have a feeling it's something we're meant to do.” the pony explained.

“Well, after all we've been through it could mean something.” Ocellus said.

“Ok, all of you close your eyes and concentrate. Concentrate hard.” Sandbar instructed, as the six assumed the lotus position and started meditating.

Once the six students were in deep meditation, the campfire started turning blue and started burning brighter. Suddenly materializing from the flames was an astral form of Twilight.

“I am proud of you my students,” she began, as the six remained in meditating form, “Tonight you have learned the final and greatest truth of the ninja. That ultimate mastery comes not of the body but of the mind. Together there is nothing your six minds cannot accomplish. Help each other. Draw upon one another. And always remember the true force that binds you. The same as that which brought me here tonight. That which I gladly return with my final words. I love you all... My students.”

The astral form of Twilight vanished, and the campfire returned to normal. The students opened their eyes and looked upon one another in surprise and happy that they made their headmare proud. Silverstream and Ocellus couldn't help but shed tears of joy while embracing each other. The students knew that they really were on their way to becoming great ninjas of Equestria.

Meanwhile at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight was also in a meditating pose, before waking up as well. She smiled to herself and spoke, “They have truly come a long way since they began their training. Wouldn't you agree, sensei?” she asked looking to her side as the spirit of Master Splinter was meditating beside her.

“Yes, Twilight. I believe they have.” he agreed, while smiling.

The next day in the dojo, Leo and Blade were sparing, until the doors opened. Entering were the young six who were whooping and cheering, “Oh, yeah. That spirit quest was awesome!” Sandbar cheered.

“We were awesome!” Smolder cheered.

“Wicked!” Yona cheered.

“Sensei's, we're back!” Silverstream called, as they presented themselves before the two pony mutants.

“Welcome home.” Leo greeted them.

“I can assume your spirit quests were indeed a success?” Blade assumed.

“You bet it was.” Gallus confirmed.

“We learned a lot out there.” Yona said.

“And we're feeling better than we've ever been.”Ocellus put in.

“Good. Because now that you're back, you need to make up the work you missed yesterday and today.” Blade noted.

“Oh!” the six groaned.

“Ten flips now!” Blade ordered, as the six turned and got into position, “And remember. Go-Ninja! Go-Ninja! Go!” the students did a back flip which froze midway.

“I made another funny! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”