• Published 4th Oct 2018
  • 12,619 Views, 273 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School - Wildcard25

The New York Ninjas are back in Equestria to teach young creatures the importance of being a ninja, while dealing with the return of old enemies and new ones.

  • ...

The Purple Nightmares

At Twilight's castle, the ninjas and allies were helping Twilight and Spike reorganize the castle library that had piles of books on the floor, “Twilight, you really should learn to clean up your messes and not wait the next day.” Fugitoid lectured her.

“Yeah. The last thing we need is someone as worse as Mikey.” Raph put in.

“Yeah, as worse as... Hey!” Mikey called.

“Sorry about this, but sometimes I get so caught up in reading I realize how late it is and just head straight to bed.” Twilight said sheepishly.

“And the girls say I binge watch online video game walk through's too much.” Sunset spoke up.

In the midst of their reorganizing, the cutie marks of Casey and Keno started glowing, “Uh, Twilight. I think we got a call.” Keno said.

“Let's go to the map.” Twilight instructed as they went to the cutie map.

They looked at the map seeing the boys cutie marks were hovering above Manehattan, “Well, Casey and Keno it looks like you boys have been called to solve a friendship problem in Manehattan.”

“Us?” they asked together, before looking at each other.

Casey spoke up, “Any chance I can substitute who I have to do this mission with?”

“Yeah, someone more qualified than him?” Keno motioned to Casey who frowned.

“Sorry, no exceptions,” Twilight explained, “The map called you two specifically because it's something the both of you are best suited for.”

“And this could be a chance for the both of you to learn to get along.” April added.

“Yeah, you two can't even crack a smile at each other.” Pinkie pouted.

The two pegasi vigilante's sighed knowing there was no arguing with them, “So where are we going again?” Keno asked.

“Manehattan,” Twilight answered, “It's Equestria's equivalent of Manhattan in your world.”

“It's true.” Sunset confirmed.

“And I can't think of a better place to have a Friendship mission than there.” Rarity put in with a smile.

“And I have some fam who lives in Manehattan,” Applejack said, “I'll put in a word to them and they'll set you up with them just in case your mission takes longer than you think.”

“Thanks, A.J.” Casey said.

Leo looked at the two sternly, “What, Leo?” Keno asked.

“I know this is your friendship mission, but I want you two to promise all of us that you won't let your petty rivalry get in the way of solving whatever problem you have to deal with.”

“What you think we can't work together?” Casey asked.

“Based off all the times we've seen you two argue doesn't do you any good.” Karai answered.

“Alright!” Keno spoke up loudly, “I promise I won't argue.”

“And so will I.” Casey added.

“Good.” Leo nodded in approval.

“You two better catch the next train ride.” Twilight suggested.

“Come on, Jones.” Keno said, as Casey grabbed his gear along with Keno's as they left the castle.

“You think they'll be ok?” Fluttershy asked.

“For their sake I hope so.” Fugitoid replied.

Soon both Casey and Keno were on the train bound for Manehattan. The two had been silent for most of the ride, until Casey decided to break the ice, “So what kinda mission you think we're being called to deal with?”

“Hard to tell,” Keno admitted, “I mean look at us, both of us are... Well, one of us is a naturally born fighter,” Casey frowned at the insult, “Could be possible we're meant to fight something.”

“I hope it's the case,” Casey replied, “I mean sitting down and talking things out isn't Casey Jones' style.”

“Then what is your style, impulsively rushing in without a plan?” Keno snarked.

“Hey, you heard what Leo said.” Casey reminded him.

“I know. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy myself with a little humor.” the Nightwatcher answered.

Casey groaned and whispered to himself, “Why did I have to get stuck with this guy?”

Later on the train pulled into the station and the boys got off the train and stepped outside. They looked up at the skyscrapers in awe, “Wow. It is just like Manhattan.” Keno gasped.

“Yeah. The guys would love to see this place.” Casey added.

“Though finding a friendship problem in a city like this could take awhile.” Keno noted.

“Well, if we're lucky it'll find us.” Casey joked, as Keno rolled his eyes.

“Excuse me?” came a voice.

The two looked ahead seeing an earth mare and filly approach, “Are you Casey Jones and Keno?” the mare asked.

“Yeah, that's us.” Casey confirmed.

“And you two are?” Keno asked.

“We're Applejack's cousins. I'm Sunflower, and this is my little sister Babs.”

“Hiya.” Babs spoke in her Bronx sounding accent.

“Applejack got a message to us friends of hers would be visiting.” Sunflower spoke.

“Yeah. We're on a mission from Princess Twilight's Castle map.” Keno explained.

“And it's a big honor.” Casey put in.

“I can imagine. Well, while you're looking for your mission here you're welcomed to crash at our place.” Sunflower explained.

“Thanks again.” Keno said, as they followed the sisters through the city.

Casey spoke to Babs, “So you're friends with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle?”

“Yeah. And Applebloom's my fave cousin.” Babs answered.

“According to A.J, you used to be teased a lot so you decided to prove you're not weak by bullying the CMC.” Keno recalled an old conversation from A.J.

Babs chuckled sheepishly, “Yeah. Not my best first impression. But I made amends and I became a head member of the Manehattan branch of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Of course since I got my cutie mark I had to step down as head member, but I still help my other blank flank friends from time to time in finding what their special calling might be.”

“And I'm sure you heard of your cousin and her friends got theirs?” Casey asked.

“Yeah. Who would've thought all this time their calling is to help other ponies find their natural callings in life?” Babs asked.

“It is a surprise,” Keno said, while noticing her cutie mark, “So a pair of scissors, what does that mean for you?”

“I actually discovered I'm a good mane stylist, after giving my sister a quick mane cut when her favorite stylist was unavailable.” Babs explained, as Sunflower smiled.

“Yeah. She really did a good job.” Sunflower admitted.

“If you guys ever need a new style, just ask me.” the filly offered.

“We'll keep it in mind.” Keno said, as they continued to walk while noticing several police ponies on patrol.

“What's with all the cops?” Casey asked.

Sunflower sighed, “I'm afraid Manehattan has been dealing with a lot of crime activity lately.”

“Crime?” Casey asked.

“Any idea who's behind it?” Keno asked Sunflower.

“Everypony knows who's behind it. The Purple Nightmares.”

The two pegasi stopped in their tracks, “Come again?” Casey asked.

“The Purple Nightmares. One of the worst pony gangs to ever cause trouble in the city. They're mostly know by their purple tattoos of Nightmare Moon.” The two vigilante's looked at each other in concern, “Their riots have been getting so bad they've put out a curfew for all underage ponies.”

“I see.” Keno said, as the two shared a look.

As the sisters walked ahead, Casey whispered to Keno, “Looks like the problem came to us after all.”

“You really called it.” Keno said sounding impressed.

“Well, looks like we got some work to do tonight.” Casey said, as Keno nodded in agreement.

That night at a Manehattan apartment, Casey and Keno who were sharing a bedroom opened their eyes knowing their hosts would be fast asleep. They got out of their beds and slipped into their vigilante gear, “You ready for this, Jones?” Keno asked, as he dawned his mask.

“I was born ready.” Casey said, as he dawned his hockey mask. They opened the window and flew out into the night.

As they flew around the city they looked down below to see any signs of gang activity, “This city is enormous.” Keno sighed.

“I know. Purple Nightmare activity could be happening just about anywhere.” Casey said, until they heard the sound of a security alarm ringing.

“Down there!” they said simultaneously, before flying down.

They landed in the shadows, as a bunch of pony punks were exiting a shop carrying loot from bags of bits to other collectibles. Each pony had a purple tattoo of Nightmare Moon's symbol on one of their legs.

“Not a bad haul, guys. And not bad for your test, rookie,” one said while motioning to a small pony wearing a black jacket with a hood up, “Ace the next one and you'll be one of us for sure.”

Suddenly from the shadows came a hockey puck that nailed an earth pony Purple Nightmare in the forehead. The pony groaned and fell to the floor, “Oh, what hit me?!”

The punks looked down and saw the hockey puck, before seeing two figures in the shadows, “You punks didn't pay for that stuff.” Casey began.

“So we'll have to ask you nicely to put it all back.” Keno insisted.

“Otherwise there's going to be consequences.” Case finished.

“Who's there? Show yourselves!” the one punk demanded.

Stepping out from the shadows were the two vigilante's, as Keno spoke, “You Nightmare guys have the honor of meeting the Nightwatcher, and his sidekick, Sports Boy.”

“Sports Boy?!” Casey snapped, “That's whack, yo! And sidekick?!”

“What else was I supposed to say?” Keno asked rhetorically.

“Waste 'em!” the one punk pony ordered, as the rest of them attacked the two.

Both vigilante's used their strengths to knock the gang members out one by one. The rookie tried to get away but tripped on her hoofs. When the pony got up the hood fell down to reveal it was who else but Babs. The two pegasi vigilante's saw this and were shocked, 'Babs?' they thought, before finishing the rest of the punks.

Babs made a run for it, as Casey called, “Keno, come on!” they flew after her.

As Babs searched for an exit she ended up running right into the two vigilante's and fell on her flank. She looked up and was spooked by their appearances, and ran to a fence to climb it. She got half way, and the two tried tugging her back down.

“Let me go, ya creeps!” she ordered, while flailing around.

“Babs, easy!” Casey calmed her, as he and Keno lifted their masks up.

“It's us. Keno and Casey.” Keno showed her.

Babs seeing the two came down and spoke, “Keno? Casey? What're you two doing here?”

“We should be asking you that,” Casey replied, “What're you doing running around with the Purple Nightmares?”

“None of your business.” she ignored them.

“It is our business,” Keno replied, “Why're you going around making the biggest mistake of your life by hanging with these clowns?”

“The Nightmares? They're my homies. My family.”

“Family?” Casey asked in shock, “You call that (points to sack of bits) and them back there, family?”

“You got real family with your sister and parents.” Keno reminded Babs.

“They wouldn't understand what I'm going through.” she replied.

“And what are you going through?” Casey inquired.

“Like I said none of your business. Besides what's it to you what I do. I don't see any police badges on you guys.”

“And we don't see a Nightmare tattoo on you.” Keno noticed.

“You still have a chance, Babs,” Casey told her, “Quit now while you can. Otherwise there's no going back from this life.”

“Like I wanna go back.” Babs answered.

“That's it, you're coming back with us.” Keno said, as they tried to grab her, before Babs swatted their hoofs away and delivered a hoof kick to them knocking them down. She snatched the sack and climbed over the fence to escape.

Casey and Keno got up groaning, “Ok, I didn't see that coming.” Casey admitted.

“Looks like our friendship mission isn't just taking down this gang.” Keno said.

“Yeah. We can't let Babs go through with this.”

“We have to find her and stop her.”

“Let's follow those Purple Nightmares back there. I'm sure they'll lead us to their hideout.” Casey suggested.

“Not bad, Casey.” Keno admitted, as they headed back.

And sure enough, the Purple Nightmares had led the two heroes to their abandoned warehouse lair, “What is it with gangs and abandoned warehouses?” Keno asked Casey.

“Because it's trash like them.” Casey replied.

They watched, as several Purple Nightmares walked up to the entrance and made a specific hoof clap pattern to the guard before being let in, “Time to go undercover.” Keno said, as he and Casey removed their masks and dawned jackets to conceal their weapons.

They walked up to the guard who eyed them suspiciously. The two heroes clapped their hoofs in the same pattern as those who previously entered. The guard admitted them inside, and they entered.

Inside the warehouse, they saw punk ponies of both genders and all three types who were all wearing Purple Nightmare tattoos. They were cheering and laughing as some were engaging in dirty fighting in an arena.

“Look at them.” Casey whispered to Keno.

“It's disgusting.” Keno added.

“These guys are more crazy than the Purple Dragons.” Casey put in.

An announcer called via mike, “And now Purple Nightmares give it up for our rookie, Babs Seed!” Babs entered the ring, “Is she worthy enough to be one of us? Does she have what it takes to tangle with us?” some Purple Nightmares entered the ring, and they started fighting her.

Due to Babs small size she was easily able to avoid her opponents, but she couldn't dodge them forever. The two saw one of the Purple Nightmares was about to come at Babs from behind, “Ok, we got to play this smart. We'll go from both sides and then...” Keno was cut off as Casey donned his mask again and pulled out a baseball bat.

“Goongala!” he declared before flying onto the scene and whacked the pony that tried to attack Babs from behind.

“Ugh!” Keno groaned, as he joined in.

Babs was shocked, as she fought some of the other ponies, “What're you guys doing here?”

“Saving your life is what.” Casey answered, as he swatted away another pony.

“Why did you rush in, Jones?” Keno asked in an annoyed tone.

“That pony was gonna nail her, I had to act!” Casey argued, until the Purple Nightmares joined in and piled on top of the two pinning them to the ground.

As Casey's bat rolled across the ground a figure came over and broke it in half with a stomp of their hoof. The two looked up and saw a muscular earth pony with a gray coat, blonde mane and tail with the mane tied into a thin ponytail, and dark eyes. His attire included a sleeveless leather coat, and had a Purple Nightmare tattoo on his right leg. And his cutie mark was of a dream cloud with a black pony skull in it.

“Well-well, what do we have here?” he asked.

“A couple of spies from the look of it, boss.” one of the gang members said.

“The proper term is crime fighters.” Keno corrected him.

“And we're gonna mess you punks up so hard you'll be black and blue all over!” Casey promised.

“Such spirit,” the pony laughed, “Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Night Terror, leader of the Purple Nightmares; the Children of Nightmare Moon.”

“Do you mean that last one figuratively or seriously?” Casey joked, much to Keno's annoyance.

Night Terror growled, before explaining, “We are the ponies who lurk in the shadows of night, and strike fear into the day walkers in name of our illustrious Mistress Nightmare Moon.”

“In case you didn't get the memo, Nightmare Moon is gone.” Keno noted.

“She lives on in the hearts of those who bask in the darkness under her moonlight.” Night Terror continued, as they saw hanging from the ceiling was a tapestry of the former villain Nightmare Moon.

“Princess Luna wouldn't wanna see this.” Casey said to Keno who nodded.

Night Terror turned to some of his closest followers,”Lock these two up. We'll play some more with them later.” The Nightmares took Keno and Casey away despite their struggles, as Babs watched from the cheering crowd in horror.

“No.” she gasped to herself.