• Published 2nd Oct 2018
  • 2,742 Views, 56 Comments

Celestial Wings - Ahrazell

A young colt is taken in to a new family, one where he is the love able black sheep. How so? His siblings are Celestia, Luna, and Discord.

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The Traveling Storyteller

Twilight Sparkle stood along the road leading into Ponyville, sweat dripping down her forehead as the magical pressure was crushing even to her. Beside her stood her friends, the elements of harmony plus Starlight and Spike, all save the dragon uncomfortable with the feeling all of them were experiencing as they stood behind the young alicorn. Twilight reviewed what they know of the threat approaching. A report from Derpy the mailpony said that along this road, heading to town was a cloaked, tall pony that gave off a feeling of raw power. She was unable to tell the race as both it's head and body was hidden in the tattered cloak, only that it seemed to be following the road that lead to Ponyville. Standing there now, Twilight could tell that there was no exaggeration, what or whoever this pony was, they were powerful.

"Look! Over there!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she pointed a hoof towards the far hill. Over the hill climbed the pony Derpy had seen. Their gray cloak, tattered and worn flowed in the wind and revealed some more features to the group present. As the figure drew nearer. Twilight began to take note of the pony. They had the body structure of a male Pegasus, Pegasus ever grew to the size of Cadence. His fur (Twilight assuming to to be a stallion at this point), was a silver in color, a slight if dull sheen going across his coat while what little of his mane that could be seen was a deep green blue, just light enough not to be a sea-foam color. His eyes pierced through the hood, even at a distance and their power was not to be contended with. The color of said eyes were a Megenta pinkish purple, not unlike Rainbow's. There was no horn to be seen, but still, Twilight prepared for whatever this pony had come for. She was prepared to defend her home from this dangerous-

Suddenly the figure tripped on his own hooves, breaking what ever feeling had come over the group. He continued to tumble down the hill, Pinkie pie and Rainbow snickering before falling over laughing. "Oh sweet Celestia, this was the big threat? A pony who can trip on his own four hooves!" She said before falling over laughing as the stallion grunted before rising up. He looked at the group, pinkie and rainbow shutting up under the look of power he game them before he opened his mouth.

"Please do not use Celestia's name like that. All these years and I still don't know how that phrase came to be." He said, His voice even, easy going but with regal undertones, as one does who was raised with royalty, but didn't care for the politics. He looked at them all in turn, his eyes scanning them causing a few to shiver, admittedly for different reasons. "Now, please tell me there is a place here that sells food and let costumers use the bathroom?" He said, his eyes filled with a hopeful look, taking back all the ponies present, save for one.

"Yupperoony Mr. Totally-not-a-prince-in-hiding." Said the bubbly pink pony, suddenly appearing in front of the stallion who just smiled.

"Ah, a Earthpony Vatis. I thought your kind had all but been breed out." Said the figure, patting the happy ball of energy in front of him. "Its good to know a few still live."

"Whoa whoa wait, You mean you know about Pinkie's strange abilities? Just who are you?" Rainbow asked aggressively, the Stallion just smiling even as she pressed her snout against his own.

Before Rainbow could do more, she was dragged back by Applejack, the orange farmpony dragging her friend back by the tail. "Now now RD, Ah agree wit yeah, it is mighty suspicious, but that don't give yah the Right to be fightn' Somepony who's done notin' wrong."

"I must say, you do hold yourself with the grace of Royalty Mr... My dear I dont think we have even asked for your name!" The elegant Rarity said "My dear, may we have your name, if I may?" The stallion looked at the fashionista and her breath was caught in her throat.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you, as long as after I may use the restroom, I really must go." He said with a forced smile.

"My name is Ethereal Horizon, and I am.... A storyteller of sorts. However, before I say more, I hear a porcelain throne calling my name." Ethereal said, pulling off his hood, but keeping the cloak still on. He turned to Twilight and Starlight, as if sensing the questions bubbling in their eyes. "I will answer more questions later, perhaps I may even share my story. it's not often I get a alicorn and her student as a audience." He said, whispering something into Fluttershy's ear that made the scared mare seem to calm down, causing more eyes to raise before he followed Pinkie to Sugar Cube Corner, the rest of the girls plus Spike slowly following.

"He seems cool." Commented the dragon, getting a look from the other girls. "What?"

Ethereal sighed happily as he bit into a cupcake, the group surrounding him on both sides. "Come to hear the stories of a old Stallion?" He said with a grin, his eyes flashing in humor as the girls around him seemed practically brimming with questions. Only the young Drake seemed content, if interested in these tales Ethereal made mention of. "No, most of you came here for question." He smiled as they all nodded sheepishly. "Fine, but I will only answer one question each. The rest can be explained though my tales, if you all wish to stay around for them."

"As if they could be any more awesome than anything we have gone through." Rainbow Dash said boastfully.

"You'd be surprised, but I digress, Ask away." The gray Stallion said as he leaned back in his seat in a relaxed fashion.

Starlight raised her hoof, causing Ethereal to chuckle. "This isnt a classroom, feel free to just ask."

Starlight lowered her hoof sheepishly before clearing her throat. "I need to ask, what was that overwhelming pressure we all felt when you came here?"

Ethereal smiled at the question before opening his mouth to answer. "Simple really. That was me flexing my magic."

Twilight stood up in her seat. "That- that is impossible! Only a unicorn can control their inner magic enough to cast spells, let alone do what you've done! How did you do it?!" She said, her mane fraying slightly as the stallion's smirk never left his face.

"I used my wings as a foci instead of a unicorn's horn. Yes I am a pegasus, and that counted as your question." He said with a growing smirk as Twilight looked to be trying to wrap her head around the new information.

A shy voice tried to speak up. "Uh-um...May we see your wings?" Fluttershy asked, causing Ethereal to adopt a much more gentle smile.

"I promise young Flos that I will, but not now. Maybe when I begin my story, I will show you all, if just to prove what I say isnt fake." The shy mare smiled and nodded, content with the answer.

Applejack looked strait at the Strange stallion before asking. "Why did yah come here to ponyville? Where are yah headed?"

Ethereal chuckled "Technically two questions, but I'll answer then anyways. Ponyville is really just a stop along the way, But I'm headed to some family in Canterlot. My sisters and brother have been making stupid choices and I need to chew them out before they make more." Applejack nodded, not sensing any lies in what he had said, just that he was hiding some details. "Any other questions from the rest of you?"

Rarity cleared her throat before saying "Not to sound rude darling, but why ever are you wearing that ratty, dirty cloak?" She said with a slight hint of disgust towards the clothing.

Ethereal chuckled "This cloak has been with me since the beginning of my travels. The enchantments have failed a few times, causing it to tear a bit, but it has kept me warm during cold nights, shielded me from predators, and has kept my wings hidden for many years." He took a almost distant, happy look at the cloak, as if it were a old friend. "I won't part with it until the day it is no longer wearable." Rarity suddenly had a look of deep respect for the stallion in front of her, caring for a cloak much like her with her dresses as a smile played across the white mare's features.

Rainbow, having been surprisingly patient until now stared hard at the tall stallion. "Why do you need to hide your wings huh?" She said accusingly.

Her aggression amused Ethereal "Because if anyone sent a description of my wings, my family would instantly know my whereabouts, and I personally enjoy my privacy. Now I believe there is two who has not asked a question." He said, turning to Spike, surprising the drake. "Is there anything you wish to know little one?"

Spike looked down, thinking for a second before looking back up at Ethereal. "Why does your magic feel similar to Celestia and Luna?" He ask, shocking everypony at the table. Ethereal looked uncomfortable at the question as Spike pressed on. "Dragons have a unique sense to pick up on different ponies based off the feel of their magic, And yours felt familiar, like Celestia's and Luna's."

Ethereal sighed before looking the drake in the eyes. "I will explain that during my story if you stay to hear the tale. I am sorry but I can not answer that in any easy way without explaining the context." The table went quiet at that, once satisfied ponies now filled to the brim with new questions.

Before anymore could be said though, Pinkie looked darkly at Ethereal. "I have one question myself then, Mr. Horizon." she said as the rest of the table looked at the mare in fear. "Milk or Dark chocolate?" She asked in a dead serious voice before the stranger pony smiled.

"Why choose?"

This caused the Pink Party Pony to gasp and smile wide, hugging the stallion from across the table. "Welp, he's a good guy in my book!" She said much to the shock of those whose name was not Ethereal.

"Now then, I take it you are now all interested in my tale?" He asked the surrounding ponies who all turned to each other before giving a nod, causing Ethereal Horizon to smile. "Good, that means I may finally take off this old friend." He said, taking off his cloak and causing the others to gasp as he unfurled his wings, humor playing across his features. His wings were the size of Luna's, but seemed to not be made of feathers at all, but instead made of pure magic, his very wings seemingly containing the cosmos it's self as it gave off a prismatic effect.

"Let me tell you a story of a time before the Equestria you all now know and love. A story of a family, My family. I suppose I should now say my full title. My name is Ethereal Horizon, Child of Faust, Celestial Wing and Brother to Celestia, Luna and my brother Discord."