• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,377 Views, 950 Comments

Little Lost Pikachu - CommanderX5

One month has passed since Twilight and her friends provided Raichu with a home, food, kindness and friendship. Now when more pokemon are summoned into Equestria, it is up to Nica to ensure that Ash Pikachu’s visit will be as memorable.

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Ch.8 - Hidden Struggle - Pt.2 (Expanded and massively changed)

Little Lost Pikachu


Chapter 8
Hidden Struggle Pt.2

“Get a hospital bed ready, pronto, we got an emergency!” Nurse Redheart shouted, galloping with long-tailed pokemon perched on her back. Her white fur and red cross cutiemark similar to headband she wore on her head while pink tail flapped against the wind. The window lights inside the hospital came to live, adding additional source of light to the stars and moon from above.

Pikachu sat, feeling weakness in his rear legs as he could only stare at his friend being taken away, hoping this hospital could prove at least third as helpful as a Pokemon Center. He glanced to his right, giving his companion a grateful glance. “Thank you… thank you so much Gliscor. We wouldn’t get Nica to the hospital anywhere as fast if it wasn’t for you.”

He recalled his hasty charge towards the castle, wanting to seek aid of ponies while remembering the spot where he left the injured Raichu. Fortunately, the armored bat-like pokemon swooped from the top of the castle to greet him. Was he there to take a breath of fresh air, or did he just like to explore the night? Pikachu didn’t care. What he cared was how quickly Gliscor came to his aid, getting Nica to the hospital in no time at all. Being bigger, stronger and able to glide certainly helped.

“No need to thank me, Sir Hero. Captain Nica is my dearest companion in arms as well. It was my responsibility to aid her,” the taller pokemon said as he looked back at Pikachu with eyes which glowed in bright yellow, though it was his big pointy ears that mostly aided him in the darkness. Rubbing the back of his neck with clawed limb, he added, “I didn’t think she would start her intense training again considering lack of Pokemon Center. Usually she allows at least one of us to watch over her just in case.”

Pikachu gasped. How could he even call it an intense training when it was so far beyond that. Much to his surprise, Gliscor gently wiped away tears that fell down from his eyes, being quite careful while using his metallic claw.

“I understand it must have been a shock to you, Honorable Pikachu, but please calm your fears.” Gliscor gestured for Pikachu to follow him as they both sat next to the entrance to the hospital, supporting their backs against the cold wall. “I can tell that if some weaker pokemon saw you face extreme challenges or fight incredibly powerful pokemon or even legendary pokemon, they would fear that you have a death-wish. They would fear that your body would be turned to dust and that you would perish at any moment. You must fell similar when seeing Nica’s training, but I assure you she’s used to this level of hardship.

Pikachu sighed, relaxing his tired and tense muscles as his breathing slowly stabilized. Part of him felt somewhat sleepy, but he couldn’t close his eyes until he learned more about Nica. Gathering courage and tightening grip of his forepaws, he asked, “Gliscor, you must know much about Nica, can you please tell me about her?”

“It depends as there are secrets that she wish to keep to herself, but I shall answer those questions I will find them not too intrusive to her privacy. What is it that you wish to know?”

Pikachu’s ears drooped as he wiped more tears from his cheeks, calming himself for the discussion ahead. “How is it that… that when it comes to battling, she refuses to go all out, but do the opposite during training. She can be so fixated on making fights fair and so peaceful and kind at times, yet she’s so incredibly skilled and capable. I… I wish to understand her better.”

“And learn why she refuses to give you challenge you so much desire?”

Pikachu blushed, nodding hesitantly. While he wanted to learn why Nica has been hurting herself in training so much, knowing why she don’t want to fight him in so called ‘unfair battle’ still bothered him.

“Nica’s strength lies in her motivation,” Gliscor answered, catching Pikachu’s full attention. He looked at the sky from above, adding in a calm tone, “She… she’s very sensitive and can sense how other pokemons fell. Even if she wanted to give you the challenge you desire, even if she was determined to fight with everything she’s got… just sensing even a little bit of frustration, annoyance, or anger from you would be enough to break her fighting spirit. She would feel no joy from fighting, holding back at every opportunity and lower her guard.”

“Oh…” Pikachu said, staring at Nica’s teammate with utmost curiosity.

“It may be just me, but I believe that her saying she doesn’t want unfair fights is partially an excuse.”

“Meaning?” Pikachu asked, standing up as he rounded Gliscor. He stood on tips of his tired rear paws, now staring him right in the eyes.

“There’s yet a pokemon I meet that wouldn’t feel angry or frustrated when losing in one-side battle. At the same time, there’s a lot of enjoyment and respect when both sides are equally matched and push each other to their limits. You may think Nica is disrespectful and arrogant when she refuses to fight with everything she’s got, but in reality, she just wish for both sides to enjoy the battle equally. I believe this is why she asked the ponies to boost you with magic, so she could give her best and make it enjoyable.”

Pikachu sat, now considering what he has learned. All this time Nica, the partner of Pokemon Master herself, refused to fight him, not wanting an unfair battle, or even hiding her abilities and making herself look weak… Now that he thought about it, it all was to make him happy. All this time she feared she would upset him.

He stood up and narrowed his eyes, now giving Gliscor a challenging glare. “I understand that she’s strong, but did she really believed that our fight would be one-sided, that she would effortlessly defeated me if she fought with everything she’s got? Did she truly believes she would crush me with ease?”

“Don’t let your pride cloud your judgement,” Gliscor answered, narrowing his eyes as both pokemon challenged each other as if having a staring contest. “How many years have you been adventuring with Ash at this point?”

“Three and a half,” Pikachu responded, stomping. “And we faced many powerful opponents, harsh trials and difficult adventures.”

“Quite Impressive, Sir Hero. Though not as impressive as eight years that Nica stood and fought by Astra’s side.” He held his claw close against his chest, staring back with firm and determined gaze. “And I swear on my honor that her journey was filled with hardships and fights for survival. The challenges and struggles she faced were as hard if not more difficult than yours. In fact, Nica made it a lot harder on herself with her diligent trainings as if she was putting thors and obstacles on her own path.”

Pikachu nodded. Having twice as much experience was certainly a big gap, not to mention Nica’s merciless training regime. “Well… experience is important, but when it comes to fighting spirit, I always do my best. I’m motivated to become the strongest Pikachu and I often push myself to my limits. I would manage to make up for my lack of experience.”

“Motivation is indeed important, but Nica’s motivation is strong. Why do you think she trained herself to such extreme? If there are lives on the line or if she’s fighting against the odds, she wouldn’t hesitate to push herself to the verge of death.”

Pikachu took a step back as realization came into his mind. There was no way he would ever train as hard as she did. In fact, even after facing great peril so many times and facing legendary pokemon, he still saw Nica’s actions as nothing less but torture. If that amazing and pity-worthy Rachu was fully motivated to fight against him, she would no doubt outmatch him in terms of willpower.

On the other side, motivation was a double-edged sword for Nica. As long as she would make her opponent even a little bit unhappy or frustrated, as long as lives weren’t on the line, her fighting spirit would be nothing more than a little candle-flame. Now he understands what Gliscor meant when he said Nica’s motivation is her strength and weakness. She can be incredibly strong or very hesitant depending on the situation she was in.

“How often do you train? Do you have any daily-training-regime?” Gliscor asked as he relaxed himself, his eyes no longer narrowed.

Pikachu followed in suit as he restrained his pride. “Well… I don’t really have a daily-training-regime. I usually train really hard before important battles, and facing strong opponents and harsh adventures is a training in itself, but other than that…” He lowered his head in shame. Now that he thought about it, Ash lacked any training program. It was no wonder why in some battles he performed at peak of his capabilities, while in other he underperformed as a seasoned veteran.

“Astra trains her pokemon diligently almost everyday, and Nica adds a lot to herself atop that.” Gliscor rubbed Pikachu’s chest. “Now, don’t get me wrong. Your achievements speaks for themself and you must be an incredibly powerful Pikachu to fight legendary and fully evolved pokemon without fear, but you can now clearly see that there’s a big gap between unevolved hero like you and a fully evolved Raichu like Nica. If she indeed tried to give you the challenge by fighting with everything she had, in the end she would only hurt your body and your pride, and in return you would hurt her feelings.” He sighed, lowering himself respectfully. “Just… just give it a rest, Sir Hero. If you really respect Nica, if you really care about her, don’t force her to do what will upset her. There must be better ways for you both to prove yourselves to each other.”

Pikachu sat and rubbed his arm nervously, looking to the side as his ears drooped, feeling growing guilt. Blinded by pride and a challenge where he could face incredibly strong Raichu, he failed to see how different Nica was from him. She wouldn’t find enjoyment in defeating him, nor had the motivation to fight him without any handicap that would make the fight fair. To make matters worse, when he tried to prove that he wouldn’t get angry or frustrated, that he would enjoy the battle against her, he screwed up in the end.

He looked at the hospital before him. If he wanted to befriend Nica and put her fears to rest, he couldn’t see her as a prideful partner of Pokemon Master, one that is the best of the best and love fighting. He needed to look at her as a sensitive pokemon who wants others happiness over her own.

“Hey, wait a moment,” Pikachu said as he looked to the side and up, glancing at the confused Gliscor. “During our discussion, I completely forgot to ask this one important question. Why… why Nica was training so hard? What motivated her to train herself so hard?

Gliscor shrugged. “I apologize, but I refuse to answer this question. This is something you need to learn form Nica herself.” He placed clawed arm on his shoulder. “But fear not as I heard you two has been getting along recently. I’m sure that she’ll trust you enough. All you need to do is show that you care about her and make her open up.”

Pikachu nodded before looking for an open window as he felt tears once again forming in his eyes. He was going to learn the truth, and he wasn’t going to leave his injured friend on her own.

Nica wearily opened her heavy eyes, attempting to gaze past the blurs in her vision. A small ache throbbed throughout her body, but was nothing she couldn’t ignore for the time being. She stretched her limbs and yawned before slowly rubbing her eyes, only to blink in confusion. Her surroundings were unfamiliar though not unfriendly. Where… where am I? She mumbled, finally recognizing the scenery as one of the numerous hospital rooms.

Swaying softly in the corner, two baby-blue curtains hugged the windows peeking out over the flourishing woodland. The navy walls gave a subtle accent, and stood out against the fluffed bed she was currently residing in while a snug pillow supported her back. A violet eiderdown was draped across her legs, keeping her nice and cozy in the other wise chilled room. Beside her dozed a curled Pikachu, claiming a small portion of the mattress and sounding off a set of slight snores.

Nica’s eyes widened in shock as her groggy mind added two and two together. The reason why she woke up inside a clinic instead of her usual training location underneath the base of the mountain was because Pikachu brought her here. She gulped, feeling the constricting pressure of the translating collar strapped around her neck. While she couldn’t clearly recall the later part of her training, it was obvious that her idol saw a furtive part of her she hoped to keep hidden. “Are you… asleep?” she whispered before noticing a few hastily wrapped bandages present on her paws and body. She sighed. Such a waste of resources. My bruises would manage to heal on their own.

She stood up and hesitantly approached the other side of the bed, gently poking Pikachu’s shoulder with the swathed bronze edge of her forepaw. A small pinprick of pain replied.

“N-Nica?” Pikachu blinked, glancing up at her with delirious hope. Tears started swelling underneath his eyelids as his collar chimed against his neck.

She massaged the back of her neck, stuttering nervously. “Um… just how... much did you see?”

Pikachu rose up and pressed his head into her bandaged belly, sobbing in between his words. “Nica! You're ok! Oh, you're ok! I... I... I thought it was serious. That you wouldn't... recover. Have you... been training... like this every night? Why are you pushing yourself this hard?!“

He nuzzled her padded stomach for a moment before withdrawing himself, now looking at her with teary eyes. “You didn’t respond to my pleas, you didn’t stop no matter how much I begged. Do you know how I felt? What I was thinking? Not in my worst days had I ended up so battered… so beaten, as you did. I didn’t know if you would make it. Every moment your heart beat, every breath, all I could think about was if another would follow, or if that would be the last. I feared the worst.”

Nica’s ears drooped as she slumped back down onto the bed, held her paws together and whimpered like a scolded puppy. She kept her midnight training sessions a secret, fearing it would upset the ponies and her hero, but she certainly didn't expect to see him so heartbroken over it. She had one job, to make Pikachu happy during his temporary stay in Ponyville, and when everything was finally getting better, she had to be the one to screw it up.

“Don’t be sad, I’m not angry…” He held his forepaw on his chest. “I’m just concerned.”

Nica blushed and grasped Pikachu’s paws. “I… I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Well… a tiny bit, but it wasn't serious. You were just trying to slap me away with your tail or scare me away with random jolts of electricity.” He shook his head, staring directly into Nica’s worried eyes. “I know you would never do it if you were aware of what you were doing. I understand that there are things you would prefer to leave to yourself, but I’ll worry sick if you’ll leave me in the dark, so please tell me, what happened?”

She sighed, freeing Pikachu’s forepaws and peered at the suddenly interesting woven strands within the blanket. “Please, sit down. I’ll explain… everything.” Receiving a nod of confirmation and a curious stare, she asked, “First… do you remember how I told you that after… after I failed to save a human’s life, I started pushing myself harder than ever before?”

“Yes,” he replied before his eyes became wide as saucers. “You mean you started training yourself to complete exhaustion?”

Nica took a deep breath and kneaded a knot in her neck, not daring to meet Pikachu’s gaze. “I… I started to train myself to near death.” She peeked with one eye. As she feared, Pikachu’s face was drained of color, coating his once yellow cheeks into a ghastly white. “B-but worry not, my trainer saved my life over and over. While traveling throughout the Orange Islands, we encountered an athletic Nurse Joy who taught Astra many different medical techniques over the span of two months. Not to mention a friendly Blissey who is part of Astra’s team. They kept me alive until they managed to deliver me to the closest Pokemon Center.”

“That… doesn’t make it any less traumatic,” Pikachu rebutted.

“I know… but I was afraid…”

He remained silent, listening with full attention to the pokemon’s upcoming tale.

“I was afraid that I’d fail again, let someone get hurt, an innocent, just because I was too incompetent to use my abilities to their full extent. At that point I wanted to be helpful and make the best use of my power, and the fear of defeat rocketed me over my limits. I just couldn’t stop training, no matter the pain or risk involved. As long as I kept my speed top notch, my durability unbeatable, and my reflexes sharpened to perfection, as long as I was at the top of my game, I didn’t care about what happened to me. My purpose was to serve and protect those who can’t do so themselves.”

“So this is how your stamina and resilience increased so much,” Pikachu noted, following along. “I thought I had very strong motivation that helped me become strong, but compared to yours…”

Nica nodded, now gazing back at her hero once again. “My body took desperate measures to keep me alive, sacrificing some of my raw power to strengthen my survivability. With weaker attacks but a greater stamina, I adapted my fighting style for a long and defensive combat with other foes. This new version helped me keep others from harm and work extremely well with my new strengths in battle.”

Pikachu waddled over and gracefully wiped a lone tear cascading down the side of her face. “How… how often did you train like that?” he asked, though already suspecting the intensity of her training regime.

“Well…” She took a deep breath and an awkward smile bloomed on her face. “A minimum of about once a day. Two hours of training or longer without a break until I reached my absolute breaking point. Since I practiced during the night, when others were asleep, I usually woke up in the morning in a Pokemon Center, details hazy from the previous evening.” She studied the floor, breaking eye contact. “And if we weren’t doing anything important… I did it twice or three times a day. I couldn’t let myself lounge around without feeling like I was doing something useful. If my memory serves, I continued this cycle for the past three years.” Suddenly, she felt soft paws pull her face to Pikachu’s as their noses collided.

“You’ve been torturing yourself like that everyday, for three years straight?! H-how...? W-why? Someone as kind as you deserves so much better!”

“Torturing is a strong word, and it certainly didn’t feel like that to me.” Nica’s face flushed a bright crimson. “As I told you already, I did it out of fear. Fear of failure, fear of defeat. The fear that after my entire journey, I still hadn’t proved myself worthy of this evolution. How could I when I couldn’t even carry out a task I assigned myself? Being a Raichu alone wasn’t enough. I had to push the limits of my new form and master the use of my longer tail, no matter the struggle.”

The moment Nica was released, she saw a pure expression of pity, glaring right back at her. Pikachu attempted to look stern, as tears dripped down his face. “B-but don’t worry,” she added. “I adapted. In the past, what was once considered a near death experience, now only exhausts me, maybe leaving me unconscious for a few hours. My body even began to follow muscle memory from years of practice, and in battle it can respond on its own to unexpected attacks, which helped me protect those dear to me safe.” She tapped her forepaws together with a nervous chuckle. “I suppose I was practicing my every technique and improved my durability so often that I stopped being aware of it, letting my body take over at the cost of my awareness . It’s… hard to explain.”

“I… I understand,” Pikachu muttered with an indignant grunt. “Your fears of failure… it pushed you to endure. This is why you’re so unbelievably tough and so agile with your lengthy tail. You and your trainer achieved the title of Pokemon Master due to an unbreakable determination.”

Nica dipped her head in agreement hesitantly. “I can’t deny it, but it helped us overcome powerful and extremely skilled pokemon of Elite Four and champions.” Wanting to change the depressing topic while trying to shift away from the gloomy atmosphere, she searched for a diversion as an idea was born in her mind. She grabbed her tail and nuzzled the soft fuzz laced around it. “My reflexes improved and my reaction timing to a possible threat became near automatic. My tail hasn’t failed me ever since I learned how to properly maneuver it. From what I remember, I mastered the use of it as Pikachu in only a few short months, but it took me two to three years until I became a pro at using my longer tail as a Raichu. Even when my body couldn’t improve anymore, there was always a way I could get better at using my tail. So many techniques and tricks to discover and master to perfection. I can’t imagine a day without it.”

“Was it really so hard?” Pikachu questioned, blinking in confusion as he focused on the bond between Nica and her longest limb.

“Extremely. I already told you that a longer tail offered greater reach and far more possibilities, but was much more difficult to use and slower when aiming to strike.” She stroked the silky black part of her long limb. “When I became a Raichu, I underestimated how much harder utilizing my tail would become, leaving me with a disadvantage that would cost a man’s life. I fixed my mistake with a grief-driven reckless training, after which my tail allowed me to protect myself and others and opened a lot of new doors that wasn’t possible before with a shorter tail. Long story short, more effort was needed, but a better reward at the end of a long journey.”

“I see… That would explain why I won against the other Raichu when it came to tail-use. Improving my ‘Iron Tail’ techniques was faster and easier while his moves became predictable. He became lazy with the belief of an advantage.”

Nica nodded. “Out of curiosity, how long did you train until you defeated him?”

“A few hours,” Pikachu responded with a snicker.

“A few hours! Wow! You’re extremely gifted to be able to gain power and learn new techniques this quickly. No wonder you’re holding your own against legendary pokemon while still being a Pikachu,” Nica complemented, only for him to grab her tail and stroke it. She blinked in confusion. This response was certainly unexpected.

“Talented or not, you put more effort into your training than I ever did. I thought I worked hard to get stronger, but your motivation is so much greater than mine. I could definitely take a few pointers, although maybe a bit less extreme.”

Nica rubbed her chin, thinking. Motivation… now when I compare ours…

“What are you thinking about?” Pikachu questioned as he nuzzled her side, basking in her warmth.

“Well… I just noticed that, in a way, we’re both prisoners of fear.” Seeing a confused stare, she pointed at herself and spoke up, “My fears of failure, fear that someone could become injured or even die because I’m not good enough, motivated me to push myself to my limits and then, in turn, surpass them. Those fears never left me, turning me into the most skilled Raichu I could become.” She poked Pikachu’s belly with her forepaw. “You became afraid of your evolution, or rather the symbol it represented, so you pushed yourself and went beyond your limits as a Pikachu. You also became very prideful, like you constantly need to prove yourself, no matter the hardship. However, while it motivates you to fight and train hard, it also keeps your body from unleashing its full potential as a Raichu due to the dread of becoming cocky or turning into a mean bully.”

Pikachu sighed. “I… can’t argue with that.” He turned slightly, presenting his shorter tail. “Still, you said yourself that after evolving, it took you years to master the full potential of your tail.” He poked his own. “If I evolved, it would make me stronger and tougher, but I would need to spend years to adapt to different moves and tactics for my longer limb. Evolution wouldn’t help me protect others better because of that. Maybe in the long run, but I feel confident in my abilities as I am now.”

Nica displayed a wide, toothy grin. She placed her forepaws on her hips as she shook her head. "I doubt that would apply to you! That was simply an estimate from my personal experience, but with how fast you can adapt, it would be a breeze. It's stunning how you're able to train for barely a couple of hours and then return and crush an opponent you previously lost against." She dreamily stared out the window. "Maybe it took me so long because I had no skilled Raichu to teach me, so I had to come up with my techniques by myself, and learn through trial and error. It would be an honor to have the chance to teach you."

Nica wrapped her longer tail around Pikachu’s shorter one, her face bursting with excitement. “Teaching you all I know, especially my defensive techniques, tricks, and combos. It would be absolutely amazing! You may not be able to master the use of your tail anytime soon, but I bet that under my guidance, you would be able to protect others way better as a Raichu after a mere month.” She held a forepaw on her pounding heart. “Helping you reach greatness would be the biggest honor anyone could bestow upon me . It would give a newfound meaning to my life.”

Pikachu took a step back, almost plummeting from the edge of the bed onto the tile floor. He smiled sheepishly.

Nica blushed and freed Pikachu’s tail as she started nervously tapping her small foot in rapid succession. “I’m truly sorry. Please excuse my outburst. Even as a Pikachu you’re still above me. I shouldn’t have suggested such a thing especially after what you have shared with me, it was uncalled for.”

Pikachu gave her a pitiful look. “Considering how incredibly hard you train, I find it hard to accept that you think so little of yourself. You need to understand that what you have accomplished is astounding. I wish you could focus on the lives you’ve helped rather than obsess over what hasn’t been done. Not only in our world, but recall all of the ponies that now lead better lives thanks to you. You put more effort in a week than I in an entire month, and it certainly shows.”

Nica chuckled as she subconsciously took a closer look at his lingering aura, sensing way less jealous than before. She smiled warmly. “I just thought of something silly. One of the ponies I worked for not long ago, Quibble Pants, pointed out something very interesting.”

“Which is?”

“He pointed out that I trapped myself in an enclosed circle of my own creation. My fear of failure motivates me to be the best I can be, while my beliefs say that the more power one has, the greater their responsibility.” She took a quick breath, her tone now weighed down by hints of grief. “Since I’m nearly unbeatable, I feel the need to accomplish more, and I feel worthless when I don’t get the opportunity. I compare my achievements to yours and it humbles me in turn.”

“So, because you’re powerful but believe you don’t make enough of a positive difference with your gift, you in turn feel worthless, and due to that lingering sense of failure, you train yourself past your limits to remedy that?” Pikachu asked. “It sounds like a chain you can’t escape from no matter how hard you work.”

Nica looked away as the ears of both pokemon dropped in synchronization.

Pikachu rubbed the back of his neck, blushing. “I suppose I also ended up trapped… but by something else.” With Nica’s curiosity growing as she looked back at him in confusion, he continued, “When I first saw your skills and power, I felt the need to compete, to prove that I can keep up or surpass you. When I learned that you admired my accomplishments and saw me as a hero, I felt a powerful need to live up to my reputation, to show that I’m worthy of your praise and that I’m the hero you see me as.” His ears drooped. “Not only it was frustrating to fail again and again, but to make matters worse, I tried to drag you into a battle that you wouldn’t enjoy. I’m sorry.”

Nica shook her head, placing forepaw on his shoulder. “Pikachu, I didn’t admire you for your skills and powers, I always knew that there would be a big gap between you and me. It is what you were able to accomplish and the dangers you faced what mattered to me. You don’t have to prove yourself.” She forced an encouraging smile while withdrawing her forepaw. “While I wish you didn’t have to prove yourself for the sake of your pride, what I saw was a very brave pokemon not afraid of facing the odds. I saw your kindness, your passion, and how much you care. You didn’t have to fight powerful opponents, show incredible fighting skills or fight against monsters and criminals to impress me. Just seeing how you act in those past days and efforts you put for me was more than enough.”

She winked. “Besides, from all Pikachu I ever seen, none had even half your durability and fighting spirit. I can even bet not many Raichu can proudly say they bested legendary in one versus one fight, and you did so while having a more vulnerable body. You’re the best.”

Pikachu opened his mouth, trying to find the correct words to answer, but closed it a moment later. He just stared back as Nica also seemed unsure what to say.

The awkward silence feasted for half a minute until a playful growl spawned from Nica’s belly.

Pikachu grabbed her forepaw and asked, “Have you recovered yet?”

“I have.”

“Then take off your bandages and follow me! I planned a super day, with Sugar Cube Corner being the first stop on our day of fun. I’m sure some sweets will cheer you up!” Pikachu shouted cheerfully.

Nica followed with hesitant steps, eventually being dragged by the smaller, enthusiastic pokemon as they bypassed the confused hospital personnel. “Wait… but it is my duty as your guardian to take care of you and show you a good time.”

“Not today. You’ve done more than enough for me, now it’s my turn. Trust me, I asked Pinkie and Starlight for help and advice. Today will be nothing short of fantastic.”

Nica smiled, deciding to trust the cheerful grin that was plastered across her hero’s face. What kind of amazing events awaited her? With someone as great as him in change of today's entertainment, it could only get better from here.

Author's Note:

Another change I decided to make is expanding on chapter 8.

I added Pikachu/Gliscor interaction to both give Astra's Gliscor more character/screen time and to show how members of Astra's team views her overtraining. As for Pikachu/Nica talk, it was rewritten as well.

The only thing left for Little Lost Pikachu is to relocate original Pikachu vs Nica fight towards end of this story with some minor changes and improving of this story will be complite.

Now, I know you all are most likely awaiting for me to finally upload epilogue of "A Little Adventure in Alola" to end this series. But I would still like to ask you for some voting a. Do you like the changes I made to chapter 8 part 2, including the added Gliscor scene? Or do original was better? Also, some feedback would be nice, because at the moment I'm not sure if working on those improvemetns weren't just a waste of time.


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