• Published 25th May 2018
  • 13,233 Views, 150 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Forgotten Friendship - Wildcard25

Sunset Shimmer must recover the good memories of herself from her friends with the help of some old allies before those memories are gone forever.

  • ...

Volleyball Game

The ninja team was currently relaxing in their spot, as Leo spoke, "You know this beach day has been real good for all of us."

"Yeah. I mean look at all the cool stuff we've done." Rainbow agreed.

"New friendships made." Karai said while thinking about Harmony.

"Return of enemies." Mikey put in, while thinking of Pizza Face.

"And just having fun!" Pinkie cheered.

"Indeed. This has truly been a wonderful experience." Fugitoid said, as he kicked back on a beach chair.

"You can say that again, robo-prof." Bebop agreed, as he had a sports drink.

"Hey, everyone!" Trixie called, as she and Wallflower Blush walked over.

"Hey, girls. What's up?" April asked.

"We finally found you all." Wallflower began.

"Wallflower, you're looking real cheerful today." Sunset noted.

"Do I? I hadn't noticed." Wallflower blushed sheepishly.

"All right, Wallflower, what's got ya all happy?" Pinkie nudged her.

"I'm just feeling like I'm not alone anymore," Wallflower began, "Ever since so many joined the Garden Club I've finally been able to connect with others who share a similar love of plants like me."

"So you is not feeling the invisible now?" Rocksteady asked.

Wallflower shook her head, "No. I feel totally visible."

"Good to know." Casey admitted.

Rainbow spoke up, "Come on, beach bums, let's have us some volleyball. I'm itching for a match."

"Ooh, I'll play!" Pinkie volunteered.

"Me too!" Mikey added.

"Why not?" Applejack replied.

"I'm game." Raph agreed.

"Sounds like fun." Sunset finished.

"Now we all just need a team to play against." Rainbow said, but before she could pick out a group to play against a second team, a voice spoke up.

"How about we play ya?"

The group looked back and saw a group of five teenagers in beach wear. Three of the teens were boys while the other two were girls. The first boy who wore red swim trunks and had short red hair spoke, "I'm Inferno Blaze, and this here's my crew."

The second boy who was more muscular than the other boys, wearing black swim trunks and had long brown hair, spoke up, "My name's Seismic Quake."

The first of the girls who wore a two piece swimsuit, and had aqua blue colored hair, introduced herself, "I'm Waterflower Brook."

The third boy who wore silver swim trunks and had short spiky silver hair, said, "The name's Alloy Copper."

And finally the last girl who was wearing a white one piece swimsuit, and had long blond hair tied in a ponytail, spoke up, "And I'm Gale Storm."

"Nice to meet you all." Twilight greeted respectively.

"So you're looking for a match?" Seismic asked.

"Yeah. You guys wanna play us?" Rainbow offered.

"Sure. We've been looking for a challenge." Waterflower said.

"All right!" Mikey cheered.

So they sat up the volleyball net and drew up a court surrounding it. One one side was the newcomers, while on the other side starting off was Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Raph, Sunset, and Mikey. Fugitoid walked up and announced, "I Professor Zayton Honeycutt shall act as referee to this Volleyball match. The rules are simple, the first team to reach fifteen points wins. Teams may also call time outs to substitute players," Fugitoid noticed the opposing was just the five, "Uh, if you have more at least."

"We're good." Inferno assured him.

"Well, then let the match begin!" Fugitoid announced, as the ninjas cheered.

"Our serve." Sunset began, as she served, and Seismic knocked the ball back onto their side.

"I got this!" Mikey called, as he knocked the ball down on their opponents court.

"Point to team one!" Fugtitoid announced.

"Not bad, but we're just getting started." Inferno told the group.

"Bring it on." Raph challenged them.

The ball was served again, and this time Gale was able to earn her team a point, "Man, these guys are good." Mikey told his team.

"You know we can play to our advantage." Rainbow motioned to her necklace.

"Rainbow!" Applejack scolded, "We ain't' cheating our way to victory."

"Yeah. Where's the fun in that?" Pinkie asked rhetorically.

"It was just an idea." Rainbow replied.

And so the game continued on with both teams holding their own against each other with the ninja team doing the occasional teammate swap for one of the others. The others watched from the sides cheering their friends on.

"Come on, team!" Bebop cheered.

"That's the way!" Wallflower cheered as well.

April watched the opposing team while looking concerned, as Donnie, Karai, and Sunset took notice, "Everything ok, April?" Donnie asked.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. I'm just concerned about these other teens." April explained.

"Concerned how?" Karai asked.

"It's hard to explain, but I'm getting some funny vibes from them."

"Funny vibes?" Sunset wondered.

"Yeah. But I'm not sure." April said.

So they continued to watch the match until each team was one point away from victory. The ball was served, as Raph tried to knock the ball into their opponents side, only for Alloy to return it. The two teams kept intercepting and returning it, until the ball came up and Leo made a jump and spiked it down onto the other teams side.

"This match is over!" Fugitoid announced, "Team one is the winner!"

The ninjas and their friends cheered and celebrated, before Leo walked up to Inferno and his group, "You put up a good match, Inferno. You and your team. So no hard feelings?" he offered his hand out.

Inferno smiled, "None at all." he shook Leo's hand like a good sport.

"You guys were cool." Mikey added.

"We should do this again sometime." Shini suggested.

"That would be nice." Gale admitted.

"Well, we'll be seeing you all." Inferno said, as he and his crew took their leave.

"So long!" Pinkie waved bye, while everyone was unaware of the smirks the five had on their faces.

As the sun was half way setting, the group had set up a little luau on the beach complete with Hawaiian decorations like tiki statues, Hawaiian torches, fake palm trees, etc. Vinyl was at a turntable mixing some sweet beats, Fugitoid was at a stand serving up tropical fruit drinks for everyone. At one table sat Leo and Twilight each enjoying a drink, at another was Mikey and Shini enjoying some chips with guacamole, Raph and Rainbow sat at a table where Rainbow was feeding Chompy a chip. Pinkie and Ice Cream Kitty were each playing a ukulele, as several of the group were dancing. Bebop being who he was dancing it out next to Wallflower and Trixie. Everyone was wearing lays around their necks, while the girls wore grass skirts and did the hula.

"Now this is what I call a party!" Mikey cheered, as he scooped some salsa on a chip and ate it. Suddenly his face turned red and steam poured out of his nose, "Water!" he ran around before downing a jug of water, while his brothers laughed.

"You know this reminds me of one time I vacation in Hawaii," Rocksteady admitted, "I was once big kahuna in the surf."

"You surfed?" Rarity asked.

"Da. I was best there was that year. Ah, the good times." Rocksteady sighed.

"This luau is absolutely magical." Trixie admitted.

"Hey, guys, time to limbo!" Pinkie cheered, as she set up a limbo pole, "Let's see how low can you all go."

Everyone agreed, and started doing the limbo with everyone making it under, until Bebop spoke to his partner, "Come on, Rock."

"Do you take me for a fool?" Rocksteady asked rhetorically, "I can't do limbo with this body."

"Just thought I'd ask." Bebop replied, as the bar was lowered a bit with some such a Rarity, Raph, Trixie, Twilight, Casey, and Fluttershy getting eliminated. But they didn't care because it was all good fun.

Later on after the excitement died down, the whole group were back in their normal clothes, while having a bonfire on the beach, while making smores, "This has been a great beach day." Sunset told the group.

"You said it." Pinkie agreed.

"This is exactly what we all needed." Karai said.

"Yeah. Especially after all we've dealt with." Donnie put in.

"Nothing like enjoying smores in front of a bonfire." April relaxed, and enjoyed her smore.

"Took the words out of my mouth, Red." Casey agreed, before eating a smore.

"We gotta make this a traditional thing." Mikey said with a sticky voice from the smores.

"Mikey, don't talk with your mouth full." Fluttershy warned him.

"Yes, have some manners." Rarity agreed.

Bebop looked up at the night sky, "Boy, look at all them stars."

"It's lovely." Trixie marveled.

"Coming here was a definite good idea." Rocksteady said.

"Yeah. I'm glad I came." Wallflower admitted.

Leo smiled, before speaking up, "I'm glad we all had fun, but we gotta start getting down to some intense training with those mystical powers the Apprentices bestowed upon us."

"What for?" Raph asked, "I mean it's not like there's anything here we have to face."

Suddenly the bonfire flame started turning blue which scared the group until they saw Splinter appear in the flames, "Master Splinter!" the group gasped.

"Father?" Karai asked.

"Greetings my children and friends." Splinter greeted them.

"Whoo, this is freaky deaky." Bebop told Rocksteady.

"Sensei, why're you here?" Leo inquired.

"I have come to warn you of a great evil that is soon to descend upon a land." the deceased rat explained.

"A great evil?" Casey asked.

"Who sensei?" April inquired.

"A monster you all know too well. Kavaxas!"

"Kavaxas?!" the ninjas gasped.

"But how?" Donnie asked in confusion.

"Are you sure, sensei?" Leo asked.

"Yes. I feel his presence will make itself known soon. Which is why you must prepare yourselves for I fear this time he will not be so easily defeated."

"But who could be bringing hothead back?" Mikey asked.

"And how?" Shini wondered.

"Something far greater than anyone could imagine. I must go now, but I wish you all the best of luck." Splinter said, as he vanished and the fire returned to normal.

"Goodbye, father." Leo bid him a farewell.

"Is what he saying true?" Karai asked, "Is Kavaxas really coming back?"

"I sure hope not." Rocksteady trembled.

"Um, question," Wallflower began, "Who is Kavaxas?"

"Yes. I Wish to know myself." Trixie agreed.

Leo decided to explain, "Kavaxas is the lord of demodragons and ruler of the netherworld. Tiger Claw summoned him in hopes of bringing back the Shredder. But Kavaxas was actually playing Tiger Claw behind his back as a means for himself to take over our world."

"Yeah. We high tailed it out of there when things got too serious." Bebop said, as Rocksteady nodded.

"He had ghosts overrunning all of new York." Casey explained.

"But I managed to fix the seal that controlled him and forced him back to the netherworld." Mikey boasted.

"Afterward we smashed the seal to dust and spread it across the ocean." Donnie put in.

"But without the seal who could be summoning him?" Fugitoid inquired.

"No idea. But now we know more than ever we have to be prepared." Leo said seriously.

Meanwhile at the warehouse shrine built in Kavaxas' honor, the five teenagers from the beach, "We learned much about our enemies from our match with them." Inferno began.

"Yes. They are formidable opponents, but we are tougher still." Gale added.

"It is now time we summoned forth the master." Seismic said, as the teens suddenly changed into humanoid figures wearing armor and carried trident weapons.

Each of the five gave off an aura of a specific element, like fire, wind, water, metal, and earth. The Fire one spoke, "Agreed. The master has been trapped for far too long. Water, Earth, Metal, and Wind, let us begin."

"Yes, Fire." they agreed.

They gathered around a pentagram on the floor and began the ceremony. When the Pentagram began glowing, the mystics began chanting.







A geyser of fire shot out from the center of the symbol, as the five creatures finished the chant, "Mavakaaa sekulaa nadavaaaa. Kavaxas!" The flames intensified followed by an explosion which knocked the five off their feet.

They looked up and saw standing in the symbol was the demodragon himself. Kavaxas yawned before cracking his neck. He looked around seeing the five creatures, as Fire spoke, "Welcome back to the land of the humans, Master Kavaxas." Kavaxas laughed knowing he was right where he wanted to be.

Author's Note:

The five creatures are based off the Five Foot Mystics featured in the 2003 Ninja Turtles Series during the Lost episodes.