• Published 28th Mar 2018
  • 643 Views, 9 Comments

Dr.Wolf and his meeting sessions - Flameboy

Dr.Wolf talks to a lot of creatures.

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"Now please, Discord, try to behave in there," Fluttershy said.

"Don't worry Fluttershy, I got this," he said as he went inside the room.

"That's what I'm worried about," she said in a whisper.

Later on...

"So Discord, do you like to share something about yourself?" Dr.Wolf asked.

"Other than the fact that you are wearing glasses, haha," he laughed.

Wolf took off his glasses. "I said anything about "you", Discord."
"Well, alright, I'm the lord of chaos and former element of disharmony. I'm also a twin brother to someone that I love since I was any kind of baby."

"And who is this brother of yours?"

"Oh, Storm, or in this case he calls himself, the Storm King."

"The Storm King, you say. Hmm, I guess I can see the similarities."

"What "similarities"?"

"Well, you're both terrible at being villains. It would also explain those chaotic laughs of yours."

"What's wrong with my laugh?"

"Oh nothing, it's just that, well, you and your twin brother were defeated by Twilight and her friends. You with the elements of harmony and I remember Twilight telling me that Tempest ran in to save them from your brother almost trying to turn them into stone. When he was using one of those stone casting gems, and got Tempest and himself turned to stone."

"I am going to have a serious talk with Storm about that."

"You will very soon. But tell me why did you want to turn the Mane6 against each other?"

"Well, I couldn't corrupt the element of magic, so, I corrupted Applejack, then Pinkie and Fluttershy, followed up by Rarity, and finally Rainbow Dash. They were the key to corrupting Twilight."

"Well, no wonder why she told me about that being one of her stress problems. You should really be considerate of others. Oh, and another reason why you're terrible at being a villain, is because villains don't have crazy laughs like you and Storm."

"Thanks for being so sheepish, Dr.- Oh! Sorry about that."

"None taken. But, anyway, what was the real reason why you became evil is what me and my friends are wondering?"

"Well, how do you like it if you were called a monster?"

"Well, I-"

"Or a freak? Or a menace? Or an abomination?! *Sobs*"

"Wow, Discord, I didn't think that was how you feel about that. Or even how you became evil."

"The ones who called me those things were the ponies. Well, they only called me an abomination or a freak or a monster. But, the real reason why I became evil, was because Celestia called me all of those things. Except for abomination of course. But, she broke her promise to me and just called me those things. I mean, I didn't know the difference of Laughing or Screaming."

"Well, Discord, I didn't think that she would do that. But, if you don't want to continue, I'll be fine with that and we can continue next time."

"Thanks, Doc. Ciao!"

"*Sighs* Poor Discord. Wait! I forgot to ask him about why he "did" turn the Mane6 into corrupted versions of themselves."

Knock Knock!

"Come in. Ah! Hello King Thorax and Dragon Lord Ember. What brings you two here?" he asked and they sat down. Ember started to speak.

"Well Doc, we're here to talk about Spike and how he's doing."

Then, Thorax began to speak.

"Is he alright, Doctor?"

"Well, I guess so. Why?"

"He has been feeling a little bit off edge as of lately. I can feel his love, of course. I mean, I do love him as one of my best friends that were ever nice with me and same goes with Ember."

"Yeah, just like he said, we also love Spike but he didn't even send me a letter since me and Thorax first met each other in Ponyville."

"Oh! And that's not all. Ember blushes whenever Spike hugs her and has feelings for him as in- OOF!" he shouted as he put his left leg on his stomach and his right on his left after Ember punched him with the right side of her right hand.

"Thorax! We went over this! Never tell anyone about my love for Spike! DANG IT!"

"Well, seeing you two as his best friends, have you ever thought that Spike might have some duties to attend to as the hero of the crystal empire?"

"HE'S WHAT?!" They both said.

"He never told us that he was a hero in the empire," Ember shouted.

"Well, actually, he "did" tell me about that," Thorax said.


"Now Ember, clearly Spike was going to tell you about it sooner or later. I mean, he would never keep secrets from you. Not to mention that he works as an assistant to Twilight."


"Ember, can you please calm down!

"No! I won't calm down Thorax! Not until I seek Justice!"

"Well, why do you want justice, Miss Ember?"

"How about my species being hunt down! By ponies, of course!"

"Well, you do need to keep your anger in check, so, thank you Thorax for bringing her here."

"No problem! Anything to help a dragon with their anger issues."

"I. Don't Have. Anger issues," she grumbled. Her right arm was on her left and her eyes were looking down on the left side of her.

"Seems to me that you do Ember. No offense, but when you feel love, do you remember Spike everyday."

"Why would I take offense to that? Spike's my friend."

"Oh! Ok."

"So Doc, who was the one that was crying? It sounds to me like-"

"Like Discord was here a few minutes ago, Thorax?"

"Well, yeah! Anything wrong with him at all?"

"Well, he did tell me that he became evil because Celestia broke her promise to never call him,... a monster. Fluttershy told me what Discord told her, after all."

"Wow." Ember said.

"He said that she called him a monster, a freak, and a menace."

"Well, that, really is sad for him to go through with that. I mean, he's part dragon with all sorts of creatures to represent the dragon race. And it goes for all the other creatures that aren't ponies," Ember said with her left paw holding up her right arm as her paw was clenching her chin.

"Yeah! I also think that Spike should lead the school of friendship! Rather than some princess we know, right Ember?"

"Yeah, each other kingdom: my kingdom of dragons, Thorax and the changelings, Prince Rutherford and the yaks, the general of the hyppogriff army, and Grandpa Gruff and the griffons, were all mad at Twilight for making her school of friendship boring."

"Well, I didn't know that she would make it boring. But, maybe next time, can you tell me all about yourselves, by yourselves, one creature at a time?"

"Ok," Thorax said.

"I'm fine with that," Ember said.