• Published 26th Apr 2018
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Pandemic: What you are Meant to Be - Halira

The ETS pandemic spreads across the southern United States transforming humans into ponies. In the wake of it a boy named Mathew tries to cope with the changing world and finding out what he is becoming.

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Chapter 46: Camper

It was the next morning and the night had been largely uneventful. They had gone to the hospital and tracked down Rosetta's old backpack which had her stuff in it; documentation she needed to be employed, her bank information, and a few personal items. The personal items consisted of her work badge for the call center-which was pitched, a few history books-which were kept, some no longer needed hygiene supplies-that were pitched, her cell phone and charger-which were kept, a no longer needed change of clothes that was pitched, and a stuffed green dinosaur named Steggy-which was given a big hug by Rosetta and kept.

They then looped around and picked up Remedy's bank card and information from her dad's house, and spent most of the rest of the evening just watching television there while her dad slept. He had said he didn't mind the company. They had even taken the opportunity to take a proper shower while they were there, which made them re-appreciate some of the comforts of living in a house; though drying each other with towels was a cooperative effort.

Around dawn they returned back to the church to have their breakfast in peace. They were quickly greeted by Sunset Blessing and Tonya, who both looked like they had just woken up.

"When the stores open up tomorrow I'm going to buy some coffee. Coffee is the one human item I could really stand to have back in my life," Tonya said with a yawn.

"Do you have money for that?" Rosetta asked.

"Yeah, I've got my debit card somewhere in my purse, and have my purse somewhere in one of the storage rooms here. I'll track that down sometime later today," Tonya turned to Blessing. "Anything you want from the store tomorrow when I grab myself some coffee? I don't have a lot of money, but I can afford to pick you up something."

"If you want to you can pick me up some chocolate. I have a craving for chocolate," Blessing said.

"You know it's going to be a madhouse there tomorrow. Rosetta and I'll be working overnight at the Bi-Lo tonight trying to help stock it. We can be in line first thing in the morning with what you want, and out again before the insanity starts," Remedy offered.

"You went back to your old job?" Blessing asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's something to keep us busy at night and the money will likely be useful," Remedy said.

"Was it still your old coworkers there?" Blessing asked.

"The ones who're still human. Guessing the rest are out in the shelters. Think a few of them might actually be here, though I don't really talk to them," Remedy said, then added after hearing herself say that. "I really should at least go say hello sometime to the ones here."

"And do your human coworkers treat you alright?" Blessing asked with a furrowed brow. Remedy's mom might not have the same protective instincts as a night pony, but she had the protective instincts of a mother, and Remedy could tell that those were in full swing right now.

"They didn't give us much of a hard time about being ponies, but a few seemed to treat it as a joke that Remedy's a mare after they found out who she is. Only a few of them though. There are always assholes," Rosetta said grumpily.

"You don't have to work right now. If you want to do something for pay something can be found after the exodus. Somewhere you'd have a fresh start and don't have humans that knew you from before," Blessing said with concern.

"They'll give me odd looks still, once they see my ID and all that they need to officially hire me. It isn't something I'm going to get away from," Remedy said with a sigh.

"Well, it should be. Stupid human things that we should be able to free ourselves from; something needs to be done about it," Blessing muttered with rising anger.

"Well, as somepony who went through similar things for a while, I understand how you're feeling about that. Actually, I imagine a lot of ponies that have taken new names might be feeling something similar if they try getting fresh jobs. Perhaps you can talk to your government buddies and see if some sort of legal accommodation for all these ponies looking to leave behind their human identity," Tonya offered as a suggestion.

"That might take a bit of doing, but it does sound worthwhile. I'm pretty sure Baker can't make that happen, it would take an act of congress or something. I'll ask him to see if he can pass the suggestion up his chain of command though," Blessing said in a defeated tone, then continued. "I try to be as cooperative and friendly with the humans as I can be, but then I keep finding stupid horseshit like this to contend with."

"Just keep doing what you're doing. Get us moved, help us be successful in this new place, make friends with all these suits, and then you'll start to have the influence to get these things changed. I believe in you," Tonya said adoringly to Blessing, before coming over and kissing her.

Remedy averted her eyes. At some point her mom and Tonya's relationship would stop feeling weird to her, but that point hadn't come yet. She was sure that if Tonya were a few years older than her instead of a few months younger she would have felt more comfortable.

"So, what's on your agenda today with the humans?" Remedy asked in order to move the conversation on.

"Tonya's going to be putting on a weather show for our guests. They'll get to practice a little bit out out in the woods before they show off for the humans. Other than that we'll be taking some tours of the other shelters to meet more ponies," Blessing said.

"Are you sure you'll be able to put on a good show with the weather? None of you have had much practice since the government clamped down on that," Rosetta asked Tonya.

"That's why I'm taking a team to get some practice in first. I have several ponies that had a little practice at it, before it got halted, picked out. It's just going to be one quick rain cloud," Tonya said confidently.

"Maybe we should sleep indoors today so we don't get accidentally drenched," Rosetta said to Remedy.

"Are you two getting ready to sleep soon then?" Blessing asked.

"Nope, Rosetta's family is coming again so we are aiming for a noon bedtime again," Remedy said.

"Are you getting enough sleep?" Blessing asked with concern entering back in her voice.

"We're fine. Consider noon to be like midnight to us. It's late, but not so late we can't still fit in six to eight hours of sleep," Remedy said with a glance towards the sun.

Blessing looked doubtful, but didn't put up any arguments about it.

"They said they were going to be here earlier than they were yesterday, so maybe we can get to sleep a little earlier than that. Actually, if what they said is true they should be here in the next few minutes...," Rosetta tailed off on her sentence as she watched a large camper pull into the parking lot.

"What they hay are they doing?" Rosetta said as it came into park.

"Is that your family?" Tonya asked as she looked at the camper.

"Yes, they had that thing in storage. Dad mainly uses it when he has to go out for extended trips on the road so he doesn't have to rent a hotel room," Rosetta explain, still looking in disbelief at the camper.

"So I guess they aren't planning on heading home today?" Remedy asked.

"Guess not," Rosetta said with bewilderment.

The four mares, led by Rosetta, walked up to the camper as it came into park. A few other ponies that had risen early and were looking on with interest from a distance. The driver door of the camper opened up and Roger stepped out.

"Hi, Dust Bunny!" Roger called out to Rosetta.

"Papa, no Dust Bunnies in public! That's way too close to sounding like a pony name, and I'll end up with everypony calling me Dust Bunny," Rosetta complained loudly.

Roger paused and seemed to consider what she had just said. Then gave her an apologetic smile.

"I hadn't even considered that." he said thoughtfully. "Okay, I promise no more nicknames in public."

"What's with the camper? Are you planning to just camp out here?" Rosetta asked as the other doors of the camper opened up.

"Yes, we are. Your mother and I are out of work indefinitely and it'll save on some gas and electric costs to just stay over here. It also let's us be close to you and let's Cathy do her own thing at her own pace. The boys could stand to spend more time outside; their turning into regular couch potatoes," Roger explained as the twins shuffled out of the camper with Cathy eagerly waiting for them to get out of her way.

"What do you mean you are out of work indefinitely? Does Westvaco not have a timetable on getting the lab reopened?" Rosetta asked with worry. Remedy could see what she was afraid of, that her parents would be unemployed and unable to keep up with bills.

"Worse, they are considering just shutting it down altogether. Studying what ponies can do is the new focus that I heard through the grapevine," Roger said with a defeated spread of his hands.

"May I interject?" Blessing said.

"Yes?" Roger said with a confused look at Remedy's mom.

"We're going to be doing a lot of farming after out migration. Perhaps something could be arranged where you and your coworkers still in the area could relocate with us? I know I wouldn't mind letting humans study what our earth ponies can do, and I'm sure that wherever we end up would love to have Westvaco establish an office there," Blessing offered calmly.

"I thought you were largely focused on just the well being of ponies," Roger said skeptically.

"It's in the well being of ponies to have a cooperative relationship with humans, and it's in out best interests to have humans eager to be working with us. I want there to be a pony world someday where humans have willingly chosen to be ponies. That is best achieved by them seeing over the years that they have every reason to want to be," Blessing explained with a smile. Remedy had to give her mom credit that she didn't make any attempts to be duplicitous about her intentions.

"It isn't a decision that can come from me, but I'll definitely speak with my supervisor and our regional director about it. I do think there might be several of us interested if it can be worked out," Roger said carefully; not seeming to know what to make of Blessing.

"Wonderful! Plus I admit that I've a personal ulterior motivation. If Rosetta is going to be my daughter-in-law I want to see that all of you are well taken care of," Blessing as she passed a glance at Rosetta.

"We appreciate the generosity," Roger replied back, still bewildered.

"Ponies are generous and kind, and God will surely bless us all. I'll pass the idea on to the town representatives today so they might make their own contacts with your company," Blessing said with clear pride in herself for coming up with the idea.

"Speaking of Rosetta and Remedy's engagement. Do you think it might be possible to sit down for a meal tonight and have a chat? We do have plenty of vegetarian options with us and a stove to cook with here," Jean asked.

"I'll definitely take time for that. I'm free anytime after seven tonight. And is Tonya here free to come as well?" Blessing asked, which made Tonya blush for some reason.

"I don't think we've met," Jean said as she looked at the pegasus. "Are you Remedy's sister?" Jean asked.

"Tonya's Blessing's marefriend. So definitely not a sister, maybe stepmother someday," Rosetta explained before Tonya could answer for herself.

Tonya's eyes bulged as this concept apparently never occurred to the mare before. Remedy was torn between wanting to shout for joy that some other pony had finally gotten weirded out by the relationship, and feeling bad because that some other pony happened to be Tonya.

"We're...not quite to that point yet," Tonya said after she got control of her face again.

"Still very early on in the relationship," Blessing agreed as she gave Tonya a sympathetic touch to the wing. Tonya turned to her and smiled in gratitude.

"If she's your marefriend she counts as family in my book, and is welcome as well," Jean said as she covered her mouth to cover a smile.

Remedy wasn't completely sure before, but Rosetta's family seemed to be very accepting of everypony. They didn't bat an eye about her and Rosetta-on principle at least-and they weren't bothered by her mother being with a mare half her age. They were actually more ready to accept Tonya as family than Remedy was after a short self reflection.

Author's Note:

Wednesday morning day 8 after counterspell.

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