• Published 23rd Jan 2018
  • 1,827 Views, 32 Comments

Friendship Across Time and Space - Tangerine Blast

Pinkie Pie lived a fairly normal life. Work at a diner, try not to think of the looming magical threat. The usual. But when six strangers from different times appear in her life she’s suddenly thrown into a world of danger, adventure, and destiny.

  • ...


It only took a few minutes to confirm Twilight’s theory. Everypony had assumed it was a radically different date until Pinkie had corrected them with a calendar. Most were from centuries in the past, with the exception of the blue Pegasus (a rookie space captain--Rainbow Dash) who was a few hundred years into the future, and the Unicorn (introduced as Lady Rarity) who used a calendar system none of them recognized.

A quick tour of the house solidified that no one was lying to the others and the ancient three had been boggled by things like toasters and fridges while Rainbow had mumbled something about a museum visit.

After that, it had only taken a few questions to get Twilight and Rainbow to start fighting once again.

“What doest thou mean thou hath no knowledge of our current time period?”

“Hey, I’m a Wonderbolt in training! I didn’t have to pay attention to dumb history and junk.”

The other four were content to ignore them.

“Okay, so the time travel thing that Twilight’s weird friend was working on makes sense,” Pinkie said, head resting on the table as she regarded the other three ponies, “...in a weird kinda way. But what's still confusing is how you three are ponies right now but were super weird creatures when I first walked in.”

“Ah, that ain’t too complicated,” the Earth Pony, Applejack, dismissed with a wave of her hoof. “I’m an Equa-Lion is all. It’s in our nature.”

Pinkie blinked, wide-eyed. “Like an Equa-Wolf? But I thought those were just stories!”

Applejack’s easy smile disappeared. “Well, ah guess we might be now. From the little ah’ve seen of this place it don’t seem like my kind would really fit here… but right after that Discord fella messed with everything folks like me are a dime a dozen.”

Pinkie’s eyes grew ever wider. “You’re from right after the Discordian Era?”

Applejack nodded. “Yeah, and let me say ah’m real happy ponies ain’t all died out after it. Some days… it kinda feels like we will.”

“It took a while…” The vampire, Fluttershy said, “I’m from a couple hundred years after that and society is still feeling the effects of his rule…”

“Ya know, I’m amazed yer so nice, sugarcube, the vampires ah know would kill ya as soon as look at ya.”

Fluttershy ducked her head. “I’m not surprised by that… vampires don’t have a good history with anypony, really, but Luna’s been helping guide us…”

“And what about you, Rarity?” Pinkie asked the Unicorn who seemed bored with the conversation, “What are you?”

“A hippogryph.” She used her magic to pull her necklace forward and present it to the others. “This gem helps me transform into whatever creature I please.”

Applejack scratched her head. “Why were ya a fish then?”

Rarity gave her a cold look. “A hippocampus, thank you, and because my kind has been living as them for some years now, hidden away from…” She waved her hoof around vaguely, “...this?”

“Why?” Fluttershy asked curiously, “Did you do something wrong?”

Rarity shrugged. “I have no idea darling, I’m afraid it was before my time.”

“Well, whatever brought us here certainly knew about ya,” Applejack commented, “Do ya think Twilight knows about them hippowhathaveyas?”

“And that’s why a curved sword is pointless!” The Alicorn yelled, shaking the house with her voice and causing the others to glance back at her.

“What are they even talking about?” Fluttershy whispered.

“I have no id…” Pinkie’s eyes drifted from the argument in the middle of her dining room to the clock on the wall and she froze. “Oh no! How is it already noon???”

“Shoot have we really been talkin’ that long?” Applejack asked, glancing outside at the sun. “Huh, time-travel really messes with ya.”

Pinkie groaned and buried her head into her hooves. “I was supposed to go to bed hours ago!”

“Interesting,” Twilight commented, seemingly have gotten over whatever she and Rainbow had been shouting about, “Do ponies use a nocturnal schedule in the future?”

“Sometimes it feels like it…” Pinkie mumbled, glancing at her guests, “What am I going to do with you guys? I don’t know time magic!”

All eyes turned to Twilight.

“Don’t look at me! Time travel is an unstable concept at best!”

To Dash.

“Even if someone had invented a device for that that's totally egghead stuff!”

“I still can’t believe there’s a magic shortage in the far future,” Twilight commented, turning back to Rainbow.

Rainbow shrugged. “Eh, it’s not really a shortage so much as ponies just can’t use it naturally. The more we turned to cool gadgets and stuff the less we could shoot lasers out of our heads and control clouds. Priorities I guess.” She held up her gun proudly. “This baby though? Chocked full of mana. At full blast, it could shoot a hole through a spaceship.”

Pinkie paled. “No more holes in my house!”

Rainbow winced and glanced at the blackened walls. “Uh… yeah, sorry about that…”

“So, um, how are we going to get back home?” Fluttershy asked, shifting in her seat.

The room was silent as everyone exchanged glances.

Twilight coughed into her hoof. “Well, considering we now know it is possible... I can most likely cross-reference the events leading up to our departures and find a way to reverse the magic. But… that will take a few days at the very least.”

Applejack let out a long sigh. “Well, if that’s how it is. Ah’m really sorry about this here trouble, Pinkie, but do you think we could all crash with ya for a bit?”

Pinkie nodded without hesitation. “Of course! I can’t just throw you all out on the street! That would make me a terrible host.” She glanced up the stairs and bit her lip. “Uh, there are only three bedrooms though. Some of you will have to bunk, but I can sleep on the couch.”

“Oh no! You shouldn’t have to do that.” Fluttershy cried, “I can sleep out here. You should get a bed to yourself.”

There was a collective murmur of agreement and Pinkie couldn’t think of a good enough reason to argue. “Okay, I should sleep in my friend’s room though, she’ll get mad if I let strangers sleep there.”

“Sleep?” Rainbow interrupted, “But it’s morning. We should get out there and see the sights. I mean, I gotta get proof of this if any of my buds will believe this story once I get back.”

“No.” Pinkie and Twilight said as one.

“A heavy spell like this would take a physical toll, even on those just affected,” Twilight continued, “We should all sleep and eat so we can approach the problem with a fresh head tomorrow.”

“And you can’t just go wander around,” Pinkie insisted, “Ponyville doesn’t get that many visitors and if you get in trouble I really won’t be able to help you.”

Rainbow huffed and crossed her hooves. “Fine, we’ll go recharge or whatever, but I’m definitely exploring tomorrow. I know how to stay out of trouble.”

“Ah literally just met ya,” Applejack spoke up, “But somehow ah doubt that.”

Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue.

Pinkie clapped her hooves to regain the group’s attention. “Oooookay. If you’re all not going to cause any more trouble than I’m just going to excuse myself. Uh, please don’t break anything, don’t let Fluttershy have any more chocolate, and try not to fight, alright?”

Twilight put a calming hoof on her shoulder. “Do not worry. We will all be on our best behavior for as long as we must take advantage of your hospitality.”


Pinkie got up a few short hours later. She was more exhausted than usual but that was to be expected. Last night (day?) hadn't been very restful with all the commotion in her house, even when her guests had finally fallen asleep themselves.

It was weird having so many creatures in her home and even odder to not be sleeping in her own bed. Her roommate's bed was much bigger and… messier than hers. It also had a very weird scent.

But, she couldn’t dwell on it too long. She still had to get ready and go to work. After her shift she could have a few days off to figure out how to get her guests back home before they caused her any more trouble.

She just had to get ready without waking anyone up and get to work. Then the day would be normal. At least for a few hours.

It was fine. Everything would be fine as long as no other problems popped up.

“Hey, Pinkie you’re out of grape juice.”

Like a little filly raiding her fridge.

“Scootaloo!” Pinkie shrilled, frozen in the kitchen doorway, “what are you doing here?”

“Not having grape juice apparently,” the Pegasus filly replied, extracting a jug of milk from the fridge, “you really need to think of the juice deprived orphans in your life.”

Pinkie squeezed her eyes shut as if that would make the little intruder vanish. “You… I’m super sorry but you really can’t be here right now, Scootaloo.”

“Why not?” Scootaloo asked, taking a seat at the table and pouring herself a cup of milk. “Is the old bird back early?”

“Well… no but…”

“Then don’t worry! No one saw me sneak in and you never have anypony else in your house.” Scootaloo reassured, proceeding to chug her milk.

“Hey, Pinkie,” A new voice came from behind the older pony, making Scootaloo’s eyes widen and milk dribble down her chin, “Do you have anything my size that isn’t, like, covered in hearts?” Rainbow Dash’s eyes landed on the filly sitting at the table and she cocked her head. “Huh, you never mentioned you had a kid.”

Milk drenched the table as Scootaloo spit her drink out and fell off her stool. “Wha? Me? I’m not doing anything! Pinkie, who is this?”

Pinkie just frowned at the growing puddle of milk as it drained from the jug. “Aw, Scoots now I’m going to have to go shopping.”

“Sup, I’m Rainbow Dash.” The blue Pegasus, decked in Pinkie’s clothes, waved. “I’m from the future, I guess.”

“Dashie! That’s a secret!”

Rainbow blinked. “You said that it can’t leave this house and it isn’t.” Another blink. “And don’t call me ‘Dashie’.”

Pinkie groaned and buried her head in her hooves. It was too early for this, or well… it was like five so late? Too late for this? “Rainbow Dash this is Scootaloo, she isn’t my foal, she just likes to eat my food. Scootaloo, this is Rainbow Dash, she’s stranded here from the future.”

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes at the adults. “Pinkie… remember how some ponies lie?”

“I… this isn’t… she isn’t lying!” Pinkie huffed, “We tested it!”

Scootaloo raised a brow. “You tested it?”

“She knew what a toaster was. So there.”

Scootaloo sighed and rubbed the bridge of her snout. “Pinkie…”

“No no no,” Pinkie verbally backtracked, “see, the others are from the past and don’t know what toasters are.”

“Others?” Scootaloo asked, furrowing her brow in confusion.

“Wait…” Rainbow interrupted the back and forth. She was staring wide-eyed at the filly before her. “… did… did you say your name was Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo glared back. “Depends who’s asking.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath as if trying to steady herself. “How old are you, kid? Thirteen?”


“...and, look this is going to probably come off as really rude, but can you fly yet?”

Scootaloo’s face flushed. “I...wha… Pinkie why are you gossiping to weirdo strangers about me?”

Pinkie looked up from where she was currently wiping up the spilled milk and gave the filly a hurt look. “Scoots, you know I would never break my promise. I haven’t told anypony about you. Ever.”

Scootaloo’s anger softened but she still had a pout on her face. “Then… how would she know about that?” She turned back to Rainbow Dash and jerked as the older Pegasus’ eyes seemed to grow like dinner plates and sparkle with wonder.

“Oh my gosh, you are Scootaloo!” Rainbow’s wings flapped once and she was suddenly an inch away from the filly’s face, making Scootaloo yelp with surprise. “I can’t believe I am meeting the Scootaloo! And she’s a filly! You don’t even have your cutie mark yet, do you? You have to sign something for me! Oh my gosh, this is the best day of my life. I am going to kiss whoever sent me here!”

Pinkie glanced over from throwing away the now empty milk jug. “Is Scootaloo someone famous in the future, Dashie?”

“Is she someone famous?!?” The squeal Rainbow let out was more akin to a puppy than a Pegasus. “Scootaloo was only the founder of the Wonderbolts! Or… at least how they are today, erm, my time. They used to just be a stunt team for years but she swooped in and made them an absolute force. It’s because of her they had enough coordination and training to become one of the best space fleets in the galaxy.”

Scootaloo’s frown had slowly disappeared during Rainbow’s rambling and now she stood with her chest puffed proudly. “Yeah, alright Pinkie, your friend’s pretty cool. I guess she can stay. Even if she is really weird.”

Pinkie rolled her eyes. “I’m so glad you approve. Now, what are you doing here at this time? You know I have to work. How did you even get in?”

Scootaloo waved a hoof dismissively. “I didn’t have anything to do after school so I came to crash. I honestly thought you’d already be gone so I used my spare key.”

Pinkie gave her a long look before sighing and trotting out of the kitchen. “Well, at least that explains where my key disappeared to.”

“I can’t believe you live with the Scootaloo, Pinkie!” Rainbow continued to gush, following after her host. “This is the best thing to ever happen to me.”

Pinkie stuck out her tongue. “Well, she may be super cool in the future but right now she’s just an annoying leech!”

“I love you too, Pinks!” Scootaloo called back from the kitchen, causing Pinkie to roll her eyes.

Rainbow glanced back and forth as if debating who to talk to. “How do you know Scootaloo anyway? You said she wasn’t your foal so is she like… a niece or something?”

Pinkie shook her head as she gathered the rest of her supplies for work. “No, we’re not related in any way. She’s… well, she’s just a friend I guess.”

Rainbow cocked her head. “That lives with you?”

Pinkie glanced up from her packing to shoot Rainbow a confused look. “No? Why would you think she lives with me? She literally just said she stole my key.”

“Oh, I thought that was just playful banter. I do that all the time with my parents, not that they ever realize it’s a joke.” She paused, seemingly lost in memories, before shaking her head and addressing Pinkie again. “So what do ponies do for fun in the past anyway? What the coolest place in town?”

Pinkie squinted at her. “I thought you all agreed to lay low while you were here.”

Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively. “I will be laying low. No one’s going to notice one more Pegasus taking in the sites. This place gets tourists, right?”

Pinkie reluctantly nodded. “A little bit, I guess. But that doesn’t mean you should just go wandering off! What if you get lost or or…”

“Please!” Rainbow scoffed with an eye roll, “I’m a Wonderbolt! One of the best fliers in the galaxy. I won’t get lost in one little town.” She bumped Pinkie playfully with her wing. “Besides, do you really want five strange ponies raiding your home for entertainment all day?”

Pinkie opened her mouth to protest but didn’t get anything out before she closed it with a disgruntled sigh. “Fine, but you can’t let anyone know you’re staying with me, okay? You have to just be a normal, everyday tourist.”

“Of course!” Rainbow said with a grin, happy she had won the argument, “No one will think twice of me.”


An unassuming pony watched the quaint little house from across the road. He had been there for hours, hidden in a way that was both out of sight, and not too suspicious if someone did stumble upon him.

As he watched, the first interesting thing since he arrived happened. Two ponies exited the quiet house. One, the insultingly pink mare he knew lived there, and the other a rainbow maned Pegasus that shouldn’t have been alive for another hundred or so years.

The hidden pony grinned as he watched the two mares walk off together.

Everything was going exactly according to plan. His superiors would be very pleased indeed.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this has taken two years.

I... I have no excuse. :ajsleepy:

Next Chapter Release Date: Nov. 9th