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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Come Together

“So, this is Pinkie Pie’s house,” Toon Link said. He and Rarity were standing outside what could be described as an indescribably describable home. Bad logic aside. Back to story.

It looked like a giant pile of cake, ice cream, almost all kinds of sweets. It even had a cherry on top. Toon Link was tempted to get out a fork and see if it was edible.

“Wait, do you hear that?” Rarity said suddenly.

They all listened and finally heard talking coming from the back of the house (or should I say, pile of sweets).

“Sounds like she’s talking to someone back there,” Spike declared.

Toon Link was tempted to clap his hands together and say “Well, I’m glad that’s all settled.”

“Let’s go investigate,” Detective Rarity said; and they all snuck around back to Pinkie’s backyard. What they saw was this. Pinkie Pie was standing next to a young boy in a red ball cap, looking at a little dragon like creature that was just waking up from a nap. When Pinkie saw them, she said quickly, “Hi, Rarity! Who’s this? Are you new? You must be new! Do you know this kid?” This last question was directed at the boy in the ball cap.

“Yep,” the kid said, seemingly unfazed by the fast talking pony. “Hi, Mr. T.”

“Hello Loch Ness Monster.” The boys shook hands.

Just then they heard a yawn behind them. The dragon was looking at them, at first sleepily, then with interest.

“Yoshi?” it questioned.

“What did he say?” Toon Link asked Ness, who was the only one who could understand Yoshi.

“He asks what took us so long.” Spike said before Ness could answer. When they all looked at him, he said “What? I’m a dragon. I can understand all reptiles.”

“Well,” Toon Link said. “What now?”

“So, how’s the Mushroom Kingdom?”

Mario and Rainbow Dash had been walking, or in Rainbow Dash’s case flying, through town. Ponies left and right would look at Mario, stare for a moment at the strange creature, and after Rainbow Dash reassured them about Mario, they relaxed. But after Rainbow told them about Mario’s heroics, autographs started getting asked for. It got so crowded that eventually, Rainbow Dash allowed Mario to ride on her back to avoid the crowd, her wings covering him. Mario still wasn’t used to a place where nobody recognized him.

“Fine,” Mario said. “Where were you raised, again?”

“In Cloudsdale.”

Mario snorted with laughter.


“Nothing,” Mario replied, trying to push a bad joke dealing with Clydesdale horses and Budweiser aside. “Where are we going?”

“To Fluttershy’s house,” was the reply.

“Maybe she found my brother.”

“Who knows?” Rainbow Dash was so intent on talking to Mario, that she didn’t watch where she was going. As they neared the next corner, she ended up running straight into Luigi, who promptly lost his balance and fell over a fence into a garden patch owned by a cranky pony, who threw a pail and a stool at him. Mario fell off of Rainbow Dash’s back, and flipped a couple of times before landing in a rosebush. Rainbow Dash somersaulted through the air, and fell perfectly into a rocking chair on a nearby porch.

“Oh, goodness!” came a soft voice, and Mario got up and turned to see a yellow Pegasus standing beside him, watching Luigi, who was trying to dodge fresh produce missiles. She looked up at Mario, and then gasped.

“You’re Ma… Mar… Ma…”

“Mario?” Mario finished, pulling a thorn from his side (see the pun?). “And I assume you’re Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy nodded, unable to form words. New people always made her shy, and from Luigi’s description, he was famous. Famous people made her really nervous.

Then there was a fart.

Mario inwardly groaned as Wario rounded the corner. When Wario saw them, he said, “Oh, well, I guess we found you.” He didn’t sound too happy. Then, again, nothing except gold, garlic, and gas made him happy. The “Three G’s” they were often called.

Luigi came up trying to look dignified, which isn’t easy when you have fresh fruit on your head.

“Hi, Mario,” he said. “I guess you decided to drop that accent.”

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked in a panic, trying to help Luigi over the fence.

Rainbow Dash, who had recovered from her collision with Luigi, exclaimed “We found them!” right in Luigi’s ear. Luigi, startled, instinctively brought his hand up; accidently hitting her in the snout.

“Man,” she said, nursing her new Rudolph nose. “You’ve got good reflexes.”

“Now what?” Mario asked, looking around.

“Well,” Wario replied. “We could…” and then he farted again.

“How about we not?” Luigi said; picking lettuce remains out of his hat. Then he whispered in Mario’s ear, “I wish I’d brought air freshener with me if I’m stuck with him.”

“How about checking Pinkie Pie’s house?” Fluttershy suggested hesitantly, looking at Luigi for approval.

“Good idea,” Luigi assured her as he put his hat back on, and she smiled and relaxed a bit. Mario started to wonder if Luigi had a marefriend. He pushed the thought aside.

“I thought you had ‘important things’ to do in your cottage,” Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy, and Fluttershy blushed.

“Um, well you see…”

“All right,” Wario interrupted. “Tea time’s over. Let’s go to Stinky Poop’s house already.”

Fluttershy glared at Wario as he walked away, down the street. She looked pretty tempted to use that Stare.

“Hey, genius!” Rainbow Dash yelled after Wario. “Do you know where you’re going?”

“Nope,” Wario yelled back, almost running into a mailpony, who yelled at him. Wario didn’t even notice. “I’m following my gut.”

Mario heard Luigi say, “It will probably lead him to a restroom, or to food.”

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Come on Sorry-O. Pinkie’s house is this way.” She gestured down a street a little way in front of her.

Wario, who wasn’t too keen on his new nickname, chased Rainbow Dash down the street, with the latter laughing the whole way.

Mario sighed. He and the rest of his friends followed Rainbow Dash and Wario down the street, following the fart sonar.

I fell through the air for a long time. Being Percy Jackson, I had grown used to falling in strange spots, especially first riding Blackjack. But for some reason, this certain tumble seemed different.

Suddenly, my plummeting came to a crashing end when I hit the ground. Not very softly.

I felt my lungs get smooshed like a meat pancake. For a minute I lay there; making little gasps that sounded like a chipmunk had just performed a three lap 500 meter backstroke.

When my vision finally cleared, I got to my feet and looked around.

I instantly had a wonderful thought. It was something like, “Help.”

For I had no idea where I was. I seemed to be in some kind of candy house. It was like I had landed in one of those areas in the board game “Candy Land.” My fillings hurt just looking at it.

The next thing I noticed was the smells. Like any teenage boy, I love food. I love the smells of food. But those smells were like ambrosia times twenty. It was incredible.

“Wow,” I said aloud. “Whoever lives here must be an excellent cook.”

“That’s what I was just thinking.”

I whipped around, instantly expecting a monster of some kind. What I wasn’t expecting was a regular man. But, that’s what I got.

He was approximately six foot, but he was slouching a bit. His hair was black, and he wore a black suit with a tie. His eyes were dark, and also rather sad, like he had experienced a lot of things he wished he could forget.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“My name’s Jack,” he answered, holding out his hand for a handshake. I shook, starting to relax. He seemed nice enough, and didn’t have a monster aura around him. He was a regular mortal.

“I’m Percy Jackson,” I said, figuring there was no point in hiding my name.

“Nice meeting you Percy,” he said, giving a sad sort of smile.

“So, how’d you get here?” I asked, hoping I didn’t sound like an idiot.

Jack scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. “Well, I was walking home through the park, and suddenly a portal opened in a tree. I fell through and ended up not far from this house. When I saw the place, I got curious, and came inside through that window.” He pointed to an open window just behind me. “This whole place looks edible.”

“That’s what I was just thinking!” I said.

Jack gave another sad smile. Then, he took a listening position.

“What is it?”

Jack looked at me. “Someone, or several someones, are outside.”

I looked back at him. “Let’s see who’s outside.”

Twilight knew how to make good tea. Shulk gingerly sipped at his tea, trying not to burn his mouth. In between sips, he told Twilight how he’d gotten in her house, which as it turns out, was actually a tree. He was up in Twilight’s room, sitting on her bed (she had insisted on this), and she was sitting next to him, listening intently. Her gaze watched his face the whole time, which made him slightly uncomfortable. He had always been uncomfortable around females, and Twilight was no exception. Often, he would find himself thinking things like, is my hair okay, is that a wrinkle on my shirt, and was that a speck of dirt on his pants, and so on.

When he had finished Twilight looked thoughtful, but this wasn’t unusual for her.

“Interesting,” she said after what seemed like hours.

“Since you read a lot of books, do you have any theories about how we got teleported here?”

“No idea,” Twilight said, and Shulk inwardly groaned.

“What about getting home?” Shulk asked finally after a long, awkward silence.

“I think I have some theories. But, first I think we should find your friends. After all, friendship is magic.”

At that moment, Shulk saw a little basket with a pillow and blanket nearby.

“Oh, that’s for Spike,” Twilight said, following his gaze. “He’s visiting Rarity today.”

“Maybe she and Spike found my friends already.”

Twilight was about to answer, but then they heard a crash from downstairs. And then a cuss word, followed by a male voice saying, “Remember what cap’ said…”

“Stark,” came another voice. “You’re not helping.”

Twilight put a hoof to her mouth. “Intruders.”

“Do you think…?”


They walked downstairs in silence. Shulk cautiously reached for his Monado, just in case things got ugly.

Twilight used her magic to open the door to the kitchen, and lept into the room, horn aglow. “Freeze you thugs!”

Apparently she had used a freezing spell; for everyone in the room was frozen in place.

But who was found in the room, neither Shulk nor Twilight was expecting.

Captain America was frozen in the middle of saying something, and his finger was pointing up. Tony Stark had been eating something, and part of a cookie was in his mouth, unable to be chewed. Banner had been running, and now he was frozen in an athletic pose you might see on a magazine cover. Hawkeye, who had dropped a crate on his foot and caused the crash and cussed, had been hopping on one foot, and now looked like he was in a Michael Jackson dance move. Black Widow was simply leaning against the wall. Spider-Man had been leaping across the room to steal Tony’s cookie jar, and was frozen in midair. Finally Thor had been in the middle of sitting down, and now looked like a dog taking a dump in the yard, not a dignified pose for a god.

Spider-Man found this funny too, for he started to laugh. “Hey big guy,” he said to Thor. “Great pose. I’d love to see that on America’s Funniest Home Videos, ‘Thor Takes a Squat.’”

“If I could move,” Thor said through clenched teeth. “This hammer would be on your head.”

“You know,” Spider-Man remarked. “If I had been given shark powers, then that would have worked great.”

Thor looked confused. “How?”

“Well, if you did what you’d threatened to do, I’d be a hammerhead.”

Everyone groaned, even Twilight and Shulk.

Spider-Man ignored the groans; mainly because he was looking amused at Hawkeye’s dance moves. “Hey, I’m a fan of MJ too.”

Hawkeye realized what he looked like and actually chuckled a bit. “Yeah. My favorite by him has to be Dangerous.”

“Mine’s Bad,” Spider-Man stated. “I just wasn’t a fan of all those surgeries. Seriously, did he realize how Dangerous and Off the Wall he was getting with all those nose jobs?”

“Really?” Captain America inquired, apparently not knowing whether to laugh or sigh.

Twilight was looking confused, not knowing what in the hay Spider-Man was talking about.

“But hey, it really is a Thriller to see how Bad he looked at the end of his life. You just want to Xscape from it all.” Spider-Man was laughing like a little girl at his own humor. The other Avengers were rolling their eyes, which was the only thing other than their mouths that they could move.

“Oh, do you know what Michael Jackson’s last words were?”

“I can’t wait to hear,” Hawkeye said sarcastically.

“’This Is It.’”

Hawkeye wanted to slap his forehead in exasperation, but found that he couldn’t. Then suddenly, he brightened. “I have to admit, the position I’m currently in is rather Dangerous.”

Spider-Man laughed. “That’s the spirit!”

“Alright, enough talk,” Twilight said, looking businesslike. “Who are you, what are you doing here, and where are you from?”

“Hey, easy on the questions the…” Spider-Man stopped when he saw Twilight in the door. “What the hell?! I’m talking to a freaking unicorn?!” He tried to shrug, but couldn’t. “Ah, well, my day has really reached a ten out of ten strange level. Since they already have Dr. Strange, I should be Professor Strange.”

“Quiet, whatever you are!” Twilight exclaimed, clearly not sure who Spidey was.

“Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.” Then Spider-Man groaned. “I swear, I have said that sentence two hundred billion times. I really need a new catchphrase.”

“Indeed,” Tony said through the cookie stuck to his mouth.

“Are you gonna answer her questions?” Shulk asked, waving his Monado threateningly.

“Okay, I guess I’ll provide the introductions,” Steve said. “I’m Captain America, but my real name is Steve Rogers. The guy over there with the cookie stuck to his mouth is Tony…”

“Don’t forget intelligent handsome billionaire philanthropist,” Tony put in.

Steve sighed. “Tony Stark or Iron Man.”

Tony tried to wave, but still couldn’t move. “Can you let us move now?” he complained. “I’ve got a chocolate chip stuck in my nose, and there are crumbs all over my beard.”

Twilight looked uncertainly at Shulk, who nodded. Twilight’s horn stopped glowing, and everyone could move again. Unfortunately, Spider-Man crashed to the floor with a strange sound like a cat having a heart attack. Dr. Banner nearly fell too, but caught himself on the nearby table. Hawkeye ended up hopping right into a wall, and blinked for a minute trying to rid his sight of stars. Meanwhile, Tony finally took a happy bite of his cookie. And Thor sat down, trying to look dignified.

“Okay,” Spider-Man said, rubbing his sore body. “You could have warned me first.”

Steve cleared his throat. “Anyway, that guy over there leaning against the table is Dr. Bruce Banner. He’s also called the Hulk.”

“Why?” Twilight asked, starstruck at meeting another scientist.

“Hopefully you’ll never know,” Banner said, nursing a sleeping foot.

“That’s Thor over there sitting down. He’s a god from Asgard.”

“A pleasure meeting your acquaintance, miss…”

“Sparkle,” Twilight said. “Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twilight?” Spidey said, looking up from his sore knee. “Why does that remind me of that god awful romance saga?”

Steve rolled his eyes. “And the guy over there who can’t stop making puns is Peter Parker or Spider-Man.”

Peter looked at Steve. “Why’d you tell them my name?”

“Because since we appear to be in a different world, it doesn’t matter.”

“Your name ought to be Stevie Wonder.”


“Because, Stevie, it’s a Wonder you even know what humor is.”

After the remaining introductions were made, they all took turns explaining how they got there. When all of this ended, Twilight looked thoughtful. Finally, she looked at the humans in the room. “Would you mind accompanying me and Shulk to Pinkie Pie’s house? We’re trying to find the rest of his friends.”

Peter snickered. “What do you call a pie with fingers in it?”

“Oh, no,” Tony said hiding his face behind his mask.

“A Pinkie Pie!” Spider-Man said, producing a bu-Dum-crash sound effect with his hands.

Twilight stared at him. “You will probably get along well with Pinkie.”

“Yeah,” Tony declared, raising his eyebrows at Spidey. “You both sound immature.”

“Hey!” Spidey and Twilight said at the same time, both looking offended. Or at least, Twilight did, I don’t know about Spidey, the mask and all.

Out the door they all went, Tony and Peter arguing the whole way.