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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Meeting the Mane Six

When Luigi could see again, his first thought was not again.

He landed in a house, which was lucky, but on a food bowl, which slid away, taking his foot with it. Luigi yelped as he smacked against a cabinet, which rained plates, bowls, and glasses on his head. When the rain of terror stopped, Luigi looked around, bewildered at the unfamiliar home. It seemed to be a cottage, and whoever lived here must like yellow. The floor was yellow, the walls were yellow, and so was the window. The only exception was the rug, which was green. Looking out the open window overhead, Luigi could see no sign of Smash Mansion. In fact, nothing looked familiar. He thought he saw mountains and fields, but he didn’t remember the former being around the mansion.

I wonder who lives here, he thought to himself. He was about to get his answer.

There was a stirring in another room, followed by a strange noise, almost like clopping hooves. It got closer and when the figure stepped into the room, Luigi wondered if he had hit his head too hard. The figure was… a Pegasus?

The Pegasus was yellow, with a long pink mane, and the same color tail. Its big, blue eyes were filled with concern as it stared at Luigi. He noticed it also had wings the same color as its body.

“Oh, goodness!” the Pegasus gasped, a hoof over its mouth.

Now I know I’m dreaming, Luigi thought.

“Are you all right?” it asked. Before Luigi could answer, it flew off and returned with a damp cloth with which it mopped Luigi’s head. The voice of the Pegasus was soft and feminine, almost motherly. Luigi felt slightly relaxed from her soothing tones, even if he was kind of distracted by her eyes. They were so large Luigi felt he could probably fit one of the plates inside them, with extra eye space. Nevertheless, they were a pretty blue, and it was interesting how her eyelashes seemed to curl outward and make her eyes a nice almond shape. He had to admit; she was pretty.

Oh, look at yourself, he thought. Falling in love with a Pegasus.

“Fine, other than a headache and a hallucination.” Luigi said.

“I’m afraid you’re not hallucinating,” the Pegasus replied. Now that Luigi’s head was clearer, the shock of seeing a Pegasus in front of him was starting to kick in. Trying not to act weirdly, which is a challenge for Luigi, he breathed deeply to relax his nerves. So far, in the last hour, he had gone from being at Smash Mansion watching E. Gadd curse at a computer screen, to sitting down on the floor with glass in his hat talking to a yellow Pegasus that could talk and had eyes as large as Wario’s head. Definitely not how he expected his morning to go. The least he could do was be polite anyway.

“What’s your name?” he asked, a little awkwardly.The Pegasus, now that it had recovered from its initial shock, was a little shy. Its head was turned aside as it said something like; “My name is Fluttershy.”

“Sorry, I didn’t quite hear you. Don’t be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you.”

The Pegasus gulped and said somewhat braver, “I’m… um… Fluttershy.”

Luigi wasn’t sure if he’d heard her name right. He’d heard lots of strange names before, but something like Fluttershy wasn’t one of them. He’d also never been in a land of talking pegasi before either.

I wonder how that Pixelator teleported us here, he thought.

“I’m Luigi,” he said finally after a long silence.

“It’s, um, nice to meet you, Luigi,” Fluttershy said in a friendly tone. Luigi was both shocked and relieved that she didn’t recognize him.

I guess we’re not known here, he thought.Then, as if remembering something, he said, “Oh, sorry for landing on your bowl and breaking your stuff.”

“Don’t be sorry.” Fluttershy looked at him apologetically. “I feel awful that you had your accident with something I put down so carelessly. I’m sorry.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Luigi assured her as he looked at the name on the food bowl. It said “Angel.”

“Your pet?” Luigi asked as he stood up. Fluttershy came up to about his stomach.

“You could say that.” Suddenly Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Wait; are any other of your friends here?”

“Yeah,” Luigi said. “I wonder where they are.”

Mario awoke on a cloud. At least it was soft, but Mario wondered how he was actually able to stand on it. His cloud also wasn’t a storm cloud, which was lucky. It was white and puffy, about the size of a typical dining table. He gingerly walked to the edge, which was tricky, since it felt like he was walking on Jell-O.

Mario looked out over his cloud, and saw a small town down below. It was a picturesque town, almost like a picture you’d see on Shutterstock. There were bridges that went over a river, and the town was surrounded by the river, almost as if it was a moat. All in the town were ponies, some brown, others blue, or orange, or colors that Mario hadn’t heard of. There were ponies talking, ponies eating, ponies walking, ponies playing, and doing basically anything a human does.

Mario stared in shock as he saw all of the ponies. This definitely wasn’t anywhere near Smash Mansion.

Looking around some more, he saw what looked to be a farmhouse. It was red and white, just like a typical farmhouse you’d see, even with the chicken weather vane on top. But he noticed a big red pony tilling the soil. Not typical at all.

Breaking eye contact from the farm, he looked in another direction and saw an eerie looking forest. Shuddering, Mario made a mental note to not visit that place.

In the distance, Mario caught sight of mountains stretching far into the horizon. Himalayas? Mario wondered. But no, they were too flat topped to be Himalayan.

But, what caught his sight the most was what appeared to be another town in the distance. But, it was in the air. And it was made of a cloud. He could see winged ponies, or pegasi, flying to and from houses on the cloud. Mario thought he was losing his mind.

On a mountain in the distance was a castle. Mario wondered who ruled this land. It certainly was no land he’d ever seen before.

Suddenly, Mario teetered on his cloud and would have fallen if the cloud suddenly didn’t push him back. He landed in the middle of the cloud a little dazed.

“Alright, whoever you are put em up!”

Mario looked up to see a blue streak land on his cloud. That streak turned out to be a Pegasus with a rainbow mane, rose colored eyes, and a rainbow tail to match its mane.

He would have said that the Pegasus was adorable, if it hadn’t been clearly agitated.

“Are you an agent of Discord?” it asked in a raspy, female voice.

“Huh?” Mario’s face said.

“Acting dumb? Well I’ll make you confess!” The Pegasus reared up on her hind legs, and started jabbing her forelegs like a boxer. “Come on,” she said. “Do your worst.”

Mario couldn’t help but be amused. A pony fighting a man. Hilarious.

“Oho, taking me lightly, eh?”

Mario finally decided to speak up. “Look, I don’t know what on Earth you’re talking about, but can you please not hit me?” Then he realized he had forgotten to put his Italian high pitched voice on. Well, it was getting hard to keep it going anyway. Small loss.

Mario’s voice is not actually as high pitched as you think. The voice you hear is a put on. Mario’s real voice actually sounds like a high baritone, except with a tinge of a New York accent. You’ve been fooled your whole life. Anyway, back to the story. Where was I? Ah, yes.

The Pegasus brought her face directly in Mario’s face, and glared into his eyes. Uh, personal space please? Mario thought.

Finally, the Pegasus relaxed slightly. “Well,” it said cautiously. “You don’t seem that bad. I know an agent of Discord or Sombra when I see one, and you don’t seem to have that aura.”

“Thanks?” Mario said. “Now, can I introduce myself? Maybe then you’ll trust me a little more.”

The Pegasus gave him a look like, Go ahead already, I got things to do.

“I’m Mario, or ‘It’s a-me, Mario!’ as I sometimes say. I’ve been called ‘Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom,’ and have saved the galaxy twice. Although,” he said with a sad chuckle. “I think part of it was just dumb luck. What’s your name?”

The Pegasus’s face had changed to a look of awe. “Have you really saved the galaxy twice?”

“With luck,” Mario added.

“As hard as it is to say,” the Pegasus said slowly.”You sound almost as awesome, if not… if not…” she seemed to be struggling to say the next part, “more so than… me!”

“I doubt that, Miss…” here Mario gave a gesture which said, Name please?

“Oh, I’m the Number 1, most awesome Pegasus, Rainbow Dash!” Mario pictured cheering and clapping following this.

“So, how’d you get here?” Rainbow Dash asked, plopping down on her back beside Mario, which caused the cloud to shake like a ship in a storm. Mario tried not to look down.

He told her about E. Gadd’s experiment, and how it had gone wrong. Then, Mario remembered that more than just him had been hit by the beam.

Mario groaned. “That means that there are more smashers here.”

“Wait, what?”

“We come from Smash Mansion; where creatures and people from alternate universes meet to fight in a brawl fest,” Mario explained, feeling foolish for not mentioning this above.

“Awesome!” Rainbow Dash said. “I’d love to join! Then I’d totally dominate the field! I doubt Fluttershy would be any good at it though. Every time she’d ever hit someone she’d apologize.” She then slipped into an excellent impression of Fluttershy. “I’m so sorry! Are you okay? Can I get you a bandage?”

Mario laughed. He liked Rainbow Dash already. “Could you help me find my friends?”

“Sure! I’m your number one helper, because I’m naturally awesome at everything!”

Someone’s got an ego or fifty, Mario thought with a chuckle.

“First order of business…” Mario looked at the ground far, far, and just plain far, below. “How do I get down?”

“Oh, that’s easy.” Rainbow Dash patted Mario’s cloud, and it moved toward the ground at a heart pounding rate. As a matter of fact, Mario’s heart almost stopped. It jerked to a stop inches from the cobblestoned street, which made Mario fall off the cloud. Luckily, Rainbow Dash had good reflexes and caught him.

“Ta da!” Rainbow Dash said with a hoof in the air.

“Okay,” Mario groaned, trying to overcome his growing nausea and straightening his cap. “Let’s a go!” Well, he thought. Seems like I’m going to be living in a land of ponies. And possibly for quite a while.

When Toon Link opened his eyes, he wondered if he was blind. Then he pulled his head back and realized his head had been against a piece of dark cloth. He looked around at the spotlessly clean room and couldn’t help being impressed at the way the purple and white walls looked. The medium sized room was very nice; filled with cloths of all colors, sizes, and shapes (because it looked like some had been cut). Toon Link wondered if this was a clothing store.

He jerked at a noise behind him, and saw a closed door. On the other side was the sound of a sewing machine. He cautiously moved toward it, nearly tripping over a piece of purple fabric, and slowly opened the door. When he did, his suspicion about the place being a clothing store was realized.

The new room had dresses in any color imaginable. It was basically the same as the other room, but replacing the cloths, and adding an “e” in between the “h” and the “s” (clever, huh?). But the mannequins that the dresses were on were weird; almost as if it were for… horses? As he looked around he almost got hit in the head with a floating iron.

Wait, floating?

He was still contemplating this when suddenly a little purple dragon stepped into the room. The dragon took one look at Toon Link, said “Eeeeep!” and ran back into the room where it came from.

The sewing machine stopped, and a feminine voice with an accent that Toon Link could have sworn was at least partly British said, “Are you all right, Spike?” A head appeared and Toon Link almost fainted. It was a unicorn with a purplish-blue mane, large eyes of the same color and a white body. It was also wearing red glasses.

“Oh, my word!” the unicorn exclaimed when it saw Toon Link; almost falling off her stool in surprise. “Who and what are you?”

“I’m T-toon Link ma’am.” Toon Link wondered if he should call a unicorn “ma’am” but decided this one would prefer it. Plus, she just spoke! Even though he had seen weird things in his time, this was the weirdest. He couldn’t believe his senses. Also, how was she sewing with hooves?

“What a strange name,” the unicorn said.

“Most people call me TL. Some even call me Mr. T.”

“Well, my name is Rarity,” she said in a tone daring him to laugh.

Toon Link almost laughed, especially because he had never heard of a unicorn with a British accent, but restrained himself, not wanting her to bring the iron around again. “For me, seeing a talking pony is a rarity.”

Rarity smiled, and then quickly looked businesslike again. “How did you get here?”

Toon Link related the storm, the power outage, and the strange way they had gotten here.

“And I ended up here,” he concluded.

“So,” Rarity said, deep in thought. “Interesting.” She seemed suspicious, almost as if she had a theory as to how they got there.

“Also,” Toon Link continued. “Is there any chance you could help me find my friends?”

“Perhaps,” Rarity agreed, taking off her glasses. “I saw another beam go into Pinkie Pie’s house.”

“Can you take me?”

“Very well.”

“Thank you so…”

“What is that ridiculous outfit?” Rarity exclaimed, finally noticing his clothes. “Honestly, what was your designer thinking? Maybe I could make you a new one soon.”

“There’s really no need…”Rarity ignored him. “Maybe I could… Hmm…” She brushed her mane out of her eyes. Then as if remembering something she called out “Spike? Where are you?”

There was a strange noise in the other room, like a combination of a little girl screaming and a cat having a seizure.

“Spike?!” Rarity called louder, sounding nervous.

Spike came into the room sipping a cup of coffee with a mug that said, “Best Assistant.” When he saw Toon Link, he said, “Hi. Sorry for bolting. You kinda frightened me.”

“Spike, this is Toon Link,” Rarity explained, looking relieved.

Spike snickered. “That’s what I call a funny name. How’d you get it?”

“Well,” Toon Link said, “There’s another version of me called Link. Since I’m a cartoonier version of him, I’m called Cartoon Link or just Toon Link.”

Rarity gave Spike a severe look. “Don’t ever frighten me like that again Spikey Wikey!”

“I’m sorry Rarity. I always drink coffee when I get stressed. But the coffee machine is kinda messed up.”

“Uh, hello,” Toon Link interrupted, “Sorry to break your argument but we need to visit… Who’d you call her?”

“Pinkie Pie,” Rarity declared, regaining her composure. “Let’s go.”

Shulk was really feeling it. By “it” I mean pain everywhere.

He awoke on top of a pile of books. Now, Shulk usually didn’t mind books. He even liked reading books. But books sticking into every part of his body imaginable? Not so much.He heard humming in the distance, and got off his book bed (you know, bunk bed? Book bed? Ah, whatever). He realized he was in what seemed to be a miniature library. It was a medium room, with books on shelves built into the walls. There were also books on tables, on top of shelves, on the floor, and basically anywhere you can think books can go in a room. The brown wood walls gave off a peaceful, serene vibe. It almost looked like he was inside a tree. Nearby was a flight of stairs that led higher up the tree.

The humming got closer. Shulk turned to see a pile of books floating into the room.

Humming books? Shulk thought. No, the books were being held by some kind of force. Behind the books was… Shulk couldn’t believe his eyes… a unicorn.

It was purple with a multicolored purple mane, tail, horn, and large violet eyes. When it saw Shulk it stopped humming, and stopped moving. The force holding the books also stopped, and the books fell to the floor with loud thuds. The unicorn didn’t even notice.

Shulk and the unicorn stared at each other for a long moment.

Shulk recovered first. “You talk first? I talk first?”

The unicorn continued to stare at him.

“Ah,” Shulk said. “You can’t speak.”

“I can speak just fine,” said the unicorn, obviously female, looking offended.

“Oh,” Shulk said, wondering if it was a threat, and finding his Monado comforting.

“First off,” the unicorn… wait… Shulk looked at the unicorn’s sides, and realized it had wings. What were those creatures called again, alicorns? “Are you here to destroy Equestria?”

“Uh, no,” Shulk said cautiously. “I have no intention of destroying anything, and I have no idea where… wait… is this land called Equestria?”

The alicorn nodded, looking suspiciously at him. “Then why do you have that strange weapon?”

Realizing she meant his Monado, Shulk shrugged. “Self defense against questioning ponies.” Seeing the look on her face, he smiled. “I’m kidding. Not about the self defense part though. But you look too adorable to slice.”

The alicorn smiled a bit, obviously not used to being called “adorable.” “I think you’re telling the truth. So, what’s your name?”

“Shulk,” was his reply.

“Well, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship.”