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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

One Ordinary Day…Becomes Extraordinarily Chaotic

The Place: Gotham City, Now

Chris awoke to sunshine blazing through his window. He fussed, because he wanted to not be in school today. Oh, well. It was Friday, so he only had to survive for today.

Getting up, he felt for the alarm and looked at the time. It was 7 in the morning. Time to get ready.

Sitting up in bed, he glanced up at a picture of his dad and his sister. Chris could still recall the fire, the burning people, and his dad’s final words. They all missed them.

Ever since they died, Mom had grown rather strange. She had been admitted into a mental institution a couple of years after his dad’s death. Now, he had to take care of himself. His uncles and aunts would help out, but he still wanted his dad. And he knew he’d never see his dad again.

Since his dad and sister were dead, and his mom had gone nuts, the house he now lived in had fallen into disrepair. It hadn’t been the best before, but now, it was even worse. It was a two story house sure, but it was the color of vomit. Several of the windows were cracked, like chipped teeth in an adult’s mouth. One of the windows, the one in Chris’s room, was broken, and had a cardboard box put over the hole, as if it was saying “Here’s the ugliest house you’ll ever find.” The back porch was bent, and part of the railing was coming apart, as if the very backbone of the house was bending.

Inside wasn’t great either. The kitchen had green walls, and half of the cabinet doors were missing. The floor paneling looked like it was made in 1895, and the refrigerator barely worked half the time.

The T.V. in the living room looked like it was from the 80’s. The picture was terrible, and the sound came and went. But, this was where Chris had seen My Little Pony every air day, and that spot on the moth eaten couch was where he sat to watch it. It was a time when he could get away from the cares of his life, and depart for another world. A world where his dad and sister might still be. A world where things could be so much better.

A world… where he could be himself.

It had been 10 years since the events in the lab. Now, Chris was almost 20, and his braces were on and off. He looked decent enough.It didn’t take away the fact that he lived in a broken home. And that he needed glasses to really see anything.

Chris had gotten tired of his name. After getting twenty billion jokes about his “far from White” book reports, he’d changed his name legally to Eddie Nashton. He got kidded about that name, but it wasn’t as bad. Not nearly as bad as “Brony Boy,” or “Pegawuss.” Ed had been called both of those, and it stung. Thanks to his addiction to the ponies, he had no real friends. He spent his free time learning riddles and tried to impress girls with them, but they just walked off, looking weirdly back at him.

The only friends he could turn to were the ponies. They were in their seventh season now, and Ed still loved watching it. Mainly because it showed him happiness that he could never experience.

He grumbled as he got out of bed. The school bus would be here in five minutes. He rushed to the closet to try to get his clothes on. Ed wondered if he had time for breakfast as he pulled on his shirt. He saw the bus outside, and choked in frustration.

He was going to be giving a lecture at the school today, but he wasn’t looking forward to it. He worked at the Gotham City Police Department, and the principal thought it would be a great idea for a former student to give a lecture on it. But, the kids weren’t very respectful.

Arriving downstairs, he tried to tie his shoes and pour some cereal at the same time. It didn’t go very well, and he fell over several times. Finally, he ran outside with his cereal in a portable container.

The bus driver glared at Ed as he panted up to the door. When Ed got inside, the driver said “A minute and a half late as usual, Mr. White. Although your resume’ from school was far from white.”

Giggling from the girls and snickering from the dudes. Ed rolled his eyes. “Look, I really don’t want to cause any trouble and my name’s Ed…”

“As I tell the other kids, if you want a good education, you’ll get to the bus on time, or I’ll leave you to walk all the way. Capiche?”

“I really didn’t need what you taught anyway,” Ed muttered to himself as he strutted down the bus. His musings were interrupted when he was tripped by some dork’s foot.

Laughter broke out as Ed’s cereal spilled everywhere, andhe fell face first onto the bus floor.

“Oops, so sorry Mr. Nashton,” the dork said, faking horror at his actions. “Do you need a Band-Aid?”

More laughter. Ed groaned as he got up, and shot daggers with his eyes at the kid. Then, he sat down, stomach growling.

“You’ll have to clean that up, Mr. White,” the bus driver said.

Of course, Ed said to himself. Because life never works how you want it. He pulled out a book of riddles, and started reading them. He ended up getting every question right.

To be honest, Ed was actually quite smart. He often didn’t do well because he didn’t want to. He was afraid that if he gave away too much, the others would get jealous, and then violent.

“At least I can do well on riddles,” Ed whispered quietly to himself as the bus jerked like a buffalo on drugs down the street.

Later, Ed was in class studying history at his own college. Ed had never really been interested in history and he always got the teachers who seemed to be about as interested as he was. His teacher now for his class was a man who could’ve been close friends with Thomas Jefferson. He was fat, balding, and had a voice that could put you to sleep in ten seconds.

Right now he was lecturing, if you could call droning lecturing, on how important the Battle of Gettysburg was. Ed kept thinking to himself that this guy probably fought in Gettysburg with how many facts he was pulling off. If only they were more than just facts.

¾ of the class were asleep. The rest, including Ed, dozed off before snapping back awake, then going into a doze again. Just as the teacher asked for a student to repeat what he’d just said, the bell mercifully rang.

“Remember students,” his voice said as the students packed their things to leave. “I want your papers on Gettysburg in two weeks. I’m looking forward to reading them.” He sounded about as enthusiastic as if he had said he was picking up milk at the store.

As Ed headed outside with his classmates for a break, his friend Josh snickered. “He makes War and Peace more interesting than his class.”

Ed only nodded, aware that a dark cloud was building up in the distance. Seeing the direction of his gaze, Josh said “Well, hopefully that will wait until we’re home. Then we can have a whole weekend to ourselves in the rain.”

Ed was looking forward to the weekend too. Not because of family time, but because he could watch MLP by himself. Little did he know that he was going to be more immersed in MLP than any other person.

By the time Ed’s classes finished, rain had started to trickle on the roof. Unfortunately, that trickle became a downpour just after their final class, science, Ed’s favorite, finished. It showed no signs of stopping either.

Ed walked outside to discover a big group of students hanging around under the school awning. Ed tried to walk by them unnoticed, groaning silently. Why couldn’t the rain have waited?

As he arranged his books, and prepared to head to his car to leave for the police department, they were suddenly picked up out of his hand. Looking up, he saw Kurt, and his twin brother, Curtis, both bullies, and both not too much in the way of brains. Both were tall, buff, with dirty brown hair and stupid expressions. Curtis was swinging Ed’s bag around as if was a deer’s head he got from hunting.

He dug around inside and picked up Ed’s notebook. On the cover were pictures of Rainbow Dash, Ed’s favorite pony.

“Aw,” Kurt said, making an ugly doll face. “Like your ponies Brony Boy?”

The group erupted in laughter.

“Give me my books, Curtis,” Ed said through gritted teeth.

“Or what?” was the response. “You’ll send your Pegasus friends after me?”

“Leave him alone,” Josh said, trying to look tough.

“Back off,” Kurt said, knocking Josh down with a punch in the stomach.

That was the last straw. Ed lunged forward, and grabbed for his books with a roar of rage. Curtis swung the book bag around, and hit Ed in the head with it.

Boom. The thunder rumbled ominously overhead.

Ed fell into the pavement outside of the shelter, the whole group laughing hysterically. Ed’s Rainbow Dash notebook fell next to him on the pavement, and he involuntarily grabbed it.


“Aw, did Brony Boy get wet? Maybe a Pegasus can dry you off.”


Ed got to his feet, eyes red from rage. Trying to contain himself, he deliberately walked to his car, trying to ignore the taunts, the laughter.

No one noticed a purple beam, or whatever it was, coming down from the sky. It was heading directly for the spot where Ed stood, trying angrily to unlock his car.

Josh was the first to notice. “Uh, guys?” he tried to say, but no one heard him.

After another couple of attempts, he screamed out “GUYS!”

“WHAT?!” everyone else yelled.

Josh weakly pointed up to the sky, and everyone’s eyes followed.

If you were to see their faces, you might have seen those gears turning as they tried to process the phenomena unfolding before them, and then slowly processed where it was going.

It’s funny how quickly they went from taunting Ed, to screaming at Ed to move. Ed at first ignored them, thinking they were just pulling another elaborate prank.

Finally, after they called his name five times, he looked up at them. “Would you leave me alone?!” Seeing where they were looking, his eyes went upward. And then, they widened as they saw the beam; almost on him.

Ed knew there was no chance he could get away. Nevertheless, he tried. He attempted to dart out of the way like a rabbit, but the beam was faster.

The last sign seen of Ed was of him screaming as the beam overtook him with a blinding flash. When everyone’s sight returned, there was only a crater where Ed had been. Ed’s car was half gone.

Hopefully everyone liked pee soup. They made a lot of it.

The morning began like usual for Luigi. He woke up with the sun glaring through the window in his dormitory. He turned off his alarm (which played the Luigi’s Mansion theme), and glanced at the green curtain hanging near the window. He wanted to close it, but he had a huge pile of pillows on his bed (he found lots of pillows comforting). But, after a huge struggle, he finally overcame Mt. Pillowmanjaro, and closed the curtain. After he brushed his teeth and combed his mustache, he put on his clothes and hat, and opened the door. When he did, he smelled something really good. He followed his nose down the hall, and went down two flights of stairs. He arrived in the great hall to Mario’s fresh bacon, pancakes, and eggs sizzling on plates set out for all of the smashers already (the rest had already arrived; Luigi always slept late).

“Bett-a hurry,” Mario said, mainly directing this to Luigi. “The professor doesn’t like-a to be-a kept-a waiting.”

“True,” Falco agreed, dousing his huge pile of pancakes in maple syrup, before eating half of it in one gulp.

“Isn’t that unhealthy?” Peach asked Captain Falcon.

“Huh, some people just can’t eat healthy,” the captain replied as he simultaneously poured a large amount of syrup and butter on his pancakes.

After the smashers finished eating, they rushed to E. Gadd’s lab. His lab was a little ways down from the mansion, about half a mile or so. It was at the top of a hill overlooking Smash Mansion on one side, and the ocean in the distance on the other. The smashers hurried inside and went downstairs, not noticing a strange looking cloud approaching in the distance, rumbling with thunder.The downstairs room was a complete definition of the word “cluttered.” It had machine parts, tools, rags, and all sorts of things all scattered around the room. There were so many unfinished machines in there; you could fill up two semi trucks with them.

E. Gadd was at the other end of the room, his coat somehow spotlessly clean, fiddling on his computer, and muttering random things to himself. He didn’t even notice the smashers until Mewtwo tapped him on the shoulder.

“Ah,” he said without looking up. “You’re just in time.” He finally set down his wrench, and walked over to the smashers. Lucario asked using his telepathy, Are you sure it will work?

“Yes, of course.” E. Gadd said in a tone of voice that suggested otherwise. “But just in case…”He gestured to Dr. Mario. “Could you monitor this computer for me? It keeps track of the camera’s condition.”

“Of-a course-a.” Dr. Mario replied as someone said “monitor the monitor” with a laugh.

“We’ll test out plants first, seeing as there are a lot of plants around here, losing a few won’t be a bummer,” the professor said, beginning to type on his keyboard. The camera began to spark to life. Luigi stepped back even farther than everyone else, not wanting to be the subject again.

The professor hit a button and a beam hit a potted plant. The plant split into pixels and disappeared inside the camera.

“Looks-a good,” Dr. Mario declared as he looked at the screen. “Ready to-a go.”

The professor hit another button, and the plant appeared in another corner of the room, coming together and hitting the floor with a crash.

“Oops,” the professor said. “Might have to work on that landing.”

“Not bad,” Lucas said thoughtfully. “How much longer until it’s fully ready?”

“Maybe a week or two,” was the reply, as the professor got a robot to clean up the potted plant fragments. “Hopefully sooner than that. So let’s try again.”

After the third plant, the professor was getting annoyed. The machine seemed to not want to work at all, which was really not desirable for an inventor. At one point, the machine suddenly jammed, and the professor looked ready to throw it off the roof of Smash Mansion.

“Just kick it,” Bowser Jr. said. “It usually works.”

“Usually?” Marth asked doubtfully.

“No,” the professor finally muttered to no one in particular. “Probably just a loose wire.”

“Let me look at it,” Bowser Jr. said in a tone which suggested woe to whoever had any objection to this.

“Go ahead then,” E. Gadd agreed.

Bowser Jr. got off of his Junior Clown Car and walked over to the machine. He fiddled around with it for a minute before asking, “Which wires need to be connected?”

“The red wire need to be connected to the yellow one,” the professor answered.

“Funny,” the small Koopa muttered. “The wires are all perfectly fine and connected correctly.”“Well,” Little Mac declared. “I guess it’s just being fussy?”

“Apparently so,” the professor said through clenched teeth. “Let’s put it back together and try again.”

The experiments continued for a while, with more shattered plants, and the addition of cursing (guess who?). Finally, it was lunchtime, and everyone headed to the great hall.

“Do you think he’ll ever get that to work?” Kirby asked as he inhaled an entire cheeseburger with one gulp.

“Oook,” Donkey Kong replied as he ate a banana and cheese sandwich.

Wario had a quintuplet decker cheeseburger that he was trying to stuff in his mouth all at once. It had meat, cheese, lettuce, garlic, onion, and so many other toppings that I don’t know how it could have been good. Lucina didn’t think so either, for as soon as she came by him with her lunch tray, she made a face and went to the other side of the room.“What?” Wario asked, completely oblivious to the fact that ketchup was dribbling down his chin. He let out a loud belch, and looked around again.Interesting that no one’s sitting around me. Is there something wrong with the seat? He shook his head in confusion and also gave a fart of contemplation before going back to trying to shove his cheeseburger down his gullet.

After lunch was over, the smashers headed back to the lab. The professor was waiting for them; looking a little miffed (that’s one of my favorite words).

“What’s up?” Ness asked as soon as he saw the expression on E. Gadd’s face.

“I still can’t get this confounded thing to work,” was the reply.

“Don’t worry about it,” Robin said. “As a certain character said in a Disney film, ‘just keep swimming,’”

“I want to forget that movie,” Cloud groaned.

Just then, they heard a rumble.

“That wasn’t me,” Wario complained when they all looked at him.

“No, he’s right,” Palutena said as she looked outside. “There’s a storm coming in.”

She was correct. The dark cloud was billowing overhead. Another rumble echoed through the valley as if the storm was going “Are you scared of me yet?”

“Well then,” the professor said. “Looks like we’re going to have to hurry.” He turned to Dr. Mario. “How’s the camera?”

“It’s-a good-a so far-a.”

“That’s great. Let’s continue the experiments, and hopefully we can finish before…”

Before the professor could finish, lightning flashed outside, and the next instant, the power went out. Suddenly, the smashers found themselves in darkness.

“Don’t panic,” came the professor’s voice. “I think I have a flashlight somewhere.”

Then there came a gibberish conversation like this.

“Who’s standing on my foot?”

“Ow, who poked me?”


“Okay, who just slapped me?”

“Sorry, wherever you are.”

“I’m over here.”





“Can someone be quiet for two seconds?!”

Two seconds went by. Then, the confusion started again when someone started trying to open a candy wrapper.

“What’s that?”

“It’s some candy I got, and it’s mine.”

“Is that a Hershey bar?”

“Yes, but it’s mine.”

“Can I have the Hershey bar?”


“Half of a Hershey bar?”


“A quarter?”


“An eighth?”


“A sixteenth?”

No response.


“Oh, sorry, I’ve already eaten the bar.”

“I want a Hershey bar!”

“Well, if you want one, then by all means, walk out of this stupid lab, and get into the Great Hall. The Hershey bars should be on the candy table. But, no, I will not give you a Hershey bar. If you want a Hershey bar, then you should have gotten your own.”


Then, something strange happened.

The Pixelator started to glow. Now, usually that isn’t strange. But two things definitely put this on the Strange Meter.

It shouldn’t have been on because the power was out. And it was glowing with a purple aura, not green.

“Uh, is anyone wondering why that thing is glowing?”

“I’m wondering about why you didn’t give me a Hershey bar.”


The Pixelator at that moment, started to glow brighter. Red alarms were going off.The professor ran forward, but was stopped by an invisible force. The building started to rumble, and debris rained from the ceiling.

Almost all the smashers rushed for the stairs, but Mario, Luigi, Lucario, Pikachu, Wario, Toon Link, Ness, Shulk and Yoshi were trying to help the professor. The professor had been trapped by debris, and Wario’s strength definitely came in handy.

At that moment, the Pixelator looked like it was about to blow.“Run!” Toon Link yelled, but no one needed to be told this. The professor rushed out of the room, and the remaining smashers followed him up the stairs.

Suddenly, two things happened at once. E. Gadd made it up the stairs, but the smashers weren’t so lucky. The stairs suddenly collapsed and the smashers fell. They never made it to the ground, however. The Pixelator released a beam that caught them midair, and the smashers disappeared inside the camera; the camera getting smashed by debris less than five seconds later.

When E. Gadd made it outside in the rain, the other smashers didn’t need to ask to know the others never made it. They stood in solemn silence, mourning the deaths of good fighters (except for maybe Wario).

What they didn’t know was that those very smashers were very much alive. But those smashers were in a very different place than Smash Mansion.

The Place: Stark Tower

It wasn’t every day a purple portal opened in your living room.

The Avengers had seen plenty of strange things before, but this was on the bizarre level.

They had all been calmly watching the news in Tony’s living room. Well, all except Spider-Man, who was playing on his phone. No telling where he kept the thing.

Finally, Spider-Man stood up and stretched. “Well, I’m gonna swing around town. Need to stretch my limbs.” He went to the window and started to jump out.

Until a portal opened right in front of him.

“What the…” was all he could manage. The rest was just incoherent babbling as he sailed into the portal.

The rest of the Avengers stood up.

“I think we should follow him,” Tony said, now in his Iron Man suit.

“Well…” Steve began before realizing that Tony had just leapt into the portal too.

Face palming himself he lept in after Tony, the rest of the team behind him.

The Place: Manhattan

Where to begin?

First off, I’m a half blood. Second off, I’m a son of Poseidon, the Greek sea god. Third and last, my name is Percy Jackson.

At the time I begin this telling, I was sitting at a McDonald’s by myself, having some alone time with a good old cheeseburger. Right as I was about to put some ketchup on it because they forgot again, my girlfriend Annabeth suddenly appeared with a “poof.”

I nearly fell out of my chair, and ended up decorating myself in ketchup. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her mutter “Seaweed brain.”

Yeah, I thought to myself. Real cool way to impress your girl. What will happen next?

I got my answer when Annabeth gave me one of her cute frowns. “Eating lunch without me, Percy?”

“I thought you were with Chiron until tomorrow,” I said, trying to wipe ketchup off of myself with no luck. I’m so good at wooing the ladies.

“He decided that it was good enough,” Annabeth replied, stuffing her Yankee hat that made her invisible inside of her backpack. Brushing her blonde hair out of her eyes, she sat down across from me.

I tried to finish my burger, but it was hard to eat with your girlfriend sitting staring at you the whole time. It made me uncomfortable, and I almost lost half my burger at one point because I was trying so hard not to look stupid. Those are the times when I look most stupid. Lucky me.

Annabeth pointed at my wrapper. “You lost a tomato, a pickle, and some mayo.”

“I KNOW!” I said a little loudly, partly out of stress.

Annabeth chuckled. “Am I making you freak out, seaweed brain?”


“Just shows you like me.”

I couldn’t argue with that. “I suppose so.” Finally finishing my most stressful lunch ever, I stood up to go.

“Mind if I tag along?” Annabeth asked in a tone that almost made it a statement instead of a question.

“Not at all,” I said, happy.

The two of us walked out together, and ran straight into Jason Grace, and his girlfriend Piper.

“Hey, Percy. Hello Annabeth.” Jason said, grinning. I used to hate that perfect grin, but now that I knew him better, I only disliked it. He was a good guy though. Maybe a little too much so.

“What brings you two here?” I asked.

Piper seemed about to answer and then gave me a strange look. “Percy, do you know that you have ketchup on your shirt?”

“I KNOW!” I said, exasperated.

She giggled, and punched my arm playfully. “You need to chill out Percy.”

“Hard to do in ninety-five degree weather,” I replied, fanning myself with a napkin from McDonald’s. I hope they didn’t mind, otherwise, I’d be known as the Napkin Nabber.

Annabeth, Jason, and Piper all started talking, and I found myself pushed out of the group. Sighing, I started to walk off.

All at once, the ground suddenly caved in. I fell for several feet, and landed hard on my ankle.

“PERCY!” Annabeth’s voice screamed. High overhead I spotted her, Jason, and Piper looking down into the pit. But they couldn’t see me apparently.

I wanted to shout to them, but something caught my eye. It was a door, standing ten feet away from my landing spot.

My brain instantly interpreted mysterious doors as bad, but this time, I felt compelled to see what was inside. Maybe it had a ladder or something for me to get out of this stupid pit. This, for me, was the pits.

Struggling to my feet, I limped to the door. Surprisingly, my foot wasn’t broken, but it still hurt. Still, I managed to make it, and I put my hand on the doorknob.

“Percy!” Jason said, suddenly behind me.

Giving a very unmanly yelp of surprise, I ended up knocking the door open. It opened inward, and in I fell. Before Jason could follow, the door shut.

And disappeared. I was all alone.