• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 356 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls: The Two Daring Do - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Two girls from different lives had a crazy adventure

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Chapter 5: The Museum Tour

After a few hours on the train, Golden Cakes is still waiting to get to Fillydelphia so she can go to the museum. She has already red her Daring Do books, and talk to some of the people on the tour. She is simply waiting in one of the cars for the train to make it's destination.

Just then the conductor calls out, "Now entering Fillydelphia, Marigold Station!"

Hearing her stop, Golden Cake takes her luggage and her other belongings, and make her way to the doors so she can get off the train. Golden Cakes feels excited about being at the tour. When the train stops and open the doors, Golden Cakes along with the people who is on the tour follow the guide to their first destination, the Fillydelphia Museum.

After a ride on the city bus, they arrive at the museum. Golden Cakes is very excited to go on the tour, the festival, and to see the excitement of the city of Fillydelphia. She is wondering what kind of ancient items and artifacts the museum will have.

The curator, Silver Gem says, "Alright everyone, if you follow me, I would like to go over the rules of the museum, and a special surprise for everyone."

The people who are on the tour are becoming excited and wonder what kind of surprise is expecting for them. Golden Cakes is also a bit curious about the surprise the tour is going to have. She and everyone else follow the guide and curator inside. Once inside, everyone are seated down in a theater room. The curiator and the tour guide is on stage.

Silver Gem holds the microphone holds the microphone and announces, "Hello everyone, and welcome to Fillydelphia Archeological Tour!"

Everyone in the room applause in the room.

Then Silver Gem says, "We also have a very special treat for you! For the past few days, we're going to have a scavenger hunt, and we have a special guest joining us! Please, give a round of applause for A.K Yearling!"

Everyone start to cheer and applause when they see A.K Yearling walking on stage. Golden Cakes is very surprised to see that her favorite author is on the tour too. She has been a fan of her books since the first, and can't wait to actually meet her.

A.K Yearling grabs hold of the microphone and says, "Hello everyone, I am very pleased to be here. For the tour I will be reading some of my stories to you all, and I will judge on who has the most items on their scavenger hunt."

Everyone are cheering with excitement. Golden Cakes is also very excited about A.K Yearling is going to be reading her books to everyone in the tour. She thinks this tour is getter better, and it's going to be fun.

After the announcement, and listening to the rules of the tour. Everyone head to their hotel room for the night. Golden Cakes has alright put her things in the draws, and have her bath, so she's in her pajamas and is about to get ready for bed. She can't wait until tomorrow's tour, and planning to go to the food festival for something to eat.

Golden Cakes says to herself as she reads her, "It seems that this tour is going to be more exciting. I wonder what else will be going on for tomorrow."

After reading a bit of her book, she puts it on the desk next to her bed, and turns off the lights. She then puts the covers on her, and is starting to fall asleep for the night. She can't wait until the next day for the tour if the museum, the scavenger hunt, the food festival, and to hear A.K Yearling rad her stories. It's going to be very exciting.

The next day, after having breakfast with people on tour, everyone is getting the tour of the museum.

Silver Gem explains, "And here is The Ring of Scorchero that is thousands of years old. Legend tells that if this and all of the other rings are together and it's preformed of a dark ritual of the Fortress of Talacon, it will cause our world to to be trapped in an smoldering heat for eight hundred years."

Everyone in the tour are very interested on seeing the ring, it looks very old, and has been underground for centuries. Golden Cakes is very curious about the ring. From the size of it, it looks like of like a large headband or something. She then look at A.K Yearling and she's seems to be wearing that hat, coat, and glasses for the longest time. She can tell that it's kind of chilly here, but it must be hot in it.

Then the curator says, "Now let's move on to check out the ancient Crystal Empire and it's wonderful culture. As you can see the culture of the Empire from a thousand years ago is very different than the other cultures in the country."

As they walk over to the next exhibit, Daring Do who is dressed as A.K Yearling is impressed with the ring that she has found from one of her last adventures. Of course no one could have ever guess that she has a secret identity, and uses it for a book author. However, there is one thing that she kind of been wondering about. She notice that Golden Cakes has been staring at her, even though she doesn't know her too well. Daring can see that the girl does look a lot like her, only the hairstyle is different. She hopes that her younger double won't get into to with her being around.

What she doesn't know that two group of treasure thieves have plans of their own, and they know exactly what to take from the museum. They also can tell that Daring Do in her disguise is also on the tour, and they need to get her out of the way for a while if they are to accomplish their goals.

Author's Note:

Trouble is around every corner.