• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 356 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony Equestria Girls: The Two Daring Do - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Two girls from different lives had a crazy adventure

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Chapter 10: Invasion Attempt

Later on in the thick jungle late in the night, Daring Do, Skate Trick, and Skater Girl are trying to get through the thick leaves, vines, and other obstacle the jungle has in their path. Daring Do has a sword that she use to cut the leaves and vines so she can move them out of the way. Skate Trick and Skater Girls are amazed to see the jungle, but also shocked to see how thick it is.

"Wow, this jungle is so thick," Skate Trick says, amazed by the jungle.

"And very deep," Skater Girl adds.

"Well, the fortress is in the deeper part of the jungle so we still got a lot of walking to do," Daring Do clarifies.

"Right," Skater Girl replies.

Then Skate Trick asks, "So Daring, what exactly is the plan,"

"All you two have to do is follow my lead, and we'll get this through before Ahuizotl has a chance to finish with his plans," Daring Do answers, using the sword to cut through the jungle.

"I sure hope so," Skate Trick mutters in concern.

"It's been like a few hours since their conversation, and they all have gone through many obstacles in order to reach the fortress. They have to go through rivers, thick trees, and climb on rocks and other situations. After their long travel, they come across a small clearing to take a break. Daring pulls on of the leaves to see the Fortress of Talicon, but can see that it's well guarded, so Daring needs to hope her plan works.

Skater Girl sigh from exhaustion, and says, "I can't believe we made it,"

"Yeah, my feet are hurting," Skate Trick agrees, feeling tired.

"And I'm willing to bet that Golden Cakes is somewhere in there," Daring Do replies, not feeling tired at all.

Skater Girl walks over to Daring, and asks, "So are you going to tell us your plan now, because we need to get Golden Cakes out of there before anyone notice that we're here."

"Alright, but I need you to listen carefully, and you both need to be extra careful for what I'm about to tell you," Daring Do informs with a serious tone.

Skater Girl and Skate Trick nods their heads meaning they agree to it. Daring Do then tell them to get in a circle and explained to them about her plan. They think it sounds risky, but it will not only rescue Golden Cakes, but also stop Ahuizotl from his plan to make the world live eight hundred years of relentless heat. After going through what the plan is, they decide to go for it, and see if it works.

Outside of the fortress, some of the natives and two of Ahuizotl's wild cats are standing guard of the entrance. Skate Trick looks from the top of the tree to see them, and decide to get to work on his part of the plan. He throws a rock at a nearby bush getting the guards attention. He then throws other rocks he has to different location to get their attention even more. He then jumps off of the trip and starts to run. When the guards see him, they are to chase after him.

As Skate Trick is being pursued by the guard, Daring Do and Skate Girl sneak out of their hiding place and inside the temple. When they reach the chamber, they can see that all the rings are in a corner and no one is here to guard them.

Daring takes the smallest ring, turns turn Skate Girl, and says, "You go look for Golden Cakes, and try to get her away from here. I'll deal with Ahuizotl and his goons."

"Right," Skater Girl replies.

Skater Girl then run into on the fortress' hallway to go find where Golden Cakes is being captured. Daring Do start to run out of the fortress so she can find any trouble that will comes. Just as she exits the fortress, Daring Do hears a loud holler, and recognize it anywhere. Daring Do turns around to see where the noise is coming from. She becomes serious to see Ahuizotl right behind her with a smirk on his face.

"Well Daring Do, it is so nice of you to come by," Ahuizotl remarks.

"Cut the remarks Ahuizotl, you're not going to get away with after the stunt you pulled at Fillydelphia," Daring Do angrily says.

Ahuizotl chuckles a bit, and says, "I see, you're not only here for the ring, but for the girl as well. I hate to break this to you, but she won't be going anywhere."

"What?! What can she have that you want, she doesn't mean anything to you," Daring Do furiously says.

"Why don't give you the ring and find out," Ahuizotl remarks.

Daring do can see that Ahuizotl is trying to trick her.

She makes a smirk on her face, and says as she puts the ring around her arm, "I don't think so, you know that I love you, but I can't give you the ring before I'm properly proposed."

"Interesting, because a few of my friends have a proposal of their own," Ahuizotl says with a smirk on his face.

He snaps his fingers, and a tiger, panther, and a small white kitten appear growling at Daring Do. Daring Do steps back at the three cats get closer to her. From the looks on their faces, Daring Do can tell the cats are ready to fight, which means she has to fight as well for her life.

Daring Do narrows her eyes, and shouts, "Bring it!"

The tiger tries to pounce at Daring Do, but she give the cat a fist punch in the jaws. Making it fall on it's back. The panther and the small kitten join in the fight, and with that, Daring Do is fighting them hopefully to buy enough time for the kids to escape. Meanwhile, Skater Girl is looking around trying to find Golden Cakes, and where she is.

Skater Girl calls out "Golden Cakes! Golden Cakes! Where are you?!"

Skater Girl doesn't hear anything, and wonder if this is where Golden Cakes is. Is that or maybe she has got herself lost in this fortress.

She then hears someone scaredly says, "I'm over here."

Skater Girl turns to see Golden Cakes behind the door that has bars on it. Skate Girl look through to see Golden Cakes inside, and from the looks of it, she appears to be unharmed, but isn't taking chance.

"Golden Cakes, are you alright? What did they do to you?" Skater Girl frantically asks.

"Well, they didn't hurt me, just locked me in here," Golden Cakes quietly answers.

"Don't worry, I'll get out out," Skater Girl says.

Luckily Skater Girl has a hairpin in her hair, and decides to use it to unlock the door. She puts her hairpin in the slot of the door, and tries her best to unlock the door. After a few minutes, she hears a snap and can tell she unlocks the door. She opens it to see Golden Cakes, and unharmed, but is confused about seeing the new outfit.

"Come on, let's get out of here beforeā€¦" Skate Girl is about to say.

However, she ends up becoming face to face with one of the guard.

Skater Girls gulps nervously and scaredly says, "Someone notice us."

They both look to see they are surrounded by the guards of the place, and knowing that they are in big trouble now. Back in the jungle, Skate Trick tries his best to avoid being captured by the guard, but trying to out run a bobcat and a jaguar is not so easy. Before Skate Trick is think of another plan, the bobcat pounces on top of his, making him hit the ground, and into unconscious by the bump of the head. The guard surrounds the boy and captured him.

Back at the front of the fortress, Daring Do is continuing to fight against the cats. Ahuizotl is kind of amused by the fight. Just as the fight is going on, on of the guards go up to Ahuizotl and whispers something to him. He becomes a bit surprised about what the guard is telling him, but makes a smug look and decides to use this information to her advantage. Daring Do tries her best to fight the cats.

Just then Daring hears a familiar girl's voice screaming, "Let us go!"

Daring Do turns to see that Skater Girl, Skate Trick, and Golden Cakes are captured and tied up. Daring Do is shocked to see this, but is not paying attention to anything else. The cats pounce on her, and Daring Tries to fight with all her might, but ends up being tied up like the others, and the ring is in the panther's mouth.

Ahuizotl picks Daring by the shirt with a smirk on his face, and says, "Well Daring Do, it looks like you and your friends will be staying with us for a while."

"Let those kids go, they have nothing to do with this," Daring Do angrily says, while struggling in the ropes.

"I don't think so. Besides, I'm sure they'll love to see the main event while you meet your demise," Ahuizotl says.

With that, Ahuizotl have the guards take Daring Do and the others back to the cell where they'll be imprisoned until the ceremony starts. Now all four of them have been captured, and Ahuizotl has no intention of letting any of them go. With the ceremony starting in the afternoon, there might not be enough time to stop the ritual before it's too late.

Author's Note:

Looks like that plan didn't work so well.