• Published 19th Aug 2017
  • 1,730 Views, 33 Comments

Adagio Dazzle Tries to Make Friends - Daemon McRae

Adagio Dazzle is bored. So she decides to find someone to be her friend. Or distract her for a weekend. EIther or.

  • ...

Sunset and Twilight

Chapter 1: Sunset and Twilight

Sunset’s weekends were actually nowhere near as busy as most people would think. Honestly, all of the magical disasters and friendship lessons and school activities so overwhelmed her daily life, that if she didn’t set aside at least a couple of days to decompress she was going to cold stab a bitch. And CHS had a LOT of bitches that needed cold stabbing. So, so many bitches. So she did herself, the world, and the criminal justice system a favor by staying inside and playing video games.

At least, that’s what she wanted to do. With all her heart, she wanted nothing more than to dunk some scrubs, maybe get a pentakill or two, hell, just spend some time grinding a new character would have been fine. But then came the knocking.


It had started mere moments ago, but to Sunset, it felt like an eternity. An eternity of disrupted consciousness, from which the only escape was to face her mortal enemy: other people.


And yet it wouldn’t stop. It couldn’t stop. It-


“Holy rocket manger CHRIST hold your fucking tits on!” Sunset screamed as she stormed down the stairs. Nevermind that she was in her pajamas. Nevermind that her hair looks like a solar wind with a hard-on. Nevermind that she was trying to do exactly NOT THIS the entire day. Somebody just HAD to show up and need something. “...Pinkie Pie I swear to Celestia if that’s you I’m gonna crunch your taco so hard...”


She threw the door open just in time to disrupt her wannabe intruders incessant assault on her front door. Ready to scream her lungs out, she took a deep breath to fuel her emotional tirade-

And stopped, wide-eyed, as Adagio Dazzle raised an eyebrow and cocked a hip at her. “Bout time you answered the door, Shimmy. I don’t think that poor would could have taken much more pounding.”

Sunset deflated, almost audibly. Of all the people she expected to scream at, Adagio was not one of them. “What the actual fuck are you doing here, Dazzle?”

The former siren ignored her long enough to brush past and take a look at the interior of Sunset’s home. “Not bad. Of course, I seriously doubt you obtained this place by any legal means, only having lived here for a few years, but who am I to judge?”

The reformed school tyrant massaged her temples with her fingertips. “Yes, yes, we both broke like a bajillion laws, what do you WANT?”

Again, Adagio appraised the yellow girl with a raised eyebrow. “Well, I’d say something about a warm welcome, but that seems more and more like a pipe dream. So I’ll get right to it. I needed out of the house before Sonata and Aria drove me crazy, but then I realized not having someone to talk to, let alone fawn over me, was driving me crazy. Everywhere I go in this town people either ignore me or glare daggers. Yes, much like that,” she mused, noting the expression on Sunset’s face. “And that’s when I realized I don’t have any friends. Can you imagine? Me?! I’ve been around for centuries, emotionally manipulating people into adoring me since before this country was new. And now my entire social life boils down to my idiot sisters and Amarezon Prime. So I decided to go out and make friends. And I decided on you! Congratulations!”

Shimmer banged her head against the door frame. A few times. “Adagio, that’s not how friends work. You don’t just go up to people and say ‘We’re friends now’. That’s-”

“Exactly what Twilight did for you to keep you from becoming a depressed, emotional trainwreck after she kicked your ass in front of the whole school? Or did I miss something?” Adagio grinned.

*BANG* Oh doorframe. Please save me. Save me with blood and maybe a concussion or nine. “Look, even if I did want to be friends with you, I haven’t even dressed or showered, and I’m really not in the mood to deal with other living things right now.”

“...is that why you don’t have any pets?” Adagio asked.


The bushy haired girl’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh. Wow. I was being facetious. Maybe Aria should be here instead, you two would get along famously. But, instead, I’m here, so now we’re friends. What do you want to do first?”

How about scramble your eggs with a power drill? “I don’t, Adagio. I want you to leave so I can go back to-”

“What? Playing video games? Taking a shower? Rubbing one out? Cause let me tell you, all of those can be group activities,” Adagio smiled seductively.

“...Adagio I’m going to pick you up by your toenails and throw you out a three-story window,” Shimmer growled.

“… your house is only two stories tall,” Adagio noted.

“I KNOW. There will be a lot of dragging involved.”

“Is it wrong that I’m kind of turned on right now?”



Adagio grumbled as she walked down the street. “Stupid sexy Sunset and her violence. What’s wrong with making friends?” She kicked a rock as she went, thinking of all the other people from CHS she knew. “Hmmm, who else could I talk into being friends with me? Pinkie Pie would be the easiest, but god help me if she ever came over and spent any time with Sonata. The yellow one? Mmm… I do love a submissive, but her house probably smells like every animal. Ever. Too bad that Twilight girl left for Equestria, she was quite the...” *DING* Adagio jumped as the bell to a nearby convenience store rang out. She watched as a somewhat familiar-looking blue girl with pigtails and glasses walked in. “God… wait. Twilight Sparkle. Now there’s an idea.”


Twilight’s weekends had been so busy lately, she’d almost fallen behind on her research. Sure, she’d made Spike that robot dog girlfriend last month, but between her boyfriend, her friends, and magical disasters, she hadn’t really had any time to devote to her true passion.

“Science!” she shouted. Looking around to make sure there was nobody nearby, she smiled to herself. Spike was upstairs with… huh, she should really have thought of a name for the robot dog. She had the whole lab to herself. “Science,” she said, quieter. “Now I have a whole two days to work on why measurements collapse quantum wavefunctions! I should have something by midnight if I start no-”


Knocked out of her thought process by the loud banging, Twilight looked around in panic. “H-hello?” she said quietly. She tried again, with more force. “Hello?”

After a moment, Spike’s voice came down the stairs. “Twilight, there’s someone at the door for you. She looks… weird.”

Twilight’s alarm downgraded to piqued interest as she walked upstairs, strode down the hall, and opened the door. She was met by someone she’d never seen before. And given her… unique appearance, Twilight was sure she’d remember if she had. “Hello!” The stranger greeted, waving amicably. “My name is Adagio Dazzle. I’m your new friend!”

Wires crossed in Sparkle’s head as she processed this load of information. “Um… hi? Do I know you?”

‘Adagio’, as she called herself, shook her head. Her rather impressive mane of curly hair swayed with it. “No, not yet. But I know other you. Well, kind of. She and her friends basically rainbow lasered my sisters and I into next week, which from what I’ve heard also happened to you! It must be destiny.”

Twilight sighed heavily. “You know, I miss the days when that would have made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. Come on in, I’m downstairs.”

Dazzle beamed widely as she strolled after the scientist, following her into a rather impressive-looking basement laboratory. Her eyes widened at the array of technology, and she whistled appreciatively. “Wow, girl. Impressive setup. No wonder you’re top of your classes.”

Twilight turned around, a thought occurring to her. A rather alarming one. “How do you know that? For that matter, how do you know where I live?!”

Adagio waived a hand dismissively. “Sunset told me. We’re old friends,” she lied. “She said you and I might have something in common, and she was hoping to help pull you out of your bubble a little more.”

“Oh really? And what… exactly did she say we had in common?”

Adagio froze, just for a second. Not even that. You’d have to be an expert in social cues to catch it, which Twilight was not. Thinking as fast as she could, she said the first thing that came to mind. “Science.”

Twilight’s reaction told her immediately she’d made a mistake. The purple girl’s expression went from accusingly suspicious to maniacal glee so quickly Adagio thought for a moment she had two faces, and they’d just swapped out. “Science?! You’re a scientist too?! That’s wonderful! I was just about to start on some experimentation for the observational waveform collapse theory when you knocked! Or, would you rather help me build my dark matter converter?”

“Uh...” Adagio’s face filled with regret instantly, but Sparkle was on a roll, and didn’t notice. At all. She began rushing around the room, gathering all kinds of rather intimidating scientific instruments.

“Or we could work on some sleep theory! I might have to knock you unconscious, but you won’t feel a thing! Or I’ve got some really interesting work done already on the parallel worlds problem, all thanks to the portal! Hey, how much radiation exposure have you had in your life? ...Adagio?”n Twilight asked, turning around to find her basement once again empty.



The bell over the convenience store door rang out again, as a particular blue-skinned girl stepped out with a bag in each hand.


The scream came and went as an orange girl with an impressive amount of hair ran down the sidewalk, creating a slight breeze as she passed, knocking the girl’s glasses askew. Taking a moment to adjust them, and to correct a pigtail that had fallen out of place, she mused out loud, “She’s gonna run right into something. Maybe die.”

Pulling a candy bar out of her bag, Sugarcoat unwrapped it, and took a small bite. “Oh well.”