• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 4,397 Views, 87 Comments

Simple Things - Arbiter Balemead

Fluttershy makes a simple wish and small confession and they are answered with a minor coincidence.

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How it Starts (Flashback)

"The usual!" Rarity said happily as she tossed a few bits on the counter. Aloe smiled broadly as Rarity and I walked past her. Her sister, Lotus, escorted us to the room we always use for the massage. Once we were relaxed on the tables, Rarity looked me over with a bit too much enthusiasm... Or maybe I just thought it was too much.

"Oh, go on, darling, what did you want to tell me?" She asked me. She knows me too well. I thought I could keep it a secret just until dinner with the other three...*sigh* I suppose I could ask her to wait... No, this is Rarity. She can't.

"Uhm... I was hoping to just tell all four of you...but if you want to know now...." I mumbled. There had to be something wrong with me. There was always this gap between my mind and my mouth. I could never speak clearly. I was never sure if that had caused me to be so shy or if it was the other way around.

"Oh come ON, dear, I can tell you just NEED to tell me something..." She scrutinized me again with those piercing blue eyes that know me so well. "Oh...it's about romance, is it?" She really does know me.

"Eh-uhm...yes." I could tell by the way her pace suddenly picked up with the massage that Lotus had been listening. Aloe had been, too. I don't blame them, though, because they were a sort of friends to me and Rarity. They must have realized that we needed privacy. They're so nice.

Once the massages were done we went to the sauna room. Since there was no real need for them in here that me and Rarity couldn't take care of ourselves, Aloe and Lotus stayed outside till we were done.

"Soooo...?" Rarity asked.

"Well-uhm... I was hoping to tell you, and Pinkie, and Applejack, and Rainbow at dinner... B-but if you really want to know..." I started dumbly.

"Oh, do go on, dear. You KNOW I can't wait. Not now that I know this much." She didn't really know much did she? I mean- all I'd said was that it was a romantic thing...

I suppose it would be easier to tell the other three if I had Rarity's support...*sigh*

"Well- I uhm...limphsmephm"

"What was that?"

"I like maphm"

"One more time?"

I hate my stupid mumbling. I took a deep breath and mustered all my will behind three words.

"Ilikemares." Whew! I got that out...oh buck me, I said it! I watched her carefully, praying to Celestia she wouldn't be mad. She actually looked confused... maybe she didn't catch what I said? I did say it quickly...

"Okay... You were speaking rather quickly, dear, so correct me if I'm wrong, but... did you just say you like...mares?" Oh darn it she's in shock. She hates me, I can tell....wait no she just looks... sympathetic. I nodded slowly to answer her question.

"Well... I've known you for years, but I never saw that coming..." I felt my face fall. She didn't approve of this at all. I'm so stupid. I should've known not to tell anypony. I should've known that even my closest friend wouldn't like me once she knew. I shoul- "I always assumed you'd find a special somepony BEFORE you came out of the closet."

"E-excuse me?"

"While the other three may be oblivious, I noticed you stealing glances at us." I felt my cheeks heat instantly at that. I know I had been a pervert once or twice, but she talked about it like it was a constant thing. "Oh, no need to look so ashamed, my dear. I am merely giving you a hard time. I know you don't mean anything by it, but it is actually adorable; the way you do it." Looking at my friends' rears is... adorable? Uhm...okay.

"B-but you knew? Why didn't you say anything?"

"And embarrass you? 'Oh that was a lovely spa date, Fluttershy, and by the way, I know you're a fillyfooler.' Yes I think that would've been wonderful, don't you?" My cheeks flamed again at that word. That word. It made me feel horrible, and... unnatural. Rarity looked confused again. Before I had time to wonder why, my eyes began to sting, and I knew why THAT was.

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry I didn't mean to...I was just making a small joke, I didn't mean anything by it, dear, I just-"

"I-it's not that... I-I just don't like that word v-very much..." I said shakily. I never liked being called names, and that one was an insult, even if it wasn't true. And that hurt, too. I voiced this thought to Rarity. When she looked confused about it hurting, I had to point out why. "I-it's like if being called a white coated pony became an insult... wouldn't that hurt your feelings...even if nopony called you that?"

"Oh, I see. Very good point, dear...uhm...so, do you think you'll need help with the other three?" She asked awkwardly. Until now I had assumed I was the only one who could be awkward like that... I guess I make things awkward. Still, I could use help with dinner.

"Uhm-how do you think the others will react?"

"Well either she won't care or Pinkie will accept it. Rainbow will probably be okay with it... but I don't know how Applejack will react. I'm not sure if she would approve. She is raised by an old fashioned family, after all." I was scared of loosing any of my friends. And if Applejack didn't approve I was sure she'd tell me and I'd never see her again. Then she'd tell her Granny Smith and she would gather a mob and then I'd either be banished or imprisoned...or both!

"Fluttershy, don't panic, dear. I'm sure, whatever she thinks of it, Applejack will still be our friend afterwards."

Later that day, me and Rarity were sitting in Sugarcube Corner waiting on Rainbow and Applejack. I could tell Rarity wanted to scoot away from me. I'm sweating so much, I'm sure, she wants to sit at a different table. Pinkie was finishing her duties as cashier of the little sweet shop.

"U-uh Rarity?"


"It'll be five or six minutes before the other two get here...." I started but she interrupted me.

"You want to tell Pinkie?" I nodded. "Well, would you rather do this three times or just twice?" It may be easier the third time but then again it would be ME doing this THREE TIMES...but if I told Pinkie then I'd have her AND Rarity supporting me with the other two. I may as well try.

"I want to tell Pinkie."


"Spike! That's just rude!" I nagged. "Now get out!" I turned to face Princess Celestia. "I am SO sorry. For some reason he's been respecting my privacy less and less lately..."

"It's quite alright, Twilight Sparkle. I was just wondering how your studies have been going."

"We're on break!" Spike shouted from the other room. I glared at the door, but I stopped when I heard the princess giggling. I looked back at her and she winked at me.

"With Miss Sparkle, there are no breaks, Spike." She said. Spike replied by groaning loudly. "Now, about those studies...?"

"Oh! Right I uh... I was just studying for... uhm..." I stuttered. Truth be told, during breaks I just studied for the sake of studying. I know. I'm so weird.

Celestia smiled at me in a politely sympathetic way. She glanced at the book I had been reading when she arrived. I was actually reading it for no reason other than the fact that it was one I hadn't read yet, but it was an embarrassing book to be caught reading when your...me.

It was called "Relationships: A 'How To' on All Things Romantic." The worst part was the chapter I was on. Same-gender relationships. Luckily, I was pretty sure the princess couldn't see that.

"Just reading? Very well. You know I don't need reports on your studies during breaks, right?" She said turning to leave. I watched her go, letting out a silent breath in relief that she hadn't questioned my choice of what to read. "Oh, and by the way," I froze. "If I may suggest, when you finish with that book, try this one..." She said, levitating a big book with a golden unicorn insignia on the front over to me. I read the cover.

"Equestria: The Story of How it Came to Be (History, Mythology, and Anything in between.)"

"...You may learn something...interesting. I love historical textbooks; I like finding the things they got wrong."

I opened the book and looked at the first chapter. "The Tale of The Two Sisters"

"Princess? Isn't this the story of you and L-" But when I looked up, she was gone. Probably flew off while I was leafing through it. Oh well.

"Okay, Spike, she's gone." I yelled to the other room.


"So what your saying is...you like mares...but you don't have any reason to tell me?" Pinkie asked me with a blank stare. Pinkie had caught on really fast but she kept asking me WHY I wanted to tell her now.

"Y-yes, Pinkie. I just wanted to tell you girls and...get it off my chest." I said quietly.

"So, Pinkie dear, you have no objections to this?" Rarity asked.

"Well, of course not, silly! Why would I?" She answered as if the question entertained her. I suppose it'd be better that she find the question funny than explode with anger at me. I let go a sigh of relief, but stiffened again when I heard the bell jingle as Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked into the corner.

"So what's this all about? All ya told me was ya wanted to talk." Applejack said. While she was talking Rainbow flew right up to me and landed in front of me. I backed away, tilting my head so that my mane would hide my face. At least the mane thing was normal. They wouldn't question that.

But Rainbow noticed the blush. I was blushing cause she got REALLY close and had practically shoved her face in mine, but it wasn't the proximity (though that was a contributor), it was her eyes. They were so...nice.

She kept staring at me, making me uncomfortable. I actually got so focused on avoiding her eyes that I didn't hear a bit of the conversation.

"-king her uncomfortable, Rainbow Dash. Please stop staring at her like that." Rarity was saying. Instead of listening to her, though, Rainbow bent low to be level with me and asked softly,

"Why are you blushing like that?" It was a gentle, but prodding question. Or maybe I just thought it was prodding. I mumbled something, but even I don't know what it was supposed to be if it hadn't been so quiet. She quirked an eyebrow and backed off.

"Okay then... Let's have a seat shall we?" Rarity requested. The other girls complied, except for Pinkie, who went and got us some cookies.

"I'm officially confused. What is this all about?" Rainbow said, sitting next to me. Just a bit too close. My cheeks heated up and they only got hotter when she wrapped her arm around me. She was always a bit too 'touchy-feely', especially when things got uncomfortable. I guess its because I'm a comforting pony, but it wasn't the best thing for me. I mean, you try keeping your cool when you wanna tackle your friend in a more-than-friendly hug.

Oh dear... did I just think that? *ahem*

"Well I uhm... I needed to tell you all something...."

Just as I said this, Pinkie came bouncing back with a tray of cookies on her back. She stopped when I stopped talking and looked at me curiously. "Well if you needed to tell ALL of us, why did you tell me and Rarity one at a time?"

"Well I got nervous and-and I-I just wanted some-"

"Because she needed to get it off her chest sooner rather than later and we were available." Rarity said assertively. I only wish I could be more like that. *sigh* Why does this have to be so hard? "Now go on dear tell them." Rarity smiled at me encouragingly.

I took a deep a breath and said it as clearly as my nerves would let me. Rainbow removed her arm from my shoulders. That was a sign that this was about to end badly for me.


Me and Spike managed to clean up my mess by nine'o'clock. That must have been one of the fastest clean-ups we've ever had, considering we started at six-fifty-ish. Spike went to sleep the moment we finished, and left me to finish reading my-erm...relationship self-help book.


I went over to the window facing that little town called Ponyville and sat down to read the book.

The most important thing to remember about a same-gender relationship is that you may be shunned or rejected by your peers, but there is a good chance you and your partner will have a much more emotional relationship. It is also quite likely that things that please you physically will also please your par-

I slammed the book shut. A tear had made it's way to my eye and it just wouldn't do to be crying over something I did. not. need...*sigh*

I turned to the window and started stargazing. After Celestia knows how many minutes spent staring at the sky I saw a streak of white come and go. A shooting star. I closed my eyes.

I want somepony like me.

"Wishing on stars? *sigh* I know that doesn't work."

Wait...does it? I ran over to a random shelf and started reading the spines as fast as possible. I found one that may have my answer. "Wishes: What and What Not To Wish On" What a convenient title. I leafed through the book until I found the 'Shooting Star' entry.

Blah, blah, blabbity, blah...actually that was interesting...blah, blah...AH HAA!!!!

If you wish on a shooting star your wish has a two in three chance of coming true.



I glanced at the clock. Seven'o'clock... and at the moment Rainbow and Applejack were just staring at me. I think. I couldn't really see Applejack through my mane, but I could see Rainbow out of the corner of my eye. She was still looking at me. She looked shocked...more that than angry. I glanced at her and realized she wasn't mad at all, just... shocked.

"You two DO realize that alienating her like this isn't helping, right?" Rarity said. She sounded a bit stern to me, but then again... what do I care? I just want them to say someth-

"Well, Ah uh... Ah'm just shocked is all. Ah mean you don't come to a sweet shop expectin' one a' yer best friends to come outta the closet ya didn' know they was in." I might just be acting optimistic, but she didn't sound upset at all.

"Yeah... I was just thinkin' it was something like... your cat was pregnant or Angel had found a girl bunny. Not...this."

I began to smile now. I couldn't help it. All four of my best friends accepted me for being a...fillyfooler. I STILL don't like that word.

We had a VERY well prepared salad and cake that Pinkie had somehow prepared just for this occasion in...six minutes? Yeah, six.

"So uh... Flutters..." I turned to look at Rainbow Dash.


"Uh...what brought on the uhm... 'urge' to tell us all about this."

"I-I don't really have a reason...why?"

"Oh I was just thinkin' that maybe you uh...had a *ahem* crush on one of us." Her cheeks turned an adora-*ahem* they turned purple-ish.

"Oh...n-no I don't have a crush on any of you." I said politely. I guess Pinkie saw fit to make this hard on me by joking around.

"Why not? Aren't any of us your type?" She asked with a huge grin on her face.

"Well uhm..." I glanced at Rainbow and Pinkie Pie "...yes, but-"

"OOOoooOOOh. We're just not good enough?" She asked with fake hurt.

"No. I-I just..."

"Pinkie." Rarity warned.

"So then what's the problem? What kind of pony DO you want?"

"PINKIE!" Rarity almost shouted. Pinkie's face fell as she realized she was pressing me. She mumbled a quiet apology and lowered her gaze.

A long moment of silence fell on us and for a moment we just ate, but then I began to notice that, one by one, they each began to look uneasy and... curious. I sighed and decided to take the first step.

"I-is something wrong?" I asked.

They all looked at me and immediately found the table very interesting. After a moment or two, Applejack finally spoke up.

"Well, Ah don' know 'bout those three, but Ah actually kinda was wonderin' what yer answer was to that last one..."

"As was I." Rarity said. The other two simply nodded.

They wanted to know what kind of pony I want? ALL four of them? I couldn't just say I didn't know. That'd be a lie, and lies aren't very nice things to tell. And besides, Applejack would know. She's good at telling if ponies were being honest.

"Well uhm..." My mouth started without me. For once I wanted to NOT talk, and couldn't. "I guess I would like a nice mare. One who is at least a little bit as shy as me. A really smart mare. I kind of like the uhm... nerdy type. And uhm... I'd definitely want her to get along with you girls."

"Feel free to get a bit more specific, dear, this is your fantasy." Shouldn't that have made me uncomfortable? Shouldn't I ALREADY be uncomfortable? But I wasn't. It was my fantasy, I guess, and I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to think or, better yet, talk about it.

"Well.. I've always like the color purple. And I'd like her to be one of those natural beauty types. Like, she doesn't need to brush and style her mane in the morning. Uhm...no offense Rarity...." I trailed off, not wanting to just give them a full picture of my imaginary love partner I had JUST invented on the spot.

"Well... That is quite the mare you got there Flutters." Rainbow said. I smiled awkwardly and ducked my head behind my mane.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know where that came from... I didn't mean to rant. I just got... caught up." I said quietly.

I made my way home after dinner. It was nice after that little...fiasco with the dream mare. My friends had dropped the subject at Rarity's request, but I hadn't stopped thinking about it. That mare I had described... I could NOT stop thinking about it. It must've been nine-thirty by the time I got home.

I looked up before opening the door and as I was watching those pretty stars a white streak flew across the sky. A shooting star! I closed my eyes tight.

I want somepony like me.

Mommy had always told me that wishing on a shooting star could get you anything. It had never worked before, but I always made a wish anyways. I always hoped that, just that once...