• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 5,927 Views, 77 Comments

Ent Of The Everfree - Note Of A Ghost

An unknown spirit roams the Everfree forest as if it were searching for something, something that is less than a memory.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Translations

Author's Note:

I know it's been a long time and I'm sorry for that, but here we go, more on the adventure.
Also I've read the comments and it's not a dragon age crossover, well it's not planned to be, just inspiration, or ripping it off, whatever you want to call it.

Grey holds the severely damaged book in his only hand, thinking how they can salvage the situation.

"Oh, this is bad. Like, really bad." Starlight murmurs as she paces back and forth. She throws her hands on her head in an attempt to control her hyperventilation.

The other ent in the room rises to his feet, seemingly cursing to himself. He brushes himself off before taking the book from Grey. He flips through some of the pages before throwing the book into a bin. He starts to rant off in his language and showing quite a display of displeasure, throwing his arms in the air and pointing to Grey then to Starlight. The ent pauses and takes a deep breath.

"Atrocinerea... Thou hath made a traitorous decision bringing a pony to thine city." The ent spoke calmly but frustrated.

"We've already told you that we aren't from this time and why we're..." Starlight starts with a raised voice.

"I understand thine words and I hath determined it reasonable to aid thee... However this maketh everything very complicated." The ent added, cutting of Starlight.

"Then... how can we... fix... the book?" Grey asked, getting the group back on track.

"This book is not the only of it's kind. There should be another in the possession of the book trader."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get another copy." Starlight ordered hastily.

"Unless thou desires death, Stay here. Antrocinerea will accompany mineself." The ent says before gesturing Grey to follow him as he walks to the door. Grey does as told and follows the ent, looking to a slightly startled Starlight.

"Stay... hidden... until... my return." With that said, the two ents left Starlight to her own devices.

"Great. Now what?" She asked herself.

Grey followed the ent through the building. It was amazing to him, seeing the building as it use to be, pristine walls and beautiful tapestries. They made their way to the back door that led to a well kempt garden and down a path trailing to the bustling city below. Before making their way to the city, the ent led Grey to a strange tree. This tree gave Grey a sense of strength and focus. It was a grey willow.

"Thine missing arm will unnerve many. Use this tree to recover thine self." The ent ordered.

Grey knew what the ent was telling him to do. He had come across this ability accidentally once before, however to do so hurts the tree very much, but it does mean he won't have to wait for his arm to grow back. He places his hand on a large thick branch. This tree was very healthy.

"I... apologise... for this... brother." With a swift yank of his arm, the branch was ripped free of it's owner. Grey cringed as he heard the tree's screams in his mind. Taking the limb of one of his very own was mentally crippling, but it had to be done, He needed to play it safe and he needed his arm. He placed the branch against his shoulder and his body morphed around the end. Before a minute had passed, Grey had his arm back and was ready to continue after a quick 'Thank you'.

Grey almost couldn't believe his eyes as all the different ent folk wandered around tending to their business. He had never even imagined the city would be this amazing.

Back at the study, Starlight was growing bored and anxious. She watched the orb flutter a few times, forcing worry through her mind. 'oh, I hope they're alright. This spell must be taking a huge toll on them. Hopefully we can get a translation soon.'

Her concern was abruptly cut short as the sound of heavy footsteps and voices could be heard beyond the door. Starlight hushed herself and listened carefully, hoping it was Grey... No there were at least two voices speaking in the ent language. Starlight started to panic and desperately scanned the room for a good hiding spot. The shelves were high, but the space on top of them would be a very tight squeeze, that's if she could even fit into that gap. The voices were getting closer and there was a knock on the door. Starlight's heart raced and she dived under the desk just as the door opened and an ent walked in. It was taller than Grey and very solid looking. Starlight shut her eyes, praying not to be found and her hands placed themselves over her mouth and nose, muffling any sounds she might accidentally make.

The ent froze, it's eyes fixated on the glowing orb. It stood still for a moment before moving to examine the mysterious magic. The ent made a few noises that starlight could only guess was 'what is this thing'. But as long as it was focused on the orb, the less likely she would be found.

The ent, however, recognised this as pony magic. They scanned the room, shifting it's body. Pieces around it's body became thicker, like armour. It's left arm growing a shield and it's right turning into a small blade. Scanning the room, it's attention was caught by something curled under the desk.

Starlight heard what sounded like wood creaking and cracking before she felt a tight pain around her lower leg. She went to scream, but it was replaced by a sharp gasp and she was ripped out from under the desk. The next thing she knew she was dangling upside down, face to face with a terrifying, armoured ent. Instinct took over and she quickly cast a spell, shooting a light turquoise beam right through the ent's head. It's head exploded into chips and shards before it's body went limp, falling to the ground with a deep thud. She hit the ground hard, but quickly sat up and rubbed her head. Her eyes fluttered open and what filled her vision made her wish she had kept her eyes shut. A couple of meters in front of her was the door... and that door was occupied by three more ents, identical to the last, armour and all.

"... Fuck."

Grey followed his new companion through the bustling streets. There were ents of varying sizes and looks. It truly amazed him to see many of kind.

While busy in his musing he bumped into something and knocked it over. Pulling his gaze to what he had collided with, he found an ent, much smaller and thinner than him sitting at his feet. Just as grey outstretched his arm to help the small ent up, it jumped back and clambered to one knee and bowed to him, sputtering words he couldn't understand.

The ent helping grey helped the small ent to his feet and saying something. The small ent then made a small bow to grey before rushing away.

"What is... happening?" Grey asked as he looked around to see many of the surrounding ents also on one knee

"They art respecting thine title"

"I... see." Grey responded, confused. But they had to press on.

The ent showed Grey to the market, where he managed to retrieve the translation book and was now on his way back to the study, following close behind the ent that was helping Starlight and himself. As they walked through the city something caught Grey's attention. he looked to his side and saw two intimidating ents carrying what looked like a cage and one more escorting them. Upon a more careful inspection he noticed the cage housed an unconscious Starlight.

"Oh... no." He spoke before moving towards the group. He was halted by a hand on his shoulder and turned to see his aide.

"Atrocinerea... thine sap may be of stature, but if thou interrupts, thou will complicate this further." Grey wanted to at least try, but he was more wise than that and knew that it would be best to find another way that causes the least amount of harm. "They will take her to the castle."

"You are... correct." He started. "Do you have... a plan?"


"How could this have gone so wrong?" Starlight cried. She had woken up in a cage being watched by a few ents that towered over her.

The room she was currently in was magnificent to say the least. Large, white stone walls covered in beautiful tapestries of woodland colours. White marble pillars framing each tapestry. Her marveling was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Pony, how have thou come to be here?" The question was made by one of the five ents infront of her.

"Please, I'm from the future. I just need a translation for our languages, so we can..." Starlight pleaded before being cut off.

"Thou haven't a thought for what this could mean!" Another one of the five boomed, making starlight wince.

The ents started speaking in their natural tounge to each other, seemingly in an argument.

'Think Starlight, what do I do to get out of this... what would Twilight do?' The ent in the middle of the five spoke one word, silencing the ones arguing. Starlight looked up to see the ent in the middle staring into her eyes.

"This brings me sorrow, small pony." The middle ent spoke with a femine voice. "But with thine discovery of our home, we can not allow thine self to leave."

Starlight's eyes widened. 'Does that mean they're going to...'

"We must return thou to nature in thine pure form." 'They're going to kill me.'

Starlight frantically looked around her cage for any means of escape. 'Even if I could get out of this cage, what would I do then, there's a whole city of ents out there. Where's Grey?' just as the thought graced her mind there was a loud bang on the closed double doors behind her.

The doors opened to reveal Grey and the ent helping them. Starlight was so relieved she could've cried.

The ents dealing with Starlight spoke, seemingly surprised. Grey and the other ent approached. Grey looked highly sophisticated, a large, grey cape draped over his right shoulder. The friendly ent spoke in a very aggressive way, resulting in one of the guard like ents to raise his sword-like arm. Starlight had no idea what was going on, but Grey raised his arm before forming his long lance-like weapon. As soon as that happened the four ents, flanking the one that sentenced Starlight, dropped to their knee. The middle spoke once more before Grey lowered his arm, returning to normal. The guard then lowered his own arm and turned to Starlight. Sweat beads forming on her forehead. She started to panic as the guards hand reached down to her, however, her panic was relieved when her cage was opened.

"Starlight... follow me... quickly." Grey directed, softly. Starlight scrambled to Grey's side, following him closely as they exited the giant structure. The two guards escorting them out to the streets.

As the walked Starlight felt a headache coming on and rubbed her head.

"Are you... okay?" Grey asked, noticing his companions discomfort.

"Yeah, I'm..." She paused as her heart rate rose exponentially for no reason. Her headache was replaced with panic. "Somethings wrong." She glanced up to the sky as dark clouds formed a circle above them.

Grey looked up to see what his friend was so concerned about. What could be seen of the sky through the clouds shifted to a green glow.

"WE MUST GO, WITH HASTE!" Their friend shouted. The three went to run, but lost their balance and fell as a green bolt of lightning struck the ground behind them. They turned back to see a sickly green portal ripping the air itself apart. The portal spat out three orbs of the same green glow, as they collided with the ground, they formed into horrifying creatures with razor sharp claws.

Starlight was stunned, she couldn't find the strength to break her terror bound trance. That was until she was hoisted off the ground, into Grey's arms. The two Ents raced away towards the study.

Bolt after bolt of green lightning fell upon the city, ripping more holes in air. Beast after beast was spat from the portals, starlight watched as ents were slaughtered. But they weren't going down without a fight, especially since many of them could form their own weapons out of their very arms.

"That is the door, make haste!" Their friend shouted.

As the trio got close to the building's door a bolt of lightning struck right infront of them, knocking the ents to the ground and launching Starlight from Grey's arms.

Grey rose to his feet with speed and formed his lance.

Starlight looked up to see Grey facing off against a portal that spat out green orbs.

Three monsters surrounded Grey, they let out a blood curdling screech and charged him simultaneously. Grey thrusted his arm right through the face of one of the monsters, making is explode into the puddle of goo. Grey then used his other arm to knock back another monster, but that left him open to the third. It slashed its claws deep into Greys side. He let out a grunt before cleaving the monsters head clean off with the tip of his lance.

Starlight was amazed at how much force Grey could put into his swing. Grey had his back to the monster he knocked over, which used the opportunity to slash at his exposed back, tearing chips of his bark off. Grey fell forward to the ground, he quickly rolled over to face his attacker only to watch a teal bolt of light blast through the side of its head. It promptly screeched and exploded to goo. Grey looked to his left to see Starlight with her hands outstretched and the same teal light covering her hands.

"Quickly!" They heard the voice coming from the door and looked to see the other ent waving them in. They wasted no time following him inside and up to his study.

"Grey, do you have the translation?" Starlight asked as she stood infront of the orb of pony magic.

"I... do." He responded, standing next to her. "What... do we do... now?"

"I'm going to pour my magic into the orb, they should feel it on the other side and, together, we should open the portal... hopefully." Starlight explained with a sigh.

"The mother of nature is with you, Atrocinerea." Grey looked back to see the ent that proved very helpful.

"I could... use your help... in the future... friend." Grey spoke, reaching out his hand as an offer.

The ent chuckled. "Mine time is now, not then." A wind picked up as Starlight had succefully opened the portal. A loud screech echoed from outside.

"More are coming, make haste, Atrocinerea." The ent stated.

Grey and Starlight looked to each other before stepping into the portal. A loud crash came from behind them, they looked back to see more monsters rushing into the room. They last thing they saw was their friend being cut down before the portal swallowed them, taking them back to the future.