• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 15,261 Views, 99 Comments

Turtles of Equestria - Wildcard25

The turtles and their human friends have been to New York, Space, and Camp, now they enter a whole new world populated by pony folk and many other types of creatures.

  • ...

Team Up

It was one afternoon in Ponyville, at Twilight's castle the girls, Spike, and their guests from New York were currently busy setting up the dining hall for a party. Rarity was tying ribbons around making sure each one was tied in a perfect bow. Twilight, Starlight, April, and Applejack were busy setting the table. The turtle/pony brothers were cleaning up, while Leo and Raph made sure Mikey wasn't slacking off.

"Everything's looking good, guys." Twilight stated.

"Thanks. So who's coming to this party anyway?" Leo inquired.

"Just some other close friends of ours." Twilight answered.

"And some you haven't met yet." Spike added.

"Anything we should know about them, just in case?" Karai inquired.

"Well, one of them is still new to friendship." Spike explained.

"Do we even wanna know?" Raph asked.

"You'll find out," Twilight began, "And, Raph, don't take this the wrong way, but when they get here don't start anything."

"Why're you telling me this?" Raph asked feeling irked.

"Maybe because you have a habit of picking fights for no reason." Sunset reminded him.

"Not all the time!" Raph argued.

"Yeah, pretty much all the time." Donnie answered bluntly.

Raph growled, as he got into Donnie's face, until Leo came between them, "All right, enough!"

"Well, if I have to behave myself then so does Mikey." Raph said.

"Hey, I behave myself." Mikey argued.

"No you don't." his brothers answered collectively.

Pinkie jumped into the room, "They're here! They're here!" Everyone looked and saw entering was four individuals. One they recognized as Sunburst, another was a unicorn who April recognized as a certain girl she bunked with at Camp Everfree, a bright green and orange insect creature, and a blue dragoness, "Welcome, everypony... And dragon." Twilight greeted, as the dragon smirked.

"Thorax! Ember!" Spike ran up to the dragoness and insect creature.

"Good to see you, Spike." the being identified as Thorax hugged him.

"Yeah. Good to see ya." the dragoness named Ember said, as she awkwardly tried wrapping her arms around Spike, but eventually hugged him.

"You're getting there." Spike commended her.

"Sunburst! Trixie!" Starlight hugged her two friends.

"It's great to see you, Starlight." Sunburst greeted her.

"As always." Trixie added.

Fluttershy looked around, "Anybody seen Discord?"

Suddenly Trixie's hat was raised up to reveal Discord had been squatting on Trixie's head while hiding underneath her hat, "Right here," Trixie shrieked, as Discord dismounted and presented himself, "Discord has arrived!"

"He really knows how to make an entrance." Shini told Karai and April.

Twilight looked around, "Good to see you all could make it. Now allow me to go around and introduce everypony," she stood before her ninja allies, "These are friends of ours from another world. This is Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, Shinigami, and Sunset Shimmer."

The ninjas waved and greeted in their own ways. The Princess of Friendship continued, "And these are some of our closer friends. You already know Sunburst and Discord. This is Thorax; King of the Changelings. This is Princess Ember; Lord of the Dragons. And this is..."

"Trixie!" the group gasped.

"Oh, so you have heard of the great and powerful Trixie, have you?" Trixie asked smugly.

"Sort of." April replied.

"A pleasure to finally meet you all," Thorax began, "Twilight's told me so much about you in her letters."

"Yeah, she told me you four are mutants was it?" Ember asked the brothers.

"She's right, though where we're from we're not ponies." Donnie explained.

"We're actually turtles." Leo added.

"Right." Ember replied.

And so both sides eagerly got to know one another, "So, Thorax, you're the leader of the changeling race?" Karai asked.

"That's right. Thanks to Starlight, Trixie, Discord's help I was able to overthrow our former Queen and become the new leader."

Leo spoke, "Twilight told us your kind has the ability to feed off love for power."

"That's true, but once we learned to share love we underwent a change." Thorax posed as an example.

"She also said you changelings have the ability to change into others?" Donnie asked.

"That's right." Thorax confirmed, as he started changing shape into everyone in the room one by one.

"Dude, shape shifting is so metal!" Casey cheered.

"And cool!" Mikey said, as he was posing and moving around weirdly, while Thorax who changed into Mikey was mirroring his movements no matter how awkward they were. Suddenly there was a loud knock as the castle doors, "Oh! That'll be our grub. Be right back." he left to get their food.

"I'll come with." Pinkie followed Mikey.

Raph and April were speaking to Ember, "So it's thanks to Spike you became Dragon Lord?" April asked.

"Yeah. He went out of his way to do something no dragon would ever do for another dragon." Ember explained still feeling glad he did what he did.

"Yeah, Spike told us you dragons only think about eating, sleeping, and just pillaging." Raph noted.

"Raph!" April scolded.

"No. He's right," Ember admitted, "I mean for a long time we dragons had just always did the same and never considered that there's more to life than what we ever tried to know. But thanks to Spike, I'm learning about friendship and how to express my emotions. Which is something I never really do."

"But it works." Thorax nudged her.

Discord popped in, "Oh, yes. I find bottling up emotions and not telling anypony what's really on your mind is just uncouth."

"Tell me about it." Starlight groaned from the memory, while Trixie shuddered.

Suddenly Mikey and Pinkie came back carrying some pizza boxes, "Pizza time, guys!" Mikey cheered, grabbing everyone's attention.

"All right! I'm famished." Thorax said eagerly.

Spike nudged Ember, "You're gonna love this, Ember. It's a favorite in the turtles world."

"If you say so, Spike." Ember answered, feeling willing to open to new things.

Soon, everyone was seated at the table, as Mikey was holding the first pizza in his hands, "Yes, friends, the new Turbo Ginsu! Whoo-hoo!" he tossed it up in the air. Leo started using his swords to slice and dice the pizza into perfect slices that was each landing on everyone's plate. This in turn left everyone impressed at Leo's sword skills, "It dices, it slices...and yet makes French fries in three different-" suddenly a slice each landed on Twilight and Rarity's heads, "Whoops!" Mikey and Leo cringed.

"Oohh my hair!" Rarity cried, as some like Discord, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Trixie, Spike, and Ember laughed.

Twilight groaned, noticing Trixie and Discord seemed to be laughing at her misfortune more than Rarity's. Leo spoke to the two ponies, "Sorry about that Twilight. Rarity." he said sheepishly.

Twilight answered, as she levitated the slice off her head, "It's alright Leo. No harm done."

Rarity groaned as she levitated her slice off, before getting her makeup kit out and prepped herself, "Yes...No harm done indeed."

"Eat while it's hot and sticky!" Mikey cheered, as they began eating.

As Ember bit into her slice, her eyes lit up, "Wow. This is actually very good."

"Told ya." Spike said, as they ate.

"Well, at least Ember's finally eating the food and not the castle." Twilight whispered to Starlight who giggled sheepishly.

Meanwhile in Blade's lair, the mutant pony was looking through the grimoire he acquired learning more spells and magic from it to make him stronger. He was soaking in the dark magic from it, until he felt a surge in his magic, "Something is on the move." He summoned a magic screen and saw a small swarm of regular changelings flying for Ponyville, and among them he spotted a bigger and familiar one, "Well, what do you know?" he smirked.

Back at the castle, Spike spoke to Ember, "So, Ember, how're things with ruling the dragons?"

"Pretty good. Thorax was right, letting my feelings show in a calmer manner is getting through to most of the dragons about how I feel about things." Ember admitted.

"That's good to hear." Twilight smiled.

"So what about you, Thorax?" Spike asked, "Are your subjects continuing to question your ruling?"

"Not as much," Thorax admitted, "I did what Ember told me to do by being more assertive and showing I can be a strong and effective ruler."

"Sounds like progress to me." Applejack noted.

"Yeah. Unfortunately, there are still some changelings out there still loyal to Chrysalis." Thorax sighed.

"Don't worry, Thoax," Ember began, "If you ever see them, use some of that assertiveness I taught you and eventually they'll crack down and join you."

"Huh. Sounds like my kind of method," Raph admitted, "You're all right, Ember."

"Thanks." Ember smiled.

"Well, if I were you Thorax I'd just simply resort to making them follow you against their will," Discord explained, "I mean when I did it to the girls it worked wonders, and Starlight made it work like a charm too."

"Discord, we really don't have to talk about that right now." Starlight said feeling uncomfortable.

"Killjoy." Discord grumbled, while crossing his arms.

"Well, it's nice to see the both of you are proving to be affective rulers in your own ways." Leo said.

"Yeah. I'm still managing the new Foot Clan, so I can relate." Karai added.

Everyone continued to enjoy getting to know one another until, Pinkie gasped, "Oh, no! Girls, my knee is feeling pinchy!"

"So?" Ember asked in confusion.

"It means something scary is about to happen!" Pinkie cried.

"Is she serious?" Ember asked the group.

"Very serious." Rarity confirmed.

"We better see what this is about." Leo said, as they got up.

"Allow me." Discord snapped his digits and they were outside the castle, and could hear screams of fright coming from town.

"Something really must be scary if we can hear screams from here." Shini said.

"We better check it out. Come on." Leo ordered, as they all headed for town.

When they reached town, to their shock they saw many unchanged changelings swarming around sucking out love from innocent ponies, "Changelings!" Twilight gasped.

"Guess these are those non reformed ones?" Donnie asked Thorax.

Thorax nodded and called out, "Stop!" the changelings ceased their swarming and turned to their brother, "What do you all think you're doing?!" he demanded.

"This does not concern you, Thorax." one hissed.

"I am the changeling leader now, it concerns me most." Thorax explained still making sure to keep up his toughness.

"Our true leader is Chrysalis, and she will always be our leader." another rogue hissed.

"Don't you understand? She only wants you to think what she wants you to believe." Starlight tried to help them see reason.

Suddenly a familiar voice spoke, "You heard them. They know where their loyalties reside." descending down from above was Chrysalis looking as sadistic as ever.

"Whoa." Leo gasped.

"That's the changeling Queen?" April asked.

"And I thought Dregg was gross to look at." Raph gagged.

"That is sick and not in a good way." Casey feared.

"No kidding." Ember agreed.

Chrysalis peered around taking note of the new faces mixed with familiar ones, "And who have we here?"

Leo stepped forward, "We are ninjas, and if you're here to cause trouble, well I can promise you we won't let that happen."

"What he said." Mikey added.

"You're joking, right?" Chrysalis asked not feeling intimidated.

"We don't joke." April assured her, while activating her magic.

"You can leave quietly or by force." Twilight gave her the options.

"How about you leave quietly or by force?" Chrysalis turned the question on her and the others.

"Get her!" Raph shouted, as they went into battle while the rogue changelings defended their Queen.

Ember and Spike were blowing fire at some of the insect creatures, making them back off, but flew around to attack them. Before they could Mikey jumped in shouting, "Booyakasha!" he nailed the two knocking them to the ground.

Ember looked at the party dude and asked, "Booyakasha? What's that supposed to mean?"

Karai who dodged an aerial attack from a changeling answered her, "I asked that myself."

Mikey answered, "Doesn't have to mean anything. It's just fun to shout. Go on try it."

Ember seeing a changeling coming at her. She fought it before shouting, "Booyakasha!" she spat fire at her target that fell to the ground looking burned, "Huh, that did feel good to shout." Ember admitted.

"Told ya so." Mikey said, as they resumed fighting.

"Goongala!" Casey knocked some exploding hockey pucks at three changelings that exploded resulting in their senses being distorted. The pegasus vigilante flew in and swatted them with his goalie stick, "Oh, yeah!"

"Goongala?" Thorax pondered, "Now there's a battle cry I can get behind."

As Leo, Twilight, and Starlight fought Chrysalis, the so-called Queen was using her own magic to try and blast at them, but they were too quick. Chrysalis then changed into Leo and fought him hand to hand. Leo spoke to her, "You changelings may be able to take on anypony's form. Even mine. But you don't have my skills!" he used his ninjitsu to overpower her and knocked her into a tree.

Chrysalis resumed her real form and growled, "Lucky shot."

"Is it luck?" Twilight asked, as she flew at Leo's side, "Because to me it's just you relying so hard on deception and love stealing you have no power of your own."

"We gave you a chance, but you ignored it." Starlight reminded her.

"I will never be swayed by your words!" Chrysalis hissed, "Show no mercy, changelings!" The changelings banned together and were ready to attack together, until coming out from the shadows were Blade's Dusk Ninjas, "What?" the Queen gasped.

"The Dusk Ninjas?" Karai asked in confusion.

"Oh, great." Donnie sighed.

"Fighting one army was bad enough." Raph added.

Chrysalis frowned at the Dusk Ninjas, "Away with you fools!" she ordered but they did not budge.

"They don't take orders from you, Chrysalis." came a voice, as Blade Swipe walked onto the scene.

"Who is that guy?" Ember asked the ninja.

"His name's Blade Swipe," Sunset explained, "He's a ninja and a mutant like the turtles. Except he's not from their world."

Chrysalis turned her attention towards Blade, and spoke to him, "This has nothing to do with you. So I suggest you get lost."

"Pretty big words from a washed up queen." Blade snarked.

"Washed up?!" Chrysalis asked taking offense.

"That's right. Look at yourself. You were the Queen of an entire race and they've deserted you because they wised up and saw you're nothing. Now look at you, a pitiful parasite roaming Equestria trying to pick up any stragglers who've yet to open their eyes to the truth. It's so sad it's pathetic. And I'm sure everypony here questions why they were ever scared of you."

"Oh, snap! Burn." Mikey chuckled with Casey.

Chrysalis frowned, "You dare speak to me in that tone? I think it's time I showed you who is the true wash-up." She engaged Blade who fought her hand to hand, while dodging any magic blasts from her horn.

Blade called to his minions, "Attack the changelings, but do no harm to the others!" The Dusk Ninjas engaged the rogue changelings, much to everyone's surprise.

"Am I seeing things, or are they helping us?" Rainbow asked.

"If you're seeing things, then so am I." Applejack replied.

"Let's not complain, and use this to our advantage." April replied, as she used her magic to throw her tessen whacking into the face of one changeling.

So both teams fought side by side against the rogue changelings, while Blade fought Chrysalis. Taking them by surprise, Leo and Twilight jumped in to assist their supposed enemy, "Not that we're ungrateful, Blade, but what's your game here?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, why're you helping us?" Leo inquired.

"You are familiar of the phrase 'The enemies of my enemy is a friend', right?" he asked, "Well, let's just say I despise her for all the trickery and deception she's committed. Everypony looked to me as a monster, but there are worse ones out there." he glared at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis dove down at them, as the three used their weapons to block her horn strikes, before pushing her back. Chrysalis looked around before spotting two fillies named Toola Roola and Coconut Cream. She smirked and flew from her spot in their direction. Twilight and Leo seeing her game, called out to the fillies, "Girls, get away from there!"

The two seeing Chrysalis on top of them screamed in fright. Chrysalis was about to blast them with her magic, only for Blade to slide onto the scene and used his blade to deflect the blast elsewhere. The two kids looked up at Blade in shock, before he spoke to them, "Quickly run!" the two ran for cover, as Blade channeled lightning magic into his sword and fired a blast at Chrysalis throwing her off balance.

Taking advantage of the situation, Starlight blasted her from behind with a magic blast distorting her even more. Karai galloped in before shifting into snake mode. She hissed before launching herself at Chrysalis wrapping herself around the queen's body

With the final touch, Leo jumped in and delivered a punch to her face sending her crashing down onto the ground. She groaned and saw Leo and Blade standing above her triumphantly, while noticing her followers were defeated as well, but remained standing. Blade turned to them, "Take a look at your so called queen, changelings. Defeated in such a manner after talking such a big game. Is this really somepony you want for your leader?"

"That was a very pathetic defeat." one admitted.

"Even I lasted longer than her." another added.

"But who will we follow?" a third asked.

"I think you're better off following the new ruler of your kind," Blade motioned to Thorax, "After all, you notice how strong he was when fighting you. If that's not a fitting ruler then what is a fitting ruler?"

The changelings turned to Thorax, "We would be willing to join you, but can we really change like the others?"

"Give it a try," Thorax began, "Share love instead of taking it."

"Don't you dare!" Chrysalis ordered.

The changelings looked to her with disgust as they shared love like the other changelings and transformed into the new changeling forms like the rest. They looked at each other and smiled feeling better than ever. Blade turned to Chrysalis looking smug, "Your stragglers have wised up. Question is now can you?"

Twilight, Starlight, and the others surrounded her, as Starlight spoke, "We gave you the chance to join us. Even though you rejected our offer, it still stands even to somepony like you."

"Your call, Chrysalis." Leo told her.

Chrysalis frowned, "I'd rather go to Tartarus than join you! Enjoy your victory while you can. But mark my words, I will be back!" she vanished.

"She's got issues." Ember told the group.

"No kidding." Shini agreed.

Blade sheathed his weapon, as Toola Roola and Coconut Cream approached, "Uh, Mr?" Toola Roola began.

Blade Swipe looked down at him, and to his surprise saw them smiling at him. Coconut Cream spoke happily, "Thank you so much for saving us."

Blade was taken aback by their words, but cleared his throat and acted professional, "It was nothing." the two fillies hugged his hoofs legs before galloping off. Blade watched still feeling moved by their show of kindness, until Leo spoke up.

"Thanks for your help, Blade. We really appreciate it."

Blade turned back to Leo and this others scowling, and answered, "Don't mistake my actions for being helpful. I didn't do it for any of you. I did it for myself. Nothing more."

"You can say that all you want, but lying to yourself gets you nowhere." Sunset called him out.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Blade denied.

"Sunset Shimmer is right, Blade, "April started, "What you did back there, saving those fillies, and convincing the changelings to join Thorax. That doesn't sound like somepony who has given up hope."

"There is good in you, Blade. And you know it." Twilight added. Blade glanced away.

"Dude, you don't' have to be ashamed of it." Casey noted.

"They're right. You don't have to close yourself off anymore." Karai put in.

"Join us, Blade. We can help you." Leo offered his hand to Blade.

Blade looked to Leo's hand and to the others who were hopeful. Unfortunately, Blade never gave Leo his hand, "Next time we meet it won't be as allies. Ninjas, we're leaving!" he ordered, before vanishing along with his army.

Leo sighed, as Twilight comforted him, "Don't worry, Leo. There's still a chance."

Ember groaned, as she fell to the ground, "Ember!" Spike called, as he went to her, "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, but one of those changelings bit me in my leg hard." she groaned, while looking at her leg.

"Here, let me take a look," Twilight said, as she went to Ember's leg and spoke to her, "I can fix this. But you need to hold still and relax," Ember did so, as Twilight used her magic to give herself aura hands and started the healing hands technique, "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen." suddenly Ember's leg started healing, and she got up.

"Hey! My leg is all right. What'd you do?" she asked the Princess.

"A technique taught by a friend." she smiled at Leo who blushed.

"I wish I could do that technique." Trixie said enviously.

"Don't worry, Trixie, I can teach you it." Starlight offered, much to Twilight's ire.

The changelings kneeled before Thorax, "We shall humbly live by your side, King Thorax." they spoke to him.

"Thank you. You've all made a wise choice, and I assure you it was not the wrong one." Thorax promised.

"So now that we're all friends here, can we go back to the palace and finish our pizza?" Mikey asked.

"Sounds good to me." Raph admitted.

"Same here." Sunburst agreed.

"So let's go," Discord began, "Last one there is a smelly egg!" he zipped off, followed by the others racing after him.

Meanwhile back at Blade's lair, the mutant pony placed his weapon against a wall, as the crow flew in and spoke, "Don't think I didn't see what went on in Ponyville."

Blade looked at him, "Sometimes I wonder if you're more hawk than crow."

"I noticed what you did with those children and I still question if you're truly serious and no longer care about pony kind." the bird questioned him.

"I acted on impulse." Blade argued.

"Was it impulse? Or are they right and you still have hope that ponies would accept you?" the crow continued to pry. Blade out of anger grabbed a ninja star and threw it at the crow who flew away before it could impale him, "Did I touch a nerve?"

"Watch yourself," Blade warned the bird, "The next time we meet I will not hesitate to destroy them."

"I'll hold you to it." the crow flew off, leaving Blade to himself who was trying to put his heroic act out of his head.