"An independent study program?!" I said out loud to myself as I sat in my dorm. "Why didn't I see this before? This is gonna be perfect for my senior year next year. Let's see..."
I read through the requirements which I fit each one except for a research project of my choosing. So much for that. Where am I going to get an impressive idea for a research project?
As I leaned back in my computer chair to think, I noticed something outside the window that sparked an idea. Twin rainbow ribbons spiraling straight up toward the sky until they met, where they joined into one then moved toward the ground and then straight up into the sky again.
"What is that?" I said in awe.
Then it hit me. That was my research project. I needed to find out what it was and where it came from.
The next day, I looked online for any information on the phenomenon that I witnessed in my dorm. The only thing I found was some physics lab registered an EM fluctuation coincided with the exact times that the rainbow event (for lack of words) happened.
I'm going to need some kind of equipment to track those EM waves, I thought excitedly. That might be a little expensive though. Maybe I could check YouTube to see if there's a way to build one myself.
I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost noon. Lunchtime. The time where everyone the whole darn school gangs up on you and the adults just stand there while you get picked on.
I made my way slowly through the hallways to the cafeteria trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. As much as I tried to keep from running into other people, they would move closer to me and intentionally ram their hips or arms into me. I'll be honest, it hurts emotionally. Especially since I never did anything to them.
I finally reached the cafeteria and got my lunch. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn and 2% milk. I went over to my usual corner to sit alone and was soon joined by Double Danger and her lackeys.
"You gonna eat that Twilight Dork-le?" she laughed.
"Um, yeah I had planned on it. Why?" I asked, knowing good and well she was up to something.
"Let's add a little flavor to this," said one of her friends.
"Hey! Give that back!" I yelled as her friend grabbed my carton of milk and began pouring it on my food. "Stop that!" I said as I began to cry.
"Oh I'm so sorry," Sour Sweet said as I got up and ran back to my dorm crying my eyes out.
"It's not fair, Spike," I cried to my purple haired dog. "The teachers, the cafeteria staff, even Principal Cinch has seen how the other students treat me. No one does anything."
Spike looked at me and whimpered as he tried to comfort me the best way a dog could.
"Just because I'm smart and get the highest scores, is that any reason to pick on me?" I continued to talk to my dear pet as a tear rolled down my cheeks.
Someday I'll show all of them, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.
Twilight Sparkle, please report to the front office!
After getting permission to leave the classroom, I ran as quick as I could to the office. It had been two weeks since I ordered the equipment for my project. Hopefully, that's what I was being called for.
I entered the office and sure enough, there were three large packages addressed to me. My level of excitement was at an all-time high.
"Twilight? Can you tell me what all this is for?" Dean Cadence asked me.
"It's for a research project, Dean Cadence," I responded with a big smile.
"What is the research project for?" she asked.
"For my entrance application to the Everton Independent Study Program," I cheered.
"Okay," Dean Cadence began slowly. "Do your parents know about this interest in Everton?"
"Sure they do," I told her. "That's how I was able to get this equipment. Hehe."
"All right. Please try to get these boxes to your dorm as quickly as possible," Dean Cadence told me.
"Sure thing," I replied as I grabbed one of the boxes.
I was so excited when classes got done for the day. It was probably the only time I can remember almost tripping over my own feet to get back to my dorm.
"This is it, Spike," I said with a huge grin on my face. "I can finally start recording the data I need for my research project. This is so exciting."
I got all the equipment set up, started the recorder and waited. And waited. And waited some more. I sat and stared at the recorder for five or six hours straight with nothing appearing on it.
"I hope I get something from this, Spike," I told him. "If that turned out to be a one-time thing, mom and dad are going to kill me for having them buy this stuff for nothing."
"Arf! Arf!" replied Spike.
Weeks passed with nothing happening. No detection of strange energy. No visuals of rainbow spirals. Nothing.
Then one day when I got back to my dorm from my morning classes, I found Spike inside going crazy. I couldn't figure out what he was so upset about. Sometimes I wish he could talk.
Then I saw it. The recorder had about fifteen minutes worth of data on it. No wonder Spike was so excited. I dropped my books on the floor with a thud and ran over to the computer to see if I could find the source.
"It looks like it came from somewhere in Canterlot," I said, adjusting my glasses. "But where? Hopefully, I'll be in here the next time it happens."
I tore the paper off the recorder and tacked it to my bulletin board and wrote the date and time on it. I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be the last time these readings were going to appear.
I didn't have to wait long for the next occurrence of the EM energy to appear. The next day when I was in the middle of my calculus homework when I heard the monitor beeping. So I quickly switch on the laptop to the tracking program and managed to find the source: Neon Light's Music Outlet.
I took the bus to Canterlot the next day to see if anyone that worked at the music store knew anything. I walked up to the counter to talk to the clerk. She had pale white skin, short blue hair, magenta tinted sunglasses and headphones.
"Hi, um, I'm Twilight Sparkle," I nervously said. "I'm doing a research project at Crystal Prep Academy and I was wondering if anything strange happened here in last couple days."
The clerk looked at me and gave a thumbs up.
"Great! Can you tell me what happened?" I asked her.
She gave me another thumbs up, pretended to play the guitar, made a flapping motion with her arms and made pretend ears with her index fingers. I stood there confused, wondering why couldn't she just tell me in words. I wanted to ask her if she was able to talk but I didn't want to possibly offend her.
"Um, thanks," I told her, not knowing what else to say. She gave me another thumbs up before pulling out her phone and showing me a picture of a girl with rainbow colored hair.
"Is this who was behind the strange event here?" I asked.
The girl responded with a fourth thumbs up and a smile.
"Thank you for your time. It was nice chatting with you," I told the clerk as I headed out the door.
"Space Case Sparkle. Heard anything from your home planet lately?" Double Danger teased as I got back to Crystal Prep.
"I'm not from another planet," I said weakly. "Just leave me alone, please."
"Not going to cry this time?" she continued to tease. "I thought all your species cried."
As hard as I tried to keep from crying, it just wasn't enough. I slowly walked past her and her group trying to keep my obvious tears hidden.
I can't wait to leave, I thought sadly.
I like. I really like.
8102427 Thank you.
I never understood why every student at CPA was such a jerk towards Sci-Twi or why they always got away with it. And I was really disappointed when Sci-Twi didn't went for revenge during her Midnight Sparkle transformation.
8102448 If you remember, Midnight Sparkle was more interested in collecting all the magic in Equestria. So with her ripping holes in the space-time continuum she was sort of getting her revenge indirectly.
i disagree, i think in this story Twilight should get some pay back on the shadow bolts, and Cinch more directly please.
yes that true but i think she wanted to transfer t that other school to get away fromthe Bullying shame at Candance for not notcing all this was going on!
I really hope in this story she gets paypack even a small amount directed at them will teach, actions have Conqunces!
It´s a good start to the story and it´sactually nice that you expand on the more tamer examples of bullying presented in the movie since it wasn´t really that severe and it will create a good connection between Sunset and Twilight later on. The only problem I had was that while you did good with the cafeteria sceen and the hallway bullying, the last part about the diffrent species were a little bit childish... They are suppose to be what 16-18 of age? I just reminded me of something someone from a elementary school would use as a bully method and not something a highschooler would go for. Maybe it just me though, every bully case doesn´t have to start with heavy abuse and mental scarring. i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/638/600/6ff.jpg
8103986 The name calling and personal, childish insults never stop with some bullies, no matter their age. That's why the last bit is there. As far as any heavy bullying in the story goes, I have plans for that in a later chapter.
8104034 Meh, that´s true I suppose.
Look at you, getting me all excited and shit. Let us see if you can earn yourself another dark tag shall we! 68.media.tumblr.com/f8d306007614d5c2bdddd86fdfbc94e0/tumblr_nna5xeJO681t9sksvo1_400.gif
So, this will more than likely be the Friendship Games told from SciTwi's POV? As well as her transfer, meeting the others, and growing a fondness for Sunsets?
8110917 Most of it. Later on will have Sunset and SciTwi having a difficult time getting along.
Alright you got me. I'll be waiting for the next chapter. And I best see the next chapter
8162527 The next chapter is with my editor right now. The following chapter will probably be ready for editing within the next 24 hours.
8162627 good.. Good
8162634 Lol.
Really... instead of expecting someone to do something why don't she do something?
I heard shooting the school was the new mania sweeping the States.
Ok, that was uncalled for but people that expect others to do something for then instead of taking matters on their own hands, even if in the figurative sense like going trough the burocracy of filling complaints with the police, annoy the shit out of me... there is aways something you can do you just have to want to do it.
wow those Crystal Prep students...
I gotta hand it to them... THEY’RE A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES!!!!
9051522 You think they're bad now, wait until I get the story gets rewritten.
Yikes. I remember being bullied like that before.
Ooh, Twily's showing her mad scientist side! j/k
Wow. Talk about taking Emotional Abuse to another level. No wonder Twilight left Crystal Prep after the Friendship Games. No one deserves to be treated like that.