• Published 1st Mar 2017
  • 2,975 Views, 28 Comments

Is He Really A Savage? - fluttercordlover232

What would happen if Discord got shot with Nighthowler serum?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Author's Note:

I'm planning on one more chapter! possibly two! Not sure yet...

Fluttershy was starting to lose all the hope she had of anypony hearing her cries and coming to her aid. Tears were streaming down her face like a waterfall, but not because of the pain the scratches and bites that covered her body caused, but because her own husband had turned on her and was going to kill both her, and her unborn son. And the worst part, was that it wasn't even her husband anymore. It was a demon that had possessed Discord's body.

This is it then...This is how I am to end...

Fluttershy thought to herself as she saw the beast's jaws parted to deliver the killing bite to her throat. She shut her eyes tight, waiting for the death she was sure was coming...

All of a sudden, the shrill sound of whistles pierced through the air. The beast looked up from where it was looming over her with it's ears perked to attention.

Two police stallions burst through the trees, galloping towards them. When Officer Bizzies saw the creature standing over Fluttershy and the wounds the creature inflicted upon the poor mare, he fired an intense bolt of green magic from his horn.

Little did anypony know, it got hit with something else at that exact same moment...

The creature fell back from the impact the bolt of magic made in it's shoulder. It lost consciousness as the two cops ran over to the trembling Fluttershy.

"Uuugh..." Discord groaned. "Wha..what happened..."

Discord's claw immediately flew up to his right shoulder as pain shot down the entire length of his right arm. He lifted his claw carefully to see a wide, and deep red gash across his shoulder

Discord lifted his head to look around. His vision was blurry, but when he saw that Fluttershy was curled in a tight ball between two police ponies, he bolted to his feet.

"Fluttershy darling! are you alright?" He was shocked to see that she backed away as he approached. He frowned.

"Fluttershy, what's..." Discord reached for her with his claw, only for her to back away further.

As he held his claw out, he noticed the length of the long scratches all along her body. It was the exact length of his talons on his eagle claw....

Oh sweet Celestia no! Please say I didn't...

But the look in Fluttershy's eyes told him his worst fear has come true...

No..no no no no no no...

Discord stumbled away from her. The police stallions turned away from comforting the shaking Fluttershy and cautiously approached Discord. Officer Bizzies' horn glowed in warning.

Discord bolted. He wasn't thinking straight and couldn't focus on his magic to teleport. Just needing to get away...

Fluttershy watched the two police stallions chase after the creature that was once her husband. Watching as their figures disappeared into the trees on the other side of the garden.

So many things were reeling in Fluttershy's mind at that moment, like why did he seem so savage and wild one minute and sweet and tender the next? Why did he attack her? Not only that, but deliberately tried to kill her? Didn't he know who she was? Whose foal she was carrying?

Fluttershy thought that Discord's betrayal with Tirek hurt greatly, but the pain she felt back then was nothing compared to what she was feeling now. Both physically and emotionally.

Suddenly, all the adrenaline from the attack drained out of her like how Tirek had drained magic. She started to instantly feel the stinging pain the bites and scratches on her body caused that had been dulled by the adrenaline. But the ache in her heart hurt more than the wounds on her body...

She collapsed in a heap on the picnic blanket out of pure exhaustion. She buried her face in her hooves and began to cry her eyes out, both from physical and emotional pain.