• Published 11th Mar 2017
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Pokémon Eclipse - moviemaster8510

Two teenaged siblings, having moved to the Alola region from Kalos, set off to complete the famous Island Trials, only for wormholes to appear across the region once again, this time summoning creatures from a mystical world calling themselves ponies

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Chapter 7 – Battle and Breakfast

Sam felt a light slapping on his forehead, causing him to stir. Opening his eyes and expecting to see a dark room, he was mildly surprised to see bright sunlight streaming through the window behind him and his bed. The next thing he noticed was Honedge tapping his head with its scabbard. Sam smiled and put his hand on his forehead before his Pokémon could get another in. Honedge floated off to the side as Sam sat up in his bed, savoring the feeling of being fully rested. Looking around, the other three beds were empty, making him chuckle a little.

“Come on.” Sam spun to the side and made his way to the door. “Let’s hope Alice decided not to leave without us.”

Sam opened the bedroom door and expected to see Alice fully dressed with the ponies waiting in the living room, but was once again nonplussed to find that it too was empty. As he thought where they could be, Sam heard a faint sizzling sound coming from behind the kitchen door. Sam walked up to it and opened the door, his Honedge peering over his head.

Inside was Hau in his Kahuna attire at the stove, four small pancakes cooking on a large cast-iron skillet. Frying in the two pans on the left burners were five eggs and two pieces of toast, the rich, buttery scent wafting around the room. Sam continued scanning the room to find Alice sitting across from Fluttershy and Starlight at the dining area table. Tall glasses, coffee mugs, and plates, napkins, and silverware were already placed in front of them with a pitcher of juice on the table’s center, a glass bottle of syrup, a mound of butter sitting in a dish, and salt and pepper grinders beside it.

Alice smirked deviously as she noticed her brother stepping further inside. “Well, well, good morning, Sleeping Beauty.”

Sam simply waved to her as he quickened his pace to take his spot at the table, the ponies taking notice of him.

“Sam, good morning!” chirped Fluttershy. “You must have slept very well!”

“The best I’ve had in a long time,” Sam said. “Must be the Alolan weather.”

“Yes, good morning, Sam!” Hau flipped the pancakes, eggs, and toast with gusto, one after the other. “Sorry for having your Honedge wake you, but I didn’t want you to miss breakfast.”

“No, I thank you! Probably would have slept in all day if it weren’t for you.”

“I also poured you a coffee just a while ago. Black with sugar, right?”

After giving her a thankful nod, Sam sat down next to his sister, still feeling as though the room was empty. “Hey, where’s your Pokémon?”

“In the bathroom taking a bath.” Alice took a sip of her coffee. “Our Pokémon already ate, so don’t worry about feeding them.”

Sam took a sip of his own coffee, smiling that it was still quite hot. “Alright.”

Hau scooped up the four eggs from one of the pans with a spatula and put them on a plate. He then stacked up the pancakes and put them on a plate where six other pancakes sat. After scooping and stacking the toast from the last pan and putting it on another plate with three other pieces, he turned the oven off and grabbed all three pans by the handles with his gloved hands, placing them in the sink.

Flinging the gloves off his hands to the counter, he then took the toast and egg plates in his left hand and the pancakes in his right, practically gliding to the table where he set all the food down before his spot at the end of table.

“Plenty of food for everyone!” Hau began passing plates over to Alice, who took her equal share and arranged her pancakes, egg, and toast on her plate.

Sam did the same once the food came to him. As he was about to pass a plate to Fluttershy, all three dishes levitated towards the ponies, covered in a turquoise light. In a synchronized motion, the remaining pancakes, eggs, and pieces of toast came off the plates and landed in a neat arrangement on Fluttershy, Starlight, and Hau’s plates. Starlight then concentrated to stack the now empty plates and place them on the table in front of her.

“Thank you, Starlight,” said Fluttershy with a bow.

“Hey!” Sam exclaimed. “Your magic came back!”

“Starlight helped me set the table while I was cooking.” Hau gently patted her shoulder. “She’s a real help, she is. Now that we’re served…” Hau put his palms together and bowed over his plate. “Thank you for the meal!”

Alice and Sam, understanding the custom, also put their hands together and bowed. “Thank you for the meal!”

It took a bit longer for the ponies to catch on, but they put the bases of her hooves together and bowed. “Thank you for… the meal.”

As Sam began slathering his pancakes with a generous helping of butter, he watched as Starlight poked through her egg’s runny yolk with her toast and took a bite, smiling with closed eyes as she savored the taste.

“Once again, Hau,” she said, “everything’s delicious.”

“Mm, good.” Hau’s face was already stuffed with pancake.

“Pardon me for asking, but ponies actually eat eggs?” Sam made eye-contact as he drizzled his pancakes with syrup.

“Yes, we do,” answered Fluttershy. “Alice and I actually had an interesting talk about our diets while you were sleeping.”

“Oh…” Sam suddenly looked a bit uneasy, unsure if some of the details shared between them were a bit unsavory.

“If you’re worried about Starlight and I knowing if humans eat meat, you shouldn’t be. I fully understand that every animal requires certain foods for their diets, and humans are no different. Even a chicken’s egg has a lot of proteins that ponies thrive on.” Sam’s uneasy stare softened as Fluttershy’s words sunk in. “Now please, eat. I’m sure Hau would hate for your breakfast to get cold.”

“Uh… right.”

As Sam picked his egg up with his fork and put it upon his toast, he watched as Fluttershy thoroughly enjoyed her egg. Sam found it a bit easier to cut a piece of egg and toast with his knife and eat the yellow drippy bite.

Alice was dressed and packed, sitting at the couch staring at the bathroom door, her washed and dressed brother the only thing separating them from heading to the first trial site. She checked the time on her Pokédex, grunting to see that it was already quarter to 10.

“This is the last time I give you crap for not sleeping in,” she sighed.

The door finally opened, and Sam was fully dressed and equipped, taking a towel to his hair and then hanging it on the corner of the door. Alice bolted off the chair and stood beside her brother.

“Finally.” Alice gave a final stretch of her arms and hips. “Shall we get a move on?”

“After you.”

As the two of them stepped to the door, Hau came out from the kitchen, quickly blocking the door. “Hey, hold up there guys! There’s something I need to give you before you go off.” Alice and Sam couldn’t possibly know what it could be, so they stood still and silently. “You met Tapu Koko last night, and he let you take the ponies with you. He met with me last night, and it seems he wants to officially grant you his blessing.” He then placed both hands into his jacket pockets, Sam and Alice looking excited as to what might be inside. “It took me a bit of time last night to get these ready before you left this morning, but better now than later.”

Hau finally grabbed the contents in his jacket, the armbands wrapping around his hands, but upon opening them up, Alice and Sam’s eyes glowed brightly as if they were 10 years old again on Christmas morning. Two Z-Rings, looking exactly like the one Hau wore on his wrist, rested on Hau’s palms.

“No way,” Alice whispered in her shock. “A Z-Ring. These are ours?”

“Absolutely! Please, put them on!”

Sam and Alice, still reeling, slowly and gently took one from his hand, slipping it over the fingers, through the hand, and allowing it to snugly stay on the left wrist. Hau smiled warmly watching the two of them feel and fondle their gifts.

“Hau…” Sam’s voice could only elicit mild gasps. “I don’t know what to say!”

“You shouldn’t need to say anything. Now that you have your very own Z-Rings, you can now tackle the Island Trials properly.”

“Wow, just…” Alice herself was close to tears. “Thank you so very much, Hau!”

“Aw, shucks, don’t thank me!” Hau leaned to the side and put his hands over and behind his back, a wide toothy grin on his face. “Tapu Koko gave me the Sparkling Stones to make them, and he certainly wanted you to have them.”

Alice couldn’t help herself. With a single leap, she wrapped her arms around Hau’s back over his shoulders, nearly throwing him off balance.

“I’m still thanking you!” she laughed. “Oh my god, I have a Z-Ring! WOO!”

Starlight and Fluttershy came out from the bedroom, approaching the three humans.

“What’s going on out here?” Starlight asked.

“Well,” Sam boasted, holding his left wrist up, “if you thought Tapu Koko was bad then, you should see what he gave us!”

“So, that’s a Z-Ring?” asked Fluttershy. “What does it do?”

Alice had let go of Hau, allowing him to step up to the ponies and address them. “A Z-Ring is a special bracelet that allows its user and their Pokémon to activate their Z-Power and use Z-Moves.”

“Umm, sorry, but–”

“Right, right, my apologies! Z-Power is channeled through the Z-Ring through use of a Z-Crystal, which trainers receive as a token of victory after they’ve defeated a trial. The trainer’s Pokémon then unleash that Z-Power to use Z-Moves, which are super powerful moves that require the full energy of both the trainer and their Pokémon. You can only use one Z-Move per battle, and even then, it takes a lot out of you, so as you continue going on your journey, ensure you use your Z-Moves wisely.”

“Thank you, Hau.” Sam turned to the Kahuna and nodded to him. “We should get going soon.”

“Yes, of course! Have fun out– Oh! Hold on, I forgot something!”

Hau rushed back into the kitchen as Starlight and Fluttershy came forwards.

“So,” Starlight said, full of vigor, “where are we headed?”

“We?” Sam asked. “You’re coming with too?”

“What else would we be doing? Staying here and twiddling our hooves?”

“Well, I figured you and Fluttershy would stay here while the whole mess with the wormholes blows over. Plus, I’m certain your other friends aren’t on this island, so it’s not like you’d need to help us with anything.”

“No, but I figured if we’re stuck here in this world, we could at least see it in its fullest with you.”

“Plus,” Fluttershy added, “if there are more of these Pokémon like yours out there, I’d most definitely like to see them.”

“Sure!” Sam clearly understood Alice by the loudness of her voice. “That sounds like a great idea! Doesn’t it, Sam?”

“Uh, yeah, the more, the merrier!”

Hau came from the kitchen with two quartered sandwiches in plastic bags. “I made you some egg salad for lunch!” Hau tossed both bags to Alice and Sam, and they both caught them, putting them in their bags. “I couldn’t help but overhear Starlight and Fluttershy wanting to come with, so I divvied up the sandwiches for you to share.”

“Thank you again, Hau.” Alice said. “We really should get going now. If we do this right, we should be back in Iki Town before sundown.”

“Very nice. I hope you’ll have enough energy to face me in the Grand Trial.”

“We look forward to nothing else. Come on, let’s get going!”

Alice led the way and opened the door outside, the other three following her.

“Bye, Hau!” Fluttershy called.

“See ya’!” Sam spoke.

“Goodbye!” exclaimed Starlight.

Hau took in a deep breath and continued smiling. His exhale was deafening now that he was alone again. “Good bunch of kids,” he said to himself before retiring back to the kitchen.

Sam and Alice walked ahead through the canyon pass of Route 3, keeping an eye out for any trainers or Pokémon they would encounter along the way.

“Hmm.” Starlight’s voice was quiet and cautious. “The area’s not as populated as I thought.”

“You don’t think we’re scaring all the animals away, do you?” asked Fluttershy.

“With that voice?” Alice replied. “Not a chance. Even then, the fact we haven’t seen a wild Pokémon or a trainer is really weird.”

“Perhaps its for the best,” Sam said. “We want our Pokémon to be in their fittest shape for the trial.”

“I mean,” Alice said, “we should have at least one battle before the trial.”

“That seems fair, but we don’t want to tire out our Pokémon too much before then, especially if we want to face Hau too.”

“We have some time until we get there. Maybe you can find yourself a second Pokémon to add to your team too.”

Just then, a brown puppy much like the one Kukui had in his lab sped around a corner from the end of the canyon pass and stood defiantly in the middle, barking at them with a confident grin on its face. The loud, sharp cries and the echo through the canyon scared Fluttershy, making her leap up and behind her friends. Soon following the Pokémon out was a male trainer with cocoa skin and sandy-brown hair wearing a blue jacket with a wide, stiff collar and matching athletic shorts and strap-on running shoes.

“Sorry, about my Rockruff,” he said, kneeling down to gently hold it still and keep it quiet. “He likes to jump out in front of people and…”

His words trailed off as he looked to who he was talking to, meeting the eyes of Starlight and Fluttershy. Feeling his knees weaken, he sat on the ground and continued staring at the ponies.

“Wow,” he managed to get out, “what kind of Pokémon are those?”

“We’re not Pokémon.” Starlight stepped forward with her remark, causing the trainer to gasp. “We’re just trying to find our other friends.”

“Not Pokémon?” the trainer seemed quite perplexed with the words, as if they were in some foreign language. “But… that means… you were the ones that came from the wormhole!”

“That’s right,” Alice said, “and we’re trying to complete our Island Trials so we can get to the other islands to find them. Now, please let us on our way, unless…”

“…unless I want to challenge you to a battle? Looks like you guessed right.” The trainer got to his feet, feeling suddenly invigorated. “Who wants to go first? In fact, why don’t I take the both of you on together?”

“You really think that’s a good idea?”

“I don’t think of bad ideas. Yes, you and your friend, I’d like to see what the both of you got.”

“Uh…” Sam awkwardly stepped forward with an introductory wave. “I’m actually her brother, so–”

“Okay, then. Brother and sister bonding. I like it. Might I have your names before we begin?”

“Oh, uh, well, I’m Sam, and this is–”

“Alice,” she finished for him. “I have to thank you in advance for this fight. Our Pokémon would probably like to sharpen their claws before the Island Challenge.”

“Hohh,” sighed Fluttershy. “If only Pinkie Pie were here. She’d probably say something like, ‘Oooh, Alice with the sick lines,’ or ‘Wow, she so bad…’”

“Come on!” cheered Starlight. “You can do this!”

“Alright,” the trainer said, “my name is Makana, and you may want to remember that when I reach the top. Let’s go, Rockruff!”

The puppy yipped in excitement and juked itself around Makana’s legs and stood before him, ready to charge. He then took out another Poké Ball from his waist and threw it out beside his Rockruff.

“Come on out, Slowpoke!”

The ball opened up, and forming from the bright energy and standing on the ground was a pink, quadripedal creature with a big, long tail, vacant, pencil-thin eyes, and a fat, tan muzzle. Fluttershy looked at both of them with wonderment.

“Wow!” She was positively gushing. “Look at them!”

“Here,” Sam said, “if you want to learn about them.” Pulling out his Pokédex, he held the center screen over both Pokemon to scan them.

“Rockruff,” a robotic tenor voice sounded from the device, “the Puppy Pokémon. It's considered to be a good Pokémon for beginners because of its friendliness, but its disposition grows rougher as it grows up. Slowpoke, the Dopey Pokémon. It is always vacantly lost in thought, but no one knows what it is thinking about. It is good at fishing with its tail.”

“Amazing…” Fluttershy’s elation had not stopped.

“Interesting team,” commented Alice as she and her brother took a Poké Ball from their belts. “Go, Noibat!”

“Honedge, let’s do this!”

Upon throwing their balls, both Pokémon left and formed from them at the same time, staring down their opponents.

“Oh, neat!” Makana exclaimed. “You guys are from Kalos! This battle just got way more interesting.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet. Ready, Honedge?” Sam held out his arm with his hand stretched open, and with a clasp of his hand, Honedge floated still and straight, impressing Makana with a widening of his eyes.

“Alright, Honedge, use Shadow Sneak on the Slowpoke!”

At once, Sam reeled his arm and threw a punch toward the ground, Honedge following the movements perfectly as it swung to the ground in response. A black shadow beneath Honedge slithered across the ground right at Slowpoke. Once the shadow came beneath it, the shadow erupted from the ground and struck its target.

Sam kept his arm out to the side, Honedge at the same angle as the side of his fist. He watched as the Slowpoke swooned around and plopped onto its belly, panting as it struggled to get up.

“Oh!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “It isn’t hurt, is it?”

“Not too bad,” Makana responded. “Pokémon are pretty durable in battle, but they can tire out easily if hit with enough attacks.” He then smirked. “Rockruff, use Bite on his Honedge!”

With a bark, the small dog charged at Honedge, its teeth bared. Sam crossed his right arm over his left with a shout, prompting Honedge to form a defensive stance with his blade and scabbard in the form of an X. The Rockruff came beneath Honedge and leapt up, it’s teeth biting the center of cross from the bottom, making Honedge wince and emit a low-pitched whine.

“Quick!” Alice shouted. “Noibat, before Slowpoke attacks, use your Bite on it!”

With a few flaps in the air, Noibat gained altitude before swooping down and soaring in a beeline at the Slowpoke. Without a break in its speed, Noibat opened its maw and bit down on its shoulder, the force tackling them both to the ground. With the Slowpoke on its stomach, motionless, Noibat hopped off of it and flew back towards Alice.

“Pull…” Sam grunted, slowly easing his right arm off his left.

With a concerted squint, Honedge separated the blade from the sheath, slowly pulling the puppy’s bite apart, though its jaws still held tight. Sam then flicked his wrists in while pushing out with his arms, and Honedge rotated itself and flung the Rockruff off.

“Wow!” Starlight whooped. “Nicely done!”

As Rockruff, ran back to rejoin Makana, he pulled out Slowpoke’s Poké Ball and returned it inside.

“Thanks, man,” he whispered with sincerity.

“It will be okay, right?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, yeah. A revive and a super potion, and he’ll be right as rain in no time.”

“Potion?” Starlight asked. “Sam, Alice, are you sure that there isn’t magic in this world?”

“Magic?” Makana asked. “What is she talking about?”

“It’s a very long story,” Alice said. “Now, is your Rockruff all that’s left?”

“It is. Although, I don’t think your brother’s Honedge will surive another Bite.”

“Try us,” Sam said, to which Honedge responded with a threatening slash of its blade. Alice looked to her brother and smiled, glad to see her talk the previous night hadn’t gone to waste. “Okay, hit him with another Shadow Sneak!”

Sam punched the air below him and Honedge thrust itself to the ground, its shadow snaking itself out at the Rockruff and striking it from below once the shadow reached it. Rockruff went slightly airborne and rolled back to its paws upon hitting the ground.

“Let’s see if he’s right,” Makana said to himself. “Rockruff, give his Honedge another Bite!”

Rockruff bolted at Honedge, and Sam positioned himself defensively again, leading Honedge to assume its X-formation. Rockruff bit down hard again, and Honedge’s grunts of pain sounded more desperate, but it continued holding on. Alice and Sam looked to each other, Alice jerking her head up and back.

“Noibat,” she called, “get under Honedge.” As Noibat flew back around and between Sam and his Pokémon, Sam moved his arms up, and with another strained grumble, Honedge rasied itself up, taking Rockruff up so that its back paws were just barely touching the ground. “Now, use Aerial Ace!”

With a push off the ground, Noibat drove the bar of its right wing into Rockruff’s belly, pushing it off Honedge and sending it back with a yelp.

“Rockruff!” Makana shouted.

“Oh, wow!” Fluttershy spoke out.

The small dog rolled out along the ground, laying on its side upon stopping. However, it found the strength to get itself back up. Alice and Sam scoffed in disappointment.

“Alright!” Makana then pulled a red, plastic card from his pocket. “You’re the only one with another Pokémon with them, so send it out.”

“Wait,” Starlight said, looking around the battlefield, “what’s happening?”

“A Red Card,” Alice answered, pulling out Noibat’s ball from her belt. “Means I have to switch out my Pokémon when I hit him with a physical attack. You did great, Noibat!”

As it was brought back into its Poké Ball, Noibat squeaked happily. Returning her Pokémon’s ball to her belt, she took Pikachu’s ball and threw it out.

“It’s all you now, Pikachu!” she shouted, the energy that popped from the Poké Ball forming into the yellow rodent.

Makana smiled as her Pokémon squealed in anticipation. He then looked up at Honedge, who looked battered and spent, but still appeared resolute in finishing the battle.

“I’m truly impressed,” he said. “Your Honedge still stands. Now I’m certain he won’t last another attack.”

“That’s if your Pokémon outlasts ours,” Sam chuckled.


“Pikachu!” shouted Alice. “Quick Attack, now!”

With breakneck speeds, the Pikachu’s motions were just a zigzag shaped blur that formed straight at the Rockruff, Pikachu striking it against its head upon contact.

“Let’s do it, Honedge!” Sam called. “Finish him with one last Shadow Sneak!”

Honedge thrust itself down once again along with Sam’s arm as its shadow moved out along the ground toward Rockruff, who was still down from the last attack. Before it could get back up, the shadow struck Rockruff and sent it back to Makana’s feet, where it laid still on its back.

“Good going, brother,” Alice said, holding her left fist out.

“Nice teamwork, there,” he responded, bumping her fist with his right.

“So,” Starlight said, “that was a Pokémon battle…”

Makana picked up his pooch and cradled it in his right arm, placing a diamond-shaped object on its tongue, which melted on contact. Almost immediately, the Rockruff stirred out of unconsciousness and yipped happily at Sam, Alice and their Pokémon.

“Hmhmhm,” Makana giggled. “It seems Rockruff is thanking you two for a great battle.”

“Yes,” Alice said, “that actually got intense.”

“If you want, there’s a Pokémon Center at the bottom of the hill when you keep going. You can rest your Pokémon there before you take Ilima’s challenge.”

“We plan to,” Sam said, pulling out Honedge’s Poké Ball. “Honedge, amazing work out there, buddy.”

Honedge’s closed hilt eye implied joy as it was returned inside the ball. Alice too returned her Pikachu into its ball.

“You also keep those… er…”

“Ponies,” Starlight answered for him. “We’re called ponies.”

“Right. You two keep those ponies safe. I hope you find the others.”

“Thanks again, Makana,” Alice replied, making her way toward him. “See ya’ later.”

Sam and the ponies followed her and passed Makana, who watched them both as they both turned the bend and disappeared behind the side of the mountain. Makana was alerted to a slight whimper from Rockruff, and he set it down for it to stand on its feet.

“Quite a strong bunch, huh?” he asked it, getting a sharp, but happy bark in reply. “Come on. Let’s see if we can get even stronger.”

The Rockruff barked again as it received a tender pet down its back. The two of them then walked down the hill in the direction of Iki Town, Rockruff bounding excitedly as they went.

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