Oh Starswirl the Bearded, Sunburst thought as he looked wide-eyed at the two strangers in his personal study.
"Ugh... w-where are we?" the fox asked as the two slowly got up.
"I-I don't know, Nick, but wherever we are, it must be- AH! Oh my god, you are naked!" the rabbit responded, horrified by the sight of Starburst.
Taken aback by this, Sunburst couldn't get his first thought out before the fox, whom Starburst realized was named Nick, said, "Carrots, its alright, he's got a little cape on."
Carrots? Odd, but a fitting name for a rabbit, Starburst thought.
"Whoa, um, easy there. I mean you no harm." Starburst quickly said.
By now, Nick and Carrots had gotten up from the floor and were looking around, confused and bewildered.
"What is this place?" the bunny asked.
"This is my personal study, deep within the Crystal Empire castle." Sunburst replied, beaming with pride.
Nick and the bunny both gave each other odd looks, as if the say, "I have no idea what any of that means."
"Oh, um, let me introduce myself. My name is Sunburst, court wizard to Her Majesty, Princess Cadence, and you are..?" Starburst said.
"I'm Officer Judy Hopps and this is my partner, Officer Nick Wilde, ZPD." Judy replied.
Judy, huh? I stand corrected. But what is the ZPD? thought Sunburst.
This place has a kingdom, and court wizard? Wow, this is just like the old fairy tales I used to read when I was little. Judy thought.
"Hey, Sunburst, Mistress Cadence sent me to see if you needed anything and-huh?" said a new visitor, a female crystal pony unicorn who was just coming down the stairs.
She stared for a few moments, too shocked to say anything.
"Hey, um, I'm Off-" Judy couldn't get her last word out before the female pony screamed and yelled for the guards.
"Well, Carrots, five minutes in a strange new world, only to get arrested by the cops." Nick said sarcastically.
"Oh shush, Nick." Judy replied, her expression one of worry.
Five minutes later, members of the Royal Crystal guard rushed down the stairs, spears at the ready.
"STOP RIGHT THERE, INTRUDERS!" the lead guard, a stallion with a deep voice, warned.
Nick and Judy raised their arms in the "surrender" pose.
"Sir Sunburst, are you okay?" one of the guards asked.
"Yes, I'm fine, but I fear there has been a misunderstanding. They are not intruders, merely brought over by an accidental magical transdimensional portal." Sunburst explained.
The guard looked at him, appearing somewhat confused.
"Well, if that's true, then by the First Contact Act, they should be brought before Her Majesties." the lead guard said, calling for another guard.
"Private, I need you to get a message to Captain Armor, tell him we may have a First Contact scenario on our hooves."
"Yes, Sir, right away!" the private said, saluting the officer.
15 minutes later
A possible First Contact scenario, what a great time to have one, thought Captain Shining Armor as he headed to the containment area where the intruders were being kept. In all honesty, very few in the Royal Guard, or even in Her Majesties' Armed Forces for that matter, considered the First Contact Scenario very seriously. The idea of encountering extraterrestrial was very much just something that sci-fi nerds and young ponies put any real thoughts into. Then again, Equestria and the lands beyond are full of strange and bizarre things, so little green ponies wasn't too out there. As Shining approached the door the area, the two guards stationed at the entrance saluted him and one said, "they're waiting for you, Sir."
The guard then opened the door for Shining and he stepped in. The containment area was really just a bigger version of an interrogation chamber with several guards surrounding the table in the center. For the first time since hearing the alert, Shining finally got a good look at the two intruders and was surprised at what he saw: a bunny and a fox, female and male, wearing what appeared to be law enforcement uniforms and looked quite different from foxes and bunnies that one would find in Equestria's forests. The two seemed to sit straighter when they saw Shining walk in, like they could tell he was an authority figure.
"Hello, I am Prince-Captain Shining Armor, captain of the Crystal Empire's royal guard. I understand that you speak our language, correct?" he stated.
"Yes, that is true." the rabbit responded in perfect Equestrian.
How odd. I don't believe they've been in Equestria long, so how do they know our language so well?
"Well, that is good. As part of our nation's First Contact Act, I am required to present you to Her Majesties, the rulers of Equestria and of the Crystal Empire." Shining replied, sounding very formal.
The strangers nodded, though were clearly slightly confused, a clear sign they had never even heard of Equestria, let alone live in it.
"But first, I will need to know who you two are." Shining continued.
"I am Officer Judy Hopps, and this is my partner, Officer Nicholas Wilde, Zootopia Police Department." the bunny replied crisply.
Zootopia? So that's where they're from. And oh great, animal pun names, Shining thought.
Nick and Judy were escorted to a waiting room while whoever they met got prepared.
"So...." Nick said, attempting to break the silence.
"So... what do you think?" Judy replied, leaning back in her chair.
Nick shrugged before replying, "I mean, other than landing in what seems like a little girl's dream world and that we're about to meet the equivalent to the President... I got nothing to add."
He finished that last part with a cheeky grin.
"Still.." he continued. "I hope that our stay here isn't very long."
"I feel ya, Nick." Judy replied.
Suddenly, a guard arrived and said, "The Princess will see you now."
Princess? Oh god, this is even more of a little girl's biggest dream, thought Nick, clearing his throat as to not burst out laughing.
The two were escorted out of the room and into the Throne Room. The room was exactly something one might see out of a fairytale, with just a more crystalline structure to it. A long flight of stairs led to the actual throne, with two guards posted at the very top. At the actual throne, which admittedly looked less like it was made for sentient mammals and more like for horses, sat a regal looking pink pony. She wore a crown and some kind of royal garment. Unlike the other ponies the two have seen, this one had both wings and a horn and appeared to be taller than the rest.
"Your Majesty, I present to you, Officers Judy Hopps and Nicholas Wilde of the Zootopia Police Department." the guard that escorted them said as he bowed.
Shortly after walking in, Nick and Judy bowed as well, just as the Princess herself got up from her throne.
"Please, rise." she said, and everyone rose.
"I am Princess Cadence, ruler of the Crystal Empire. It is my pleasure to welcome you to our land, Strangers." the Princess said.
Judy nodded and replied, "thank you, Your Majesty."
Cadence took a long look at them before continuing, " My understanding is that you two came here unwillingly, is that correct?"
"Yes." Judy replied, looking at Nick.
Cadence nodded and lowered her head slightly.
"I am sorry for the inconvenience caused, I hope we can make the rest of your stay here enjoyable." Cadence said.
Suddenly, Nick's stomach growled and he joked, "well, looks like someone isn't happy."
Judy covered her mouth with her paw and giggled while Cadence said, "I imagine you two could use some sleep and a hot meal after your ordeal. Come, I already arranged our chiefs to give you a taste of Equestrian food."
"Food does sound really nice right about now." replied Nick, grinning.
A suggestion: Do everything you can to avoid posting sub-1k word chapters.
It tends to drive readers away
I agree with Bytestorm, this chapter wouldn't need split into two at all, just add more to it, less frequent but more fulfilling uploads are definitely better.
Still, I enjoy the writing, it's pretty good and I look forward to seeing where this goes.
7880299 Thanks and I'll take that into consideration
Equestrian complaining about puns... Hello pot, did you know your black?
7896413 LOL
Excuse you, I resemble that remark!
All kidding aside, this is turning out to be a pretty good story. Just one question: Is it Starburst or Sunburst? You're using both names in this story for the exact same pony. I would recommend picking one, and edit all occurrences to follow to keep from confusing the readers.
Why do I feel this became mandatory BECAUSE of Starswirl? I mean with the likes of Twilight, Sunburst, Sunset, Starlight, Moondancer, and who knows who else running around, it was only a matter of time.
Really, Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard, white unicorn stallion. You have a problem with puns?
Looking good so far.
I can already see the horror on Nick and Judy's faces when the ponies try to serve meat to Nick.