• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 3,369 Views, 43 Comments

SAVE - Golden Flare

After being the most ostracized student at CHS, you wanted to be a part of something greater. Your pleas were enough for some unseen being to give you the power to "SAVE".

  • ...



You could hear the snickering a mile away and it hasn't stopped since you first enrolled in this school. The moment you came out of your 1st Period class on your first day, you could everyone mocking you for things you had no affiliation with whatsoever, you came to the conclusion that someone had started a rumor about you. You tried to ignore it, believing that it would pass the next day, but it didn't; the rumors kept getting worse, and anyone who had been your friend when you first came here had abandoned you for their own self-preservation.

Nowadays, you ate lunch by yourself, worked on school projects on your own, and even outside of school, no one wanted anything to do with you. Eventually, you found out who was causing you so much misery: Sunset Shimmer, the queen bee of CHS. You tried to tell the principals, but they didn't believe you, saying that Sunset's record was clean, meaning they had nothing on her.

You tried telling the teachers, but no such luck with them either, afterwards you just gave up and chose to live your life, no matter how hard it was. You didn't bother to tell your parents, because you thought that they wouldn't believe you either, so you didn't, but you could tell that they were on the verge of figuring out what was wrong with you. You weren't the kind of person that would contemplate suicide, you believed that was the coward's way out, so you continued to live.

You were knocked out of your reverie as one of the ATHLETES hip checked you to the floor.

"Oops! Sorry!" he said, condescendingly.

Everybody laughed at your expense as you stood up and walked away, still hearing the laughter ringing in your head.

The final bell rang as everybody got up and left the classroom, but you took your time to gather and organize your belongings before leaving. Unfortunately, this proved to be a mistake as a familiar, yet unwanted, voice spoke behind you.

"Ah, just the person I wanted to see."

You groan inwardly at your luck and turn around to face Sunset Shimmer herself, "What do you want?"

She gave a mock hurt look at your words, "What? Can't I just see my most favorite person in all of CHS? You wound me."

You scowl, "First off, I'm not your favorite anything. Second, you only come to me when you want something. And third, you can't be wounded emotionally because you obviously DON'T have a heart in that deceiving, yet sexy, body of yours. Now I'll ask again, What. Do you. Want?"

Now it was Sunset's turn to scowl, "...Clever kid. At least you catch on quick. Anyway, the Fall Formal is in a few days and I want you to...stay away."


She blinked, "...You gave up? Just like that?"

You shrug, "Not like it'll benefit me in any way, with my reputation, I'll probably just be humiliated more than I'll have fun."

Sunset stares, just stares, until she awkwardly coughs, "Good, good...glad we've come to an understanding."

"'Kay, bye." you quickly say as you walk past her.

You headed out of the school to see the last of the buses leaving the parking lot, making you sigh in exasperation, it seems you were in there longer than you thought.

"Looks like I'm walking."

After a while, you finally made to your home, where your parents wait for you. You entered the house to see your parents in their own recliner chairs, staring at you intensely.

"Why weren't you on the bus today?" your mom asked, demandingly.

"I missed it, had to walk home." you answered.

"And you didn't think to call us to let us know?" your dad asked.

You sigh, "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

You began the trek to your room, but you were stopped by your mom's hand on your shoulder.

"Sweetie...are you being bullied?"

You tense up, but keep it so neither of them noticed. If you couldn't prove it was Sunset who spread rumors about you, how can your parents? Releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding, you spoke.

"...I'm fine. It's nothing you need to worry yourselves over."

You walk away, leaving them confused by your answer, but suspicious nonetheless, you didn't notice though. You just entered your room and went to bed...


You woke up in a cold sweat, having a terrible nightmare about Sunset and everybody at CHS. You look at the clock and notice that it's late morning, so late that the sun hasn't risen yet. You sigh, knowing you may not get anymore sleep tonight, and look out the window, seeing a sparkling, glittering star that outshone all the others, you knew this to be a wishing star. You crawl out of bed, kneel at the side of it, and not just wish, but pray.

"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I make tonight..." you close your eyes after you said that. I wish I had the power to change my fate.

Once that was done, you went back to bed and surprisingly fell asleep again, but this time it was dreamless...







"So...there's a fool out there who wants to change their fate, eh?"

"Hehehehehahahahahaha!! Fine then! You'll get your wish, kid!"

Suddenly, all the yellow sparkles, also known as SAVE points, in the Underground zoomed out of the mountain and into outer space, heading to a different world. The sinister voice chuckled in the darkness.

"Now, let's see what happens! I hope this kid is more fun than Frisk was!"


You woke up to the cliché sound of a rooster cawing from Sweet Apple Acres a few doors down from your home. You sat up, stretched, and prepared to get dressed...only to see that something wasn't quite right. There was a cartoon four-pointed star swirling about in your room, being the curious person you are, you reached out and touched it. Just then, a weird screen appeared in front of you.

EMPTY LV 0 0:00
— —
Save Return

"What the?!" you blurt out.

You try to calm yourself as you assess the situation; apparently, there's some sort of SAVE point in the middle of your room, but you have no clue how it got there. Maybe you have the ability to SAVE where you last left off? But that's ridiculous, you never wished for anything like—


Could it be that...

...Your wish came true?!

You now had a power that is unlike any other. And who knows? It might be useful, in more ways than one. Sure, you can't use it to reverse the damage Sunset did, but you can use it to improve your miserable life. With no further hesitation, you press "SAVE".

(your name) LV 1 4:39
Home — Your Room
File saved.

Once you did that, a necklace with an 8-bit heart at the center appeared around your neck.

"Sweetie! It's time for school!" your mom calls out.

"Okay, mom!" you call back.

Subconsciously, you felt the corners of your mouth tug at themselves, you think this is going to be a good day.

...Or at least, a better day.