• Published 1st Jan 2017
  • 636 Views, 14 Comments

The Dragon Code - TheEveryDaySparkle

Spike's Dragon Code is more than just simple servitude.

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Mission Report 1- Discord

Ever since Princess Celestia banished her sister for her crimes as Nightmare Moon, there has been peace for over a thousand years. And even now that she is back, peace still reigns supreme. All evil is kept at bay by a single group of seven individuals. This special team of villain hunters is under direct supervision from Princess Celestia herself. They handle all of Equestria's not-so-simple problems. They protect the citizens from problems they have yet to know about. They operate in the shadows and are the first and last line of defense in the case of an extreme emergency. They act according to the rules set by their own honor. These rules are etched into the hearts and minds of all members of the organization. The life they live and the way they live it is all governed by one single thing. That is...The Dragon Code.

The dark figure appeared before Princess Celestia, bowing in a show of respect. Celestia returned the bow, which shocked the figure, whose face could be seen as she lit a candle to light the room.

As she raised her head, the princess said, "I've told you countless times, Spike. Given that you are now working directly under me, as well as your close friendship with both myself and my student, you have no need for such formalities in my presence."

Spike could do nothing more than lower his head in slight shame at forgetting her words. "I'm sorry, Princess."

The princess smiled, letting out a tired sigh. "What am I going to do with you?"

She took on her calm demeanor once more as she said, "Now, onto your report. Did the job go well?"

"Yes, Princ-Um...Celestia. As I said before, the mission was a success."

"I see. So I can rest easy in knowing that he will not attack my kingdom once more?"

"Yes, Celestia."

"Very well. And how is the team doing? Are you all faring well yourselves?"

"Yes, Celestia. Everyone is well. I checked up on them before I came to see you."

"I see. So their safety is more important to you than my own?"

"That's not what I meant at all, princess. It's just that-"

Celestia laughed at him. "Relax, Spike. I'm only kidding. It is good that you care so much for your comrades. After all, you are their leader."

Spike couldn't help but laugh at how nervous he had been. "Yes, Celestia."

"Consider that payback for calling me princess again. Now, i want a full report of the mission on my desk by noon tomorrow. Understand? Not a single detail is to be left out."

"Yes, Celestia."

With that, spike left through the window of the castle and made his way back home to Twilight's library.

Dragon Code Log- Mission #1: Discord

"I and my team infiltrated the Chaos Dimension successfully and confronted Discord, God of Chaos. This was done through the use of his own power. His attempts to escape created holes in this dimension that we used to pass through to his side. Naturally, being a god, it came as no surprise to us that he knew we were coming. After all, he was sealed away long before either of us were born. He had been expecting us the entire time, and he had a few surprises up his sleeve in store for us. But, unfortunately for him, so did we. I with my claws and fire, and Emerald Rose with her magic. We were more than a match for him in terms of resourcefulness as well. I used a gadget of mine to immobilize the poor fool, and with Emerald Rose firing off shot after shot of high power magical beams, it seemed we almost had this. But something told me that that wasn't going to happen. It seemed a little bit too easy. And If killing a god were easy, we wouldn't have need of the elements of harmony, now would we?

"He led us into a false sense of security by pretending to be dead, only to pop up in front of us in a different form. He had taken the form of a giant manticore. I unleashed my blades and charged him, slicing at his body as he swung his paws toward me, preparing to strike. The cuts weren't doing much damage and he knocked me away, only for Emerald Rose to back me up with a healing spell and her own return fire. She was even floating so that she was level with his eyes. He lunged at us with his tail and knocked her out of the air. This time it was my turn to catch her as I used one of my crystals to enhance the power of my fire breath and blast it at him, burning him quite a bit.

"She used one of her spells to enhance it further and I blasted him again, only to fail when he put up a shield. I used the blades on my claws to scratch through it and land a punch to his chin. He flipped over and that gave Emerald Rose another chance to use her magic. She charged up a full power blast and struck him in the face with it.

"When the dust cleared he was gone and had changed forms again. This time into a giant vampire fruit bat. This one was a bit easier as I simply took out my sword and slashed at his wings, only to miss when he flew at a speed I had never seen before. I deduced that he must have different forms for different things. Strength, Speed, Magic, etc. Something told me I didn't want to see what his magic form was like, but I also had a mission to compete, so I just decided to suck it up and keep going. I used another crystal to up my speed and Emerald used her magic, managing to up her speed much more than mine. But, that was mostly because her powers were natural, versus my own.

"I decided to rely on her this time, so I charged at him and attacked, only to just barely reach him every time. But what he didn't know was that I was simply a decoy, creating an opening for Emerald Rose to attack. And attack she would. She was already in place, her sword drawn and ready to deliver the blow that would send him into his final form.

"Quick note: I say final form, but I simply meant that that was his 'most favorite' form, as he put it while we were fighting. Would it be wrong to say I actually enjoyed talking to this guy?

"Anyway, he was getting closer and closer to her, which meant he was getting closer and closer to his demise. And, on the final push, she cast a spell on her sword to make it's attack stronger and faster. Then, on the final moments of this strategy, she managed to slice him from his head down to his tail, splitting him in half. But that was not enough to fully kill the god of chaos, as you know very well.

"As I expected, he moved into his final form and blasted us with the biggest magic beam I've seen so far. We just barely had enough time to dodge it. It singed my tail and Emerald's, but we managed to get away alive. I had no choice. It was time to pull out my trump card. Don't worry, I didn't have to use all of it. He wasn't worth that much.

"I pulled out my blue crystal and burned it with my fire. It turned to dust and began to circle me, at which point I began floating and glowing. Emerald, who had never seen this happen, was awestruck. Discord however, was just made more angry than before.

"I glowed brighter and brighter until the light finally died down to reveal me, in all my Shadow Dragon glory. But, you already know how this process goes princess, since you are the one who gave me the crystal.

"Anyway, I say 'all my glory', but it was really only my claws and fangs that got the upgrade. I shot a return blast of black fire at him, which he countered with another beam. But my fire was strong enough to overpower his beam and he got burned further.

"In a final attempt to defeat him, we decided to use the opportunity presented to us while he was recovering from the burn to make a final strike. I jumped and planned to finish him off with a slash while Emerald Rose distracted him with magic blasts of her own.

"It worked pretty well, and we were able to finish the job, but boy were we tired.

"I'm gonna sleep for a week after this. Anyway, that's the mission report. Your faithful knight, Spike."

With his letter finished, and his mission complete, he blew his fire at it and it disappeared in a puff of smoke, headed over to Princess Celestia herself.

He yawned. He was ready for some well deserved, and much needed, sleep. But before he could even make his way up the stairs to Twilight's bedroom, he heard a sound.

He hid as quickly as his advanced training would let him, and silently moved across the room and up the stairs. But what kind of magic nerd would Twilight be if she couldn't sense her assistant?

She found him and asked, "Spike? What are you doing up?"

Spike was a bit startled at being found so easily, but he quickly recovered and said, "Oh nothing. Just a bit thirsty is all."

Twilight rubbed her sleepy eyes and smiled. "Oh? Well don't forget to come to bed when you're done okay?"

With that, Twilight left, and Spike let out a breath he never even realized he'd been holding.

He smiled. Twilight always treated him like a little bit of a pet at times. No matter how many times he told her to stop, she would always say,

"You're my number one assistant and my best friend. But you're also my responsibility seeing as I hatched you."

They got into fights about it at times, but he still loved her to death and they both knew it.

He made his way up to Twilight's bedroom and got into his own bed, where he slept like a log for the rest of the night.