• Published 10th Feb 2017
  • 5,230 Views, 249 Comments

Poison Whiskey - The Bricklayer

Rainbow is Scootaloo's real mother. First problem, she doesn't know that. Second problem, Scootaloo's living in an abusive household after Rainbow gave her up for adoption fearing of what kind of mother she'd be. But now it's time to face her demons.

  • ...

Part 11: Mother and Child Reunion

“But I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
When the mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away

Oh the mother and child reunion
Is only a motion away
Oh the mother and child reunion
Is only a moment away”
Mother and Child Reunion: Paul Simon: Paul Simon: 1972

Cloudsdale: Rainbow’s Cloudominium: 12:00 PM

Rainbow groaned as she rolled over in her bed and stuffing her face into her pillow, half caught between the dreamscape and the waking world. She knew perfectly well what day it was, the day of the trial. Her and Fluttershy VS Icy Winds and Last Drop. Rainbow let out a small whimper, she would admit it if prompted. She was afraid, no terrified was more like it.

Everything that could go wrong, it probably would go wrong if somebody couldn’t keep their mouth shut and blabbed about Scootaloo’s parentage and things would probably go all downhill from there.

This was a disaster waiting to happen, and Rainbow knew it. It wasn’t a question of if it would happen, it was a question of only when in Rainbow’s mind.

“Celestia damnit… Why couldn’t I have just told Scootaloo that I was her mom in the first place, soon as I took her in?” Rainbow wondered to herself. “Actually, why couldn’t have just kept her in the first place, and this whole damn mess could have been avoided? Scootaloo wouldn’t have had to have spent years in Tartarus, I would have raised her like a proper parent wouldn’t I?”

Rainbow groaned again.

“Face it Dash, this is all on you and you know it.” she mentally sighed, finally accepting that this was all her fault, everything that had led up to this point was on her.

“Time to wake up Dashie…” Fluttershy whispered as she gave her wife a gentle nuzzle.

“I don’t wanna…” Dash whined/grumbled to herself as she rolled over to face her wife.

“You’re going to have to eventually, and you know it. We both have to show up for the trial, you especially considering you’re one of the main subjects involved in it…”

“Don’t you think I know that Fluttershy? It’s… It’s just I never wanted this crap to begin with!” Rainbow hissed. “And before you say anything, I know it’s all on me, this is pretty much my fault but…”

Fluttershy gave her wife a quick kiss and cupped her cheeks with her hooves. “I understand Dashie, I really do. To be honest… If I was in your position, having to give birth to a filly at a young age and with your upbringing -Thank Celestia that wasn’t the case- I might have done the same thing. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I might have. Fear does powerful things to ponies,” she said. “You know that…”

“Yeah... “ Rainbow grumbled as she tossed the sheets off her and climbed out of bed. “Let’s just get this crap over with okay?”

With that, she grabbed a black suit and tie from the closet and headed to the bedroom to get herself ready for the day’s events.

“You get Scootaloo and wake her up okay? I… I just don’t feel up for facing her right now, not today…” Rainbow muttered.

Canterlot Royal Courthouse: 2:15 PM

Rainbow let out a nervous swallow as she and her family walked up the giant steps that led up to the Royal Courthouse. Massive stone white pillars framed either side of the doorway, and a tall bell-tower was attached to the rooftop, the hands slowly counting down to the fated time of 2:45 PM.

She turned to Scootaloo, who was trembling at the prospect of facing her adoptive family once more and wrapped a wing around her.

“It’ll be alright, okay squirt? We’ll win this, I know it!” Rainbow said, putting on a confident front, even if inwardly she wasn’t quite so confident. Sure, they might win, but what would be the outcome?

“Y-Yeah, sure…” Scootaloo whispered to herself and Rainbow pulled her daughter in closer for a hug.

A familiar raspy voice belonging to a certain griffon grumbled out “Here they come, the bastards…” as the band of reporters -as ever with things like this- came rushing out of the woodwork, seemingly by the truckload. Rainbow and her family were then bombarded with questions, the flashes of camera shutters and general mayhem.

“Mrs. Dash, how do you think this court case will end?”

“Do you have every confidence in winning?”

“What’s your plans for the future if you win this court case?”

“Do you plan on settling down after this and quitting the Wonderbolts?”

And then came the kicker, the one that really set off everything.

“What’s your take on this Ms. Scootaloo?” One reporter was foolish enough to ask, and Gilda whirled on him and sucked in a breath before unleashing her signature roar directly in his face. The reporter was so quelled in fact, he dropped his camera and ran back into the crowd of his fellow vultures.

“Alright you assholes, that’s enough! Leave the girl alone, okay? She’s been through enough already okay?” Gilda snarled and that seemed to shut everybody up. Then she, -acting like a personal bodyguard to her old Flight Camp buddy- and Dash, along with Fluttershy and Scootaloo caught sight of Last Drop and Icy Winds being escorted into the district courthouse by the Royal Guard.

Icy Winds smirked smugly, almost as if to say “You’re going to lose and your daughter will be ours once again.”

Right then and there, Rainbow wanted to run up and sock the bitch of a mare right in the jaw and knock her flat but was held back by her mother who was shaking her head at her.

“No Dashie,” Windy said. “Best to let her be. She’ll get her comeuppance, just you wait. Plenty of evidence is stacked against her, and you’ve got one of the best lawyers in Equestria on your side. I’ve heard about Raven, she’s never lost a case before and I doubt she’s losing one today.”

“Yeah…” Rainbow whispered as she adjusted her suit and tie absentmindedly before she let out a low growl. “Still doesn’t mean I don’t want to smash her face in…”

Windy leaned over and muttered, “Just between you and me, and I know this is totally unprofessional on my part, but I completely agree with your sentiments.”

Rainbow then sucked in a breath as she looked up at the courthouse above her. This was it, no turning back now. She looked at Scootaloo, and then at Fluttershy.

“Well, best we get moving…” She sighed. Then a thought struck her. If she was going to tell Scootaloo the truth, it was now or never. Chances are it was going to come out during the trial anyways…

“Scoots, there’s something you oughta know. About you and us.” Rainbow began hesitantly, looking directly at her daughter.

“Yeah, Rainbow?”


But whatever she had to say next was cut off by Gilda shouting “Come on Dash, you’re holding us all up!”

Inside the district court, it was just as chaotic as the outside. Camera shutters flashed, evidently, some reporters had managed to get inside somehow. Everybody was clamoring about something, yelling “Justice for fillies!” and generally shouting for Last Drop and Icy Wind’s heads. Rainbow let out a low whistle.

“Wow, if they get off somehow, the mob will probably beat them up before I do…” Rainbow muttered and Fluttershy gently smacked her on the head with a wing.


“A lynch mob Dash? Really?” Fluttershy asked with a raised eyebrow but Rainbow was quick to turn the tables.

“Oh, like I didn’t hear you muttering about having Discord have a go at them if they did get off a few days back…” Rainbow remarked.

Fluttershy eeped and blushed red as Gilda sniggered as the fivesome took their seats. Nearby, they saw Holiday and Lofty take their seats next to Last Drop and Icy Winds. Rainbow sighed, she knew they didn’t want to sit next to their family but they had to. Rainbow and Scootaloo, however, could take one small consolation from that though. As evidently Last Drop didn’t want them any nearer to them than Scootaloo’s aunts did to him, judging by the glares shot in each other’s directions.

“Order, order in the court!” The judge, named Hard Case shouted as he banged his gavel. Then, the lawyers walked in. Raven, a grey-furred pony with spectacles and her mane tied in a bun trotted in wearing a nice pantsuit. The other was the court-appointed lawyer for Last Drop and Icy Winds. He was a sorta sleazy sort, smelling of cheap cologne and a barely shaved beard. To top things off, he wore a very cheap suit.

Rainbow looked to her left and saw Gilda exchanging a bag of money with her mother as Windy muttered “Told you it’d be one of the cheap ones taking my place…” and turned to Fluttershy.

“A bet? Really?” She asked before shaking her head and muttering “...Of all the things to bet on…”

What she didn’t see was Gilda secretly pass a smirking Fluttershy a bag of bits to her as well, the griffon looking very displeased at her loss.

“Now, this trial will come to order,” Hard Case barked out before looking around the room. “I assume you all know the charges?”

Everyone present nodded. “Good. But to repeat, Mrs. Rainbow Dash is suing Icy Winds and Last Drop on the charges of filly abuse and neglection of care.”

Mutters erupted around the courtroom, and more than a few glares were tossed towards a certain pair of adoptive parents.

“That’s a load of bull! We cared for the brat the best we could! She was just dumped off at her house by whatever worthless whorse who was too afraid to care for her in the middle of the bloody night!” Last Drop erupted.

“Language!” Hard Case shouted as he banged his gavel. “I intend to keep this court as civilized as possible, and any more outbursts like that and I will hold you in contempt of court!”

“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Raven suddenly spoke up. “But isn’t picking up a lost child left on the doorstep of a house grounds for kidnapping?”

“That is neither here nor there. We are investigating charges of filly abuse and neglect, not kidnapping,” Hard Case reminded. “Although now that you bring that up, those charges will be considered.”

“If I may bring up the question,” Last Drop and Icy Wind’s defendant asked. “What exactly happened that night when you found Scootaloo on your doorstep?”

Icy Winds was called to the stand.

“We took her in, simple as that!” Icy Winds stated. “It was a cold rainy night, and so we decided to just take her in, and give her shelter from the storm… Just for the night. Just for the night, I want to clarify that! We intended to give her up the local orphanage in the morning but she sorta stole our hearts…”

“What a load of crap…” Scootaloo muttered to herself. “Stole their hearts my flank!”

“Objection!” Raven shouted. “The accused has just admitted to kidnapping!”

“Objected sustained.” Hard Case said.

“If I may, your honor,” Raven asked. “There’s a new piece of magitech as it’s been started to be called developed by the Canterlot Royal Science Institute by one Bill Neigh just for situations like this. It would allow us to show a pony’s memories of what really happened. I’d like to use this case as a test run if you will.”

“Very well, you are allowed.” Hard Case said and despite sputters from Last Drop and Icy Winds, a glowing blue orb was brought in by ponies in white lab coats and placed on a pedestal.

“Now, for legal reasons all must agree to this. If anyone does not consent, this orb will not be used,” Raven explained before turning to Scootaloo and looking at her kindly. “If there’s no memories you want to contribute, or you don’t want anything to be viewed… Don’t worry, I don’t think anypony would hold that against you.”

Rainbow and Fluttershy were quick to sign the consent forms, and Scootaloo’s gaze hardened. “Yeah, I’ll contribute. I want to see those… things locked up!” She replied, not even wanting to call a certain two her parents. They never were, not in her mind.

Last Drop and Icy were just as quick to agree, stating that they wanted their daughter back and away from those disgusting filly-foolers. Once again, they had to be warned by Hard Case of the potential of being held in contempt of court.

And so, the first memory was shown.

Lightning flashed in the night as a hooded figure in a brown hooded cloak quickly left a sleeping filly with an orange coat and a small purple mane in a basket on an unknown doorstep. She attached a small, quickly scribbled note and quickly ran off into the night. Not even a few minutes later a much younger Icy Winds opened the door.

“That doesn’t prove anything!” Last Drop shouted. Rainbow meanwhile was sucking in a breath, hoping nobody saw that mare in the memory as her. Her mane was very distinct after all.

“Oh, but I think it does. According to Equestrian law, and as I have stated before taking in a child left on a doorstep accounts as kidnapping,” Raven stated in triumph.

“And how do you know we didn’t just take her to an orphanage and my wife isn’t lying?”

“Would she have any reason to incriminate herself?” Raven interrogated. Last Drop quickly shut his trap after that. Then, after her lawyer whispered something into Icy Winds’ ear, an absolutely evil smirk came over her face. Icy Winds was going down, she knew that much but she knew if she was going down, she’d take Rainbow with her.

“If I may contribute a memory?” Icy asked with a sneer. “I’d like to show what happened as soon as Rainbow over there found about our alleged crimes…”

And so, the next memory was shown as Raven plucked a thin wispy strand of mist from Icy’s mind with her horn glowing a solid light blue color.

“What kind of lies is that worthless brat telling now?" The stallion Last Drop said as he came in. “I assure you that we will make sure she doesn't bother you with this...”

“Scootaloo wouldn't lie to me, not about this!” Rainbow snapped, causing the two older ponies to recoil a little. “I trust Scootaloo a heck of a lot more than I trust the two of you right now!”

“Why do you care? You're not her mother, you're not even her sister, you're just a mare who she looks up to," Last Drop said. "You're just a…”

Rainbow couldn't take it anymore, she swung her hoof at Last Drop, catching the stallion off guard as she punched him hard, drawing blood from his muzzle. He growled at her and swung back, hitting her briefly, but it only seemed to make her angrier.

As Icy Wind tried to move behind her she bucked hard, sending the mare sprawling. The two older ponies were trying their best, but Rainbow Dash had dealt with a lot worse than them.

“Freeze!” A commanding voice said and several ponies dressed in guard armor stormed in, causing the fight to stop, leaving the two older ponies looking rather bloody.

“Oh thank Celestia, this crazy mare broke into our house and attacked us for no reason!" Icy Wind said, trying to put on an innocent face. “Take her away, lock her up and throw away the key!”

“Icy Wind, Last Drop, you're both under arrest,” the lead guard said as he entered the house.

"What? What did we do?" Last Drop demanded as they were locked in hoofcuffs.

"You know exactly what you did, don't lie!" Rainbow Dash said angrily, she couldn't believe that they were actually trying to weasel their way out of this.

"You are under arrest for foal abuse and neglect," the guard said as they hauled the two ponies off.

"This isn't over Rainbow Dash!" Icy Wind shouted.

Rainbow Dash cringed a little at that and watched as they were taken away. She sighed a little as she started to calm down a little.

"Mrs. Dash, we're going to have to get a statement from you later," one of the guards said and Rainbow nodded. "Somepony will stop by the Castle, are you okay? You're bleeding."

“Huh?” Rainbow asked as she ran a hoof along her muzzle, coming up with blood. “I'll be fine, I'm going back to the castle.”

“That monster broke into our house and assaulted us! That should at least show she’s not fit to be a parent for our Scootaloo!” Icy Winds spoke, playing the sympathy card.

“Why you!” Rainbow snarled and almost jumped from her seat before Fluttershy and Gilda quickly pulled her back.

“S-She had every reason to do so…” Scootaloo nervously whispered. Ms. Raven? If I may contribute a memory?”

Raven nodded and Scootaloo found herself seeing a thin strand of memory removed from her head and deposited into the orb. Raven then spoke up and said “Just so that I may be clear on things, these are not permanent removals of memories. We are not mind-wiping anypony, these memories will be replanted back into their respective owners at the end of this trial.”

And so...

Thunder rumbled and rolled in the late night sky as Scootaloo trembled under her bed in fear, shaking and quivering as she heard what was going on in the next room over. The sounds of crashing and punches flying came from behind her bedroom door, and the sound of a body hitting it created a loud thud.

“That’s what you get, ya bitch!” Last Drop’s voice shouted. “Pouring all my beer bottles down the drain!”

“Well, ya deserve it! You focus more on yer booze than ya do me!” Icy Winds shouted back and then was the sound a loud slap smacking across fur.

“How do you like that huh?” Last Drop shouted as lightning flashed and lit up Scootaloo’s room illuminating just how badly kept it and Scootaloo herself were. The paint was peeling, a picture of Rainbow Dash and her had been knocked to the floor by one of the two parents in a fit of drunken rage.

“P-Please, don’t fight…” Scootaloo whispered but her pleas were ignored. “W-Why can’t you just love each other like real parents do? W-Why can’t you just love me?”

Her body began to quiver as she sobbed softly to herself, tears rolling down her face and onto the wooden floor.

‘Why…? Why?” Scootaloo sobbed, her entire body shaking as the argument continued.

“I pay the damn bills around here, and yet all you do is spend the money on booze!” Icy Winds shouted as she punched her husband in the face, sending him staggering back. He hit a wall, and a picture behind him crashed to the floor and its glass frame broke sending pieces everywhere as it shattered.

“Look what happened today! I come home from the Cloudsdale Weather Factory with my check, and what do you do?” Icy Winds accused. “Oh, that’s right! You snatch it straight from my hooves like the Mister Grabby Hooves you are and spend it on booze! Then, next week, look what happens again! More booze! Beer, beer, beer! That’s all you ever care about, and not me!”

Her voice had turned into a bellow by this point, and now Last Drop was truly furious.

“You’re hardly innocent yourself, bitch! Look at you, offering yourself out to any stallion who’ll have your worthless body!” He roared.

“Well, it’s hardly like I have much choice in the matter, do I? It pays the bills, and besides, I get more love from them than I do from YOU!” Icy Winds snarled out. Meanwhile, Scootaloo had finally decided she’d had enough. Anywhere was better than this, surely. With a crashing sound, she threw her lamp through the window and smashed the glass before clambering out of the open window and into the grass below.

Scootaloo broke into a sprint and ran as fast and far as she could, ignoring the pounding rain soaking her fur and the howling winds.

“T-The Clubhouse!” Scootaloo whispered to herself as she ran. “T-That’s got to be a good place for me to wait out the storm and then I’ll just live out on the streets! It’s a Tartarus of a lot better place than my parents’ house!”

Gasps echoed throughout the courtroom and growls were made as more glares were directed towards Icy and Last Drop at the condition of Scootaloo’s home life.

“I… I couldn’t sleep that night, I needed comfort…”

Then a sneer came to the face of Icy and Last Drop’s lawyer, one Rainbow didn’t like one bit. “Comfort you say?” He hissed out. “Comfort as in somepony sleeping with you, comfort as in somebody… touching you?”

“YOU BASTARD! I’d never touch Scootaloo like that, NEVER!” Rainbow practically erupted and once again had to be held back as Hard Case banged his gavel and shouted for order. And once again, a memory was shown and deposited.

Rainbow, still in shock from what she had just learned, placed Scootaloo onto the bed and covered her up with the blankets.

"What... What do we now?" Fluttershy asked in concern. Rainbow let out a snarl as she climbed into bed besides her "Little Sister" and snuggled up to her, knowing that the little filly needed the warmth and comfort of a REAL parent.

"First, I'm going to protect Scootaloo for tonight and then, tomorrow I'm going over to her parent's home and give them both the ass kicking of their lives." Rainbow growled out before wrapping her forelegs protectively around Scootaloo, who unconsciously snuggled up to Rainbow's neck and whispered "Mama Dash..."

“I don’t see any non-consensual touching, do you?” Raven asked. “All I see is an older sister figure comforting her little sister. Granted, Scootaloo thinking of Rainbow as her mother is... unexpected, to say the least, but not entirely surprising considering what her adoptive parents were like.”

Icy growled, as once again the court swung Rainbow’s way.

“I still fail to see hard evidence that Scootaloo has been abused, unfortunately.” Hard Case remarked. Scootaloo mustered up her courage, as much as she didn’t want to show this last memory, she really had no other choice if she wanted to see her “Parents” locked away for good. She didn’t want to see them just get locked away with just a kidnapping charge, she wanted them to face the full consequences. If anything, Scootaloo had inherited her mother’s vengeful streak.

“If… If it pleases you, your honor, may I give one last memory to the Orb?” Scootaloo asked nervously, and Fluttershy gasped.

“Scootaloo, you don’t have to do this…” She whispered.

“No, I have to. They need to know the truth. I’m done running and hiding from my past,” Scootaloo stated firmly. “If they’re going to go away, I want to be a part of it.”

“But…” Fluttershy trailed off before realizing Scootaloo was right. There was no way in Tartarus Last Drop nor Icy Winds would give up memories of them abusing Scootaloo willingly. So Scootaloo herself had to do it. “Go on, do it dear…”

And then, the final nail in Icy Winds and Last Drop’s coffin was sealed. Everypony collectively watched in abject horror as this final memory was shown…

“Get in there, you little brat!” Icy Winds snapped as she physically threw (Yes, threw) Scootaloo into her room. “Try and dump all of my numbers into the paper shredder, don’t think I didn’t see you did that!”

“But you’re… you’re supposed to be married to your husband, not getting out and about with those other stallions!” Scootaloo whimpered and Icy soundly slapped her across the face.

“Shut up! This is just what Last Drop deserves, for loving his drinks more than me! Karma’s a bitch, and this is it coming back to bite him.”

The horrified expression on Icy’s face was laughable really, as it twisted between a mixture of rage, shock, and horror as her hypocrisy was on full display to the full court. Eyes bored into her as pretty much everyone in their seats glared harshly at the mare, and cameras flashed. It would be a prize-winning front-page photo of her face that would later appear in the newspaper depicting the outcome of events.

Hard Case slammed the gavel down, the sound echoing throughout the entire court.

“Icy Winds, you and your husband are convicted of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Kidnapping. 25 Years in the Canterlot Prison, with no chance of parole. Custody of Scootaloo will go to the Dash family.” Hard Case stated as his final words on the matter and Last Drop and Icy Winds were dragged out kicking and screaming up a storm by the Royal Guard as the entire court rose up in their seats and cheered. Lofty, while her wife wasn’t looking actually had the sheer audacity to flip Last Drop the Bird with a wing. Rainbow and Fluttershy pulled Scootaloo into a hug and held their new daughter tight. Things were finally over.

However, that happiness was not to last as a certain harpy known as Icy Winds managed to screech this out.

“You damn bitch! You caused this, just by leaving that damn daughter of yours on my doorstep! You hear me, this is all your fault! Hope you enjoy your worthless filly, you damn filly-fooling bitch!”

And there was Scootaloo, looking up at Rainbow with a look of betrayal etched on her face.

“Rainbow,” she whispered. “Am I really your…”

“Yeah Squirt,” Rainbow said with a sigh. “I’m your real mom.”

Author's Note:

Welp, I think the expression "Oh Crap" sorta fits the ending here. Still, at least that's the last we'll see of Last Drop and Icy Winds right? ...Right? Anyways, to be fairly honest this was probably the hardest chapter of the story I had to write so far. I honestly had no clue what to actually do here considering I know so little about writing courtroom drama. Watching it is one thing, but writing it...? Of course, I then remembered the Pensieves from the Harry Potter books and the Memory Orbs from Fallout: Equestria and sorta combined the two into the magitech shown in this chapter. Anyways, just a fair word of warning, I won't be uploading any chapters next month (Maybe another this month, but no promises) as because of how sad things are going to get. I just don't want to ruin your Christmas Spirit that's all. (Part of the reason I hate Anon-A-Miss fics so badly, but that's neither here nor there.) Anyways, if this turns out to be the case and no further chapters are uploaded this month, have a very happy Christmas and a very good New Year.

Oh, before I forgot, a huge thank you to SweetAI Belle for contributing the song that gave this chapter it's title. Before Paul Simon's song was suggested, I honestly was going to go with a Pink Floyd song called the Trial.