• Published 4th Nov 2016
  • 3,626 Views, 634 Comments

The NLAC Has To Deal With What?! - Odeinoichus

With summer fast approaching, there's bound to be plenty of clothes-free adventures for the NLAC. Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara continues to scheme against them with the help of her newest pawn, Scarlet Scribe. Will the club be able to survive?

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Pinkie And Sonata Are What?!

Chapter 10

Aria sipped at her morning coffee and realized that it was far too quiet for her liking. Adagio wasn’t back yet. Of course, leaving her stuffed in a locker at CHS probably wasn’t the best of ideas. Smirking, she headed to find Sonata, who should have been up by now.

Arriving at Sonata’s room she was surprised to find a note stapled to the door. Why Sonata had used staples of all things - and not ordinary staples, but the kind used in construction - was beyond her. Frowning briefly she tugged the note off the door and decided to read.

Dear Dagi,

I’m totes sorry about hitting you in the head repeatedly with the frying pan. But I couldn’t let you do what you were going to do. If that makes me a Traitor then I guess that’s what I am now. We’re all that we have left, and I’m sorry. But I’m tired. We can’t sing our songs anymore. Aria has her dance to fall back on, and you have the totally evil revenge scheme thing to take your mind off of it. I’ve got nothing.

Aria felt something in her heart then, and she noticed her hand tremble ever so slightly.

So I guess this is goodbye. At least for a few weeks until you cool down. I might come back to do the laundry for you guys, unless Aria takes off too to avoid your major wrathfulness. I’ll be staying with my new girlfriend. It’s going to be totally slumber party central, she’ll love it; she loves any kind of party.

Aria shook her head as she paused in her reading. Trust Sonata to pick the worst possible idea for staying out of Adagio’s sights. That pink Rainboom would probably not appreciate her being there.

I don’t know if you’ll ever forgive me, or get over your need to make others pay for the mistakes we’ve made. Or you’ve made. But that’s it from me. For realsies. Good luck ‘Dagi. Goodbye Aria. I’ll miss you both.


Sonata Dusk.

P.S. Getting someone in trouble with the cops of Canterlot is totally not going to make you feel any better.

Aria brushed away a tear and grit her teeth in frustration. Stupid Sonata. Stupid note, making her feel so much. Marching quickly down the hall she went into her room and decided to start packing. She could crash at a hotel for a few days until Adagio had the chance to cool off. She wasn’t about to stand there and let her sister dig into her for what Sonata did.

Plucking a pen from a pile of discarded clothes she no longer cared for, she turned the note over to jot down a quick addition. ‘P.P.S: I’m not sorry about anything you frigid bitch. But if you hurt Sonata or cast her adrift and brand her a traitor I’ll make your life a living hell for the next thousand years.

Learn to know when it’s over, ‘Dagi. There’s nothing we can do anymore and petty revenge isn’t worth it. It won’t get our voices back.’ When she finished her piece she marched down to the kitchen and stuck it on the fridge where Adagio was sure to find it. Then she went back upstairs to finish packing.

Pinkie Pie jerked awake with the suddenness of someone with a premonition of terror beyond all imagining. Giggling slightly she turned over figuring it was nothing. A loud banging sound from downstairs brought her back to reality before she had the chance to return to dream land and she glanced over at the door in confusion.

Maud stuck her head in. “Pinkie, your new girlfriend is in the kitchen.”

“Oh, ok, thanks Maudie.” Pinkie grinned and turned back over to go back to sleep.


“She’s what?” Pinkie jolted back up in shock. Then she rushed downstairs, heedless of the fact she was completely naked.

Limestone Pie sat at the kitchen table with her arms crossed over her chest as she shot a glare at the intruder to their home. She had come downstairs a few moments earlier, intent on getting her morning cup of coffee and relaxing with the newspaper.

Their parents had their own home on the outskirts of Canterlot; specializing in mineralogy, they needed a big place for their studies. Their daughters had moved closer to the city when Maud was old enough and Granny Pie passed away, leaving the place to them. Limestone had been eager to get away from all the rocks and dust and junk so she could relax for a change.

That was currently hard to do with a strange girl bustling about the kitchen and making a perfect mess of it. Already, three cans of whipped cream from the fridge were discarded on the counter and a heaping stack of pancakes wobbled precariously on a plate.

“Sonata!” Pinkie came charging into the room and nearly collided with the table.

“Mornin' sweet-stuff!” Sonata smiled and shot Pinkie a wink. “I made breakfast!” Picking up the plate she presented it to Pinkie with a flourish.

Pancakes wobbled and toppled over, sending a few on the floor, and on the table, but mostly into Pinkie’s hair.

The girl, Sonata, looked extremely upset at having half her work ruined. “I’m sorry! Please don’t hit me!” She flinched and backed away from Pinkie.

Pinkie tilted her head to one side in concern and confusion. “Why would I hit you for making pancakes?”

Sonata looked up, still mid-flinch, and offered a hesitant smile. “Aria and Adagio always hit me after I mess up their breakfast.”

Pinkie gasped and rushed over to hug her.

Sonata awkwardly put the plate on the table before the other girl could make the mess even worse.

“That’s awful!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Limestone had enough of the feel good morning floor show and slammed her hand down on the tabletop. “Pinkie! We agreed never to let any of our dates stay the night.”

Limestone shot Pinkie a pointed glare. “And now you come down after a night of banging your girlfriend and interrupt my morning routine! I won’t stand for it!”

Pinkie blanched and spun to glare at her sister. “You take that back right now, Limey!”

Limestone cringed. “You know I don’t like that nickname, Pinkamena!”

Pinkie stroked Sonata’s hair briefly and then pushed her gently aside so she could put the full might of her stare on Limestone Pie. “For your information, I didn’t have sex with her! Sonata is moving in for a week or two until her evil older sister stops trying to get us in trouble or arrested.

“And ever since I started getting into this whole naturism thing, I don’t wear pajamas anymore. Sonata was in the guest room the entire time! As for your morning routine, here!” Pinkie shoved a cup of steaming coffee in Limestone’s face rather aggressively.

Limestone blinked in surprise. “When did you—”

“You know you shouldn’t ask that question, Limestone,” Maud stated as she came into the room. “Pinkie, please go put a robe on while Sonata is here.”

Pinkie shot her most favorite sister a brief look in gratitude and headed out of the room.

Sonata fidgeted slightly. “But I made us breakfast…”

“Take it up to Pinkie’s room.” Maud turned to Sonata briefly, but her expression didn’t change.

Sonata used a favorite phrase of Pinkie’s, “Okie dokie Loki!” then snatched up the plate and rushed out of the room.

Limestone sipped contentedly at her morning coffee. “Before you say it, don’t; you know how I get before I’m properly caffeinated.”

“Pinkie is still trying to figure out her place in this strange new relationship.” Maud put Boulder down on the counter next to some of the fallen pancakes and moved to sit across from Limestone. "We will support her, regardless of our personal opinions.”

Limestone rolled her eyes and grumbled something under breath.

Marble stuck her head into the room. “Is she g-gone?”

“They’ve retreated to Pinkie’s room, Marble,” Limestone assured.

Sighing in relief the timid sibling slipped into the room dressed in a small robe. She went to the fridge and pushed several more cans of whipped cream around to get at the juice in the back.

“You’re seriously ok with Pinkie being a nudist?” Limestone smirked.

“Hmmm-mmm.” Marble nodded briefly and brushed her straight grey hair clear from her face.

“Feeling more confident?” Limestone’s expression changed briefly and she laughed at the blush on Marble’s cheeks.

Maud simply stared at her dispassionately.

“For fucks sake, Maud! Say it or leave me to my paper in peace!” Limestone snapped frustratedly.

Maud’s expression didn’t change. She remained as stoic and immovable as a rock. Limestone growled in frustration, snatched up her paper and remaining cup of coffee and left for the living room.

Marble blinked once before she sat down and picked up one of the pancakes off the table to bite into. “Mmmmm.” She closed her eyes in bliss at the taste.

Maud didn’t move an inch and blinked.

Marble took a sip of the juice she poured and glanced over at Boulder. The pancake beside him looked equally delicious, but she knew not to snatch up any food next to Maud’s pet. Maud blinked a second time and suddenly a cup of coffee was beside her.

Marble ignored it. The shy girl ignored a lot of oddness when it came to her family, but she loved them all the same. With a contented smile she finished eating the pancake and glanced around for any more that weren’t on the floor.

“Get the frying pan off the damn stove before another fire starts!” Limestone shouted from the living room.

Marble flinched.

Maud got up, moved the smoking frying pan off the still hot element and flicked the switch off. She patted Boulder as she walked over to the fruit platter resting on the counter and snatched one of the bananas. “Good boy.”

Up in Pinkie’s room the two girls ate in silence. Pinkie occasionally glanced over at Sonata with a concerned expression on her face, but quickly broke into a pleased grin whenever Sonata looked her way. She had hoped she could consult with Zecora about this sudden relationship she found herself in, but with Sonata begging to stay over until Adagio cooled down she didn’t have much choice of that.

Sonata grinned happily as she nibbled on the pancakes. This was a great first-morning-as-a-couple activity and, despite the whole Pinkie’s sisters were crazy deal, it was going great. “So, what did you plan on doing today?”

“Dunno. Probably go over to Applejack’s, or maybe Dashie’s place.” Pinkie shrugged. “This close to exams Mr. and Mrs. Cake rarely give me any shifts. They always insist that I need to study and get good grades. Kind of like mom and dad, if they weren’t living so far away.” Pinkie sighed briefly, but then brightened up. “We could go to the mall.”

“No!” Sonata leapt across the bed and grabbed Pinkie’s wrist. “Adagio goes to the mall. She’ll do unspeakable things to me! She’ll…” Sonata glanced around nervously afraid of non-existent spies. “She’ll brand me a Traitor!” she hissed in a half-whispered shout.

Pinkie sighed. “It won’t be any fun if we have to go places where Adagio won’t be,” she pointed out.

“It should only be for the rest of your life.” Sonata shrugged and returned to nibbling on pancakes.

Pinkie shuddered. “Hey! Why don’t we go see Sunset? We could go for that swim you were interested in.”

Sonata frowned. “I don’t know if I want to be friends with any of your other friends.” She glanced away. “I’m still evil, you know. Just, less evil since I can’t mind control people or drain them of their negative energy. Sirens really don’t do friends. Unless they want to do friends, but you said we shouldn’t do that until we’re more comfortable together.”

Pinkie laughed nervously and plucked a pancake out of her hair. “Oh look! This one still has whipped cream on it!” Tossing it to Sonata she watched as the siren snatched it out of the air with a single bite.

Sonata licked her lips of the remaining whipped cream and smiled at Pinkie. “Good shot!”

Pinkie nodded absently and fiddled with her hair briefly. “Umm… most couples usually introduce each other to their friends. I already met Aria. And you know Sunset, but you don’t know the other girls. Maybe we could…”

Pinkie trailed off. What was she doing? She still didn’t know if she even liked liked Sonata. The siren was moving way faster than she was comfortable with. It threw her off her game, which was saying a lot for the random mistress of Canterlot High.

Sonata shrugged. “Guess getting to meet the other drippy Rainbooms couldn’t hurt.”

“Great!” Pinkie immediately leapt out of bed and rushed over to her phone. “I’ll text the gang and we can get together this afternoon so I can introduce you and we can start planning how to handle Adagio.”

Sonata’s eyes widened. “You’re going to take her threat seriously?” Clapping her hands together in delight. “Yay! Rainbow Alicorn Death Ray time!”

“Ummm. It doesn’t work that way.” Pinkie cringed briefly. “We’re not going to hurt Adagio.”

“Why not?” Sonata demanded. “She’d hurt you without any hesitation. Then I’d lose my endless supply of Tacos! I can’t lose my endless supply of Tacos!” Sonata grabbed Pinkie and shook her as she shouted.

Pinkie frowned. “Is that all I am to you?” she asked.

“What?” Sonata blinked and retreated in sudden shock. “Oh no! I mean.” Her eyes got shiny and she fidgeted with her ponytail, full of nervous tension. “I’m sorry, Pinkie. I know you’re more than just an endless supply of tacos. I’m still new to this relationship thing. Adagio and Aria took lovers frequently, I had my share of fun times too, but I never honestly cared about anybody before.”

Reaching out she took Pinkie’s hand and squeezed it. “You’re the first human who’s ever cared about my well-being. Oh sure, it’s probably because you were guilt-ridden after you helped shatter my gem and ruin my voice and my life! But who’s bitter about that? Certainly not me. You’re the best, Pinkie!”

“Awwww!” Pinkie rubbed a few tears out of her eyes. “I really care about you too, Sonata!”

“For realsies?” Sonata’s eyes widened hopefully.

“Yep.” Pinkie nodded and shot her a happy little smile.

“Yay!” Sonata fell into Pinkie and embraced her tightly. Their lips met once again and together they kissed, this time Pinkie wasn’t as hesitant about it.

Well, that could have gone worse,” Pinkamena whispered in the back of her mind. Pinkie ignored Pinkamena and simply enjoyed the smooching.

“No making out until you’re dressed, Pinkie!” Limestone snapped as she walked past the still-open door to her bedroom.

“Hey!” Sonata pulled away from Pinkie and shot a glare at the doorway. “Do you mind, we were trying to have a moment!”

Pinkie sighed and patted her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, Sonata, Limestone is just being Limestone.” Grinning, she leaned in closer to whisper something in Sonata’s ear. “She’s just jealous because she’s never gotten any.” Pinkie winked.

“Keep spreading that vicious lie and you won’t be getting any until you’re forty-eight!” Limestone snapped angrily.

“I like your family, Pinkie,” Sonata said with a huge grin.

“Me too, now let me get dressed and we can spring the relationship angle on my friends.”

Sonata nodded. “Sure thing. See you shortly.” Snatching the last pancake from Pinkie’s hair she skipped out of the room, leaving Pinkie alone to get dressed.

Pinkie shook her head and made her way over to the dresser. “Dashie and AJ both owe me a spicy habanero chimichanga cherry milkshake,” she said to herself as she put her outfit together before grabbing a towel to take to the shower. “I beat them both in getting a significant other.” Grinning, she dashed off to the bathroom to get cleaned up for the day. And also to get rid of the residual pancake mess in her hair.

As she walked through Canterlot in the almost-too-small gym clothes she’d dug out of some girl’s locker at CHS, Adagio smiled. Everywhere she went people took notice of her. But more importantly, a very familiar mist could at last be detected as it moved from the people to her. Their negative emotions of the day were helping to restore the amulet in her pocket.

Adagio felt a little bit more like her old self, but she wasn’t ready yet to start singing openly again. Music wafted through the mists of negative energy and filled her head with dark and familiar thoughts. But more importantly, she could hear the songs again. All of the songs. Not just those used to influence people or ponies, but the songs of the distant past. Of Sirens long forgotten. And she reveled in it.

“Aria and Sonata will be most disappointed they chose to side against me,” she mused. Glancing over at a pair of CHS students making their way down the street on bikes, she laughed.

“Soon I’ll have gathered enough energy to put them all under my power once more. But for now I’d better play it safe. Whoever this Diamond Tiara is, I must find out why she collected the shards of our gems and set them in such an interesting-looking amulet.”

Adagio’s hips swayed back and forth almost as if she were making her way through the waters of a distantly remembered ocean. The negative energy flowed around her creating a wake in her passing. A wake visible only to herself and those touched by magic.

Such as the small dog sitting on the lap of a purple-haired girl who was suffering from continuous nightmares of an event in her recent past.

“Twilight!” Spike exclaimed. “Something’s wrong!”

“You’re right, Spike!” Twilight agreed. She wasn’t looking at where Adagio was, but staring down at her rebuilt original magic detecting device. “I’d better go ask Sunset about it; she knows more about magic than I do. Plus, I’m supposed to meet back up with them at Rarity’s house anyway.” Putting Spike down Twilight rushed off in determination.

“Hey!” Spike tried to chase after her but the fence surrounding the backyard prevented him from following her to her bike. “Awww, she’s going the wrong way. But she’s smart, I’m sure she’ll figure it out with her new friends.” Scratching behind his ear, Spike made his way back over to the porch and settled down for a quick nap. It was way too hot to worry about magic things right now.

Pinkie fidgeted nervously as she stood outside of Rainbow Dash’s house. She’d stopped by here first because she figured it would be the easiest to introduce Dashie to Sonata. Plus the ‘meeting up with everybody together’ plan had started to make her heart try and burst out of her chest. So here she was. But it still wasn’t exactly something she was looking forward to. She was sure Dash would be cool with it, but she wasn’t enthusiastic about doing this for each of her friends.

“Are you going to knock or what?” Sonata asked in a bored tone.

Pinkie nodded and reached up. Her phone started to vibrate, stopping her cold. “Huh?” Pulling her phone out she found a text from Sunset. “Oh good!”

“What?” Sonata glanced over Pinkie’s shoulder.

“Sunset wants us all to meet at Rarity’s place. We can explain everything to everybody at the same time.” Pinkie grinned too widely and her eyes darted back and forth rapidly.

The door swung open and Dash came running out. “Woah!” Skidding to a very abrupt stop she glanced from Pinkie to Sonata and back again.

“No time to waste, Dashie!” Pinkie declared. “This could be a magic emergency!”

“What’s going on?” Dash wondered.

“I dunno.” Sonata shrugged and turned around. “Are you coming, Rainbow Hair?”

“It’s Rainbow Dash!” Dash corrected. “And why the heck are you with Pinkie?”

Sonata smiled with a dopey looking grin. “We’re dating now.”

Rainbow Dash stared at the retreating form of her friend and Sonata, completely floored. “Nope! I’m not touching that one, Sunset and the others can deal with it.” Dash shook her head and quickly rushed to catch up. She still had to help with whatever was bothering Twilight, after all.

Rarity paced back and forth in her front room with a slight frown on her lips. Applejack and Fluttershy had arrived, but they knew very little about what had upset Twilight, or why Sunset insisted on meeting with them. It was all so sudden. And she still felt bad about missing all of Sweetie’s parties, though she would likely not have attended such a large gathering.

Fluttershy sat on the corner of the couch and tugged at her skirt briefly. She glanced between Rarity and Applejack and then lowered her gaze.

“Are ya sure it’s ok for you to be here, Rarity?” Applejack asked.

“Well of course, darling. I may have a lot more work these days, and with exams coming up that isn’t entirely easy to juggle, but I’m certain Sunset wouldn’t need to speak to all of us if it wasn’t important.” Rarity smiled briefly. “Besides which, I’m a bit ahead of schedule right now.”

“I hope it isn’t another dangerous threat from Equestria,” Fluttershy commented softly.

“Now ah’m sure if it were that sort of problem we would have had a bit more warning about it. Shoot, we only just got finished with the Friendship Games incident not long ago. Ah’m certain we have at least until next school year before another crisis happens.” Applejack grinned and tilted her hat slightly up.

“Our last year at Canterlot High,” Rarity said with a wistful sigh.

“Oh I know!” Fluttershy’s face flushed suddenly. “I’m still trying to figure out where to apply for college.”

“Ah wish ya luck, Fluttershy,” Applejack said. “Ah’ll be stuck runnin’ the farm with Big Mac. No chance of gettin’ any further education.”

“And with all of the work I’ve been doing to further my self-employment as a dress and fashion designer, I fear I will have to wait a few years before I can attend the school I’m interested in,” Rarity added.

Twilight and Sunset arrived then in a whirl of activity. Sunset was holding Twilight’s magic detector. The recently restored device was much different from the horrid machine used to steal their magic during the Friendship Games; Sunset appeared slightly distracted by the readings it had.

Twilight was on the verge of hyperventilating. “They’ve been spying on me!” she declared frustratedly.

“Who has?” Applejack asked.

“Those other five girls that were on my team at the Friendship Games,” Twilight explained. “Why would they be spying on me? Do they fear what I could become so much?” Twilight started pacing back and forth in distress.

Fluttershy gasped. “Oh, I’m sure it isn’t anything that terrible.”

“What other reason could they have for it?” Twilight wrung her hands together with nervous apprehension.

“Twilight,” Sunset finally spoke up, “I’m sure it isn’t as bad as you’re fearing.”

“No, you’re probably right, Sunset. It’s definitely going to be worse!” Twilight flopped onto the couch, her hair becoming slightly mussed.

“Darling, if you keep fretting you’ll ruin that perfect coiffure,” Rarity pointed out, reaching into a drawer nearby and pulling out a brush.

“Ok, we’re here!” Rainbow Dash announced as she strolled through the door. “What’s the emergency? I mean, besides the bombshell Pinkie dropped on me earlier.”

“Pinkie has an emergency too?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Hey girls!” Pinkie bounced through Rarity’s front door with nervous energy and a huge grin revealing far too much teeth. “I hope you won’t mind, but I brought a friend.”

“Pinkie, I don’t think now is the time for having guests over,” Rarity stated.

Pinkie’s hair deflated slightly and she sighed. “Are you sure?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and snorted, but didn’t bother saying anything.

“Can I come in now?” Sonata Dusk asked as she poked her head through the door. “It’s really hot out.”

Four sets of eyes widened in complete shock.

Twilight didn’t know Sonata personally so she just shot her a brief glance and shrugged. “Oh sure, if you can stand to be near the person who could relapse and become Midnight Sparkle again.” Her tone was bitter as she spoke.

“When did the purple pony princess get so weird?” Sonata asked.

Pinkie giggled nervously. “Uh, that’s not the purple-pony-princess Twilight, that’s the science-is-fun Twilight from our dimension.”

Sonata gasped. “You mean there are TWO Twilights?”

“Pinkie, dear, why precisely did you invite that… girl here?” Rarity demanded, with a strong glare of disapproval aimed squarely at Sonata.

Pinkie rocked on the balls of her feet and practically vibrated with nervous energy even more than before. “Ummm, well girls, you see…”

Sonata rolled her eyes. “What’s with all the tension?” she demanded. “Here, I’ll show them the faster way!” Reaching up she grabbed Pinkie’s face and pulled her into a very long and passionate kiss, her tongue breaking past Pinkie’s lips and teeth to start teasing her tongue in a French kiss.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack’s eyes widened considerably.

Fluttershy’s cheeks flushed darker than before and she tried to avert her eyes out of respect. “Oh my.” She suddenly felt a lot hotter and kind of wished Tree Hugger was there.

“You see what I’ve had to put up with the entire time over here?” Dash demanded frustratedly.

“I did not see that coming,” Sunset remarked, finally putting down the magic detector.

“Oh. Um. Wow!” Twilight fidgeted in discomfort.

“Pffft, wha, hchhh?” Rarity’s eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she promptly fainted in her surprise at the sudden lip show.

Sonata pulled away from her girlfriend, pleased at the goofy smile on her face, and turned to face the others. Spotting Rarity sprawled out on the floor she rolled her eyes. “Honestly, you Rainbooms are light weights. If that was Adagio kissing her right now you’d probably be bleeding from your noses at how raunchy she gets.”

Fluttershy jumped to her feet and rushed out of the room, her skin positively shining with embarrassment and obvious heat. Or whatever humans called it.

Sonata grinned at the reaction. “Oh yeah, I’ve still got it where it counts.” Turning back to Pinkie she went in for another kiss.